Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/webkit-1.0/webinspector/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: /* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Matt Lilek ( * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph Pecoraro * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function preloadImages() { (new Image()).src = "Images/clearConsoleButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/consoleButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/dockButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/enableOutlineButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/enableSolidButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/excludeButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/focusButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/largerResourcesButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/nodeSearchButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/pauseOnExceptionButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/percentButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/recordButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/recordToggledButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/reloadButtonGlyph.png"; (new Image()).src = "Images/undockButtonGlyph.png"; } preloadImages(); var WebInspector = { resources: {}, resourceURLMap: {}, cookieDomains: {}, missingLocalizedStrings: {}, pendingDispatches: 0, // RegExp groups: // 1 - scheme // 2 - hostname // 3 - ?port // 4 - ?path // 5 - ?fragment URLRegExp: /^(http[s]?|file):\/\/([^\/:]*)(?::([\d]+))?(?:(\/[^#]*)(?:#(.*))?)?$/i, GenericURLRegExp: /^([^:]+):\/\/([^\/:]*)(?::([\d]+))?(?:(\/[^#]*)(?:#(.*))?)?$/i, get platform() { if (!("_platform" in this)) this._platform = InspectorFrontendHost.platform(); return this._platform; }, get platformFlavor() { if (!("_platformFlavor" in this)) this._platformFlavor = this._detectPlatformFlavor(); return this._platformFlavor; }, _detectPlatformFlavor: function() { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (this.platform === "windows") { var match = userAgent.match(/Windows NT (\d+)\.(?:\d+)/); if (match && match[1] >= 6) return WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.WindowsVista; return null; } else if (this.platform === "mac") { var match = userAgent.match(/Mac OS X\s*(?:(\d+)_(\d+))?/); if (!match || match[1] != 10) return WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacSnowLeopard; switch (Number(match[2])) { case 4: return WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacTiger; case 5: return WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacLeopard; case 6: default: return WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacSnowLeopard; } } return null; }, get port() { if (!("_port" in this)) this._port = InspectorFrontendHost.port(); return this._port; }, get previousFocusElement() { return this._previousFocusElement; }, get currentFocusElement() { return this._currentFocusElement; }, set currentFocusElement(x) { if (this._currentFocusElement !== x) this._previousFocusElement = this._currentFocusElement; this._currentFocusElement = x; if (this._currentFocusElement) { this._currentFocusElement.focus(); // Make a caret selection inside the new element if there isn't a range selection and // there isn't already a caret selection inside. var selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed && !this._currentFocusElement.isInsertionCaretInside()) { var selectionRange = this._currentFocusElement.ownerDocument.createRange(); selectionRange.setStart(this._currentFocusElement, 0); selectionRange.setEnd(this._currentFocusElement, 0); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(selectionRange); } } else if (this._previousFocusElement) this._previousFocusElement.blur(); }, get currentPanel() { return this._currentPanel; }, set currentPanel(x) { if (this._currentPanel === x) return; if (this._currentPanel) this._currentPanel.hide(); this._currentPanel = x; this.updateSearchLabel(); if (x) {; if (this.currentQuery) { if (x.performSearch) { function performPanelSearch() { this.updateSearchMatchesCount(); x.currentQuery = this.currentQuery; x.performSearch(this.currentQuery); } // Perform the search on a timeout so the panel switches fast. setTimeout(performPanelSearch.bind(this), 0); } else { // Update to show Not found for panels that can't be searched. this.updateSearchMatchesCount(); } } } for (var panelName in WebInspector.panels) { if (WebInspector.panels[panelName] == x) InspectorBackend.storeLastActivePanel(panelName); } }, _createPanels: function() { var hiddenPanels = (InspectorFrontendHost.hiddenPanels() || "").split(','); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("elements") === -1) this.panels.elements = new WebInspector.ElementsPanel(); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("resources") === -1) this.panels.resources = new WebInspector.ResourcesPanel(); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("scripts") === -1) this.panels.scripts = new WebInspector.ScriptsPanel(); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("timeline") === -1) this.panels.timeline = new WebInspector.TimelinePanel(); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("profiles") === -1) { this.panels.profiles = new WebInspector.ProfilesPanel(); this.panels.profiles.registerProfileType(new WebInspector.CPUProfileType()); } if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("storage") === -1 && hiddenPanels.indexOf("databases") === -1) = new WebInspector.StoragePanel(); if (Preferences.auditsPanelEnabled && hiddenPanels.indexOf("audits") === -1) this.panels.audits = new WebInspector.AuditsPanel(); if (hiddenPanels.indexOf("console") === -1) this.panels.console = new WebInspector.ConsolePanel(); }, get attached() { return this._attached; }, set attached(x) { if (this._attached === x) return; this._attached = x; this.updateSearchLabel(); var dockToggleButton = document.getElementById("dock-status-bar-item"); var body = document.body; if (x) { InspectorFrontendHost.attach(); body.removeStyleClass("detached"); body.addStyleClass("attached"); dockToggleButton.title = WebInspector.UIString("Undock into separate window."); } else { InspectorFrontendHost.detach(); body.removeStyleClass("attached"); body.addStyleClass("detached"); dockToggleButton.title = WebInspector.UIString("Dock to main window."); } }, get