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#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Author: Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import cups cups.require("1.9.42") import dbus import dbus.glib import gobject import time from debug import * import pprint
global _ _ = lambda x: x def set_gettext_function (x): _ = x import statereason from statereason import StateReason statereason.set_gettext_function (_)
def state_reason_is_harmless (reason): if (reason.startswith ("moving-to-paused") or reason.startswith ("paused") or reason.startswith ("shutdown") or reason.startswith ("stopping") or reason.startswith ("stopped-partly")): return True return False
def collect_printer_state_reasons (connection): result = {} try: printers = connection.getPrinters () except cups.IPPError: return result
for name, printer in printers.iteritems (): reasons = printer["printer-state-reasons"] for reason in reasons: if reason == "none": break if state_reason_is_harmless (reason): continue if not result.has_key (name): result[name] = [] result[name].append (StateReason (connection, name, reason)) return result
class Watcher: # Interface definition def monitor_exited (self, monitor): debugprint (repr (monitor) + " exited")
def state_reason_added (self, monitor, reason): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": +" + repr (reason))
def state_reason_removed (self, monitor, reason): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": -" + repr (reason))
def still_connecting (self, monitor, reason): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": `%s' still connecting" % reason.get_printer ())
def now_connected (self, monitor, printer): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": `%s' now connected" % printer)
def current_printers_and_jobs (self, monitor, printers, jobs): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": printers and jobs lists provided")
def job_added (self, monitor, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": job %d added" % jobid)
def job_event (self, monitor, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": job %d has event `%s'" % (jobid, eventname))
def job_removed (self, monitor, jobid, eventname, event): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": job %d removed" % jobid)
def printer_added (self, monitor, printer): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": printer `%s' added" % printer)
def printer_event (self, monitor, printer, eventname, event): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": printer `%s' has event `%s'" % (printer, eventname))
def printer_removed (self, monitor, printer): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": printer `%s' removed" % printer)
def cups_connection_error (self, monitor): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": CUPS connection error")
def cups_ipp_error (self, monitor, e, m): debugprint (repr (monitor) + ": CUPS IPP error (%d, %s)" % (e, repr (m)))
class Monitor: # Monitor jobs and printers. DBUS_PATH="/com/redhat/PrinterSpooler" DBUS_IFACE="com.redhat.PrinterSpooler"
def __init__(self, watcher, bus=None, my_jobs=True, specific_dests=None, monitor_jobs=True, host=None, port=None, encryption=None): self.watcher = watcher self.my_jobs = my_jobs self.specific_dests = specific_dests self.monitor_jobs = monitor_jobs = {} self.printer_state_reasons = {} self.printers = set() self.process_pending_events = True self.fetch_jobs_timer = None
if host: cups.setServer (host) if port: cups.setPort (port) if encryption: cups.setEncryption (encryption) self.user = cups.getUser () = cups.getServer () self.port = cups.getPort () self.encryption = cups.getEncryption ()
self.which_jobs = "not-completed" self.reasons_seen = {} self.connecting_timers = {} self.still_connecting = set() self.connecting_to_device = {} self.received_any_dbus_signals = False self.update_timer = None
if bus == None: try: bus = dbus.SystemBus () except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: # System bus not running. pass
if bus != None: bus.add_signal_receiver (self.handle_dbus_signal, path=self.DBUS_PATH, dbus_interface=self.DBUS_IFACE) self.bus = bus
self.sub_id = -1 self.refresh ()
def get_jobs (self): return ()
def cleanup (self): if self.sub_id != -1: user = cups.getUser () try: cups.setUser (self.user) c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) c.cancelSubscription (self.sub_id) debugprint ("Canceled subscription %d" % self.sub_id) except: pass cups.setUser (user)
if self.bus != None: self.bus.remove_signal_receiver (self.handle_dbus_signal, path=self.DBUS_PATH, dbus_interface=self.DBUS_IFACE)
timers = self.connecting_timers.values () for timer in [self.update_timer, self.fetch_jobs_timer]: if timer: timers.append (timer) for timer in timers: gobject.source_remove (timer)
self.watcher.monitor_exited (self)
