Viewing file: (85.83 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Authors: ## Tim Waugh <> ## Jiri Popelka <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import asyncconn import authconn import cups import dbus import dbus.glib import dbus.service import pynotify import gettext import glib import gobject import gtk import gtk.gdk from gui import GtkGUI import monitor import os, shutil import pango import pwd import smburi import subprocess import sys import time import urllib from xml.sax import saxutils
from debug import * import config import statereason import errordialogs
try: import gnomekeyring USE_KEYRING=True except ImportError: USE_KEYRING=False
from gettext import gettext as _ DOMAIN="system-config-printer" gettext.textdomain (DOMAIN) from statereason import StateReason statereason.set_gettext_function (_) errordialogs.set_gettext_function (_)
pkgdata = config.pkgdatadir ICON="printer" SEARCHING_ICON="document-print-preview"
# We need to call pynotify.init before we can check the server for caps pynotify.init('System Config Printer Notification')
class PrinterURIIndex: def __init__ (self, names=[]): self.printer = {} self.names = names c = cups.Connection () for name in names: self.add_printer (name, connection=c)
def add_printer (self, printer, connection=None): try: self._map_printer (name=printer, connection=connection) except KeyError: return
def update_from_attrs (self, printer, attrs): uris = [] if attrs.has_key ('printer-uri-supported'): uri_supported = attrs['printer-uri-supported'] if type (uri_supported) != list: uri_supported = [uri_supported] uris.extend (uri_supported) if attrs.has_key ('notify-printer-uri'): uris.append (attrs['notify-printer-uri']) if attrs.has_key ('printer-more-info'): uris.append (attrs['printer-more-info'])
for uri in uris: self.printer[uri] = printer
def remove_printer (self, printer): # Remove references to this printer in the URI map. uris = self.printer.keys () for uri in uris: if self.printer[uri] == printer: del self.printer[uri]
def lookup (self, uri, connection=None): try: return self.printer[uri] except KeyError: return self._map_printer (uri=uri, connection=connection)
def all_printer_names (self): return set (self.printer.values ())
def lookup_cached_by_name (self, name): for uri, printer in self.printer.iteritems (): if printer == name: return uri
raise KeyError
def _map_printer (self, uri=None, name=None, connection=None): if connection == None: connection = cups.Connection ()
r = ['printer-name', 'printer-uri-supported', 'printer-more-info'] try: if uri != None: attrs = connection.getPrinterAttributes (uri=uri, requested_attributes=r) else: attrs = connection.getPrinterAttributes (name, requested_attributes=r) except cups.IPPError: # URI not known. raise KeyError
name = attrs['printer-name'] self.update_from_attrs (name, attrs) if uri != None: self.printer[uri] = name return name
class CancelJobsOperation: def __init__ (self, jobviewer, jobids, purge_job): self.jobviewer = jobviewer self.jobids = list (jobids) self.purge_job = purge_job if purge_job: if len(self.jobids) > 1: dialog_title = _("Delete Jobs") dialog_label = _("Do you really want to delete these jobs?") else: dialog_title = _("Delete Job") dialog_label = _("Do you really want to delete this job?") else: if len(self.jobids) > 1: dialog_title = _("Cancel Jobs") dialog_label = _("Do you really want to cancel these jobs?") else: dialog_title = _("Cancel Job") dialog_label = _("Do you really want to cancel this job?")
dialog = gtk.Dialog (dialog_title, jobviewer.JobsWindow, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, (_("Keep Printing"), gtk.RESPONSE_NO, dialog_title, gtk.RESPONSE_YES)) dialog.set_default_response (gtk.RESPONSE_NO) dialog.set_border_width (6) dialog.set_resizable (False) hbox = gtk.HBox (False, 12) image = gtk.Image () image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment (0.0, 0.0) hbox.pack_start (image, False, False, 0) label = gtk.Label (dialog_label) label.set_line_wrap (True) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.0) hbox.pack_start (label, False, False, 0) dialog.vbox.pack_start (hbox, False, False, 0) dialog.set_data ('job-ids', self.jobids) dialog.connect ("response", self.on_job_cancel_prompt_response) dialog.connect ("delete-event", self.on_job_cancel_prompt_delete) dialog.show_all () self.dialog = dialog self.connection = None debugprint ("+%s" % self)
def __del__ (self): debugprint ("-%s" % self)
def destroy (self): self.jobviewer = None self.connection = None if self.dialog: self.dialog.destroy () self.dialog = None
debugprint ("DESTROY: %s" % self)
def on_job_cancel_prompt_delete (self, dialog, event): self.on_job_cancel_prompt_response (dialog, gtk.RESPONSE_NO)
def on_job_cancel_prompt_response (self, dialog, response): dialog.destroy () self.dialog = None
if response != gtk.RESPONSE_YES: return
c = asyncconn.Connection (, port=self.jobviewer.port, encryption=self.jobviewer.encryption) self.connection = c
if self.purge_job: operation = _("deleting job") else: operation = _("canceling job")
self.connection._begin_operation (operation) self.connection.cancelJob (self.jobids[0], self.purge_job, reply_handler=self.cancelJob_finish, error_handler=self.cancelJob_error)
def cancelJob_error (self, connection, exc): debugprint ("cancelJob_error %s:%s" % (connection, repr (exc))) if self.jobviewer == None: return
if type (exc) == cups.IPPError: (e, m) = exc.args if (e != cups.IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE and e != cups.IPP_NOT_FOUND): self.jobviewer.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.cancelJob_finish(connection, None) else: self.connection._end_operation () self.connection.destroy () self.jobviewer.update_monitor () raise exc
def cancelJob_finish (self, connection, result): debugprint ("cancelJob_finish %s:%s" % (connection, repr (result))) if self.jobviewer == None: return
del self.jobids[0] if not self.jobids: # Last job canceled. self.connection._end_operation () self.connection.destroy () self.jobviewer.update_monitor () else: # there are other jobs to cancel/delete connection.cancelJob (self.jobids[0], self.purge_job, reply_handler=self.cancelJob_finish, error_handler=self.cancelJob_error)
class JobViewer (GtkGUI, monitor.Watcher): required_job_attributes = set(['job-k-octets', 'job-name', 'job-originating-user-name', 'job-printer-uri', 'job-state', 'time-at-creation'])
