Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/webkit-1.0/webinspector/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: /* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matt Lilek <> * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph Pecoraro * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline = function() { this.element = document.createElement("ol"); this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onmousedown.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onmousemove.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onmouseout.bind(this), false);, this.element); this.includeRootDOMNode = true; this.selectEnabled = false; this.showInElementsPanelEnabled = false; this.rootDOMNode = null; this.focusedDOMNode = null; this.element.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._contextMenuEventFired.bind(this), true); this.element.addEventListener("keydown", this._keyDown.bind(this), true); } WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline.prototype = { get rootDOMNode() { return this._rootDOMNode; }, set rootDOMNode(x) { if (this._rootDOMNode === x) return; this._rootDOMNode = x; this._isXMLMimeType = !!(WebInspector.mainResource && WebInspector.mainResource.mimeType && WebInspector.mainResource.mimeType.match(/x(?:ht)?ml/i)); this.update(); }, get isXMLMimeType() { return this._isXMLMimeType; }, get focusedDOMNode() { return this._focusedDOMNode; }, set focusedDOMNode(x) { if (this._focusedDOMNode === x) { this.revealAndSelectNode(x); return; } this._focusedDOMNode = x; this.revealAndSelectNode(x); // The revealAndSelectNode() method might find a different element if there is inlined text, // and the select() call would change the focusedDOMNode and reenter this setter. So to // avoid calling focusedNodeChanged() twice, first check if _focusedDOMNode is the same // node as the one passed in. if (this._focusedDOMNode === x) { this.focusedNodeChanged(); if (x && !this.suppressSelectHighlight) { InspectorBackend.highlightDOMNode(; if ("_restorePreviousHighlightNodeTimeout" in this) clearTimeout(this._restorePreviousHighlightNodeTimeout); function restoreHighlightToHoveredNode() { var hoveredNode = WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode; if (hoveredNode) InspectorBackend.highlightDOMNode(; else InspectorBackend.hideDOMNodeHighlight(); } this._restorePreviousHighlightNodeTimeout = setTimeout(restoreHighlightToHoveredNode, 2000); } } }, update: function() { var selectedNode = this.selectedTreeElement ? this.selectedTreeElement.representedObject : null; this.removeChildren(); if (!this.rootDOMNode) return; var treeElement; if (this.includeRootDOMNode) { treeElement = new WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement(this.rootDOMNode); treeElement.selectable = this.selectEnabled; this.appendChild(treeElement); } else { // FIXME: this could use findTreeElement to reuse a tree element if it already exists var node = this.rootDOMNode.firstChild; while (node) { treeElement = new WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement(node); treeElement.selectable = this.selectEnabled; this.appendChild(treeElement); node = node.nextSibling; } } if (selectedNode) this.revealAndSelectNode(selectedNode); }, updateSelection: function() { if (!this.selectedTreeElement) return; var element = this.treeOutline.selectedTreeElement; element.updateSelection(); }, focusedNodeChanged: function(forceUpdate) {}, findTreeElement: function(node) { var treeElement =, node, isAncestorNode, parentNode); if (!treeElement && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { // The text node might have been inlined if it was short, so try to find the parent element. treeElement =, node.parentNode, isAncestorNode, parentNode); } return treeElement; }, createTreeElementFor: function(node) { var treeElement = this.findTreeElement(node); if (treeElement) return treeElement; if (!node.parentNode) return null; var treeElement = this.createTreeElementFor(node.parentNode); if (treeElement && treeElement.showChild(node.index)) return treeElement.children[node.index]; return null; }, revealAndSelectNode: function(node) { if (!node) return; var treeElement = this.createTreeElementFor(node); if (!treeElement) return; treeElement.reveal();; }, _treeElementFromEvent: function(event) { var root = this.element; // We choose this X coordinate based on the knowledge that our list // items extend nearly to the right edge of the outer <ol>. var x = root.totalOffsetLeft + root.offsetWidth - 20; var y = event.pageY; // Our list items have 1-pixel cracks between them vertically. We avoid // the cracks by checking slightly above and slightly below the mouse // and seeing if we hit the same element each time. var elementUnderMouse = this.treeElementFromPoint(x, y); var elementAboveMouse = this.treeElementFromPoint(x, y - 2); var element; if (elementUnderMouse === elementAboveMouse) element = elementUnderMouse; else element = this.treeElementFromPoint(x, y + 2); return element; }, _keyDown: function(event) { if ( !