errors() { return this._errors || 0; }, set errors(x) { x = Math.max(x, 0); if (this._errors === x) return; this._errors = x; this._updateErrorAndWarningCounts(); }, get warnings() { return this._warnings || 0; }, set warnings(x) { x = Math.max(x, 0); if (this._warnings === x) return; this._warnings = x; this._updateErrorAndWarningCounts(); }, _updateErrorAndWarningCounts: function() { var errorWarningElement = document.getElementById("error-warning-count"); if (!errorWarningElement) return; if (!this.errors && !this.warnings) { errorWarningElement.addStyleClass("hidden"); return; } errorWarningElement.removeStyleClass("hidden"); errorWarningElement.removeChildren(); if (this.errors) { var errorElement = document.createElement("span"); = "error-count"; errorElement.textContent = this.errors; errorWarningElement.appendChild(errorElement); } if (this.warnings) { var warningsElement = document.createElement("span"); = "warning-count"; warningsElement.textContent = this.warnings; errorWarningElement.appendChild(warningsElement); } if (this.errors) { if (this.warnings) { if (this.errors == 1) { if (this.warnings == 1) errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d error, %d warning", this.errors, this.warnings); else errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d error, %d warnings", this.errors, this.warnings); } else if (this.warnings == 1) errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d errors, %d warning", this.errors, this.warnings); else errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d errors, %d warnings", this.errors, this.warnings); } else if (this.errors == 1) errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d error", this.errors); else errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d errors", this.errors); } else if (this.warnings == 1) errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d warning", this.warnings); else if (this.warnings) errorWarningElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d warnings", this.warnings); else errorWarningElement.title = null; }, get styleChanges() { return this._styleChanges; }, set styleChanges(x) { x = Math.max(x, 0); if (this._styleChanges === x) return; this._styleChanges = x; this._updateChangesCount(); }, _updateChangesCount: function() { // TODO: Remove immediate return when enabling the Changes Panel return; var changesElement = document.getElementById("changes-count"); if (!changesElement) return; if (!this.styleChanges) { changesElement.addStyleClass("hidden"); return; } changesElement.removeStyleClass("hidden"); changesElement.removeChildren(); if (this.styleChanges) { var styleChangesElement = document.createElement("span"); = "style-changes-count"; styleChangesElement.textContent = this.styleChanges; changesElement.appendChild(styleChangesElement); } if (this.styleChanges) { if (this.styleChanges === 1) changesElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d style change", this.styleChanges); else changesElement.title = WebInspector.UIString("%d style changes", this.styleChanges); } }, get hoveredDOMNode() { return this._hoveredDOMNode; }, set hoveredDOMNode(x) { if (this._hoveredDOMNode === x) return; this._hoveredDOMNode = x; if (this._hoveredDOMNode) this._updateHoverHighlightSoon(this.showingDOMNodeHighlight ? 50 : 500); else this._updateHoverHighlight(); }, _updateHoverHighlightSoon: function(delay) { if ("_updateHoverHighlightTimeout" in this) clearTimeout(this._updateHoverHighlightTimeout); this._updateHoverHighlightTimeout = setTimeout(this._updateHoverHighlight.bind(this), delay); }, _updateHoverHighlight: function() { if ("_updateHoverHighlightTimeout" in this) { clearTimeout(this._updateHoverHighlightTimeout); delete this._updateHoverHighlightTimeout; } if (this._hoveredDOMNode) { InspectorBackend.highlightDOMNode(; this.showingDOMNodeHighlight = true; } else { InspectorBackend.hideDOMNodeHighlight(); this.showingDOMNodeHighlight = false; } } } WebInspector.PlatformFlavor = { WindowsVista: "windows-vista", MacTiger: "mac-tiger", MacLeopard: "mac-leopard", MacSnowLeopard: "mac-snowleopard" } WebInspector.loaded = function() { InspectorBackend.setInjectedScriptSource("(" + injectedScriptConstructor + ");"); var platform = WebInspector.platform; document.body.addStyleClass("platform-" + platform); var flavor = WebInspector.platformFlavor; if (flavor) document.body.addStyleClass("platform-" + flavor); var port = WebInspector.port; document.body.addStyleClass("port-" + port); this.settings = new WebInspector.Settings(); this.drawer = new WebInspector.Drawer(); this.console = new WebInspector.ConsoleView(this.drawer); // TODO: Uncomment when enabling the Changes Panel // this.changes = new WebInspector.ChangesView(this.drawer); // TODO: Remove class="hidden" from inspector.html on button#changes-status-bar-item this.drawer.visibleView = this.console; this.domAgent = new WebInspector.DOMAgent(); this.resourceCategories = { documents: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("documents", WebInspector.UIString("Documents"), "rgb(47,102,236)"), stylesheets: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("stylesheets", WebInspector.UIString("Stylesheets"), "rgb(157,231,119)"), images: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("images", WebInspector.UIString("Images"), "rgb(164,60,255)"), scripts: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("scripts", WebInspector.UIString("Scripts"), "rgb(255,121,0)"), xhr: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("xhr", WebInspector.UIString("XHR"), "rgb(231,231,10)"), fonts: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("fonts", WebInspector.UIString("Fonts"), "rgb(255,82,62)"), other: new WebInspector.ResourceCategory("other", WebInspector.UIString("Other"), "rgb(186,186,186)") }; this.panels = {}; this._createPanels(); var toolbarElement = document.getElementById("toolbar"); var previousToolbarItem = toolbarElement.children[0]; this.panelOrder = []; for (var panelName in this.panels) previousToolbarItem = WebInspector.addPanelToolbarIcon(toolbarElement, this.panels[panelName], previousToolbarItem); this.Tips = { ResourceNotCompressed: {id: 0, message: WebInspector.UIString("You could save bandwidth by having your web server compress this transfer with gzip or zlib.")} }; this.Warnings = { IncorrectMIMEType: {id: 0, message: WebInspector.UIString("Resource interpreted as %s but transferred with MIME type %s.")