Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/webkit-1.0/webinspector/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.TextViewer = function(textModel, platform, url) { this._textModel = textModel; this._textModel.changeListener = this._buildChunks.bind(this); this._highlighter = new WebInspector.TextEditorHighlighter(this._textModel, this._highlightDataReady.bind(this)); this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "text-editor monospace"; this.element.tabIndex = 0; this.element.addEventListener("scroll", this._scroll.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeyDown.bind(this), false); this._url = url; this._linesContainerElement = document.createElement("table"); this._linesContainerElement.className = "text-editor-lines"; this._linesContainerElement.setAttribute("cellspacing", 0); this._linesContainerElement.setAttribute("cellpadding", 0); this.element.appendChild(this._linesContainerElement); this._defaultChunkSize = 50; this._paintCoalescingLevel = 0; this.freeCachedElements(); this._buildChunks(); } WebInspector.TextViewer.prototype = { set mimeType(mimeType) { this._highlighter.mimeType = mimeType; }, get textModel() { return this._textModel; }, revealLine: function(lineNumber) { if (lineNumber >= this._textModel.linesCount) return; var chunk = this._makeLineAChunk(lineNumber); chunk.element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); }, addDecoration: function(lineNumber, decoration) { var chunk = this._makeLineAChunk(lineNumber); chunk.addDecoration(decoration); }, removeDecoration: function(lineNumber, decoration) { var chunk = this._makeLineAChunk(lineNumber); chunk.removeDecoration(decoration); }, markAndRevealRange: function(range) { if (this._rangeToMark) { var markedLine = this._rangeToMark.startLine; this._rangeToMark = null; this._paintLines(markedLine, markedLine + 1); } if (range) { this._rangeToMark = range; this.revealLine(range.startLine); this._paintLines(range.startLine, range.startLine + 1); if (this._markedRangeElement) this._markedRangeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); } delete this._markedRangeElement; }, highlightLine: function(lineNumber) { if (typeof this._highlightedLine === "number") { var chunk = this._makeLineAChunk(this._highlightedLine); chunk.removeDecoration("webkit-highlighted-line"); } this._highlightedLine = lineNumber; this.revealLine(lineNumber); var chunk = this._makeLineAChunk(lineNumber); chunk.addDecoration("webkit-highlighted-line"); }, freeCachedElements: function() { this._cachedSpans = []; this._cachedTextNodes = []; this._cachedRows = []; }, _buildChunks: function() { this._linesContainerElement.removeChildren(); this._textChunks = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._textModel.linesCount; i += this._defaultChunkSize) { var chunk = new WebInspector.TextChunk(this, i, i + this._defaultChunkSize); this._textChunks.push(chunk); this._linesContainerElement.appendChild(chunk.element); } this._indexChunks(); this._repaintAll(); }, _makeLineAChunk: function(lineNumber) { if (!this._textChunks) this._buildChunks(); var chunkNumber = this._chunkNumberForLine(lineNumber); var oldChunk = this._textChunks[chunkNumber]; if (oldChunk.linesCount === 1) return oldChunk; var wasExpanded = oldChunk.expanded; oldChunk.expanded = false; var insertIndex = oldChunk.chunkNumber + 1; // Prefix chunk. if (lineNumber > oldChunk.startLine) { var prefixChunk = new WebInspector.TextChunk(this, oldChunk.startLine, lineNumber); this._textChunks.splice(insertIndex++, 0, prefixChunk); this._linesContainerElement.insertBefore(prefixChunk.element, oldChunk.element); } // Line chunk. var lineChunk = new WebInspector.TextChunk(this, lineNumber, lineNumber + 1); this._textChunks.splice(insertIndex++, 0, lineChunk); this._linesContainerElement.insertBefore(lineChunk.element, oldChunk.element); // Suffix chunk. if (oldChunk.startLine + oldChunk.linesCount > lineNumber + 1) { var suffixChunk = new WebInspector.TextChunk(this, lineNumber + 1, oldChunk.startLine + oldChunk.linesCount); this._textChunks.splice(insertIndex, 0, suffixChunk); this._linesContainerElement.insertBefore(suffixChunk.element, oldChunk.element); } // Remove enclosing chunk. this._textChunks.splice(oldChunk.chunkNumber, 1); this._linesContainerElement.removeChild(oldChunk.element); this._indexChunks(); if (wasExpanded) { if (prefixChunk) prefixChunk.expanded = true; lineChunk.expanded = true; if (suffixChunk) suffixChunk.expanded = true; } return lineChunk; }, _indexChunks: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._textChunks.length; ++i) this._textChunks[i].chunkNumber = i; }, _scroll: function() { var scrollTop = this.element.scrollTop; setTimeout(function() { if (scrollTop === this.element.scrollTop) this._repaintAll(); }.bind(this), 50); }, _handleKeyDown: function() { if (event.metaKey || event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey) return; var scrollValue = 0; if (event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Up) scrollValue = -1; else if (event.keyCode == WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Down) scrollValue = 1; if (scrollValue) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.element.scrollByLines(scrollValue); return; } scrollValue = 0; if (event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Left) scrollValue = -40; else if (event.keyCode == WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Right) scrollValue = 40; if (scrollValue) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.element.scrollLeft += scrollValue; } }, beginUpdates: function(enabled) { this._paintCoalescingLevel++; }, endUpdates: function(enabled) { this._paintCoalescingLevel--; if (!this._paintCoalescingLevel) this._repaintAll(); }, _chunkForOffset: function(offset) { var currentOffset = 0; var row = this._linesContainerElement.firstChild; while (row) { var rowHeight = row.offsetHeight; if (offset >= currentOffset && offset < currentOffset + rowHeight) return row.chunkNumber; row = row.nextSibling; currentOffset += rowHeight; } return this._textChunks.length - 1; }, _chunkNumberForLine: function(lineNumber) { for (var i = 0; i < this._textChunks.length; ++i) { var line = this._textChunks[i].startLine; if (lineNumber >= this._textChunks[i].startLine && lineNumber < this._textChunks[i].startLine + this._textChunks[i].linesCount) return i; } return this._textChunks.length - 1; }, _chunkForLine: function(lineNumber) { return this._textChunks[this._chunkNumberForLine(lineNumber)]; }, _chunkStartLine: function(chunkNumber) { var lineNumber = 0; for (var i = 0; i < chunkNumber && i < this._textChunks.length; ++i) lineNumber += this._textChunks[i].linesCount; return lineNumber; }, _repaintAll: function() { if (this._paintCoalescingLevel) return; if (!this._textChunks) this._buildChunks(); var visibleFrom = this.element.scrollTop; var visibleTo = this.element.scrollTop + this.element.clientHeight; var offset = 0; var firstVisibleLine = -1; var lastVisibleLine = 0; var toExpand = []; var toCollapse = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._textChunks.length; ++i) { var chunk = this._textChunks[i]; var chunkHeight = chunk.height; if (offset + chunkHeight > visibleFrom && offset < visibleTo) { toExpand.push(chunk); if (firstVisibleLine === -1) firstVisibleLine = chunk.startLine; lastVisibleLine = chunk.startLine + chunk.linesCount; } else { toCollapse.push(chunk); if (offset >= visibleTo) break; } offset += chunkHeight; } for (var j = i; j < this._textChunks.length; ++j) toCollapse.push(this._textChunks[i]); var selection = this._getSelection(); this._muteHighlightListener = true; this._highlighter.highlight(lastVisibleLine); delete this._muteHighlightListener; for (var i = 0; i < toCollapse.length; ++i) toCollapse[i].expanded = false; for (var i = 0; i < toExpand.length; ++i) toExpand[i].expanded = true; this._restoreSelection(selection); }, _highlightDataReady: function(fromLine, toLine) { if (this._muteHighlightListener) return; var selection; for (var i = fromLine; i < toLine; ++i) { var lineRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(i, "line-row"); if (!lineRow || lineRow.highlighted) continue; if (!selection) selection = this._getSelection(); this._paintLine(lineRow, i); } this._restoreSelection(selection); }, _paintLines: function(fromLine, toLine) { for (var i = fromLine; i < toLine; ++i) { var lineRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(i, "line-row"); if (lineRow) this._paintLine(lineRow, i); } }, _paintLine: function(lineRow, lineNumber) { var element = lineRow.lastChild; var highlight = this._textModel.getAttribute(lineNumber, "highlight"); if (!highlight) { if (this._rangeToMark && this._rangeToMark.startLine === lineNumber) this._markedRangeElement = highlightSearchResult(element, this._rangeToMark.startColumn, this._rangeToMark.endColumn - this._rangeToMark.startColumn); return; } element.removeChildren(); var line = this._textModel.line(lineNumber); var plainTextStart = -1; for (var j = 0; j < line.length;) { if (j > 1000) { // This line is too long - do not waste cycles on minified js highlighting. if (plainTextStart === -1) plainTextStart = j; break; } var attribute = highlight[j]; if (!attribute || !attribute.tokenType) { if (plainTextStart === -1) plainTextStart = j; j++; } else { if (plainTextStart !== -1) { this._appendTextNode(element, line.substring(plainTextStart, j)); plainTextStart = -1; } this._appendSpan(element, line.substring(j, j + attribute.length), attribute.tokenType); j += attribute.length; } } if (plainTextStart !