== this.treeOutline.element) return; var selectedElement = this.selectedTreeElement; if (!selectedElement) return; if (event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Backspace || event.keyCode === WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.KeyCodes.Delete) { selectedElement.remove(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // On Enter or Return start editing the first attribute // or create a new attribute on the selected element. if (isEnterKey(event)) { if (this._editing) return; selectedElement._startEditing(); // prevent a newline from being immediately inserted event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } }, _onmousedown: function(event) { var element = this._treeElementFromEvent(event); if (!element || element.isEventWithinDisclosureTriangle(event)) return;; }, _onmousemove: function(event) { var element = this._treeElementFromEvent(event); if (element && this._previousHoveredElement === element) return; if (this._previousHoveredElement) { this._previousHoveredElement.hovered = false; delete this._previousHoveredElement; } if (element && !element.elementCloseTag) { element.hovered = true; this._previousHoveredElement = element; } WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = (element && !element.elementCloseTag ? element.representedObject : null); }, _onmouseout: function(event) { var nodeUnderMouse = document.elementFromPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY); if (nodeUnderMouse && nodeUnderMouse.isDescendant(this.element)) return; if (this._previousHoveredElement) { this._previousHoveredElement.hovered = false; delete this._previousHoveredElement; } WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = null; }, _contextMenuEventFired: function(event) { var listItem ="LI"); if (!listItem || !listItem.treeElement) return; var contextMenu = new WebInspector.ContextMenu(); var tag ="webkit-html-tag"); var textNode ="webkit-html-text-node"); if (tag && listItem.treeElement._populateTagContextMenu) listItem.treeElement._populateTagContextMenu(contextMenu, event); else if (textNode && listItem.treeElement._populateTextContextMenu) listItem.treeElement._populateTextContextMenu(contextMenu, textNode);; } } WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline.prototype.__proto__ = TreeOutline.prototype; WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement = function(node) { var hasChildrenOverride = node.hasChildNodes() && !this._showInlineText(node); // The title will be updated in onattach., "", node, hasChildrenOverride); if (this.representedObject.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) this._canAddAttributes = true; this._searchQuery = null; this._expandedChildrenLimit = WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.InitialChildrenLimit; } WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.InitialChildrenLimit = 500; // A union of HTML4 and HTML5-Draft elements that explicitly // or implicitly (for HTML5) forbid the closing tag. // FIXME: Revise once HTML5 Final is published. WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.ForbiddenClosingTagElements = [ "area", "base", "basefont", "br", "canvas", "col", "command", "embed", "frame", "hr", "img", "input", "isindex", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source" ].keySet(); WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.prototype = { highlightSearchResults: function(searchQuery) { if (this._searchQuery === searchQuery) return; this._searchQuery = searchQuery; this.updateTitle(); }, get hovered() { return this._hovered; }, set hovered(x) { if (this._hovered === x) return; this._hovered = x; if (this.listItemElement) { if (x) { this.updateSelection(); this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("hovered"); } else { this.listItemElement.removeStyleClass("hovered"); } } }, get expandedChildrenLimit() { return this._expandedChildrenLimit; }, set expandedChildrenLimit(x) { if (this._expandedChildrenLimit === x) return; this._expandedChildrenLimit = x; if (this.treeOutline && !this._updateChildrenInProgress) this._updateChildren(true); }, get expandedChildCount() { var count = this.children.length; if (count && this.children[count - 1].elementCloseTag) count--; if (count && this.children[count - 1].expandAllButton) count--; return count; }, showChild: function(index) { if (index >= this.expandedChildrenLimit) { this._expandedChildrenLimit = index + 1; this._updateChildren(true); } // Whether index-th child is visible in the children tree return this.expandedChildCount > index; }, createTooltipForImageNode: function(node, callback) { function createTooltipThenCallback(properties) { if (!properties) { callback(); return; } var tooltipText = null; if (properties.offsetHeight === properties.naturalHeight && properties.offsetWidth === properties.naturalWidth) tooltipText = WebInspector.UIString("%d × %d pixels", properties.offsetWidth, properties.offsetHeight); else tooltipText = WebInspector.UIString("%d × %d pixels (Natural: %d × %d pixels)", properties.offsetWidth, properties.offsetHeight, properties.naturalWidth, properties.naturalHeight); callback(tooltipText); } var