def __init__(self, bus=None, loop=None, trayicon=False, suppress_icon_hide=False, my_jobs=True, specific_dests=None, exit_handler=None, parent=None): self.loop = loop self.trayicon = trayicon self.suppress_icon_hide = suppress_icon_hide self.my_jobs = my_jobs self.specific_dests = specific_dests self.exit_handler = exit_handler = {} self.jobiters = {} self.jobids = [] self.jobs_attrs = {} # dict of jobid->(GtkListStore, page_index) self.active_jobs = set() # of job IDs self.stopped_job_prompts = set() # of job IDs self.printer_state_reasons = {} self.num_jobs_when_hidden = 0 self.connecting_to_device = {} # dict of printer->time first seen self.state_reason_notifications = {} self.auth_info_dialogs = {} # by job ID self.job_creation_times_timer = None self.special_status_icon = False self.new_printer_notifications = {} self.completed_job_notifications = {} self.authenticated_jobs = set() # of job IDs self.ops = []
self.getWidgets ({"JobsWindow": ["JobsWindow", "treeview", "statusbar", "toolbar"], "statusicon_popupmenu": ["statusicon_popupmenu"]},
job_action_group = gtk.ActionGroup ("JobActionGroup") job_action_group.add_actions ([ ("cancel-job", gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, _("_Cancel"), None, _("Cancel selected jobs"), self.on_job_cancel_activate), ("delete-job", gtk.STOCK_DELETE, _("_Delete"), None, _("Delete selected jobs"), self.on_job_delete_activate), ("hold-job", gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE, _("_Hold"), None, _("Hold selected jobs"), self.on_job_hold_activate), ("release-job", gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, _("_Release"), None, _("Release selected jobs"), self.on_job_release_activate), ("reprint-job", gtk.STOCK_REDO, _("Re_print"), None, _("Reprint selected jobs"), self.on_job_reprint_activate), ("retrieve-job", gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, _("Re_trieve"), None, _("Retrieve selected jobs"), self.on_job_retrieve_activate), ("move-job", None, _("_Move To"), None, None, None), ("authenticate-job", None, _("_Authenticate"), None, None, self.on_job_authenticate_activate), ("job-attributes", None, _("_View Attributes"), None, None, self.on_job_attributes_activate), ("close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, None, "<ctrl>w", _("Close this window"), self.on_delete_event) ]) self.job_ui_manager = gtk.UIManager () self.job_ui_manager.insert_action_group (job_action_group, -1) self.job_ui_manager.add_ui_from_string ( """ <ui> <accelerator action="cancel-job"/> <accelerator action="delete-job"/> <accelerator action="hold-job"/> <accelerator action="release-job"/> <accelerator action="reprint-job"/> <accelerator action="retrieve-job"/> <accelerator action="move-job"/> <accelerator action="authenticate-job"/> <accelerator action="job-attributes"/> <accelerator action="close"/> </ui> """ ) self.job_ui_manager.ensure_update () self.JobsWindow.add_accel_group (self.job_ui_manager.get_accel_group ()) self.job_context_menu = gtk.Menu () for action_name in ["cancel-job", "delete-job", "hold-job", "release-job", "reprint-job", "retrieve-job", "move-job", None, "authenticate-job", "job-attributes"]: if not action_name: item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem () else: action = job_action_group.get_action (action_name) action.set_sensitive (False) item = action.create_menu_item ()
if action_name == 'move-job': self.move_job_menuitem = item printers = gtk.Menu () item.set_submenu (printers) () self.job_context_menu.append (item)
for action_name in ["cancel-job", "delete-job", "hold-job", "release-job", "reprint-job", "retrieve-job", "close"]: action = job_action_group.get_action (action_name) action.set_sensitive (action_name == "close") action.set_is_important (action_name == "close") item = action.create_tool_item () () self.toolbar.insert (item, -1)
for skip, ellipsize, name, setter in \ [(False, False, _("Job"), self._set_job_job_number_text), (True, False, _("User"), self._set_job_user_text), (False, True, _("Document"), self._set_job_document_text), (False, True, _("Printer"), self._set_job_printer_text), (False, False, _("Size"), self._set_job_size_text)]: if trayicon and skip: # Skip the user column for the trayicon. continue
cell = gtk.CellRendererText() if ellipsize: # Ellipsize the 'Document' and 'Printer' columns. cell.set_property ("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) cell.set_property ("width-chars", 20) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, cell) column.set_cell_data_func (cell, setter) column.set_resizable(True) self.treeview.append_column(column)
cell = gtk.CellRendererText () column = gtk.TreeViewColumn (_("Time submitted"), cell, text=1) column.set_resizable (True) self.treeview.append_column (column)
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn (_("Status")) icon = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf () column.pack_start (icon, False) text = gtk.CellRendererText () text.set_property ("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) text.set_property ("width-chars", 20) column.pack_start (text, True) column.set_cell_data_func (icon, self._set_job_status_icon) column.set_cell_data_func (text, self._set_job_status_text) self.treeview.append_column (column) = gtk.TreeStore(int, str) (0, gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) self.treeview.set_model( self.treeview.set_rules_hint (True) self.selection = self.treeview.get_selection() self.selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) self.selection.connect('changed', self.on_selection_changed) self.treeview.connect ('button_release_event', self.on_treeview_button_release_event) self.treeview.connect ('popup-menu', self.on_treeview_popup_menu) self.treeview.set_has_tooltip (True) self.treeview.connect ('query-tooltip', self._on_treeview_query_tooltip)
self.JobsWindow.set_icon_name (ICON) self.JobsWindow.hide ()
if specific_dests: the_dests = reduce (lambda x, y: x + ", " + y, specific_dests)
if my_jobs: if specific_dests: title = _("my jobs on %s") % the_dests else: title = _("my jobs") else: if specific_dests: title = "%s" % the_dests else: title = _("all jobs") self.JobsWindow.set_title (_("Document Print Status (%s)") % title)
if parent: self.JobsWindow.set_transient_for (parent)
self.statusbar_set = False
theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default () self.icon_jobs = theme.load_icon (ICON, 22, 0) self.icon_jobs_processing = theme.load_icon ("printer-printing", 22, 0) self.icon_no_jobs = self.icon_jobs.copy () self.icon_no_jobs.fill (0) self.icon_jobs.composite (self.icon_no_jobs, 0, 0, self.icon_no_jobs.get_width(), self.icon_no_jobs.get_height(), 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 127) if self.trayicon: self.statusicon = gtk.StatusIcon () pixbuf = theme.load_icon (ICON, 22, 0) self.statusicon.set_from_pixbuf (pixbuf) self.set_statusicon_from_pixbuf (self.icon_no_jobs) self.statusicon.connect ('activate', self.toggle_window_display) self.statusicon.connect ('popup-menu', self.on_icon_popupmenu) self.statusicon.set_visible (False)
# D-Bus if bus == None: bus = dbus.SystemBus ()
self.set_process_pending (True) = cups.getServer () self.port = cups.getPort () self.encryption = cups.getEncryption () self.monitor = monitor.Monitor (self, bus=bus, my_jobs=my_jobs,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption)
if not self.trayicon: ()
self.JobsAttributesWindow = gtk.Window() self.JobsAttributesWindow.set_title (_("Job attributes")) self.JobsAttributesWindow.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_MOUSE) self.JobsAttributesWindow.set_default_size(600, 600) self.JobsAttributesWindow.set_transient_for (self.JobsWindow) self.JobsAttributesWindow.connect("delete_event", self.job_attributes_on_delete_event) self.JobsAttributesWindow.add_accel_group (self.job_ui_manager.get_accel_group ()) attrs_action_group = gtk.ActionGroup ("AttrsActionGroup") attrs_action_group.add_actions ([ ("close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, None, "<ctrl>w", _("Close this window"), self.job_attributes_on_delete_event) ]) self.attrs_ui_manager = gtk.UIManager () self.attrs_ui_manager.insert_action_group (attrs_action_group, -1) self.attrs_ui_manager.add_ui_from_string ( """ <ui> <accelerator action="close"/> </ui> """ ) self.attrs_ui_manager.ensure_update () self.JobsAttributesWindow.add_accel_group (self.attrs_ui_manager.get_accel_group ()) vbox = gtk.VBox () self.JobsAttributesWindow.add (vbox) toolbar = gtk.Toolbar () action = self.attrs_ui_manager.get_action ("/close") item = action.create_tool_item () item.set_is_important (True) toolbar.insert (item, 0) vbox.pack_start (toolbar, False, False, 0) self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() vbox.pack_start (self.notebook)
def cleanup (self): self.monitor.cleanup ()
# Close any open notifications. for l in [self.new_printer_notifications.values (), self.state_reason_notifications.values ()]: for notification in l: if notification.get_data ('closed') != True: try: notification.close () except glib.GError: # Can fail if the notification wasn't even shown # yet (as in bug #571603). pass notification.set_data ('closed', True)
if self.job_creation_times_timer != None: gobject.source_remove (self.job_creation_times_timer) self.job_creation_times_timer = None
for op in self.ops: op.destroy ()
if self.exit_handler: self.exit_handler (self)
def set_process_pending (self, whether): self.process_pending_events = whether
# Handle "special" status icon def set_special_statusicon (self, iconname, tooltip=None): self.special_status_icon = True self.statusicon.set_from_icon_name (iconname) self.set_statusicon_visibility () if tooltip != None: self.set_statusicon_tooltip (tooltip=tooltip)
def unset_special_statusicon (self): self.special_status_icon = False self.statusicon.set_from_pixbuf (self.saved_statusicon_pixbuf) self.set_statusicon_visibility () self.set_statusicon_tooltip ()
def notify_new_printer (self, printer, notification): self.new_printer_notifications[printer] = notification notification.set_data ('printer-name', printer) notification.connect ('closed', self.on_new_printer_notification_closed) self.set_statusicon_visibility () notification.attach_to_status_icon (self.statusicon) try: () except gobject.GError: nonfatalException ()
def on_new_printer_notification_closed (self, notification, reason=None): printer = notification.get_data ('printer-name') del self.new_printer_notifications[printer] self.set_statusicon_visibility ()
def set_statusicon_from_pixbuf (self, pb): self.saved_statusicon_pixbuf = pb if not self.special_status_icon: self.statusicon.set_from_pixbuf (pb)
def on_delete_event(self, *args): if self.trayicon or not self.loop: self.JobsWindow.hide () self.JobsWindow.set_data ('visible', False) if not self.loop: # Being run from main app, not applet self.cleanup () else: self.loop.quit () return True
def job_attributes_on_delete_event(self, widget, event=None): for page in range(self.notebook.get_n_pages()): self.notebook.remove_page(-1) self.jobs_attrs = {} self.JobsAttributesWindow.hide_all() return True
def show_IPP_Error(self, exception, message): return errordialogs.show_IPP_Error (exception, message, self.JobsWindow)
def toggle_window_display(self, icon, force_show=False): visible = self.JobsWindow.get_data('visible') if force_show: visible = False
if visible: w = self.JobsWindow.window aw = self.JobsAttributesWindow.window (s, area, o) = self.statusicon.get_geometry () w.set_skip_taskbar_hint (True) if aw != None: aw.set_skip_taskbar_hint (True)
w.property_change ("_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY", "CARDINAL", 32, gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_REPLACE, list (area)) self.JobsWindow.iconify () else: self.JobsWindow.present () self.JobsWindow.window.set_skip_taskbar_hint (False) aw = self.JobsAttributesWindow.window if aw != None: aw.set_skip_taskbar_hint (False)
self.JobsWindow.set_data ('visible', not visible)
def on_show_completed_jobs_clicked(self, toggletoolbutton): if toggletoolbutton.get_active(): which_jobs = "all" else: which_jobs = "not-completed" self.monitor.refresh(which_jobs=which_jobs, refresh_all=False)
def update_job_creation_times(self): now = time.time () need_update = False for job, data in t = _("Unknown") if data.has_key ('time-at-creation'): created = data['time-at-creation'] ago = now - created need_update = True if ago < 2 * 60: t = _("a minute ago") elif ago < 60 * 60: mins = int (ago / 60) t = _("%d minutes ago") % mins elif ago < 24 * 60 * 60: hours = int (ago / (60 * 60)) if hours == 1: t = _("an hour ago") else: t = _("%d hours ago") % hours elif ago < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: days = int (ago / (24 * 60 * 60)) if days == 1: t = _("yesterday") else: t = _("%d days ago") % days elif ago < 6 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: weeks = int (ago / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)) if weeks == 1: t = _("last week") else: t = _("%d weeks ago") % weeks else: need_update = False t = time.strftime ("%B %Y", time.localtime (created))