def set_process_pending (self, whether): self.process_pending_events = whether
def check_still_connecting(self, printer): """Timer callback to check on connecting-to-device reasons.""" if not self.process_pending_events: # Defer the timer by setting a new one. timer = gobject.timeout_add (200, self.check_still_connecting, printer) self.connecting_timers[printer] = timer return False
if self.connecting_timers.has_key (printer): del self.connecting_timers[printer]
debugprint ("Still-connecting timer fired for `%s'" % printer) (printer_jobs, my_printers) = self.sort_jobs_by_printer () self.update_connecting_devices (printer_jobs)
# Don't run this callback again. return False
def update_connecting_devices(self, printer_jobs={}): """Updates connecting_to_device dict and still_connecting set.""" time_now = time.time () connecting_to_device = {} trouble = False for printer, reasons in self.printer_state_reasons.iteritems (): connected = True for reason in reasons: if reason.get_reason () == "connecting-to-device": have_processing_job = False for job, data in \ printer_jobs.get (printer, {}).iteritems (): state = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) if state == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: have_processing_job = True break
if not have_processing_job: debugprint ("Ignoring stale connecting-to-device x") continue
# Build a new connecting_to_device dict. If our existing # dict already has an entry for this printer, use that. printer = reason.get_printer () t = self.connecting_to_device.get (printer, time_now) connecting_to_device[printer] = t debugprint ("Connecting time: %d" % (time_now - t)) if time_now - t >= CONNECTING_TIMEOUT: if have_processing_job: if printer not in self.still_connecting: self.still_connecting.add (printer) self.watcher.still_connecting (self, reason) if self.connecting_timers.has_key (printer): gobject.source_remove (self.connecting_timers [printer]) del self.connecting_timers[printer] debugprint ("Stopped connecting timer " "for `%s'" % printer)
connected = False break
if connected and self.connecting_timers.has_key (printer): gobject.source_remove (self.connecting_timers[printer]) del self.connecting_timers[printer] debugprint ("Stopped connecting timer for `%s'" % printer)
# Clear any previously-notified errors that are now fine. remove = set() for printer in self.still_connecting: if not connecting_to_device.has_key (printer): remove.add (printer) self.watcher.now_connected (self, printer) if self.connecting_timers.has_key (printer): gobject.source_remove (self.connecting_timers[printer]) del self.connecting_timers[printer] debugprint ("Stopped connecting timer for `%s'" % printer)
self.still_connecting = self.still_connecting.difference (remove) self.connecting_to_device = connecting_to_device
def check_state_reasons(self, my_printers=set(), printer_jobs={}): # Look for any new reasons since we last checked. old_reasons_seen_keys = self.reasons_seen.keys () reasons_now = set() for printer, reasons in self.printer_state_reasons.iteritems (): for reason in reasons: tuple = reason.get_tuple () printer = reason.get_printer () reasons_now.add (tuple) if not self.reasons_seen.has_key (tuple): # New reason. self.watcher.state_reason_added (self, reason) self.reasons_seen[tuple] = reason
if (reason.get_reason () == "connecting-to-device" and not self.connecting_to_device.has_key (printer)): # First time we've seen this.
have_processing_job = False for job, data in \ printer_jobs.get (printer, {}).iteritems (): state = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) if state == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: have_processing_job = True break
if have_processing_job: t = gobject.timeout_add_seconds ( (1 + CONNECTING_TIMEOUT), self.check_still_connecting, printer) self.connecting_timers[printer] = t debugprint ("Start connecting timer for `%s'" % printer) else: # Don't notify about this, as it must be stale. debugprint ("Ignoring stale connecting-to-device") if get_debugging (): debugprint (pprint.pformat (printer_jobs))
self.update_connecting_devices (printer_jobs) items = self.reasons_seen.keys () for tuple in items: if not tuple in reasons_now: # Reason no longer present. reason = self.reasons_seen[tuple] del self.reasons_seen[tuple] self.watcher.state_reason_removed (self, reason)
def get_notifications(self): if not self.process_pending_events: # Defer the timer callback. if self.update_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.update_timer)
self.update_timer = gobject.timeout_add (200, self.get_notifications) return False
debugprint ("get_notifications") user = cups.getUser () try: cups.setUser (self.user) c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption)