} }; this.addMainEventListeners(document); window.addEventListener("resize", this.windowResize.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener("focus", this.focusChanged.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.documentKeyDown.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener("beforecopy", this.documentCanCopy.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener("copy", this.documentCopy.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextMenuEventFired.bind(this), true); var dockToggleButton = document.getElementById("dock-status-bar-item"); dockToggleButton.addEventListener("click", this.toggleAttach.bind(this), false); if (this.attached) dockToggleButton.title = WebInspector.UIString("Undock into separate window."); else dockToggleButton.title = WebInspector.UIString("Dock to main window."); var errorWarningCount = document.getElementById("error-warning-count"); errorWarningCount.addEventListener("click", this.showConsole.bind(this), false); this._updateErrorAndWarningCounts(); this.styleChanges = 0; // TODO: Uncomment when enabling the Changes Panel // var changesElement = document.getElementById("changes-count"); // changesElement.addEventListener("click", this.showChanges.bind(this), false); // this._updateErrorAndWarningCounts(); var searchField = document.getElementById("search"); searchField.addEventListener("search", this.performSearch.bind(this), false); // when the search is emptied searchField.addEventListener("mousedown", this._searchFieldManualFocus.bind(this), false); // when the search field is manually selected searchField.addEventListener("keydown", this._searchKeyDown.bind(this), true); toolbarElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this.toolbarDragStart, true); document.getElementById("close-button-left").addEventListener("click", this.close, true); document.getElementById("close-button-right").addEventListener("click", this.close, true); InspectorFrontendHost.loaded(); } WebInspector.addPanelToolbarIcon = function(toolbarElement, panel, previousToolbarItem) { var panelToolbarItem = panel.toolbarItem; this.panelOrder.push(panel); panelToolbarItem.addEventListener("click", this._toolbarItemClicked.bind(this)); if (previousToolbarItem) toolbarElement.insertBefore(panelToolbarItem, previousToolbarItem.nextSibling); else toolbarElement.insertBefore(panelToolbarItem, toolbarElement.firstChild); return panelToolbarItem; } var windowLoaded = function() { var localizedStringsURL = InspectorFrontendHost.localizedStringsURL(); if (localizedStringsURL) { var localizedStringsScriptElement = document.createElement("script"); localizedStringsScriptElement.addEventListener("load", WebInspector.loaded.bind(WebInspector), false); localizedStringsScriptElement.type = "text/javascript"; localizedStringsScriptElement.src = localizedStringsURL; document.head.appendChild(localizedStringsScriptElement); } else WebInspector.loaded(); window.removeEventListener("load", windowLoaded, false); delete windowLoaded; }; window.addEventListener("load", windowLoaded, false); WebInspector.dispatch = function() { var methodName = arguments[0]; var parameters =, 1); // We'd like to enforce asynchronous interaction between the inspector controller and the frontend. // This is important to LayoutTests. function delayDispatch() { WebInspector[methodName].apply(WebInspector, parameters); WebInspector.pendingDispatches--; } WebInspector.pendingDispatches++; setTimeout(delayDispatch, 0); } WebInspector.windowResize = function(event) { if (this.currentPanel) this.currentPanel.resize(); this.drawer.resize(); } WebInspector.windowFocused = function(event) { // Fires after blur, so when focusing on either the main inspector // or an <iframe> within the inspector we should always remove the // "inactive" class. if ( === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) document.body.removeStyleClass("inactive"); } WebInspector.windowBlurred = function(event) { // Leaving the main inspector or an <iframe> within the inspector. // We can add "inactive" now, and if we are moving the focus to another // part of the inspector then windowFocused will correct this. if ( === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) document.body.addStyleClass("inactive"); } WebInspector.focusChanged = function(event) { this.currentFocusElement =; } WebInspector.setAttachedWindow = function(attached) { this.attached = attached; } WebInspector.close = function(event) { if (this._isClosing) return; this._isClosing = true; InspectorFrontendHost.closeWindow(); } WebInspector.inspectedPageDestroyed = function() { WebInspector.close(); } WebInspector.documentMouseOver = function(event) { if ( !== "A") return; const anchor =; if (!anchor.hasStyleClass("webkit-html-resource-link")) return; if (anchor.href && anchor.href.indexOf("/data:") != -1) return; if (WebInspector.canShowSourceLine(anchor.href, anchor.lineNumber, anchor.preferredPanel) || WebInspector.ProfileType.URLRegExp.exec(anchor.href)) { if ( =; return; } if (! =; = WebInspector.UIString("Cannot open this link. Make sure that resource tracking is enabled in the Resources panel."); } WebInspector.documentClick = function(event) { var anchor ="a"); if (!anchor) return; // Prevent the link from navigating, since we don't do any navigation by following links normally. event.preventDefault(); function followLink() { // FIXME: support webkit-html-external-link links here. if (WebInspector.canShowSourceLine(anchor.href, anchor.lineNumber, anchor.preferredPanel)) { if (anchor.hasStyleClass("webkit-html-external-link")) { anchor.removeStyleClass("webkit-html-external-link"); anchor.addStyleClass("webkit-html-resource-link"); } WebInspector.showSourceLine(anchor.href, anchor.lineNumber, anchor.preferredPanel); return; } const profileMatch = WebInspector.ProfileType.URLRegExp.exec(anchor.href); if (profileMatch) { WebInspector.showProfileForURL(anchor.href); return; } const urlMatch = WebInspector.GenericURLRegExp.exec(anchor.href); if (urlMatch && urlMatch[1] === "webkit-link-action") { if (urlMatch[2] === "show-panel") { const panel = urlMatch[4].substring(1); if (WebInspector.panels[panel]) WebInspector.currentPanel = WebInspector.panels[panel]; } return; } } if (WebInspector.followLinkTimeout) clearTimeout(WebInspector.followLinkTimeout); if (anchor.preventFollowOnDoubleClick) { // Start a timeout if this is the first