== -1) this._appendTextNode(element, line.substring(plainTextStart, line.length)); if (this._rangeToMark && this._rangeToMark.startLine === lineNumber) this._markedRangeElement = highlightSearchResult(element, this._rangeToMark.startColumn, this._rangeToMark.endColumn - this._rangeToMark.startColumn); if (lineRow.decorationsElement) element.appendChild(lineRow.decorationsElement); }, _releaseLinesHighlight: function(fromLine, toLine) { for (var i = fromLine; i < toLine; ++i) { var lineRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(i, "line-row"); if (!lineRow) continue; var element = lineRow.lastChild; if ("spans" in element) { var spans = element.spans; for (var j = 0; j < spans.length; ++j) this._cachedSpans.push(spans[j]); delete element.spans; } if ("textNodes" in element) { var textNodes = element.textNodes; for (var j = 0; j < textNodes.length; ++j) this._cachedTextNodes.push(textNodes[j]); delete element.textNodes; } } }, _getSelection: function() { var selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed) return null; var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); var start = this._selectionToPosition(selectionRange.startContainer, selectionRange.startOffset); var end = this._selectionToPosition(selectionRange.endContainer, selectionRange.endOffset); return new WebInspector.TextRange(start.line, start.column, end.line, end.column); }, _restoreSelection: function(range) { if (!range) return; var startRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(range.startLine, "line-row"); if (startRow) var start = startRow.lastChild.rangeBoundaryForOffset(range.startColumn); else { var offset = range.startColumn; var chunkNumber = this._chunkNumberForLine(range.startLine); for (var i = this._chunkStartLine(chunkNumber); i < range.startLine; ++i) offset += this._textModel.line(i).length + 1; // \n var lineCell = this._textChunks[chunkNumber].element.lastChild; if (lineCell.firstChild) var start = { container: lineCell.firstChild, offset: offset }; else var start = { container: lineCell, offset: 0 }; } var endRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(range.endLine, "line-row"); if (endRow) var end = endRow.lastChild.rangeBoundaryForOffset(range.endColumn); else { var offset = range.endColumn; var chunkNumber = this._chunkNumberForLine(range.endLine); for (var i = this._chunkStartLine(chunkNumber); i < range.endLine; ++i) offset += this._textModel.line(i).length + 1; // \n var lineCell = this._textChunks[chunkNumber].element.lastChild; if (lineCell.firstChild) var end = { container: lineCell.firstChild, offset: offset }; else var end = { container: lineCell, offset: 0 }; } var selectionRange = document.createRange(); selectionRange.setStart(start.container, start.offset); selectionRange.setEnd(end.container, end.offset); var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(selectionRange); }, _selectionToPosition: function(container, offset) { if (container === this.element && offset === 0) return { line: 0, column: 0 }; if (container === this.element && offset === 1) return { line: this._textModel.linesCount - 1, column: this._textModel.lineLength(this._textModel.linesCount - 1) }; var lineRow = container.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeName("tr"); var lineNumber = lineRow.lineNumber; if (container.nodeName === "TD" && offset === 0) return { line: lineNumber, column: 0 }; if (container.nodeName === "TD" && offset === 1) return { line: lineNumber, column: this._textModel.lineLength(lineNumber) }; var column = 0; if (lineRow.chunk) { // This is chunk. var text = lineRow.lastChild.textContent; for (var i = 0; i < offset; ++i) { if (text.charAt(i) === "\n") { lineNumber++; column = 0; } else column++; } return { line: lineNumber, column: column }; } // This is individul line. var column = 0; var node = lineRow.lastChild.traverseNextTextNode(lineRow.lastChild); while (node && node !== container) { column += node.textContent.length; node = node.traverseNextTextNode(lineRow.lastChild); } column += offset; return { line: lineRow.lineNumber, column: column }; }, _appendSpan: function(element, content, className) { if (className === "html-resource-link" || className === "html-external-link") { element.appendChild(this._createLink(content, className === "html-external-link")); return; } var span = this._cachedSpans.pop() || document.createElement("span"); span.className = "webkit-" + className; span.textContent = content; element.appendChild(span); if (!("spans" in element)) element.spans = []; element.spans.push(span); }, _appendTextNode: function(element, text) { var textNode = this._cachedTextNodes.pop(); if (textNode) { textNode.nodeValue = text; } else textNode = document.createTextNode(text); element.appendChild(textNode); if (!