Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/webkit-1.0/webinspector/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: /* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Matt Lilek <> * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph Pecoraro * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel = function() {; this.element.addStyleClass("elements"); this.contentElement = document.createElement("div"); = "elements-content"; this.contentElement.className = "outline-disclosure source-code"; this.treeOutline = new WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline(); this.treeOutline.panel = this; this.treeOutline.includeRootDOMNode = false; this.treeOutline.selectEnabled = true; this.treeOutline.focusedNodeChanged = function(forceUpdate) { if (this.panel.visible && WebInspector.currentFocusElement !== document.getElementById("search")) WebInspector.currentFocusElement = this.element; this.panel.updateBreadcrumb(forceUpdate); for (var pane in this.panel.sidebarPanes) this.panel.sidebarPanes[pane].needsUpdate = true; this.panel.updateStyles(true); this.panel.updateMetrics(); this.panel.updateProperties(); this.panel.updateEventListeners(); if (this._focusedDOMNode) InjectedScriptAccess.get(this._focusedDOMNode.injectedScriptId).addInspectedNode(, function() {}); }; this.contentElement.appendChild(this.treeOutline.element); this.crumbsElement = document.createElement("div"); this.crumbsElement.className = "crumbs"; this.crumbsElement.addEventListener("mousemove", this._mouseMovedInCrumbs.bind(this), false); this.crumbsElement.addEventListener("mouseout", this._mouseMovedOutOfCrumbs.bind(this), false); this.sidebarPanes = {}; this.sidebarPanes.styles = new WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane(); this.sidebarPanes.metrics = new WebInspector.MetricsSidebarPane(); = new WebInspector.PropertiesSidebarPane(); this.sidebarPanes.eventListeners = new WebInspector.EventListenersSidebarPane(); this.sidebarPanes.styles.onexpand = this.updateStyles.bind(this); this.sidebarPanes.metrics.onexpand = this.updateMetrics.bind(this); = this.updateProperties.bind(this); this.sidebarPanes.eventListeners.onexpand = this.updateEventListeners.bind(this); this.sidebarPanes.styles.expanded = true; this.sidebarPanes.styles.addEventListener("style edited", this._stylesPaneEdited, this); this.sidebarPanes.styles.addEventListener("style property toggled", this._stylesPaneEdited, this); this.sidebarPanes.metrics.addEventListener("metrics edited", this._metricsPaneEdited, this); this.sidebarElement = document.createElement("div"); = "elements-sidebar"; this.sidebarElement.appendChild(this.sidebarPanes.styles.element); this.sidebarElement.appendChild(this.sidebarPanes.metrics.element); this.sidebarElement.appendChild(; this.sidebarElement.appendChild(this.sidebarPanes.eventListeners.element); this.sidebarResizeElement = document.createElement("div"); this.sidebarResizeElement.className = "sidebar-resizer-vertical"; this.sidebarResizeElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this.rightSidebarResizerDragStart.bind(this), false); this._nodeSearchButton = new WebInspector.StatusBarButton(WebInspector.UIString("Select an element in the page to inspect it."), "node-search-status-bar-item"); this._nodeSearchButton.addEventListener("click", this._nodeSearchButtonClicked.bind(this), false); this.element.appendChild(this.contentElement); this.element.appendChild(this.sidebarElement); this.element.appendChild(this.sidebarResizeElement); this._changedStyles = {}; this.reset(); } WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype = { toolbarItemClass: "elements", get toolbarItemLabel() { return WebInspector.UIString("Elements"); }, get statusBarItems() { return [this._nodeSearchButton.element, this.crumbsElement]; }, get defaultFocusedElement() { return this.treeOutline.element; }, updateStatusBarItems: function() { this.updateBreadcrumbSizes(); }, show: function() {; = (this.sidebarElement.offsetWidth - 3) + "px"; this.updateBreadcrumb(); this.treeOutline.updateSelection(); if (this.recentlyModifiedNodes.length) this.updateModifiedNodes(); }, hide: function() {; WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = null; InspectorBackend.disableSearchingForNode(); }, resize: function() { this.treeOutline.updateSelection(); this.updateBreadcrumbSizes(); }, reset: function() { if (this.focusedDOMNode) { this._selectedPathOnReset = []; var node = this.focusedDOMNode; while ("index" in node) { this._selectedPathOnReset.push(node.nodeName); this._selectedPathOnReset.push(node.index); node = node.parentNode; } this._selectedPathOnReset.reverse(); } this.rootDOMNode = null; this.focusedDOMNode = null; WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = null; this.recentlyModifiedNodes = []; delete this.currentQuery; this.searchCanceled(); }, setDocument: function(inspectedRootDocument) { this.reset(); if (!inspectedRootDocument) return; inspectedRootDocument.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this._nodeInserted.bind(this)); inspectedRootDocument.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", this._nodeRemoved.bind(this)); inspectedRootDocument.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", this._attributesUpdated.bind(this)); this.treeOutline.suppressSelectHighlight = true; this.rootDOMNode = inspectedRootDocument; this.treeOutline.suppressSelectHighlight = false; function selectNode(candidateFocusNode) { if (!candidateFocusNode) candidateFocusNode = inspectedRootDocument.body || inspectedRootDocument.documentElement; if (!candidateFocusNode) return; this.treeOutline.suppressSelectHighlight = true; this.focusedDOMNode = candidateFocusNode; if (this.treeOutline.selectedTreeElement) this.treeOutline.selectedTreeElement.expand(); this.treeOutline.suppressSelectHighlight = false; } function selectLastSelectedNode(nodeId) { if (this.focusedDOMNode) { // Focused node has been explicitly set while reaching out for the last selected node. return; } var node = nodeId ? WebInspector.domAgent.nodeForId(nodeId) : 0;, node); } if (this._selectedPathOnReset) InjectedScriptAccess.getDefault().nodeByPath(this._selectedPathOnReset, selectLastSelectedNode.bind(this)); else; delete this._selectedPathOnReset; }, searchCanceled: function() { delete this._searchQuery; this._hideSearchHighlights(); WebInspector.updateSearchMatchesCount(0, this); this._currentSearchResultIndex = 0; this._searchResults = []; InjectedScriptAccess.getDefault().searchCanceled(function() {}); }, performSearch: function(query) { // Call searchCanceled since it will reset everything we need before doing a new search. this.searchCanceled(); const whitespaceTrimmedQuery = query.trim(); if (!whitespaceTrimmedQuery.length) return; this._updatedMatchCountOnce = false; this._matchesCountUpdateTimeout = null; this._searchQuery = query; InjectedScriptAccess.getDefault().performSearch(whitespaceTrimmedQuery, function() {}); }, searchingForNodeWasEnabled: function() { this._nodeSearchButton.toggled = true; }, searchingForNodeWasDisabled: function() { this._nodeSearchButton.toggled = false; }, _updateMatchesCount: function() { WebInspector.updateSearchMatchesCount(this._searchResults.length, this); this._matchesCountUpdateTimeout = null; this._updatedMatchCountOnce = true; }, _updateMatchesCountSoon: function() { if (!this._updatedMatchCountOnce) return this._updateMatchesCount(); if (this._matchesCountUpdateTimeout) return; // Update the matches count every half-second so it doesn't feel twitchy. this._matchesCountUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(this._updateMatchesCount.bind(this), 500); }, addNodesToSearchResult: function(nodeIds) { if (!nodeIds) return; var nodeIdsArray = nodeIds.