click, if the timeout is canceled // before it fires, then a double clicked happened or another link was clicked. if (event.detail === 1) WebInspector.followLinkTimeout = setTimeout(followLink, 333); return; } followLink(); } WebInspector.documentKeyDown = function(event) { if (this.currentFocusElement && this.currentFocusElement.handleKeyEvent) { this.currentFocusElement.handleKeyEvent(event); if (event.handled) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } if (this.currentPanel && this.currentPanel.handleShortcut) { this.currentPanel.handleShortcut(event); if (event.handled) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } var isMac = WebInspector.isMac(); switch (event.keyIdentifier) { case "U+001B": // Escape key event.preventDefault(); if (this.drawer.fullPanel) return; this.drawer.visible = !this.drawer.visible; break; case "U+0046": // F key if (isMac) var isFindKey = event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey; else var isFindKey = event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey; if (isFindKey) { WebInspector.focusSearchField(); event.preventDefault(); } break; case "F3": if (!isMac) { WebInspector.focusSearchField(); event.preventDefault(); } break; case "U+0047": // G key if (isMac) var isFindAgainKey = event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey; else var isFindAgainKey = event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey; if (isFindAgainKey) { if (event.shiftKey) { if (this.currentPanel.jumpToPreviousSearchResult) this.currentPanel.jumpToPreviousSearchResult(); } else if (this.currentPanel.jumpToNextSearchResult) this.currentPanel.jumpToNextSearchResult(); event.preventDefault(); } break; // Windows and Mac have two different definitions of [, so accept both. case "U+005B": case "U+00DB": // [ key if (isMac) var isRotateLeft = event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey; else var isRotateLeft = event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey; if (isRotateLeft) { var index = this.panelOrder.indexOf(this.currentPanel); index = (index === 0) ? this.panelOrder.length - 1 : index - 1; this.panelOrder[index]; event.preventDefault(); } break; // Windows and Mac have two different definitions of ], so accept both. case "U+005D": case "U+00DD": // ] key if (isMac) var isRotateRight = event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey; else var isRotateRight = event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey; if (isRotateRight) { var index = this.panelOrder.indexOf(this.currentPanel); index = (index + 1) % this.panelOrder.length; this.panelOrder[index]; event.preventDefault(); } break; case "U+0052": // R key if ((event.metaKey && isMac) || (event.ctrlKey && !isMac)) InspectorBackend.reloadPage(); break; case "F5": if (!isMac) InspectorBackend.reloadPage(); break; } } WebInspector.documentCanCopy = function(event) { if (this.currentPanel && this.currentPanel.handleCopyEvent) event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.documentCopy = function(event) { if (this.currentPanel && this.currentPanel.handleCopyEvent) this.currentPanel.handleCopyEvent(event); } WebInspector.contextMenuEventFired = function(event) { if (event.handled ||"popup-glasspane")) event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.animateStyle = function(animations, duration, callback) { var interval; var complete = 0; const intervalDuration = (1000 / 30); // 30 frames per second. const animationsLength = animations.length; const propertyUnit = {opacity: ""}; const defaultUnit = "px"; function cubicInOut(t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b; } // Pre-process animations. for (var i = 0; i < animationsLength; ++i) { var animation = animations[i]; var element = null, start = null, end = null, key = null; for (key in animation) { if (key === "element") element = animation[key]; else if (key === "start") start = animation[key]; else if (key === "end") end = animation[key]; } if (!element || !end) continue; if (!start) { var computedStyle = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element); start = {}; for (key in end) start[key] = parseInt(computedStyle.getPropertyValue(key)); animation.start = start; } else for (key in start), start[key] + (key in propertyUnit ? propertyUnit[key] : defaultUnit)); } function animateLoop() { // Advance forward. complete += intervalDuration; var next = complete + intervalDuration; // Make style changes. for (var i = 0; i < animationsLength; ++i) { var animation = animations[i]; var element = animation.element; var start = animation.start; var end = animation.end; if (!element || !end) continue; var style =; for (key in end) { var endValue = end[key]; if (next < duration) { var startValue = start[key]; var newValue = cubicInOut(complete, startValue, endValue - startValue, duration); style.setProperty(key, newValue + (key in propertyUnit ? propertyUnit[key] : defaultUnit)); } else style.setProperty(key, endValue + (key in propertyUnit ? propertyUnit[key] : defaultUnit)); } } // End condition. if (complete >= duration) { clearInterval(interval); if (callback) callback(); } } interval = setInterval(animateLoop, intervalDuration); return interval; } WebInspector.updateSearchLabel = function() { if (!this.currentPanel) return; var newLabel = WebInspector.UIString("Search %s", this.currentPanel.toolbarItemLabel); if (this.attached) document.getElementById("search").setAttribute("placeholder", newLabel); else { document.getElementById("search").removeAttribute("placeholder"); document.getElementById("search-toolbar-label").textContent = newLabel; } } WebInspector.focusSearchField = function() { var searchField = document.getElementById("search"); searchField.focus();; } WebInspector.toggleAttach = function() { if (!this.attached && !InspectorFrontendHost.canAttachWindow()) return; this.attached = !this.attached; this.drawer.resize(); } WebInspector.toolbarDragStart = function(event) { if ((!WebInspector.attached && WebInspector.platformFlavor !== WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacLeopard && WebInspector.platformFlavor !== WebInspector.PlatformFlavor.MacSnowLeopard) || WebInspector.port == "qt") return; var target =; if (target.hasStyleClass("toolbar-item") && target.hasStyleClass("toggleable")) return; var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar"); if (target !