try: try: notifications = c.getNotifications ([self.sub_id], [self.sub_seq + 1]) except AttributeError: notifications = c.getNotifications ([self.sub_id]) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): cups.setUser (user) if e == cups.IPP_NOT_FOUND: # Subscription lease has expired. self.sub_id = -1 self.refresh () return False
self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m) return True except RuntimeError: cups.setUser (user) self.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) return True
cups.setUser (user) deferred_calls = [] jobs = () for event in notifications['events']: seq = event['notify-sequence-number'] self.sub_seq = seq nse = event['notify-subscribed-event'] debugprint ("%d %s %s" % (seq, nse, event['notify-text'])) if get_debugging (): debugprint (pprint.pformat (event)) if nse.startswith ('printer-'): # Printer events name = event['printer-name'] if nse == 'printer-added' and name not in self.printers: self.printers.add (name) deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.printer_added, (self, name)))
elif nse == 'printer-deleted' and name in self.printers: self.printers.remove (name) items = self.reasons_seen.keys () for tuple in items: if tuple[1] == name: reason = self.reasons_seen[tuple] del self.reasons_seen[tuple] deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.state_reason_removed, (self, reason))) if self.printer_state_reasons.has_key (name): del self.printer_state_reasons[name]
deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.printer_removed, (self, name))) elif name in self.printers: printer_state_reasons = event['printer-state-reasons'] reasons = [] for reason in printer_state_reasons: if reason == "none": break if state_reason_is_harmless (reason): continue reasons.append (StateReason (c, name, reason)) self.printer_state_reasons[name] = reasons
deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.printer_event, (self, name, nse, event))) continue
# Job events if not nse.startswith ("job-"): # Some versions of CUPS give empty # notify-subscribed-event attributes (STR #3608). debugprint ("Unhandled nse %s" % repr (nse)) continue
jobid = event['notify-job-id'] if (nse == 'job-created' or (nse == 'job-state-changed' and not jobs.has_key (jobid) and event['job-state'] == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING)): if (self.specific_dests != None and event['printer-name'] not in self.specific_dests): continue
try: attrs = c.getJobAttributes (jobid) if (self.my_jobs and attrs['job-originating-user-name'] != cups.getUser ()): continue
jobs[jobid] = attrs except AttributeError: jobs[jobid] = {'job-k-octets': 0} except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m) jobs[jobid] = {'job-k-octets': 0}
deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.job_added, (self, jobid, nse, event, jobs[jobid].copy ()))) elif (nse == 'job-completed' or (nse == 'job-state-changed' and event['job-state'] == cups.IPP_JOB_COMPLETED)): if not (self.which_jobs in ['completed', 'all']): try: del jobs[jobid] deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.job_removed, (self, jobid, nse, event))) except KeyError: pass continue
try: job = jobs[jobid] except KeyError: continue
for attribute in ['job-state', 'job-name']: job[attribute] = event[attribute] if event.has_key ('notify-printer-uri'): job['job-printer-uri'] = event['notify-printer-uri']
deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.job_event, (self, jobid, nse, event, job.copy ())))
self.set_process_pending (False) self.update_jobs (jobs) = jobs
for (fn, args) in deferred_calls: fn (*args) self.set_process_pending (True)
# Update again when we're told to. If we're getting CUPS # D-Bus signals, however, rely on those instead. if not self.received_any_dbus_signals: if self.update_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.update_timer)
interval = notifications['notify-get-interval'] t = gobject.timeout_add_seconds (interval, self.get_notifications) self.update_timer = t
return False
def refresh(self, which_jobs=None, refresh_all=True): debugprint ("refresh")
if which_jobs != None: self.which_jobs = which_jobs
user = cups.getUser () try: cups.setUser (self.user) c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: self.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) cups.setUser (user) return
if self.sub_id != -1: try: c.cancelSubscription (self.sub_id) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m)
if self.update_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.update_timer)
debugprint ("Canceled subscription %d" % self.sub_id)
try: del self.sub_seq except AttributeError: pass
events = ["printer-added", "printer-deleted", "printer-state-changed"] if self.monitor_jobs: events.extend (["job-created", "job-completed", "job-stopped", "job-state-changed", "job-progress"])
try: self.sub_id = c.createSubscription ("/", events=events) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m)
cups.setUser (user)