if self.jobiters.has_key (job): iter = self.jobiters[job] (iter, 1, t)
if need_update and not self.job_creation_times_timer: def update_times_with_locking (): gtk.gdk.threads_enter () ret = self.update_job_creation_times () gtk.gdk.threads_leave () return ret
t = gobject.timeout_add_seconds (60, update_times_with_locking) self.job_creation_times_timer = t
if not need_update: if self.job_creation_times_timer: gobject.source_remove (self.job_creation_times_timer) self.job_creation_times_timer = None
# Return code controls whether the timeout will recur. return need_update
def print_error_dialog_response(self, dialog, response, jobid): dialog.hide () dialog.destroy () self.stopped_job_prompts.remove (jobid) if response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: # Diagnose if not self.__dict__.has_key ('troubleshooter'): import troubleshoot troubleshooter = (self.on_troubleshoot_quit) self.troubleshooter = troubleshooter
def on_troubleshoot_quit(self, troubleshooter): del self.troubleshooter
def add_job (self, job, data, connection=None): self.update_job (job, data, connection=connection)
store = iter = (None) store.set_value (iter, 0, job) debugprint ("Job %d added" % job) self.jobiters[job] = iter
range = self.treeview.get_visible_range () if range != None: (start, end) = range if ( () == (0, gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) and start == (1,)): # This job was added job above the visible range, and # we are sorting by descending job ID. Scroll to it. self.treeview.scroll_to_cell ((0,), None, False, 0.0, 0.0)
if not self.job_creation_times_timer: def start_updating_job_creation_times(): gtk.gdk.threads_enter () self.update_job_creation_times () gtk.gdk.threads_leave () return False
gobject.timeout_add (500, start_updating_job_creation_times)
def update_monitor (self): self.monitor.update ()
def update_job (self, job, data, connection=None): # Fetch required attributes for this job if they are missing. r = self.required_job_attributes - set (data.keys ())
# If we are showing attributes of this job at this moment, update them. if job in self.jobs_attrs: self.update_job_attributes_viewer(job)
if r: attrs = None try: if connection == None: connection = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption)
debugprint ("requesting %s" % r) r = list (r) attrs = connection.getJobAttributes (job, requested_attributes=r) except RuntimeError: pass except AttributeError: pass except cups.IPPError: # someone else may have purged the job return
if attrs: data.update (attrs)[job] = data
job_requires_auth = False try: jstate = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING) s = int (jstate)
if s in [cups.IPP_JOB_HELD, cups.IPP_JOB_STOPPED]: jattrs = ['job-state', 'job-hold-until'] pattrs = ['auth-info-required', 'device-uri'] uri = data.get ('job-printer-uri') c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) attrs = c.getPrinterAttributes (uri = uri, requested_attributes=pattrs)
try: auth_info_required = attrs['auth-info-required'] except KeyError: debugprint ("No auth-info-required attribute; " "guessing instead") auth_info_required = ['username', 'password']
if not isinstance (auth_info_required, list): auth_info_required = [auth_info_required] attrs['auth-info-required'] = auth_info_required
data.update (attrs)
attrs = c.getJobAttributes (job, requested_attributes=jattrs) data.update (attrs) jstate = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING) s = int (jstate) except ValueError: pass except RuntimeError: pass except cups.IPPError, (e, m): pass
# Invalidate the cached status description and redraw the treeview. try: del data['_status_text'] except KeyError: pass self.treeview.queue_draw ()
# Check whether authentication is required. if self.trayicon: job_requires_auth = (s == cups.IPP_JOB_HELD and data.get ('job-hold-until', 'none') == 'auth-info-required')
if (job_requires_auth and not self.auth_info_dialogs.has_key (job)): try: cups.require ("1.9.37") except: debugprint ("Authentication required but " "authenticateJob() not available") return
# Find out which auth-info is required. try_keyring = USE_KEYRING keyring_attrs = dict() auth_info = None if try_keyring and 'password' in auth_info_required: auth_info_required = data.get ('auth-info-required', []) device_uri = data.get ("device-uri") (scheme, rest) = urllib.splittype (device_uri) if scheme == 'smb': uri = smburi.SMBURI (uri=device_uri) (group, server, share, user, password) = uri.separate () keyring_attrs["domain"] = str (group) else: (serverport, rest) = urllib.splithost (rest) (server, port) = urllib.splitnport (serverport) keyring_attrs.update ({ "server": str (server.lower ()), "protocol": str (scheme)})
if job in self.authenticated_jobs: # We've already tried to authenticate this job before. try_keyring = False
if try_keyring and 'password' in auth_info_required: type = gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD try: items = gnomekeyring.find_items_sync (type, keyring_attrs) auth_info = map (lambda x: '', auth_info_required) ind = auth_info_required.index ('username') auth_info[ind] = items[0].attributes.get ('user', '') ind = auth_info_required.index ('password') auth_info[ind] = items[0].secret except gnomekeyring.NoMatchError: debugprint ("gnomekeyring: no match for %s" % keyring_attrs) except gnomekeyring.DeniedError: debugprint ("gnomekeyring: denied for %s" % keyring_attrs)
if try_keyring and c == None: try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: try_keyring = False
if try_keyring and auth_info != None: try: c._begin_operation (_("authenticating job")) c.authenticateJob (job, auth_info) c._end_operation () self.monitor.update () debugprint ("Automatically authenticated job %d" % job) self.authenticated_jobs.add (job) return except cups.IPPError, (e, m): c._end_operation () nonfatalException () return except: c._end_operation () nonfatalException ()
username = pwd.getpwuid (os.getuid ())[0] keyring_attrs["user"] = str (username) self.display_auth_info_dialog (job, keyring_attrs) self.update_sensitivity ()