("textNodes" in element)) element.textNodes = []; element.textNodes.push(textNode); }, _createLink: function(content, isExternal) { var quote = content.charAt(0); if (content.length > 1 && (quote === "\"" || quote === "'")) content = content.substring(1, content.length - 1); else quote = null; var a = WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode(this._rewriteHref(content), content, null, isExternal); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.className = "webkit-html-attribute-value"; if (quote) span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(quote)); span.appendChild(a); if (quote) span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(quote)); return span; }, _rewriteHref: function(hrefValue, isExternal) { if (!this._url || !hrefValue || hrefValue.indexOf("://") > 0) return hrefValue; return WebInspector.completeURL(this._url, hrefValue); }, resize: function() { this._repaintAll(); } } var cachedSpans = []; WebInspector.TextChunk = function(textViewer, startLine, endLine) { this._textViewer = textViewer; this.element = document.createElement("tr"); this._textModel = textViewer._textModel; this.element.chunk = this; this.element.lineNumber = startLine; this.startLine = startLine; endLine = Math.min(this._textModel.linesCount, endLine); this.linesCount = endLine - startLine; this._lineNumberElement = document.createElement("td"); this._lineNumberElement.className = "webkit-line-number"; this.element.appendChild(this._lineNumberElement); this._lineContentElement = document.createElement("td"); this._lineContentElement.className = "webkit-line-content"; this.element.appendChild(this._lineContentElement); this._expanded = false; var lineNumbers = []; var lines = []; for (var i = startLine; i < endLine; ++i) { lineNumbers.push(i + 1); lines.push(this._textModel.line(i)); } if (this.linesCount === 1) { // Single line chunks are typically created for decorations. Host line number in // the sub-element in order to allow flexible border / margin management. var innerSpan = document.createElement("span"); innerSpan.className = "webkit-line-number-inner"; innerSpan.textContent = startLine + 1; var outerSpan = document.createElement("div"); outerSpan.className = "webkit-line-number-outer"; outerSpan.appendChild(innerSpan); this._lineNumberElement.appendChild(outerSpan); } else this._lineNumberElement.textContent = lineNumbers.join("\n"); this._lineContentElement.textContent = lines.join("\n"); } WebInspector.TextChunk.prototype = { addDecoration: function(decoration) { if (typeof decoration === "string") { this.element.addStyleClass(decoration); return; } if (!this.element.decorationsElement) { this.element.decorationsElement = document.createElement("div"); this._lineContentElement.appendChild(this.element.decorationsElement); } this.element.decorationsElement.appendChild(decoration); }, removeDecoration: function(decoration) { if (typeof decoration === "string") { this.element.removeStyleClass(decoration); return; } if (!this.element.decorationsElement) return; this.element.decorationsElement.removeChild(decoration); }, get expanded() { return this._expanded; }, set expanded(expanded) { if (this._expanded === expanded) return; this._expanded = expanded; if (this.linesCount === 1) { this._textModel.setAttribute(this.startLine, "line-row", this.element); if (expanded) this._textViewer._paintLines(this.startLine, this.startLine + 1); return; } if (expanded) { var parentElement = this.element.parentElement; for (var i = this.startLine; i < this.startLine + this.linesCount; ++i) { var lineRow = this._createRow(i); this._textModel.setAttribute(i, "line-row", lineRow); parentElement.insertBefore(lineRow, this.element); } parentElement.removeChild(this.element); this._textViewer._paintLines(this.startLine, this.startLine + this.linesCount); } else { var firstLine = this._textModel.getAttribute(this.startLine, "line-row"); var parentElement = firstLine.parentElement; this._textViewer._releaseLinesHighlight(this.startLine, this.startLine + this.linesCount); parentElement.insertBefore(this.element, firstLine); for (var i = this.startLine; i < this.startLine + this.linesCount; ++i) { var lineRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(i, "line-row"); this._textModel.removeAttribute(i, "line-row"); this._textViewer._cachedRows.push(lineRow); parentElement.removeChild(lineRow); } } }, get height() { if (!this._expanded) return this.element.offsetHeight; var result = 0; for (var i = this.startLine; i < this.startLine + this.linesCount; ++i) { var lineRow = this._textModel.getAttribute(i, "line-row"); result += lineRow.offsetHeight; } return result; }, _createRow: function(lineNumber) { var cachedRows = this._textViewer._cachedRows; if (cachedRows.length) { var lineRow = cachedRows[cachedRows.length - 1]; cachedRows.length--; var lineNumberElement = lineRow.firstChild; var lineContentElement = lineRow.lastChild; } else { var lineRow = document.createElement("tr"); var lineNumberElement = document.createElement("td"); lineNumberElement.className = "webkit-line-number"; lineRow.appendChild(lineNumberElement); var lineContentElement = document.createElement("td"); lineContentElement.className = "webkit-line-content"; lineRow.appendChild(lineContentElement); } lineRow.lineNumber = lineNumber; lineNumberElement.textContent = lineNumber + 1; lineContentElement.textContent = this._textModel.line(lineNumber); return lineRow; } } |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0094 ]-- |