self.update_timer = gobject.timeout_add_seconds (MIN_REFRESH_INTERVAL, self.get_notifications) debugprint ("Created subscription %d" % self.sub_id)
if self.monitor_jobs: jobs = () if self.which_jobs not in ['all', 'completed']: # Filter out completed jobs. filtered = {} for jobid, job in jobs.iteritems (): if job.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) < cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED: filtered[jobid] = job jobs = filtered
self.fetch_first_job_id = 1 if self.fetch_jobs_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.fetch_jobs_timer) self.fetch_jobs_timer = gobject.timeout_add (5, self.fetch_jobs, refresh_all) else: jobs = {}
try: self.printer_state_reasons = collect_printer_state_reasons (c) dests = c.getPrinters () self.printers = set(dests.keys ()) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m) return except RuntimeError: self.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) return
if self.specific_dests != None: for jobid in jobs.keys (): uri = jobs[jobid].get('job-printer-uri', '/') i = uri.rfind ('/') printer = uri[i + 1:] if printer not in self.specific_dests: del jobs[jobid]
self.set_process_pending (False) self.watcher.current_printers_and_jobs (self, self.printers.copy (), jobs.copy ()) self.update_jobs (jobs) = jobs self.set_process_pending (True) return False
def fetch_jobs (self, refresh_all): if not self.process_pending_events: # Skip this call. We'll get called again soon. return True
user = cups.getUser () try: cups.setUser (self.user) c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: self.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) self.fetch_jobs_timer = None cups.setUser (user) return False
limit = 1 r = ["job-id", "job-printer-uri", "job-state", "job-originating-user-name", "job-k-octets", "job-name", "time-at-creation"] try: try: fetched = c.getJobs (which_jobs=self.which_jobs, my_jobs=self.my_jobs, first_job_id=self.fetch_first_job_id, limit=limit, requested_attributes=r) except TypeError: # requested_attributes requires pycups 1.9.50 fetched = c.getJobs (which_jobs=self.which_jobs, my_jobs=self.my_jobs, first_job_id=self.fetch_first_job_id, limit=limit) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.watcher.cups_ipp_error (self, e, m) self.fetch_jobs_timer = None cups.setUser (user) return False
cups.setUser (user) got = len (fetched) debugprint ("Got %s jobs, asked for %s" % (got, limit))
deferred_calls = [] jobs = () jobids = fetched.keys () jobids.sort () if got > 0: last_jobid = jobids[got - 1] else: last_jobid = self.fetch_first_job_id + limit for jobid in xrange (self.fetch_first_job_id, last_jobid + 1): try: job = fetched[jobid] if self.specific_dests != None: uri = job.get('job-printer-uri', '/') i = uri.rfind ('/') printer = uri[i + 1:] if printer not in self.specific_dests: raise KeyError
if jobs.has_key (jobid): fn = self.watcher.job_event else: fn = self.watcher.job_added
jobs[jobid] = job deferred_calls.append ((fn, (self, jobid, '', {}, job.copy ()))) except KeyError: # No job by that ID. if jobs.has_key (jobid): del jobs[jobid] deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.job_removed, (self, jobid, '', {})))
jobids = jobs.keys () jobids.sort () if got < limit: trim = False for i in range (len (jobids)): jobid = jobids[i] if not trim and jobid > last_jobid: trim = True if trim: del jobs[jobid] deferred_calls.append ((self.watcher.job_removed, (self, jobid, '', {})))
self.update_jobs (jobs) = jobs
for (fn, args) in deferred_calls: fn (*args)
if got < limit: # That's all. Don't run this timer again. self.fetch_jobs_timer = None return False
# Remember where we got up to and run this timer again. next = jobid + 1
while not refresh_all and (next): next += 1
self.fetch_first_job_id = next return True
def sort_jobs_by_printer (self, jobs=None): if jobs == None: jobs =
my_printers = set() printer_jobs = {} for job, data in jobs.iteritems (): state = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) if state >= cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED: continue uri = data.get ('job-printer-uri', '') i = uri.rfind ('/') if i == -1: continue printer = uri[i + 1:] my_printers.add (printer) if not printer_jobs.has_key (printer): printer_jobs[printer] = {} printer_jobs[printer][job] = data
return (printer_jobs, my_printers)
def update_jobs(self, jobs): debugprint ("update_jobs") (printer_jobs, my_printers) = self.sort_jobs_by_printer (jobs) self.check_state_reasons (my_printers, printer_jobs)
def update(self): if self.update_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.update_timer)
self.update_timer = gobject.timeout_add (200, self.get_notifications)
def handle_dbus_signal(self, *args): self.update () if not self.received_any_dbus_signals: self.received_any_dbus_signals = True
if __name__ == '__main__': set_debugging (True) m = Monitor (Watcher ()) loop = gobject.MainLoop () try: () finally: m.cleanup ()