objectProxy = new WebInspector.ObjectProxy(node.injectedScriptId,; WebInspector.ObjectProxy.getPropertiesAsync(objectProxy, ["naturalHeight", "naturalWidth", "offsetHeight", "offsetWidth"], createTooltipThenCallback); }, updateSelection: function() { var listItemElement = this.listItemElement; if (!listItemElement) return; if (document.body.offsetWidth <= 0) { // The stylesheet hasn't loaded yet or the window is closed, // so we can't calculate what is need. Return early. return; } if (!this.selectionElement) { this.selectionElement = document.createElement("div"); this.selectionElement.className = "selection selected"; listItemElement.insertBefore(this.selectionElement, listItemElement.firstChild); } = listItemElement.offsetHeight + "px"; }, onattach: function() { this.listItemElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onmousedown.bind(this), false); if (this._hovered) { this.updateSelection(); this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("hovered"); } this.updateTitle(); this._preventFollowingLinksOnDoubleClick(); }, _preventFollowingLinksOnDoubleClick: function() { var links = this.listItemElement.querySelectorAll("li > .webkit-html-tag > .webkit-html-attribute > .webkit-html-external-link, li > .webkit-html-tag > .webkit-html-attribute > .webkit-html-resource-link"); if (!links) return; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) links[i].preventFollowOnDoubleClick = true; }, onpopulate: function() { if (this.children.length || this._showInlineText(this.representedObject)) return; this.updateChildren(); }, updateChildren: function(fullRefresh) { WebInspector.domAgent.getChildNodesAsync(this.representedObject, this._updateChildren.bind(this, fullRefresh)); }, insertChildElement: function(child, index) { var newElement = new WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement(child); newElement.selectable = this.treeOutline.selectEnabled; this.insertChild(newElement, index); return newElement; }, moveChild: function(child, targetIndex) { var wasSelected = child.selected; treeElement.removeChild(child); treeElement.insertChild(child, targetIndex); if (wasSelected); }, _updateChildren: function(fullRefresh) { if (this._updateChildrenInProgress) return; this._updateChildrenInProgress = true; var focusedNode = this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode; var originalScrollTop; if (fullRefresh) { var treeOutlineContainerElement = this.treeOutline.element.parentNode; originalScrollTop = treeOutlineContainerElement.scrollTop; var selectedTreeElement = this.treeOutline.selectedTreeElement; if (selectedTreeElement && selectedTreeElement.hasAncestor(this)); this.removeChildren(); } var treeElement = this; var treeChildIndex = 0; var elementToSelect; function updateChildrenOfNode(node) { var treeOutline = treeElement.treeOutline; var child = node.firstChild; while (child) { var currentTreeElement = treeElement.children[treeChildIndex]; if (!currentTreeElement || currentTreeElement.representedObject !== child) { // Find any existing element that is later in the children list. var existingTreeElement = null; for (var i = (treeChildIndex + 1), size = treeElement.expandedChildCount; i < size; ++i) { if (treeElement.children[i].representedObject === child) { existingTreeElement = treeElement.children[i]; break; } } if (existingTreeElement && existingTreeElement.parent === treeElement) { // If an existing element was found and it has the same parent, just move it. treeElement.moveChild(existingTreeElement, treeChildIndex); } else { // No existing element found, insert a new element. if (treeChildIndex < treeElement.expandedChildrenLimit) { var newElement = treeElement.insertChildElement(child, treeChildIndex); if (child === focusedNode) elementToSelect = newElement; if (treeElement.expandedChildCount > treeElement.expandedChildrenLimit) treeElement.expandedChildrenLimit++; } } } child = child.nextSibling; ++treeChildIndex; } } // Remove any tree elements that no longer have this node (or this node's contentDocument) as their parent. for (var i = (this.children.length - 1); i >= 0; --i) { if ("elementCloseTag" in this.children[i]) continue; var currentChild = this.children[i]; var currentNode = currentChild.representedObject; var currentParentNode = currentNode.parentNode; if (currentParentNode === this.representedObject) continue; var selectedTreeElement = this.treeOutline.selectedTreeElement; if (selectedTreeElement && (selectedTreeElement === currentChild || selectedTreeElement.hasAncestor(currentChild))); this.removeChildAtIndex(i); } updateChildrenOfNode(this.representedObject); this.adjustCollapsedRange(false); var lastChild = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; if (this.representedObject.