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < nodeIdsArray.length; ++i) { var nodeId = nodeIdsArray[i]; var node = WebInspector.domAgent.nodeForId(nodeId); if (!node) continue; this._currentSearchResultIndex = 0; this._searchResults.push(node); } this._highlightCurrentSearchResult(); this._updateMatchesCountSoon(); }, jumpToNextSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; if (++this._currentSearchResultIndex >= this._searchResults.length) this._currentSearchResultIndex = 0; this._highlightCurrentSearchResult(); }, jumpToPreviousSearchResult: function() { if (!this._searchResults || !this._searchResults.length) return; if (--this._currentSearchResultIndex < 0) this._currentSearchResultIndex = (this._searchResults.length - 1); this._highlightCurrentSearchResult(); }, _highlightCurrentSearchResult: function() { this._hideSearchHighlights(); var node = this._searchResults[this._currentSearchResultIndex]; var treeElement = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(node); if (treeElement) { treeElement.highlightSearchResults(this._searchQuery); treeElement.reveal(); } }, _hideSearchHighlights: function(node) { for (var i = 0; this._searchResults && i < this._searchResults.length; ++i) { var node = this._searchResults[i]; var treeElement = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(node); if (treeElement) treeElement.highlightSearchResults(null); } }, renameSelector: function(oldIdentifier, newIdentifier, oldSelector, newSelector) { // TODO: Implement Shifting the oldSelector, and its contents to a newSelector }, addStyleChange: function(identifier, style, property) { if (!style.parentRule) return; var selector = style.parentRule.selectorText; if (!this._changedStyles[identifier]) this._changedStyles[identifier] = {}; if (!this._changedStyles[identifier][selector]) this._changedStyles[identifier][selector] = {}; if (!this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property]) WebInspector.styleChanges += 1; this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property] = style.getPropertyValue(property); }, removeStyleChange: function(identifier, style, property) { if (!style.parentRule) return; var selector = style.parentRule.selectorText; if (!this._changedStyles[identifier] || !this._changedStyles[identifier][selector]) return; if (this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property]) { delete this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property]; WebInspector.styleChanges -= 1; } }, generateStylesheet: function() { if (!WebInspector.styleChanges) return; // Merge Down to Just Selectors var mergedSelectors = {}; for (var identifier in this._changedStyles) { for (var selector in this._changedStyles[identifier]) { if (!mergedSelectors[selector]) mergedSelectors[selector] = this._changedStyles[identifier][selector]; else { // merge on selector var merge = {}; for (var property in mergedSelectors[selector]) merge[property] = mergedSelectors[selector][property]; for (var property in this._changedStyles[identifier][selector]) { if (!merge[property]) merge[property] = this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property]; else { // merge on property within a selector, include comment to notify user var value1 = merge[property]; var value2 = this._changedStyles[identifier][selector][property]; if (value1 === value2) merge[property] = [value1]; else if (value1 instanceof Array) merge[property].push(value2); else merge[property] = [value1, value2]; } } mergedSelectors[selector] = merge; } } } var builder = []; builder.push("/**"); builder.push(" * Inspector Generated Stylesheet"); // UIString? builder.push(" */\n"); var indent = " "; function displayProperty(property, value, comment) { if (comment) return indent + "/* " + property + ": " + value + "; */"; else return indent + property + ": " + value + ";"; } for (var selector in mergedSelectors) { var psuedoStyle = mergedSelectors[selector]; var properties =; if (properties.length) { builder.push(selector + " {"); for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) { var property = properties[i]; var value = psuedoStyle[property]; if (!