def display_auth_info_dialog (self, job, keyring_attrs=None): data =[job] auth_info_required = data['auth-info-required'] dialog = authconn.AuthDialog (auth_info_required=auth_info_required, allow_remember=USE_KEYRING) dialog.set_data ('keyring-attrs', keyring_attrs) dialog.set_data ('auth-info-required', auth_info_required) dialog.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
# Pre-fill 'username' field. auth_info = map (lambda x: '', auth_info_required) username = pwd.getpwuid (os.getuid ())[0] if 'username' in auth_info_required: try: ind = auth_info_required.index ('username') auth_info[ind] = username dialog.set_auth_info (auth_info) except: nonfatalException ()
# Focus on the first empty field. index = 0 for field in auth_info_required: if auth_info[index] == '': dialog.field_grab_focus (field) break index += 1
dialog.set_prompt (_("Authentication required for " "printing document `%s' (job %d)") % (data.get('job-name', _("Unknown")), job)) self.auth_info_dialogs[job] = dialog dialog.connect ('response', self.auth_info_dialog_response) dialog.connect ('delete-event', self.auth_info_dialog_delete) dialog.set_data ('job-id', job) dialog.show_all () dialog.set_keep_above (True) dialog.show_now ()
def auth_info_dialog_delete (self, dialog, event): self.auth_info_dialog_response (dialog, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
def auth_info_dialog_response (self, dialog, response): jobid = dialog.get_data ('job-id') del self.auth_info_dialogs[jobid]
if response != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: dialog.destroy () return
auth_info = dialog.get_auth_info () try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: debugprint ("Error connecting to CUPS for authentication") return
remember = False c._begin_operation (_("authenticating job")) try: c.authenticateJob (jobid, auth_info) remember = dialog.get_remember_password () self.authenticated_jobs.add (jobid) self.monitor.update () except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m)
c._end_operation ()
if remember: try: keyring = gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync () type = gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD attrs = dialog.get_data ("keyring-attrs") auth_info_required = dialog.get_data ('auth-info-required') if attrs != None and auth_info_required != None: try: ind = auth_info_required.index ('username') attrs['user'] = auth_info[ind] except IndexError: pass
name = "%s@%s (%s)" % (attrs.get ("user"), attrs.get ("server"), attrs.get ("protocol")) ind = auth_info_required.index ('password') secret = auth_info[ind] id = gnomekeyring.item_create_sync (keyring, type, name, attrs, secret, True) debugprint ("keyring: created id %d for %s" % (id, name)) except: nonfatalException ()
dialog.destroy ()
def set_statusicon_visibility (self): if not self.trayicon: return
if self.suppress_icon_hide: # Avoid hiding the icon if we've been woken up to notify # about a new printer. self.suppress_icon_hide = False return
open_notifications = len (self.new_printer_notifications.keys ()) open_notifications += len (self.completed_job_notifications.keys ()) for reason, notification in self.state_reason_notifications.iteritems(): if notification.get_data ('closed') != True: open_notifications += 1 num_jobs = len (self.active_jobs)
debugprint ("open notifications: %d" % open_notifications) debugprint ("num_jobs: %d" % num_jobs) debugprint ("num_jobs_when_hidden: %d" % self.num_jobs_when_hidden)
self.statusicon.set_visible (self.special_status_icon or open_notifications > 0 or num_jobs > self.num_jobs_when_hidden)
# Let the icon show/hide itself before continuing. while self.process_pending_events and gtk.events_pending (): gtk.main_iteration ()
def on_treeview_popup_menu (self, treeview): event = gtk.gdk.Event (gtk.gdk.NOTHING) self.show_treeview_popup_menu (treeview, event, 0)
def on_treeview_button_release_event(self, treeview, event): if event.button == 3: self.show_treeview_popup_menu (treeview, event, event.button)
def update_sensitivity (self, selection = None): if (selection is None): selection = self.treeview.get_selection () (model, pathlist) = selection.get_selected_rows() cancel = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/cancel-job") delete = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/delete-job") hold = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/hold-job") release = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/release-job") reprint = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/reprint-job") retrieve = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/retrieve-job") authenticate = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/authenticate-job") attributes = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/job-attributes") move = self.job_ui_manager.get_action ("/move-job") if len (pathlist) == 0: for widget in [cancel, delete, hold, release, reprint, retrieve, move, authenticate, attributes]: widget.set_sensitive (False) return
cancel_sensitive = True hold_sensitive = True release_sensitive = True reprint_sensitive = True authenticate_sensitive = True move_sensitive = False other_printers = self.printer_uri_index.all_printer_names () job_printers = dict()
self.jobids = [] for path in pathlist: iter = (path) jobid = (iter, 0) self.jobids.append(jobid) job =[jobid]
if job.has_key ('job-state'): s = job['job-state'] if s >= cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED: cancel_sensitive = False if s != cups.IPP_JOB_PENDING: hold_sensitive = False if s != cups.IPP_JOB_HELD: release_sensitive = False if (not job.get('job-preserved', False)): reprint_sensitive = False
if (job.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) != cups.IPP_JOB_HELD or job.get ('job-hold-until', 'none') != 'auth-info-required'): authenticate_sensitive = False
uri = job.get ('job-printer-uri', None) if uri: printer = self.printer_uri_index.lookup (uri) job_printers[printer] = uri
if len (job_printers.keys ()) == 1: try: other_printers.remove (job_printers.keys ()[0]) except KeyError: pass
if len (other_printers) > 0: printers_menu = gtk.Menu () other_printers = list (other_printers) other_printers.sort () for printer in other_printers: uri = self.printer_uri_index.lookup_cached_by_name (printer) menuitem = gtk.MenuItem (printer, False) menuitem.set_sensitive (True) () menuitem.connect ('activate', self.on_job_move_activate, uri) printers_menu.append (menuitem)