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (!lastChild || !lastChild.elementCloseTag)) { var title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-tag close\"></" + this.representedObject.nodeName.toLowerCase().escapeHTML() + "></span>"; var item = new TreeElement(title, null, false); item.selectable = false; item.elementCloseTag = true; this.appendChild(item); } // We want to restore the original selection and tree scroll position after a full refresh, if possible. if (fullRefresh && elementToSelect) {; if (treeOutlineContainerElement && originalScrollTop <= treeOutlineContainerElement.scrollHeight) treeOutlineContainerElement.scrollTop = originalScrollTop; } delete this._updateChildrenInProgress; }, adjustCollapsedRange: function() { // Ensure precondition: only the tree elements for node children are found in the tree // (not the Expand All button or the closing tag). if (this.expandAllButtonElement && this.expandAllButtonElement.__treeElement.parent) this.removeChild(this.expandAllButtonElement.__treeElement); const node = this.representedObject; if (!node.children) return; const childNodeCount = node.children.length; // In case some nodes from the expanded range were removed, pull some nodes from the collapsed range into the expanded range at the bottom. for (var i = this.expandedChildCount, limit = Math.min(this.expandedChildrenLimit, childNodeCount); i < limit; ++i) this.insertChildElement(node.children[i], i); const expandedChildCount = this.expandedChildCount; if (childNodeCount > this.expandedChildCount) { var targetButtonIndex = expandedChildCount; if (!this.expandAllButtonElement) { var title = "<button class=\"show-all-nodes\" value=\"\" />"; var item = new TreeElement(title, null, false); item.selectable = false; item.expandAllButton = true; this.insertChild(item, targetButtonIndex); this.expandAllButtonElement = item.listItemElement.firstChild; this.expandAllButtonElement.__treeElement = item; this.expandAllButtonElement.addEventListener("click", this.handleLoadAllChildren.bind(this), false); } else if (!this.expandAllButtonElement.__treeElement.parent) this.insertChild(this.expandAllButtonElement.__treeElement, targetButtonIndex); this.expandAllButtonElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("Show All Nodes (%d More)", childNodeCount - expandedChildCount); } else if (this.expandAllButtonElement) delete this.expandAllButtonElement; }, handleLoadAllChildren: function() { this.expandedChildrenLimit = Math.max(this.representedObject._childNodeCount, this.expandedChildrenLimit + WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.InitialChildrenLimit); }, onexpand: function() { this.updateTitle(); this.treeOutline.updateSelection(); }, oncollapse: function() { this.updateTitle(); this.treeOutline.updateSelection(); }, onreveal: function() { if (this.listItemElement) this.listItemElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(false); }, onselect: function() { this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode = this.representedObject; this.updateSelection(); }, onmousedown: function(event) { if (this._editing) return; if (this.isEventWithinDisclosureTriangle(event)) return; if (this.treeOutline.showInElementsPanelEnabled) { WebInspector.showElementsPanel(); WebInspector.panels.elements.focusedDOMNode = this.representedObject; } // Prevent selecting the nearest word on double click. if (event.detail >= 2) event.preventDefault(); }, ondblclick: function(event) { if (this._editing) return; if (this._startEditingFromEvent(event)) return; if (this.hasChildren && !this.expanded) this.expand(); }, _insertInLastAttributePosition: function(tag, node) { if (tag.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-attribute").length > 0) tag.insertBefore(node, tag.lastChild); else { var nodeName = tag.textContent.match(/^<(.*?)>$/)[1]; tag.textContent = ''; tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('<'+nodeName)); tag.appendChild(node); tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('>')); } this.updateSelection(); }, _startEditingFromEvent: function(event) { if (this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode != this.representedObject) return; if (this.representedObject.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE && this.representedObject.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) return false; var textNode ="webkit-html-text-node"); if (textNode) return this._startEditingTextNode(textNode); var attribute ="webkit-html-attribute"); if (attribute) return this._startEditingAttribute(attribute,; var newAttribute ="add-attribute"); if (newAttribute) return this._addNewAttribute(); return false; }, _populateTagContextMenu: function(contextMenu, event) { var attribute ="webkit-html-attribute"); var newAttribute ="add-attribute"); // Add attribute-related actions. contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Add Attribute"), this._addNewAttribute.bind(this)); if (attribute && !newAttribute) contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Edit Attribute"), this._startEditingAttribute.bind(this, attribute,; contextMenu.appendSeparator(); // Add node-related actions. contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Edit as HTML"), this._editAsHTML.bind(this)); contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Copy as HTML"), this._copyHTML.bind(this)); contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Delete Node"), this.remove.bind(this)); }, _populateTextContextMenu: function(contextMenu, textNode) { contextMenu.appendItem(WebInspector.UIString("Edit Text"), this._startEditingTextNode.bind(this, textNode)); }, _startEditing: function() { if (this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode !== this.representedObject) return; var listItem = this._listItemNode; if (this._canAddAttributes) { var attribute = listItem.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-attribute")[0]; if (attribute) return this._startEditingAttribute(attribute, attribute.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-attribute-value")[0]); return this._addNewAttribute(); } if (this.representedObject.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { var textNode = listItem.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-text-node")[0]; if (textNode) return this._startEditingTextNode(textNode); return; } }, _addNewAttribute: function() { var attr = document.createElement("span"); attr.className = "webkit-html-attribute"; = "2px"; // overrides the .editing margin rule = "2px"; // overrides the .editing margin rule var name = document.createElement("span"); name.className = "webkit-html-attribute-name new-attribute"; name.textContent = " "; var value = document.createElement("span"); value.className = "webkit-html-attribute-value"; attr.appendChild(name); attr.appendChild(value); var tag = this.listItemElement.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-tag")[0]; this._insertInLastAttributePosition(tag, attr); return this._startEditingAttribute(attr, attr); }, _triggerEditAttribute: function(attributeName) { var attributeElements = this.listItemElement.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-attribute-name"); for (var i = 0, len = attributeElements.length; i < len; ++i) { if (attributeElements[i].textContent === attributeName) { for (var elem = attributeElements[i].nextSibling; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) { if (elem.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (elem.hasStyleClass("webkit-html-attribute-value")) return this._startEditingAttribute(attributeElements[i].parentNode, elem); } } } }, _startEditingAttribute: function(attribute, elementForSelection) { if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(attribute)) return true; var attributeNameElement = attribute.getElementsByClassName("webkit-html-attribute-name")[0]; if (!attributeNameElement) return false; var attributeName = attributeNameElement.innerText; function removeZeroWidthSpaceRecursive(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\u200B/g, ""); return; } if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return; for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) removeZeroWidthSpaceRecursive(child); } // Remove zero-width spaces that were added by nodeTitleInfo. removeZeroWidthSpaceRecursive(attribute); this._editing = true; WebInspector.startEditing(attribute, this._attributeEditingCommitted.bind(this), this._editingCancelled.bind(this), attributeName); window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(elementForSelection, 0, elementForSelection, 1); return true; }, _startEditingTextNode: function(textNode) { if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(textNode)) return true; this._editing = true; WebInspector.startEditing(textNode, this._textNodeEditingCommitted.bind(this), this._editingCancelled.bind(this)); window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(textNode, 0, textNode, 1); return true; }, _startEditingAsHTML: function(commitCallback, initialValue) { if (this._htmlEditElement && WebInspector.isBeingEdited(this._htmlEditElement)) return true; this._editing = true; this._htmlEditElement = document.createElement("div"); this._htmlEditElement.className = "source-code elements-tree-editor"; this._htmlEditElement.textContent = initialValue; // Hide header items. var child = this.listItemElement.firstChild; while (child) { = "none"; child = child.nextSibling; } // Hide children item. if (this._childrenListNode) = "none"; // Append editor. this.listItemElement.appendChild(this._htmlEditElement); this.updateSelection(); function commit() { commitCallback(this._htmlEditElement.textContent);; } function dispose() { delete this._editing; // Remove editor. this.listItemElement.removeChild(this._htmlEditElement); delete this._htmlEditElement; // Unhide children item. if (this._childrenListNode)"display"); // Unhide header items. var child = this.listItemElement.firstChild; while (child) {"display"); child = child.nextSibling; } this.updateSelection(); } WebInspector.startEditing(this._htmlEditElement, commit.bind(this), dispose.bind(this), null, true); }, _attributeEditingCommitted: function(element, newText, oldText, attributeName, moveDirection) { delete this._editing; // Before we do anything, determine where we should move // next based on the current element's settings var moveToAttribute; var newAttribute; if (moveDirection) { var found = false; var attributes = this.representedObject.attributes; for (var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; ++i) { if (attributes[i].name === attributeName) { found = true; if (moveDirection === "backward" && i > 0) moveToAttribute = attributes[i - 1].name; else if (moveDirection === "forward" && i < attributes.length - 1) moveToAttribute = attributes[i + 1].name; else if (moveDirection === "forward" && i === attributes.length - 1) newAttribute = true; } } if (!found && moveDirection === "backward" && attributes.length > 0) moveToAttribute = attributes[attributes.length - 1].name; else if (!found && moveDirection === "forward" && !