== toolbar && !target.hasStyleClass("toolbar-item")) return; toolbar.lastScreenX = event.screenX; toolbar.lastScreenY = event.screenY; WebInspector.elementDragStart(toolbar, WebInspector.toolbarDrag, WebInspector.toolbarDragEnd, event, (WebInspector.attached ? "row-resize" : "default")); } WebInspector.toolbarDragEnd = function(event) { var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar"); WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); delete toolbar.lastScreenX; delete toolbar.lastScreenY; } WebInspector.toolbarDrag = function(event) { var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar"); if (WebInspector.attached) { var height = window.innerHeight - (event.screenY - toolbar.lastScreenY); InspectorFrontendHost.setAttachedWindowHeight(height); } else { var x = event.screenX - toolbar.lastScreenX; var y = event.screenY - toolbar.lastScreenY; // We cannot call window.moveBy here because it restricts the movement // of the window at the edges. InspectorFrontendHost.moveWindowBy(x, y); } toolbar.lastScreenX = event.screenX; toolbar.lastScreenY = event.screenY; event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.elementDragStart = function(element, dividerDrag, elementDragEnd, event, cursor) { if (this._elementDraggingEventListener || this._elementEndDraggingEventListener) this.elementDragEnd(event); this._elementDraggingEventListener = dividerDrag; this._elementEndDraggingEventListener = elementDragEnd; document.addEventListener("mousemove", dividerDrag, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", elementDragEnd, true); = cursor; event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.elementDragEnd = function(event) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._elementDraggingEventListener, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._elementEndDraggingEventListener, true);"cursor"); delete this._elementDraggingEventListener; delete this._elementEndDraggingEventListener; event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.showConsole = function() { this.drawer.showView(this.console); } WebInspector.showChanges = function() { this.drawer.showView(this.changes); } WebInspector.showElementsPanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.elements; } WebInspector.showResourcesPanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.resources; } WebInspector.showScriptsPanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.scripts; } WebInspector.showTimelinePanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.timeline; } WebInspector.showProfilesPanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.profiles; } WebInspector.showStoragePanel = function() { this.currentPanel =; } WebInspector.showConsolePanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.console; } WebInspector.showAuditsPanel = function() { this.currentPanel = this.panels.audits; } WebInspector.clearConsoleMessages = function() { WebInspector.console.clearMessages(); } WebInspector.selectDatabase = function(o) { WebInspector.showStoragePanel();; } WebInspector.selectDOMStorage = function(o) { WebInspector.showStoragePanel();; } WebInspector.updateResource = function(identifier, payload) { var resource = this.resources[identifier]; if (!resource) { resource = new WebInspector.Resource(identifier, payload.url); this.resources[identifier] = resource; this.resourceURLMap[resource.url] = resource; if (this.panels.resources) this.panels.resources.addResource(resource); if (this.panels.audits) this.panels.audits.resourceStarted(resource); } if (payload.didRequestChange) { resource.domain =; resource.path = payload.path; resource.lastPathComponent = payload.lastPathComponent; resource.requestHeaders = payload.requestHeaders; resource.mainResource = payload.mainResource; resource.requestMethod = payload.requestMethod; resource.requestFormData = payload.requestFormData; resource.cached = payload.cached; resource.documentURL = payload.documentURL; if (resource.mainResource) this.mainResource = resource; var match = payload.documentURL.match(WebInspector.URLRegExp); if (match) { var protocol = match[1].toLowerCase(); if (protocol.indexOf("http") === 0 || protocol === "file") this._addCookieDomain(protocol === "file" ? "" : match[2]); } } if (payload.didResponseChange) { resource.mimeType = payload.mimeType; resource.suggestedFilename = payload.suggestedFilename; resource.expectedContentLength = payload.expectedContentLength; resource.statusCode = payload.statusCode; resource.suggestedFilename = payload.suggestedFilename; resource.responseHeaders = payload.responseHeaders; } if (payload.didTypeChange) { resource.type = payload.type; } if (payload.didLengthChange) { resource.resourceSize = payload.resourceSize; } if (payload.didCompletionChange) { resource.failed = payload.failed; resource.finished = payload.finished; if (this.panels.audits) this.panels.audits.resourceFinished(resource); } if (payload.didTimingChange) { if (payload.startTime) resource.startTime = payload.startTime; if (payload.responseReceivedTime) resource.responseReceivedTime = payload.responseReceivedTime; if (payload.endTime) resource.endTime = payload.endTime; if (payload.loadEventTime) { // This loadEventTime is for the main resource, and we want to show it // for all resources on this page. This means we want to set it as a member // of the resources panel instead of the individual resource. if (this.panels.resources) this.panels.resources.mainResourceLoadTime = payload.loadEventTime; if (this.panels.audits) this.panels.audits.mainResourceLoadTime = payload.loadEventTime; } if (payload.domContentEventTime) { // This domContentEventTime is for the main resource, so it should go in // the resources panel for the same reasons as above. if (this.panels.resources) this.panels.resources.mainResourceDOMContentTime = payload.domContentEventTime; if (this.panels.audits) this.panels.audits.mainResourceDOMContentTime = payload.domContentEventTime; } } } WebInspector.removeResource = function(identifier) { var resource = this.resources[identifier]; if (!resource) return; resource.category.removeResource(resource); delete this.resourceURLMap[resource.url]; delete this.resources[identifier]; if (this.panels.resources) this.panels.resources.removeResource(resource); } WebInspector.addDatabase = function(payload) { if (! return; var database = new WebInspector.Database(, payload.domain,, payload.version);; } WebInspector._addCookieDomain = function(domain) { // Eliminate duplicate