self.move_job_menuitem.set_submenu (printers_menu) move_sensitive = True
cancel.set_sensitive(cancel_sensitive) delete.set_sensitive(True) hold.set_sensitive(hold_sensitive) release.set_sensitive(release_sensitive) reprint.set_sensitive(reprint_sensitive) retrieve.set_sensitive(reprint_sensitive) move.set_sensitive (move_sensitive) authenticate.set_sensitive(authenticate_sensitive) attributes.set_sensitive(True)
def on_selection_changed (self, selection): self.update_sensitivity (selection)
def show_treeview_popup_menu (self, treeview, event, event_button): # Right-clicked. self.job_context_menu.popup (None, None, None, event_button, event.get_time ())
def on_icon_popupmenu(self, icon, button, time): self.statusicon_popupmenu.popup (None, None, None, button, time)
def on_icon_hide_activate(self, menuitem): self.num_jobs_when_hidden = len ( ()) self.set_statusicon_visibility ()
def on_icon_configure_printers_activate(self, menuitem): if self.loop: env = {} for name, value in os.environ.iteritems (): if name == "SYSTEM_CONFIG_PRINTER_UI": continue env[name] = value p = subprocess.Popen ([ "system-config-printer" ], close_fds=True, env=env) gobject.timeout_add_seconds (10, self.poll_subprocess, p)
def poll_subprocess(self, process): returncode = process.poll () return returncode == None
def on_icon_quit_activate (self, menuitem): if self.loop: self.loop.quit ()
def on_job_cancel_activate(self, menuitem): self.on_job_cancel_activate2(False)
def on_job_delete_activate(self, menuitem): self.on_job_cancel_activate2(True)
def on_job_cancel_activate2(self, purge_job): if self.jobids: op = CancelJobsOperation (self, self.jobids, purge_job) self.ops.append (op)
def on_job_hold_activate(self, menuitem): try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: return
for jobid in self.jobids: c._begin_operation (_("holding job")) try: c.setJobHoldUntil (jobid, "indefinite") except cups.IPPError, (e, m): if (e != cups.IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE and e != cups.IPP_NOT_FOUND): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.monitor.update () c._end_operation () return c._end_operation ()
del c self.monitor.update ()
def on_job_release_activate(self, menuitem): try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: return
for jobid in self.jobids: c._begin_operation (_("releasing job")) try: c.setJobHoldUntil (jobid, "no-hold") except cups.IPPError, (e, m): if (e != cups.IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE and e != cups.IPP_NOT_FOUND): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.monitor.update () c._end_operation () return c._end_operation ()
del c self.monitor.update ()
def on_job_reprint_activate(self, menuitem): try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) for jobid in self.jobids: c.restartJob (jobid) del c except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.monitor.update () return except RuntimeError: return
self.monitor.update ()
def on_job_retrieve_activate(self, menuitem): try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: return
for jobid in self.jobids: try: attrs=c.getJobAttributes(jobid) printer_uri=attrs['job-printer-uri'] document_count=attrs['document-count'] for document_number in range(1, document_count+1): document=c.getDocument(printer_uri, jobid, document_number) tempfile = document.get('file') name = document.get('document-name') format = document.get('document-format', '')
# if there's no document-name retrieved if name == None: # give the default filename some meaningful name name = _("retrieved")+str(document_number) # add extension according to format if format == 'application/postscript': name = name + ".ps" elif format.find('application/vnd.') != -1: name = name + format.replace('application/vnd', '') elif format.find('application/') != -1: name = name + format.replace('application/', '.')
if tempfile != None: dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog (_("Save File"), self.JobsWindow, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_current_name(name) dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: file_to_save = dialog.get_filename() try: shutil.copyfile(tempfile, file_to_save) except (IOError, shutil.Error): debugprint("Unable to save file "+file_to_save) elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: pass dialog.destroy() os.unlink(tempfile) else: debugprint("Unable to retrieve file from job file") return
except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.monitor.update () return
del c self.monitor.update ()
def on_job_move_activate(self, menuitem, job_printer_uri): try: c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) for jobid in self.jobids: c.moveJob (job_id=jobid, job_printer_uri=job_printer_uri) del c except cups.IPPError, (e, m): self.show_IPP_Error (e, m) self.monitor.update () return except RuntimeError: return except AttributeError: # Requires pycups >= 1.9.47 debugprint ("Move requires pycups >= 1.9.47") return
self.monitor.update ()
def on_job_authenticate_activate(self, menuitem): for jobid in self.jobids: self.display_auth_info_dialog (jobid)
def on_refresh_clicked(self, toolbutton): self.monitor.refresh () self.update_job_creation_times ()
def on_job_attributes_activate(self, menuitem): """ For every selected job create notebook page with attributes. """ try: c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: self.monitor.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) return False
for jobid in self.jobids: if jobid not in self.jobs_attrs: # add new notebook page with scrollable treeview scrolledwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() label = gtk.Label(jobid) # notebook page has label with jobid page_index = self.notebook.append_page(scrolledwindow, label) attr_treeview = gtk.TreeView() scrolledwindow.add(attr_treeview) cell = gtk.CellRendererText () attr_treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(0, _("Name"), cell, text=0) cell = gtk.CellRendererText () attr_treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(1, _("Value"), cell, text=1) attr_store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) attr_treeview.set_model(attr_store) attr_treeview.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) attr_store.set_sort_column_id (0, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.jobs_attrs[jobid] = (attr_store, page_index) self.update_job_attributes_viewer (jobid, conn=c)
