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#!/usr/bin/env python
## system-config-printer
## Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Author: Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import dbus import gtk
import asyncconn from debug import debugprint
_ = lambda x: x def set_gettext_function (fn): global _ _ = fn
class PPDsLoader: def __init__ (self, callback, device_id=None, parent=None, host=None, encryption=None): debugprint ("+%s" % self) self._callback = callback self._device_id = device_id self._parent = parent self._host = host self._encryption = encryption
self._installed_files = [] self._conn = None self._ppds = None
try: self._bus = dbus.SessionBus () except: debugprint ("Failed to get session bus") self._bus = None
fmt = _("Searching") self._dialog = gtk.MessageDialog (parent=parent, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, message_format=fmt)
self._dialog.format_secondary_text (_("Searching for drivers"))
self._dialog.connect ("response", self._dialog_response)
if (device_id and self._bus and
# Only try to install packages if we are configuring the # local CUPS server. (self._host == None or self._host == "localhost" or self._host[0] == '/')): self._query_packagekit () else: self._dialog.show_all () self._query_cups ()
def __del__ (self): debugprint ("-%s" % self)
def destroy (self): debugprint ("DESTROY: %s" % self) if self._dialog: self._dialog.destroy () self._dialog = None
self._callback = None self._parent = None
def get_installed_files (self): return self._installed_files
def get_ppds (self): return self._ppds
def _dialog_response (self, dialog, response): self._call_callback (None)
def _query_packagekit (self): debugprint ("Asking PackageKit to install drivers") try: xid = self._parent.window.xid except: xid = 0
try: obj = self._bus.get_object ("org.freedesktop.PackageKit", "/org/freedesktop/PackageKit") proxy = dbus.Interface (obj, "org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Modify") proxy.InstallPrinterDrivers (xid, [self._device_id], "hide-finished", reply_handler=self._packagekit_reply, error_handler=self._packagekit_error, timeout=3600) except Exception, e: debugprint ("Failed to talk to PackageKit: %s" % e) if self._dialog: self._dialog.show_all () self._query_jockey ()
def _packagekit_reply (self): debugprint ("Got PackageKit reply") if self._dialog: self._dialog.show_all () self._query_jockey ()
def _packagekit_error (self, exc): debugprint ("Got PackageKit error: %s" % exc) if self._dialog: self._dialog.show_all () self._query_jockey ()
def _query_jockey (self): debugprint ("Asking Jockey to install drivers") try: obj = self._bus.get_object ("com.ubuntu.DeviceDriver", "/GUI") jockey = dbus.Interface (obj, "com.ubuntu.DeviceDriver") r = jockey.search_driver ("printer_deviceid:%s" % devid, reply_handler=self._jockey_reply, error_handler=self._jockey_error, timeout=3600) except Exception, e: self._jockey_error (e)
def _jockey_reply (self, result): debugprint ("Got Jockey result: %s" % repr (result)) self._installed_files = result[1] self._query_cups ()
def _jockey_error (self, exc): debugprint ("Got Jockey error: %s" % exc) self._query_cups ()
def _query_cups (self): debugprint ("Asking CUPS for PPDs") c = asyncconn.Connection (host=self._host, encryption=self._encryption, reply_handler=self._cups_connect_reply, error_handler=self._cups_error) self._conn = c
def _cups_connect_reply (self, conn, UNUSED): if conn != self._conn: conn.destroy () return
conn._begin_operation (_("fetching PPDs")) conn.getPPDs (reply_handler=self._cups_reply, error_handler=self._cups_error)
def _cups_reply (self, conn, result): if conn != self._conn: conn.destroy () return
conn.destroy () self._ppds = result self._call_callback (None)
def _cups_error (self, conn, exc): if conn != self._conn: conn.destroy () return
conn.destroy () self._ppds = None self._call_callback (exc)
def _call_callback (self, exc): if self._callback: self._callback (self, exc)
if __name__ == "__main__": class Foo: def __init__ (self): w = gtk.Window () b = gtk.Button ("Go") w.add (b) b.connect ('clicked', self.go) w.connect ('delete-event', gtk.main_quit) w.show_all () self._window = w
def go (self, button): PPDsLoader (self.ppds_loaded, device_id="MFG:MFG;MDL:MDL;", parent=self._window)
def ppds_loaded (self, ppdsloader, exc): self._window.destroy () gtk.main_quit () print exc ppds = ppdsloader.get_ppds () if ppds != None: print len (ppds)
ppdsloader.destroy ()
import gobject from debug import set_debugging set_debugging (True) gobject.threads_init () Foo () gtk.main ()