/^\s*$/.test(newText)) newAttribute = true; } function moveToNextAttributeIfNeeded() { if (moveToAttribute) this._triggerEditAttribute(moveToAttribute); else if (newAttribute) this._addNewAttribute(this.listItemElement); } var parseContainerElement = document.createElement("span"); parseContainerElement.innerHTML = "<span " + newText + "></span>"; var parseElement = parseContainerElement.firstChild; if (!parseElement) { this._editingCancelled(element, attributeName);; return; } if (!parseElement.hasAttributes()) { this.representedObject.removeAttribute(attributeName);; return; } var foundOriginalAttribute = false; for (var i = 0; i < parseElement.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = parseElement.attributes[i]; foundOriginalAttribute = foundOriginalAttribute || === attributeName; try { this.representedObject.setAttribute(, attr.value); } catch(e) {} // ignore invalid attribute (innerHTML doesn't throw errors, but this can) } if (!foundOriginalAttribute) this.representedObject.removeAttribute(attributeName); this.treeOutline.focusedNodeChanged(true);; }, _textNodeEditingCommitted: function(element, newText) { delete this._editing; var textNode; if (this.representedObject.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // We only show text nodes inline in elements if the element only // has a single child, and that child is a text node. textNode = this.representedObject.firstChild; } else if (this.representedObject.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) textNode = this.representedObject; textNode.nodeValue = newText; // Need to restore attributes / node structure. this.updateTitle(); }, _editingCancelled: function(element, context) { delete this._editing; // Need to restore attributes structure. this.updateTitle(); }, updateTitle: function() { // If we are editing, return early to prevent canceling the edit. // After editing is committed updateTitle will be called. if (this._editing) return; var self = this; function callback(tooltipText) { var title = self._nodeTitleInfo(WebInspector.linkifyURL, tooltipText).title; self.title = "<span class=\"highlight\">" + title + "</span>"; delete self.selectionElement; self.updateSelection(); self._preventFollowingLinksOnDoubleClick(); self._highlightSearchResults(); }; // TODO: Replace with InjectedScriptAccess.getBasicProperties(obj, [names]). if (this.representedObject.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "img") callback(); else this.createTooltipForImageNode(this.representedObject, callback); }, _rewriteAttrHref: function(node, hrefValue) { if (!hrefValue || hrefValue.indexOf("://") > 0) return hrefValue; for (var frameOwnerCandidate = node; frameOwnerCandidate; frameOwnerCandidate = frameOwnerCandidate.parentNode) { if (frameOwnerCandidate.documentURL) { var result = WebInspector.completeURL(frameOwnerCandidate.documentURL, hrefValue); if (result) return result; break; } } // documentURL not found or has bad value for (var url in WebInspector.resourceURLMap) { var match = url.match(WebInspector.URLRegExp); if (match && match[4] === hrefValue) return url; } return hrefValue; }, _nodeTitleInfo: function(linkify, tooltipText) { var node = this.representedObject; var info = {title: "", hasChildren: this.hasChildren}; switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: info.title = "Document"; break; case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: info.title = "Document Fragment"; break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: var tagName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase().escapeHTML(); info.title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-tag\"><" + tagName; if (node.hasAttributes()) { for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = node.attributes[i]; info.title += " <span class=\"webkit-html-attribute\"><span class=\"webkit-html-attribute-name\">" + + "</span>=​\""; var value = attr.value; if (linkify && ( === "src" || === "href")) { var value = value.replace(/([\/;:\)\]\}])/g, "$1\u200B"); info.title += linkify(this._rewriteAttrHref(node, attr.value), value, "webkit-html-attribute-value", node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a", tooltipText); } else { var value = value.escapeHTML(); value = value.replace(/([\/;:\)\]\}])/g, "$1​"); info.title += "<span class=\"webkit-html-attribute-value\">" + value + "</span>"; } info.title += "\"</span>"; } } info.title += "></span>​"; const closingTagHTML = "<span class=\"webkit-html-tag\"></" + tagName + "></span>​"; var textChild =; var showInlineText = textChild && textChild.textContent.length < Preferences.maxInlineTextChildLength; if (!this.expanded && (!showInlineText && (this.treeOutline.isXMLMimeType || !WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.ForbiddenClosingTagElements[tagName]))) { if (this.hasChildren) info.title += "<span class=\"webkit-html-text-node\">…</span>​"; info.title += closingTagHTML; } // If this element only has a single child that is a text node, // just show that text and the closing tag inline rather than // create a subtree for them if (showInlineText) { info.title += "<span class=\"webkit-html-text-node\">" + textChild.