domains from the list. if (domain in this.cookieDomains) return; this.cookieDomains[domain] = true; if (! return;; } WebInspector.addDOMStorage = function(payload) { if (! return; var domStorage = new WebInspector.DOMStorage(,, payload.isLocalStorage);; } WebInspector.updateDOMStorage = function(storageId) { if (! return;; } WebInspector.resourceTrackingWasEnabled = function() { this.panels.resources.resourceTrackingWasEnabled(); } WebInspector.resourceTrackingWasDisabled = function() { this.panels.resources.resourceTrackingWasDisabled(); } WebInspector.searchingForNodeWasEnabled = function() { this.panels.elements.searchingForNodeWasEnabled(); } WebInspector.searchingForNodeWasDisabled = function() { this.panels.elements.searchingForNodeWasDisabled(); } WebInspector.attachDebuggerWhenShown = function() { this.panels.scripts.attachDebuggerWhenShown(); } WebInspector.debuggerWasEnabled = function() { this.panels.scripts.debuggerWasEnabled(); } WebInspector.updatePauseOnExceptionsState = function(pauseOnExceptionsState) { this.panels.scripts.updatePauseOnExceptionsState(pauseOnExceptionsState); } WebInspector.debuggerWasDisabled = function() { this.panels.scripts.debuggerWasDisabled(); } WebInspector.profilerWasEnabled = function() { this.panels.profiles.profilerWasEnabled(); } WebInspector.profilerWasDisabled = function() { this.panels.profiles.profilerWasDisabled(); } WebInspector.parsedScriptSource = function(sourceID, sourceURL, source, startingLine) { this.panels.scripts.addScript(sourceID, sourceURL, source, startingLine); } WebInspector.restoredBreakpoint = function(sourceID, sourceURL, line, enabled, condition) { var breakpoint = new WebInspector.Breakpoint(sourceURL, line, sourceID, condition); breakpoint.enabled = enabled; this.panels.scripts.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); } WebInspector.failedToParseScriptSource = function(sourceURL, source, startingLine, errorLine, errorMessage) { this.panels.scripts.addScript(null, sourceURL, source, startingLine, errorLine, errorMessage); } WebInspector.pausedScript = function(callFrames) { this.panels.scripts.debuggerPaused(callFrames); } WebInspector.resumedScript = function() { this.panels.scripts.debuggerResumed(); } WebInspector.populateInterface = function() { for (var panelName in this.panels) { var panel = this.panels[panelName]; if ("populateInterface" in panel) panel.populateInterface(); } } WebInspector.reset = function() { for (var panelName in this.panels) { var panel = this.panels[panelName]; if ("reset" in panel) panel.reset(); } for (var category in this.resourceCategories) this.resourceCategories[category].removeAllResources(); this.resources = {}; this.resourceURLMap = {}; this.cookieDomains = {}; this.hoveredDOMNode = null; delete this.mainResource; this.console.clearMessages(); } WebInspector.bringToFront = function() { InspectorFrontendHost.bringToFront(); } WebInspector.inspectedURLChanged = function(url) { InspectorFrontendHost.inspectedURLChanged(url); } WebInspector.resourceURLChanged = function(resource, oldURL) { delete this.resourceURLMap[oldURL]; this.resourceURLMap[resource.url] = resource; } WebInspector.didCommitLoad = function() { // Cleanup elements panel early on inspected page refresh. WebInspector.setDocument(null); } WebInspector.updateConsoleMessageExpiredCount = function(count) { var message = String.sprintf(WebInspector.UIString("%d console messages are not shown."), count); WebInspector.console.addMessage(new WebInspector.ConsoleTextMessage(message, WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.Warning)); } WebInspector.addConsoleMessage = function(payload, opt_args) { var consoleMessage = new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage( payload.source, payload.type, payload.level, payload.line, payload.url, payload.groupLevel, payload.repeatCount); consoleMessage.setMessageBody(, 1)); this.console.addMessage(consoleMessage); } WebInspector.updateConsoleMessageRepeatCount = function(count) { this.console.updateMessageRepeatCount(count); } WebInspector.log = function(message) { // remember 'this' for setInterval() callback var self = this; // return indication if we can actually log a message function isLogAvailable() { return WebInspector.ConsoleMessage && WebInspector.ObjectProxy && self.console; } // flush the queue of pending messages function flushQueue() { var queued = WebInspector.log.queued; if (!queued) return; for (var i = 0; i < queued.length; ++i) logMessage(queued[i]); delete WebInspector.log.queued; } // flush the queue if it console is available // - this function is run on an interval function flushQueueIfAvailable() { if (!isLogAvailable()) return; clearInterval(WebInspector.log.interval); delete WebInspector.log.interval; flushQueue(); } // actually log the message function logMessage(message) { var repeatCount = 1; if (message == WebInspector.log.lastMessage) repeatCount = WebInspector.log.repeatCount + 1; WebInspector.log.lastMessage = message; WebInspector.log.repeatCount = repeatCount; // ConsoleMessage expects a proxy object message = new WebInspector.ObjectProxy(null, null, [], message, false); // post the message var msg = new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage( WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageSource.Other, WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageType.Log, WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.Debug, -1, null, null, repeatCount, message); self.console.addMessage(msg); } // if we can't log the message, queue it if (!isLogAvailable()) { if (!WebInspector.log.queued) WebInspector.log.queued = []; WebInspector.log.queued.push(message); if (!WebInspector.log.interval) WebInspector.log.interval = setInterval(flushQueueIfAvailable, 1000); return; } // flush the pending queue if any flushQueue(); // log the message logMessage(message); } WebInspector.addProfileHeader = function(profile) { this.panels.profiles.addProfileHeader(profile); } WebInspector.setRecordingProfile = function(isProfiling) { this.panels.profiles.getProfileType(WebInspector.CPUProfileType.TypeId).setRecordingProfile(isProfiling); this.panels.profiles.updateProfileTypeButtons(); } WebInspector.drawLoadingPieChart = function(canvas, percent) { var g = canvas.getContext("2d"); var darkColor = "rgb(122, 168, 218)"; var lightColor = "rgb(228, 241, 251)"; var cx = 8; var cy = 8; var r = 