(value instanceof Array)) builder.push(displayProperty(property, value)); else { if (value.length === 1) builder.push(displayProperty(property, value) + " /* merged from equivalent edits */"); // UIString? else { builder.push(indent + "/* There was a Conflict... There were Multiple Edits for '" + property + "' */"); // UIString? for (var j = 0; j < value.length; ++j) builder.push(displayProperty(property, value, true)); } } } builder.push("}\n"); } } WebInspector.showConsole(); WebInspector.console.addMessage(new WebInspector.ConsoleTextMessage(builder.join("\n"))); }, get rootDOMNode() { return this.treeOutline.rootDOMNode; }, set rootDOMNode(x) { this.treeOutline.rootDOMNode = x; }, get focusedDOMNode() { return this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode; }, set focusedDOMNode(x) { this.treeOutline.focusedDOMNode = x; }, _attributesUpdated: function(event) { this.recentlyModifiedNodes.push({node:, updated: true}); if (this.visible) this._updateModifiedNodesSoon(); }, _nodeInserted: function(event) { this.recentlyModifiedNodes.push({node:, parent: event.relatedNode, inserted: true}); if (this.visible) this._updateModifiedNodesSoon(); }, _nodeRemoved: function(event) { this.recentlyModifiedNodes.push({node:, parent: event.relatedNode, removed: true}); if (this.visible) this._updateModifiedNodesSoon(); }, _updateModifiedNodesSoon: function() { if ("_updateModifiedNodesTimeout" in this) return; this._updateModifiedNodesTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateModifiedNodes.bind(this), 0); }, updateModifiedNodes: function() { if ("_updateModifiedNodesTimeout" in this) { clearTimeout(this._updateModifiedNodesTimeout); delete this._updateModifiedNodesTimeout; } var updatedParentTreeElements = []; var updateBreadcrumbs = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.recentlyModifiedNodes.length; ++i) { var replaced = this.recentlyModifiedNodes[i].replaced; var parent = this.recentlyModifiedNodes[i].parent; var node = this.recentlyModifiedNodes[i].node; if (this.recentlyModifiedNodes[i].updated) { var nodeItem = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(node); if (nodeItem) nodeItem.updateTitle(); continue; } if (!parent) continue; var parentNodeItem = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(parent); if (parentNodeItem && !parentNodeItem.alreadyUpdatedChildren) { parentNodeItem.updateChildren(replaced); parentNodeItem.alreadyUpdatedChildren = true; updatedParentTreeElements.push(parentNodeItem); } if (!updateBreadcrumbs && (this.focusedDOMNode === parent || isAncestorNode(this.focusedDOMNode, parent))) updateBreadcrumbs = true; } for (var i = 0; i < updatedParentTreeElements.length; ++i) delete updatedParentTreeElements[i].alreadyUpdatedChildren; this.recentlyModifiedNodes = []; if (updateBreadcrumbs) this.updateBreadcrumb(true); }, _stylesPaneEdited: function() { this.sidebarPanes.metrics.needsUpdate = true; this.updateMetrics(); }, _metricsPaneEdited: function() { this.sidebarPanes.styles.needsUpdate = true; this.updateStyles(true); }, _mouseMovedInCrumbs: function(event) { var nodeUnderMouse = document.elementFromPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY); var crumbElement = nodeUnderMouse.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithClass("crumb"); WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = (crumbElement ? crumbElement.representedObject : null); if ("_mouseOutOfCrumbsTimeout" in this) { clearTimeout(this._mouseOutOfCrumbsTimeout); delete this._mouseOutOfCrumbsTimeout; } }, _mouseMovedOutOfCrumbs: function(event) { var nodeUnderMouse = document.elementFromPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY); if (nodeUnderMouse && nodeUnderMouse.isDescendant(this.crumbsElement)) return; WebInspector.hoveredDOMNode = null; this._mouseOutOfCrumbsTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateBreadcrumbSizes.bind(this), 1000); }, updateBreadcrumb: function(forceUpdate) { if (!this.visible) return; var crumbs = this.crumbsElement; var handled = false; var foundRoot = false; var crumb = crumbs.firstChild; while (crumb) { if (crumb.representedObject === this.rootDOMNode) foundRoot = true; if (foundRoot) crumb.addStyleClass("dimmed"); else crumb.removeStyleClass("dimmed"); if (crumb.representedObject === this.focusedDOMNode) { crumb.addStyleClass("selected"); handled = true; } else { crumb.removeStyleClass("selected"); } crumb = crumb.nextSibling; } if (handled && !forceUpdate) { // We don't need to rebuild the crumbs, but we need to adjust sizes // to reflect the new focused or root node. this.updateBreadcrumbSizes(); return; } crumbs.removeChildren(); var panel = this; function selectCrumbFunction(event) { var crumb = event.currentTarget; if (crumb.hasStyleClass("collapsed")) { // Clicking