Viewing file: header.php (5.3 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php if (isset($_SESSION['domain_id'])) { $domheaderquery = "SELECT enabled FROM domains WHERE domains.domain_id='" . $_SESSION['domain_id'] . "'"; $domheaderresult = $db->query($domheaderquery); $domheaderrow = $domheaderresult->fetchRow(); $usrheaderquery = "SELECT enabled FROM users WHERE localpart='" . $_SESSION['localpart'] . "' AND domain_id='" . $_SESSION['domain_id'] . "'"; $usrheaderresult = $db->query($usrheaderquery); $usrheaderrow = $usrheaderresult->fetchRow(); }
print "<div id=\"Header\"><p><a href=\"../index.php\" target=\"_self\">" . _("<--- To Webmail") . "</a> "; if (isset($_SESSION['domain'])) { print "-- " . $_SESSION['domain'] . " "; } if (($domheaderrow['enabled'] == "0") || ($domheaderrow['enabled'] == "f")) { print _("-- domain disabled (please see your administrator)."); } else if (($usrheaderrow['enabled'] == "0") ||($usrheaderrow['enabled'] == "f")) { print _("-- account disabled (please see your administrator)."); } // First a few status messages about account maintenance if (isset($_GET['added'])) { printf (_("-- %s has been successfully added."), $_GET['added']); } else if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) { printf (_("-- %s has been successfully deleted."), $_GET['deleted']); } else if (isset($_GET['lastadmin'])) { printf (_("-- %s is the last admin account. Create another admin account before deleting or demoting this one."), $_GET['lastadmin']); } else if (isset($_GET['sitepass'])) { print _("-- Site Admin password has been successfully updated.") . "\n"; } else if (isset($_GET['updated'])) { printf (_("-- %s has been successfully updated."), $_GET['updated']); } else if (isset($_GET['userexists'])) { printf (_("-- The account could not be added as the name %s is already in use."), $_GET['userexists']); } else if (isset($_GET['userupdated'])) { print _("-- Your update was sucessful."); } else if (isset($_GET['userfailed'])) { print _("-- Your account could not be updated. Was your password blank?"); } else if (isset($_GET['usersuccess'])) { print _("-- Your account has been succesfully updated."); } else if (isset($_GET['uservacationtolong'])) { printf (_('-- Your vacation message was too long: %1$d characters. It has been truncated at %2$d.'), $_GET['uservacationtolong'], $max_vacation_length); } // Now some more general errors on account updates else if (isset($_GET['badaliaspass'])) { printf (_("-- Account %s could not be added. Your passwords do not match, or contain illegal characters: ' \" ` or ;"), $_GET['badaliaspass']); } else if (isset($_GET['badname'])) { printf (_("-- %s contains invalid characters."), $_GET['badname']); } else if (isset($_GET['badpass'])) { printf (_("-- Account %s could not be added. Your passwords were blank, do not match, or contain illegal characters: ' \" ` or ;"), $_GET['badpass']); } else if (isset($_GET['baddestdom'])) { print _("-- The destination domain you specified does not exist."); } else if (isset($_GET['blankname'])) { print _("-- You can not specify a blank realname."); } else if (isset($_GET['failadded'])) { printf (_("-- %s could not be added."), $_GET['failadded']); } else if (isset($_GET['failaddedpassmismatch'])) { printf (_("-- Domain %s could not be added. The passwords were blank, or did not match."), $_GET['failaddedpassmismatch']); } else if (isset($_GET['failaddedusrerr'])) { printf (_("-- Domain %s could not be added. There was a problem adding the admin account."), $_GET['failaddedusrerr']); } else if (isset($_GET['faildeleted'])) { printf (_("-- %s was not deleted."), $_GET['faildeleted']); } else if (isset($_GET['failupdated'])) { printf (_("-- %s could not be updated."), $_GET['failupdated']); } // Now some really general status messages else if (isset($_GET['canceldelete'])) { printf (_("-- Deletion of %s was canceled."), $_GET['canceldelete']); } else if (isset($_GET['domaindisabled'])) { print _("-- This domain is currently disabled. Please see your administrator."); } else if (isset($_GET['maxaccounts'])) { print _("-- Your Domain Account Limit Has Been Reached. Please contact your administrator."); } else if (isset($_GET['quotahigh'])) { printf (_("-- The quota you specified was too high. The maximum quota you can specify is: %s MB."), $_GET['quotahigh']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_deleted'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s has been successfully deleted."), $_GET['group_deleted']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_added'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s has been successfully added."), $_GET['group_added']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_faildeleted'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s was not deleted."), $_GET['group_faildeleted']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_failadded'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s failed to be added."), $_GET['group_failadded']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_updated'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s has been updated."), $_GET['group_updated']); } else if (isset($_GET['group_failupdated'])) { printf (_("-- Group %s could not be updated."), $_GET['group_failupdated']); } else if (isset($_GET['failuidguid'])) { printf (_("-- Error getting UID/GID for %s"), $_GET['failuidguid']); } if ($_GET['login'] == "failed") { print _("Login failed"); }
print "</p></div>"; ?>