7; g.beginPath(); g.arc(cx, cy, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); g.closePath(); g.lineWidth = 1; g.strokeStyle = darkColor; g.fillStyle = lightColor; g.fill(); g.stroke(); var startangle = -Math.PI / 2; var endangle = startangle + (percent * Math.PI * 2); g.beginPath(); g.moveTo(cx, cy); g.arc(cx, cy, r, startangle, endangle, false); g.closePath(); g.fillStyle = darkColor; g.fill(); } WebInspector.updateFocusedNode = function(nodeId) { var node = WebInspector.domAgent.nodeForId(nodeId); if (!node) // FIXME: Should we deselect if null is passed in? return; this.currentPanel = this.panels.elements; this.panels.elements.focusedDOMNode = node; } WebInspector.displayNameForURL = function(url) { if (!url) return ""; var resource = this.resourceURLMap[url]; if (resource) return resource.displayName; return url.trimURL(WebInspector.mainResource ? WebInspector.mainResource.domain : ""); } WebInspector.resourceForURL = function(url) { if (url in this.resourceURLMap) return this.resourceURLMap[url]; // No direct match found. Search for resources that contain // a substring of the URL. for (var resourceURL in this.resourceURLMap) { if (resourceURL.hasSubstring(url)) return this.resourceURLMap[resourceURL]; } return null; } WebInspector._choosePanelToShowSourceLine = function(url, line, preferredPanel) { preferredPanel = preferredPanel || "resources"; var panel = this.panels[preferredPanel]; if (panel && panel.canShowSourceLine(url, line)) return panel; panel = this.panels.resources; return panel.canShowSourceLine(url, line) ? panel : null; } WebInspector.canShowSourceLine = function(url, line, preferredPanel) { return !!this._choosePanelToShowSourceLine(url, line, preferredPanel); } WebInspector.showSourceLine = function(url, line, preferredPanel) { this.currentPanel = this._choosePanelToShowSourceLine(url, line, preferredPanel); if (!this.currentPanel) return false; this.currentPanel.showSourceLine(url, line); return true; } WebInspector.linkifyStringAsFragment = function(string) { var container = document.createDocumentFragment(); var linkStringRegEx = /(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{2,}:\/\/|www\.)[\w$\-_+*'=\|\/\\(){}[\]%@&#~,:;.!?]{2,}[\w$\-_+*=\|\/\\({%@&#~]/; while (string) { var linkString = linkStringRegEx.exec(string); if (!linkString) break; linkString = linkString[0]; var title = linkString; var linkIndex = string.indexOf(linkString); var nonLink = string.substring(0, linkIndex); container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nonLink)); var profileStringMatches = WebInspector.ProfileType.URLRegExp.exec(title); if (profileStringMatches) title = WebInspector.panels.profiles.displayTitleForProfileLink(profileStringMatches[2], profileStringMatches[1]); var realURL = (linkString.indexOf("www.") === 0 ? "http://" + linkString : linkString); container.appendChild(WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode(realURL, title, null, (realURL in WebInspector.resourceURLMap))); string = string.substring(linkIndex + linkString.length, string.length); } if (string) container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(string)); return container; } WebInspector.showProfileForURL = function(url) { WebInspector.showProfilesPanel(); WebInspector.panels.profiles.showProfileForURL(url); } WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode = function(url, linkText, classes, isExternal, tooltipText) { if (!linkText) linkText = url; classes = (classes ? classes + " " : ""); classes += isExternal ? "webkit-html-external-link" : "webkit-html-resource-link"; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; a.className = classes; a.title = tooltipText || url; = "_blank"; a.textContent = linkText; return a; } WebInspector.linkifyURL = function(url, linkText, classes, isExternal, tooltipText) { // Use the DOM version of this function so as to avoid needing to escape attributes. // FIXME: Get rid of linkifyURL entirely. return WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode(url, linkText, classes, isExternal, tooltipText).outerHTML; } WebInspector.linkifyResourceAsNode = function(url, preferredPanel, lineNumber, classes, tooltipText) { var linkText = WebInspector.displayNameForURL(url); if (lineNumber) linkText += ":" + lineNumber; var node = WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode(url, linkText, classes, false, tooltipText); node.lineNumber = lineNumber; node.preferredPanel = preferredPanel; return node; } WebInspector.completeURL = function(baseURL, href) { var match = baseURL.match(WebInspector.URLRegExp); if (match) { var path = href; if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") { var basePath = match[4] || "/"; path = basePath.substring(0, basePath.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/" + path; } return match[1] + "://" + match[2] + (match[3] ? (":" + match[3]) : "") + path; } return null; } WebInspector.addMainEventListeners = function(doc) { doc.defaultView.addEventListener("focus", this.windowFocused.bind(this), false); doc.defaultView.addEventListener("blur", this.windowBlurred.bind(this), false); doc.addEventListener("click", this.documentClick.bind(this), true); doc.addEventListener("mouseover", this.documentMouseOver.bind(this), true); } WebInspector._searchFieldManualFocus = function(event) { this.currentFocusElement =; this._previousFocusElement =; } WebInspector._searchKeyDown = function(event) { // Escape Key will clear the field and clear the search results if (event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Esc) { // If focus belongs here and text is empty - nothing to do, return unhandled. if ( === "" && this.currentFocusElement === this.previousFocusElement) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // When search was selected manually and is currently blank, we'd like Esc stay unhandled // and hit console drawer handler. = ""; this.performSearch(event); this.currentFocusElement = this.previousFocusElement; if (this.currentFocusElement ===; return false; } if (!isEnterKey(event)) return false; // Select all of the text so the user can easily type an entirely new query.; // Only call performSearch if the Enter key was pressed. Otherwise the search // performance is poor because of searching on every key. The search field has // the incremental attribute set, so we still get incremental searches. this.performSearch(event); // Call preventDefault since this was the Enter key. This prevents a "search" event // from firing for key down. This stops performSearch from being called twice in a row. event.preventDefault(); } WebInspector.performSearch = function(event) { var query =; var forceSearch = event.keyIdentifier === "Enter"; var isShortSearch = (query.length < 3); // Clear a leftover short search flag due to a non-conflicting forced search. if (isShortSearch && this.shortSearchWasForcedByKeyEvent && this.currentQuery !