self.JobsAttributesWindow.show_all ()
def update_job_attributes_viewer(self, jobid, conn=None): """ Update attributes store with new values. """ if conn != None: c = conn else: try: c = cups.Connection (, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) except RuntimeError: self.monitor.watcher.cups_connection_error (self) return False
if jobid in self.jobs_attrs: (attr_store, page) = self.jobs_attrs[jobid] try: attrs = c.getJobAttributes(jobid) # new attributes except AttributeError: return except cups.IPPError: # someone else may have purged the job, # remove jobs notebook page self.notebook.remove_page(page) del self.jobs_attrs[jobid] return
attr_store.clear() # remove old attributes for name, value in attrs.iteritems(): if name in ['job-id', 'job-printer-up-time']: continue attr_store.append([name, value])
def job_is_active (self, jobdata): state = jobdata.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED) if state >= cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED: return False
return True
## Icon manipulation def add_state_reason_emblem (self, pixbuf, printer=None): worst_reason = None if printer == None and self.worst_reason != None: # Check that it's valid. printer = self.worst_reason.get_printer () found = False for reason in self.printer_state_reasons.get (printer, []): if reason == self.worst_reason: worst_reason = self.worst_reason break if worst_reason == None: self.worst_reason = None
if printer != None: for reason in self.printer_state_reasons.get (printer, []): if worst_reason == None: worst_reason = reason elif reason > worst_reason: worst_reason = reason
if worst_reason != None: level = worst_reason.get_level () if level > StateReason.REPORT: # Add an emblem to the icon. icon = StateReason.LEVEL_ICON[level] pixbuf = pixbuf.copy () try: theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default () emblem = theme.load_icon (icon, 22, 0) emblem.composite (pixbuf, pixbuf.get_width () / 2, pixbuf.get_height () / 2, emblem.get_width () / 2, emblem.get_height () / 2, pixbuf.get_width () / 2, pixbuf.get_height () / 2, 0.5, 0.5, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 255) except gobject.GError: debugprint ("No %s icon available" % icon)
return pixbuf
def get_icon_pixbuf (self, have_jobs=None): if not self.trayicon: return
if have_jobs == None: have_jobs = len ( ()) > 0
if have_jobs: pixbuf = self.icon_jobs for jobid, jobdata in (): jstate = jobdata.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PENDING) if jstate == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: pixbuf = self.icon_jobs_processing break else: pixbuf = self.icon_no_jobs
try: pixbuf = self.add_state_reason_emblem (pixbuf) except: nonfatalException ()
return pixbuf
def set_statusicon_tooltip (self, tooltip=None): if not self.trayicon: return
if tooltip == None: num_jobs = len ( if num_jobs == 0: tooltip = _("No documents queued") elif num_jobs == 1: tooltip = _("1 document queued") else: tooltip = _("%d documents queued") % num_jobs
self.statusicon.set_tooltip (tooltip)
def update_status (self, have_jobs=None): # Found out which printer state reasons apply to our active jobs. upset_printers = set() for printer, reasons in self.printer_state_reasons.iteritems (): if len (reasons) > 0: upset_printers.add (printer) debugprint ("Upset printers: %s" % upset_printers)
my_upset_printers = set() if len (upset_printers): my_upset_printers = set() for jobid in self.active_jobs: # 'job-printer-name' is set by job_added/job_event printer =[jobid]['job-printer-name'] if printer in upset_printers: my_upset_printers.add (printer) debugprint ("My upset printers: %s" % my_upset_printers)
my_reasons = [] for printer in my_upset_printers: my_reasons.extend (self.printer_state_reasons[printer])
# Find out which is the most problematic. self.worst_reason = None if len (my_reasons) > 0: worst_reason = my_reasons[0] for reason in my_reasons: if reason > worst_reason: worst_reason = reason self.worst_reason = worst_reason debugprint ("Worst reason: %s" % worst_reason)
if self.worst_reason != None: (title, tooltip) = self.worst_reason.get_description () if self.statusbar_set: self.statusbar.pop (0) self.statusbar.push (0, tooltip) self.statusbar_set = True else: tooltip = None if self.statusbar_set: self.statusbar.pop (0) self.statusbar_set = False
if self.trayicon: pixbuf = self.get_icon_pixbuf (have_jobs=have_jobs) self.set_statusicon_from_pixbuf (pixbuf) self.set_statusicon_visibility () self.set_statusicon_tooltip (tooltip=tooltip)
## Notifications def notify_printer_state_reason_if_important (self, reason): level = reason.get_level () if level < StateReason.WARNING: # Not important enough to justify a notification. return
self.notify_printer_state_reason (reason)
def notify_printer_state_reason (self, reason): tuple = reason.get_tuple () if self.state_reason_notifications.has_key (tuple): debugprint ("Already sent notification for %s" % repr (reason)) return
if reason.get_reason () == "": return
level = reason.get_level () if (level == StateReason.ERROR or reason.get_reason () == "connecting-to-device"): urgency = pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL else: urgency = pynotify.URGENCY_LOW
(title, text) = reason.get_description () notification = pynotify.Notification (title, text, 'printer') reason.user_notified = True notification.set_urgency (urgency) if "actions" in pynotify.get_server_caps(): notification.set_timeout (pynotify.EXPIRES_NEVER) notification.connect ('closed', self.on_state_reason_notification_closed) self.state_reason_notifications[reason.get_tuple ()] = notification self.set_statusicon_visibility () notification.attach_to_status_icon (self.statusicon) try: () except gobject.GError: nonfatalException ()
def on_state_reason_notification_closed (self, notification, reason=None): debugprint ("Notification %s closed" % repr (notification)) notification.set_data ('closed', True) self.set_statusicon_visibility () return
def notify_completed_job (self, jobid): job = (jobid, {}) document = job.get ('job-name', _("Unknown")) printer_uri = job.get ('job-printer-uri') if printer_uri != None: # Determine if this printer is remote. There's no need to # show a notification if the printer is connected to this # machine.