a collapsed crumb will expose the hidden crumbs. if (crumb === panel.crumbsElement.firstChild) { // If the focused crumb is the first child, pick the farthest crumb // that is still hidden. This allows the user to expose every crumb. var currentCrumb = crumb; while (currentCrumb) { var hidden = currentCrumb.hasStyleClass("hidden"); var collapsed = currentCrumb.hasStyleClass("collapsed"); if (!hidden && !collapsed) break; crumb = currentCrumb; currentCrumb = currentCrumb.nextSibling; } } panel.updateBreadcrumbSizes(crumb); } else { // Clicking a dimmed crumb or double clicking (event.detail >= 2) // will change the root node in addition to the focused node. if (event.detail >= 2 || crumb.hasStyleClass("dimmed")) panel.rootDOMNode = crumb.representedObject.parentNode; panel.focusedDOMNode = crumb.representedObject; } event.preventDefault(); } foundRoot = false; for (var current = this.focusedDOMNode; current; current = current.parentNode) { if (current.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) continue; if (current === this.rootDOMNode) foundRoot = true; var crumb = document.createElement("span"); crumb.className = "crumb"; crumb.representedObject = current; crumb.addEventListener("mousedown", selectCrumbFunction, false); var crumbTitle; switch (current.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: crumbTitle = current.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var nameElement = document.createElement("span"); nameElement.textContent = crumbTitle; crumb.appendChild(nameElement); var idAttribute = current.getAttribute("id"); if (idAttribute) { var idElement = document.createElement("span"); crumb.appendChild(idElement); var part = "#" + idAttribute; crumbTitle += part; idElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(part)); // Mark the name as extra, since the ID is more important. nameElement.className = "extra"; } var classAttribute = current.getAttribute("class"); if (classAttribute) { var classes = classAttribute.split(/\s+/); var foundClasses = {}; if (classes.length) { var classesElement = document.createElement("span"); classesElement.className = "extra"; crumb.appendChild(classesElement); for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) { var className = classes[i]; if (className && !(className in foundClasses)) { var part = "." + className; crumbTitle += part; classesElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(part)); foundClasses[className] = true; } } } } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: if ( crumbTitle = WebInspector.UIString("(whitespace)"); else crumbTitle = WebInspector.UIString("(text)"); break case Node.COMMENT_NODE: crumbTitle = "<!-->"; break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: crumbTitle = "<!DOCTYPE>"; break; default: crumbTitle = current.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } if (!crumb.childNodes.length) { var nameElement = document.createElement("span"); nameElement.textContent = crumbTitle; crumb.appendChild(nameElement); } crumb.title = crumbTitle; if (foundRoot) crumb.addStyleClass("dimmed"); if (current === this.focusedDOMNode) crumb.addStyleClass("selected"); if (!crumbs.childNodes.length) crumb.addStyleClass("end"); crumbs.appendChild(crumb); } if (crumbs.hasChildNodes()) crumbs.lastChild.addStyleClass("start"); this.updateBreadcrumbSizes(); }, updateBreadcrumbSizes: function(focusedCrumb) { if (!this.visible) return; if (document.body.offsetWidth <= 0) { // The stylesheet hasn't loaded yet or the window is closed, // so we can't calculate what is need. Return early. return; } var crumbs = this.crumbsElement; if (!crumbs.childNodes.length || crumbs.offsetWidth <= 0) return; // No crumbs, do nothing. // A Zero index is the right most child crumb in the breadcrumb. var selectedIndex = 0; var focusedIndex = 0; var selectedCrumb; var i = 0; var crumb = crumbs.firstChild; while (crumb) { // Find the selected crumb and index. if (!selectedCrumb && crumb.hasStyleClass("selected")) { selectedCrumb = crumb; selectedIndex = i; } // Find the focused crumb index. if (crumb === focusedCrumb) focusedIndex = i; // Remove any styles that affect size before // deciding to shorten any crumbs. if (crumb !