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "</span>​" + closingTagHTML; info.hasChildren = false; } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: if ( info.title = "(whitespace)"; else { if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "script") { var newNode = document.createElement("span"); newNode.textContent = node.textContent; var javascriptSyntaxHighlighter = new WebInspector.DOMSyntaxHighlighter("text/javascript"); javascriptSyntaxHighlighter.syntaxHighlightNode(newNode); info.title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-text-node webkit-html-js-node\">" + newNode.innerHTML.replace(/^[\n\r]*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "") + "</span>"; } else if (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "style") { var newNode = document.createElement("span"); newNode.textContent = node.textContent; var cssSyntaxHighlighter = new WebInspector.DOMSyntaxHighlighter("text/css"); cssSyntaxHighlighter.syntaxHighlightNode(newNode); info.title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-text-node webkit-html-css-node\">" + newNode.innerHTML.replace(/^[\n\r]*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "") + "</span>"; } else { info.title = "\"<span class=\"webkit-html-text-node\">" + node.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "</span>\""; } } break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: info.title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-comment\"><!--" + node.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "--></span>"; break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: info.title = "<span class=\"webkit-html-doctype\"><!DOCTYPE " + node.nodeName; if (node.publicId) { info.title += " PUBLIC \"" + node.publicId + "\""; if (node.systemId) info.title += " \"" + node.systemId + "\""; } else if (node.systemId) info.title += " SYSTEM \"" + node.systemId + "\""; if (node.internalSubset) info.title += " [" + node.internalSubset + "]"; info.title += "></span>"; break; default: info.title = node.nodeName.toLowerCase().collapseWhitespace().escapeHTML(); } return info; }, _showInlineText: function(node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var textChild =; if (textChild && textChild.textContent.length < Preferences.maxInlineTextChildLength) return true; } return false; }, remove: function() { var parentElement = this.parent; if (!parentElement) return; var self = this; function removeNodeCallback(removedNodeId) { // -1 is an error code, which means removing the node from the DOM failed, // so we shouldn't remove it from the tree. if (removedNodeId === -1) return; parentElement.removeChild(self); parentElement.adjustCollapsedRange(true); } var callId = WebInspector.Callback.wrap(removeNodeCallback); InspectorBackend.removeNode(callId,; }, _editAsHTML: function() { var treeOutline = this.treeOutline; var node = this.representedObject; var wasExpanded = this.expanded; function selectNode(nodeId) { if (!nodeId) return; // Select it and expand if necessary. We force tree update so that it processes dom events and is up to date. WebInspector.panels.elements.updateModifiedNodes(); WebInspector.updateFocusedNode(nodeId); if (wasExpanded) { var newTreeItem = treeOutline.findTreeElement(WebInspector.domAgent.nodeForId(nodeId)); if (newTreeItem) newTreeItem.expand(); } } function commitChange(value) { InjectedScriptAccess.get(node.injectedScriptId).setOuterHTML(, value, wasExpanded, selectNode.bind(this)); } InjectedScriptAccess.get(node.injectedScriptId).getNodePropertyValue(, "outerHTML", this._startEditingAsHTML.bind(this, commitChange)); }, _copyHTML: function() { InspectorBackend.copyNode(; }, _highlightSearchResults: function() { if (!this._searchQuery) return; var text = this.listItemElement.textContent; var regexObject = createSearchRegex(this._searchQuery); var offset = 0; var match = regexObject.exec(text); while (match) { highlightSearchResult(this.listItemElement, offset + match.index, match[0].length); offset += match.index + 1; text = text.substring(match.index + 1); match = regexObject.exec(text); } } } WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.prototype.__proto__ = TreeElement.prototype; |
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--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0184 ]-- |