== query) delete this.shortSearchWasForcedByKeyEvent; // Indicate this was a forced search on a short query. if (isShortSearch && forceSearch) this.shortSearchWasForcedByKeyEvent = true; if (!query || !query.length || (!forceSearch && isShortSearch)) { // Prevent clobbering a short search forced by the user. if (this.shortSearchWasForcedByKeyEvent) { delete this.shortSearchWasForcedByKeyEvent; return; } delete this.currentQuery; for (var panelName in this.panels) { var panel = this.panels[panelName]; if (panel.currentQuery && panel.searchCanceled) panel.searchCanceled(); delete panel.currentQuery; } this.updateSearchMatchesCount(); return; } if (query === this.currentPanel.currentQuery && this.currentPanel.currentQuery === this.currentQuery) { // When this is the same query and a forced search, jump to the next // search result for a good user experience. if (forceSearch && this.currentPanel.jumpToNextSearchResult) this.currentPanel.jumpToNextSearchResult(); return; } this.currentQuery = query; this.updateSearchMatchesCount(); if (!this.currentPanel.performSearch) return; this.currentPanel.currentQuery = query; this.currentPanel.performSearch(query); } WebInspector.addNodesToSearchResult = function(nodeIds) { WebInspector.panels.elements.addNodesToSearchResult(nodeIds); } WebInspector.updateSearchMatchesCount = function(matches, panel) { if (!panel) panel = this.currentPanel; panel.currentSearchMatches = matches; if (panel !== this.currentPanel) return; if (!this.currentPanel.currentQuery) { document.getElementById("search-results-matches").addStyleClass("hidden"); return; } if (matches) { if (matches === 1) var matchesString = WebInspector.UIString("1 match"); else var matchesString = WebInspector.UIString("%d matches", matches); } else var matchesString = WebInspector.UIString("Not Found"); var matchesToolbarElement = document.getElementById("search-results-matches"); matchesToolbarElement.removeStyleClass("hidden"); matchesToolbarElement.textContent = matchesString; } WebInspector.UIString = function(string) { if (window.localizedStrings && string in window.localizedStrings) string = window.localizedStrings[string]; else { if (!(string in this.missingLocalizedStrings)) { if (!WebInspector.InspectorBackendStub) console.error("Localized string \"" + string + "\" not found."); this.missingLocalizedStrings[string] = true; } if (Preferences.showMissingLocalizedStrings) string += " (not localized)"; } return String.vsprintf(string,, 1)); } WebInspector.isMac = function() { if (!("_isMac" in this)) this._isMac = WebInspector.platform === "mac"; return this._isMac; } WebInspector.isBeingEdited = function(element) { return element.__editing; } WebInspector.startEditing = function(element, committedCallback, cancelledCallback, context, multiline) { if (element.__editing) return; element.__editing = true; var oldText = getContent(element); var moveDirection = ""; element.addStyleClass("editing"); var oldTabIndex = element.tabIndex; if (element.tabIndex < 0) element.tabIndex = 0; function blurEventListener() {; } function getContent(element) { if (element.tagName === "INPUT" && element.type === "text") return element.value; else return element.textContent; } function cleanUpAfterEditing() { delete this.__editing; this.removeStyleClass("editing"); this.tabIndex = oldTabIndex; this.scrollTop = 0; this.scrollLeft = 0; element.removeEventListener("blur", blurEventListener, false); element.removeEventListener("keydown", keyDownEventListener, true); if (element === WebInspector.currentFocusElement || element.isAncestor(WebInspector.currentFocusElement)) WebInspector.currentFocusElement = WebInspector.previousFocusElement; } function editingCancelled() { if (this.tagName === "INPUT" && this.type === "text") this.value = oldText; else this.textContent = oldText;; if (cancelledCallback) cancelledCallback(this, context); } function editingCommitted() {; if (committedCallback) committedCallback(this, getContent(this), oldText, context, moveDirection); } function keyDownEventListener(event) { var isMetaOrCtrl = WebInspector.isMac() ? event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey : event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey; if (isEnterKey(event) && (!multiline || isMetaOrCtrl)) {; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Esc) {; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (event.keyIdentifier === "U+0009") // Tab key moveDirection = (event.shiftKey ? "backward" : "forward"); } element.addEventListener("blur", blurEventListener, false); element.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownEventListener, true); WebInspector.currentFocusElement = element; } WebInspector._toolbarItemClicked = function(event) { var toolbarItem = event.currentTarget; this.currentPanel = toolbarItem.panel; } // This table maps MIME types to the Resource.Types which are valid for them. // The following line: // "text/html": {0: 1}, // means that text/html is a valid MIME type for resources that have type // WebInspector.Resource.Type.Document (which has a value of 0). WebInspector.MIMETypes = { "text/html": {0: true}, "text/xml": {0: true}, "text/plain": {0: true}, "application/xhtml+xml": {0: true}, "text/css": {1: true}, "text/xsl": {1: true}, "image/jpeg": {2: true}, "image/png": {2: true}, "image/gif": {2: true}, "image/bmp": {2: true}, "image/": {2: true}, "image/x-icon": {2: true}, "image/x-xbitmap": {2: true}, "font/ttf": {3: true}, "font/opentype": {3: true}, "application/x-font-type1": {3: true}, "application/x-font-ttf": {3: true}, "application/x-truetype-font": {3: true}, "text/javascript": {4: true}, "text/ecmascript": {4: true}, "application/javascript": {4: true}, "application/ecmascript": {4: true}, "application/x-javascript": {4: true}, "text/javascript1.1": {4: true}, "text/javascript1.2": {4: true}, "text/javascript1.3": {4: true}, "text/jscript": {4: true}, "text/livescript": {4: true}, } |
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