== crumbs.lastChild) crumb.removeStyleClass("start"); if (crumb !== crumbs.firstChild) crumb.removeStyleClass("end"); crumb.removeStyleClass("compact"); crumb.removeStyleClass("collapsed"); crumb.removeStyleClass("hidden"); crumb = crumb.nextSibling; ++i; } // Restore the start and end crumb classes in case they got removed in coalesceCollapsedCrumbs(). // The order of the crumbs in the document is opposite of the visual order. crumbs.firstChild.addStyleClass("end"); crumbs.lastChild.addStyleClass("start"); function crumbsAreSmallerThanContainer() { var rightPadding = 20; var errorWarningElement = document.getElementById("error-warning-count"); if (!WebInspector.drawer.visible && errorWarningElement) rightPadding += errorWarningElement.offsetWidth; return ((crumbs.totalOffsetLeft + crumbs.offsetWidth + rightPadding) < window.innerWidth); } if (crumbsAreSmallerThanContainer()) return; // No need to compact the crumbs, they all fit at full size. var BothSides = 0; var AncestorSide = -1; var ChildSide = 1; function makeCrumbsSmaller(shrinkingFunction, direction, significantCrumb) { if (!significantCrumb) significantCrumb = (focusedCrumb || selectedCrumb); if (significantCrumb === selectedCrumb) var significantIndex = selectedIndex; else if (significantCrumb === focusedCrumb) var significantIndex = focusedIndex; else { var significantIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < crumbs.childNodes.length; ++i) { if (crumbs.childNodes[i] === significantCrumb) { significantIndex = i; break; } } } function shrinkCrumbAtIndex(index) { var shrinkCrumb = crumbs.childNodes[index]; if (shrinkCrumb && shrinkCrumb !== significantCrumb) shrinkingFunction(shrinkCrumb); if (crumbsAreSmallerThanContainer()) return true; // No need to compact the crumbs more. return false; } // Shrink crumbs one at a time by applying the shrinkingFunction until the crumbs // fit in the container or we run out of crumbs to shrink. if (direction) { // Crumbs are shrunk on only one side (based on direction) of the signifcant crumb. var index = (direction > 0 ? 0 : crumbs.childNodes.length - 1); while (index !== significantIndex) { if (shrinkCrumbAtIndex(index)) return true; index += (direction > 0 ? 1 : -1); } } else { // Crumbs are shrunk in order of descending distance from the signifcant crumb, // with a tie going to child crumbs. var startIndex = 0; var endIndex = crumbs.childNodes.length - 1; while (startIndex != significantIndex || endIndex != significantIndex) { var startDistance = significantIndex - startIndex; var endDistance = endIndex - significantIndex; if (startDistance >= endDistance) var index = startIndex++; else var index = endIndex--; if (shrinkCrumbAtIndex(index)) return true; } } // We are not small enough yet, return false so the caller knows. return false; } function coalesceCollapsedCrumbs() { var crumb = crumbs.firstChild; var collapsedRun = false; var newStartNeeded = false; var newEndNeeded = false; while (crumb) { var hidden = crumb.hasStyleClass("hidden"); if (!hidden) { var collapsed = crumb.hasStyleClass("collapsed"); if (collapsedRun && collapsed) { crumb.addStyleClass("hidden"); crumb.removeStyleClass("compact"); crumb.removeStyleClass("collapsed"); if (crumb.hasStyleClass("start")) { crumb.removeStyleClass("start"); newStartNeeded = true; } if (crumb.hasStyleClass("end")) { crumb.removeStyleClass("end"); newEndNeeded = true; } continue; } collapsedRun = collapsed; if (newEndNeeded) { newEndNeeded = false; crumb.addStyleClass("end"); } } else collapsedRun = true; crumb = crumb.nextSibling; } if (newStartNeeded) { crumb = crumbs.lastChild; while (crumb) { if (!crumb.hasStyleClass("hidden")) { crumb.addStyleClass("start"); break; } crumb = crumb.previousSibling; } } } function compact(crumb) { if (crumb.hasStyleClass("hidden")) return; crumb.addStyleClass("compact"); } function collapse(crumb, dontCoalesce) { if (crumb.hasStyleClass("hidden")) return; crumb.addStyleClass("collapsed"); crumb.removeStyleClass("compact"); if (!dontCoalesce) coalesceCollapsedCrumbs(); } function compactDimmed(crumb) { if (crumb.hasStyleClass("dimmed")) compact(crumb); } function collapseDimmed(crumb) { if (crumb.hasStyleClass("dimmed")) collapse(crumb); } if (!focusedCrumb) { // When not focused on a crumb we can be biased and collapse less important // crumbs that the user might not care much about. // Compact child crumbs. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(compact, ChildSide)) return; // Collapse child crumbs. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(collapse, ChildSide)) return; // Compact dimmed ancestor crumbs. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(compactDimmed, AncestorSide)) return; // Collapse dimmed ancestor crumbs. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(collapseDimmed, AncestorSide)) return; } // Compact ancestor crumbs, or from both sides if focused. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(compact, (focusedCrumb ? BothSides : AncestorSide))) return; // Collapse ancestor crumbs, or from both sides if focused. if (makeCrumbsSmaller(collapse, (focusedCrumb ? BothSides : AncestorSide))) return; if (!selectedCrumb) return; // Compact the selected crumb. compact(selectedCrumb); if (crumbsAreSmallerThanContainer()) return; // Collapse the selected crumb as a last resort. Pass true to prevent coalescing. collapse(selectedCrumb, true); }, updateStyles: function(forceUpdate) { var stylesSidebarPane = this.sidebarPanes.styles; if (!stylesSidebarPane.expanded || !stylesSidebarPane.needsUpdate) return; stylesSidebarPane.update(this.focusedDOMNode, null, forceUpdate); stylesSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; }, updateMetrics: function() { var metricsSidebarPane = this.sidebarPanes.metrics; if (!metricsSidebarPane.expanded || !metricsSidebarPane.needsUpdate) return; metricsSidebarPane.update(this.focusedDOMNode); metricsSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; }, updateProperties: function() { var propertiesSidebarPane =; if (!propertiesSidebarPane.expanded || !propertiesSidebarPane.needsUpdate) return; propertiesSidebarPane.update(this.focusedDOMNode); propertiesSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; }, updateEventListeners: function() { var eventListenersSidebarPane = this.sidebarPanes.eventListeners; if (!eventListenersSidebarPane.expanded || !eventListenersSidebarPane.needsUpdate) return; eventListenersSidebarPane.update(this.focusedDOMNode); eventListenersSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; }, handleShortcut: function(event) { // Cmd/Control + Shift + C should be a shortcut to clicking the Node Search Button. // This shortcut matches Firebug. if (event.keyIdentifier === "U+0043") { // C key if (WebInspector.isMac()) var isNodeSearchKey = event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && event.shiftKey; else var isNodeSearchKey = event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey && event.shiftKey; if (isNodeSearchKey) { this._nodeSearchButtonClicked(event); event.handled = true; return; } } }, handleCopyEvent: function(event) { // Don't prevent the normal copy if the user has a selection. if (!window.getSelection().isCollapsed) return; event.clipboardData.clearData(); event.preventDefault(); InspectorBackend.copyNode(; }, rightSidebarResizerDragStart: function(event) { WebInspector.elementDragStart(this.sidebarElement, this.rightSidebarResizerDrag.bind(this), this.rightSidebarResizerDragEnd.bind(this), event, "col-resize"); }, rightSidebarResizerDragEnd: function(event) { WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); }, rightSidebarResizerDrag: function(event) { var x = event.pageX; var newWidth = Number.constrain(window.innerWidth - x, Preferences.minElementsSidebarWidth, window.innerWidth * 0.66); = newWidth + "px"; = newWidth + "px"; = (newWidth - 3) + "px"; this.treeOutline.updateSelection(); event.preventDefault(); }, _nodeSearchButtonClicked: function(event) { if (!this._nodeSearchButton.toggled) InspectorBackend.enableSearchingForNode(); else InspectorBackend.disableSearchingForNode(); } } WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.Panel.prototype; |
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--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0199 ]-- |