# Find out the device URI. We might already have # determined this if authentication was required. device_uri = job.get ('device-uri')
if device_uri == None: pattrs = ['device-uri'] c = authconn.Connection (self.JobsWindow,, port=self.port, encryption=self.encryption) try: attrs = c.getPrinterAttributes (uri=printer_uri, requested_attributes=pattrs) except cups.IPPError: return
device_uri = attrs.get ('device-uri')
if device_uri != None: (scheme, rest) = urllib.splittype (device_uri) if scheme not in ['socket', 'ipp', 'http', 'smb']: return
printer = job.get ('job-printer-name', _("Unknown")) notification = pynotify.Notification (_("Document printed"), _("Document `%s' has been sent " "to `%s' for printing.") % (document, printer), 'printer') notification.set_urgency (pynotify.URGENCY_LOW) notification.connect ('closed', self.on_completed_job_notification_closed) notification.set_data ('jobid', jobid) self.completed_job_notifications[jobid] = notification self.set_statusicon_visibility () notification.attach_to_status_icon (self.statusicon) try: () except gobject.GError: nonfatalException ()
def on_completed_job_notification_closed (self, notification, reason=None): jobid = notification.get_data ('jobid') del self.completed_job_notifications[jobid] self.set_statusicon_visibility ()
## monitor.Watcher interface def current_printers_and_jobs (self, mon, printers, jobs): monitor.Watcher.current_printers_and_jobs (self, mon, printers, jobs) self.set_process_pending (False) () = {} self.jobiters = {} self.printer_uri_index = PrinterURIIndex (names=printers) connection = None for jobid, jobdata in jobs.iteritems (): uri = jobdata.get ('job-printer-uri', '') try: printer = self.printer_uri_index.lookup (uri, connection=connection) except KeyError: printer = uri
if self.specific_dests and printer not in self.specific_dests: continue
jobdata['job-printer-name'] = printer
self.add_job (jobid, jobdata, connection=connection) = jobs self.active_jobs = set() for jobid, jobdata in jobs.iteritems (): if (self.job_is_active (jobdata) and jobdata.has_key('job-printer-name')): self.active_jobs.add (jobid)
self.set_process_pending (True) self.update_status ()
def job_added (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata): monitor.Watcher.job_added (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata)
uri = jobdata.get ('job-printer-uri', '') try: printer = self.printer_uri_index.lookup (uri) except KeyError: printer = uri
if self.specific_dests and printer not in self.specific_dests: return
jobdata['job-printer-name'] = printer
# We may be showing this job already, perhaps because we are showing # completed jobs and one was reprinted. if not self.jobiters.has_key (jobid): self.add_job (jobid, jobdata)
if self.job_is_active (jobdata): self.active_jobs.add (jobid) elif jobid in self.active_jobs: self.active_jobs.remove (jobid)
self.update_status (have_jobs=True) if self.trayicon: if not self.job_is_active (jobdata): return
for reason in self.printer_state_reasons.get (printer, []): if not reason.user_notified: self.notify_printer_state_reason_if_important (reason)
def job_event (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata): monitor.Watcher.job_event (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event, jobdata)
uri = jobdata.get ('job-printer-uri', '') try: printer = self.printer_uri_index.lookup (uri) except KeyError: printer = uri jobdata['job-printer-name'] = printer
if self.job_is_active (jobdata): self.active_jobs.add (jobid) elif jobid in self.active_jobs: self.active_jobs.remove (jobid)
self.update_job (jobid, jobdata) self.update_status () jobdata =[jobid]
# If the job has finished, let the user know. if self.trayicon and (eventname == 'job-completed' or (eventname == 'job-state-changed' and event['job-state'] == cups.IPP_JOB_COMPLETED)): reasons = event['job-state-reasons'] if type (reasons) != list: reasons = [reasons]
canceled = False for reason in reasons: if reason.startswith ("job-canceled"): canceled = True break
if not canceled: self.notify_completed_job (jobid)
# Look out for stopped jobs. if (self.trayicon and (eventname == 'job-stopped' or (eventname == 'job-state-changed' and event['job-state'] in [cups.IPP_JOB_STOPPED, cups.IPP_JOB_PENDING])) and not jobid in self.stopped_job_prompts): # Why has the job stopped? It might be due to a job error # of some sort, or it might be that the backend requires # authentication. If the latter, the job will be held not # stopped, and the job-hold-until attribute will be # 'auth-info-required'. This was already checked for in # update_job. may_be_problem = True jstate = jobdata['job-state'] if (jstate == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING or (jstate == cups.IPP_JOB_HELD and jobdata['job-hold-until'] == 'auth-info-required')): # update_job already dealt with this. may_be_problem = False else: # Other than that, unfortunately the only # clue we get is the notify-text, which is not # translated into our native language. We'd better # try parsing it. In CUPS-1.3.6 the possible strings # are: # # "Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult # the error_log file for details." # # "Job stopped due to backend errors; please consult # the error_log file for details." # # "Job held due to backend errors; please consult the # error_log file for details." # # "Authentication is required for job %d." # [This case is handled in the update_job method.] # # "Job stopped due to printer being paused" # [This should be ignored, as the job was doing just # fine until the printer was stopped for other reasons.] notify_text = event['notify-text'] document = jobdata['job-name'] if notify_text.find ("backend errors") != -1: message = _("There was a problem sending document `%s' " "(job %d) to the printer.") % (document, jobid) elif notify_text.find ("filter errors") != -1: message = _("There was a problem processing document `%s' " "(job %d).") % (document, jobid) elif (notify_text.find ("being paused") != -1 or jstate != cups.IPP_JOB_STOPPED): may_be_problem = False else: # Give up and use the provided message untranslated. message = _("There was a problem printing document `%s' " "(job %d): `%s'.") % (document, jobid, notify_text)
if may_be_problem: debugprint ("Problem detected") self.toggle_window_display (self.statusicon, force_show=True) dialog = gtk.Dialog (_("Print Error"), self.JobsWindow, 0, (_("_Diagnose"), gtk.RESPONSE_NO, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_default_response (gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.set_border_width (6) dialog.set_resizable (False) dialog.set_icon_name (ICON) hbox = gtk.HBox (False, 12) hbox.set_border_width (6) image = gtk.Image () image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) hbox.pack_start (image, False, False, 0) vbox = gtk.VBox (False, 12)
markup = ('<span weight="bold" size="larger">' + _("Print Error") + '</span>\n\n' + saxutils.escape (message)) try: if event['printer-state'] == cups.IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED: name = event['printer-name'] markup += ' ' markup += (_("The printer called `%s' has " "been disabled.") % name) except KeyError: pass
label = gtk.Label (markup) label.set_use_markup (True) label.set_line_wrap (True) label.set_alignment (0, 0) vbox.pack_start (label, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start (vbox, False, False, 0) dialog.vbox.pack_start (hbox) dialog.connect ('response', self.print_error_dialog_response, jobid) self.stopped_job_prompts.add (jobid) dialog.show_all ()
def job_removed (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event): monitor.Watcher.job_removed (self, mon, jobid, eventname, event)
# If the job has finished, let the user know. if self.trayicon and (eventname == 'job-completed' or (eventname == 'job-state-changed' and event['job-state'] == cups.IPP_JOB_COMPLETED)): reasons = event['job-state-reasons'] debugprint (reasons) if type (reasons) != list: reasons = [reasons]
canceled = False for reason in reasons: if reason.startswith ("job-canceled"): canceled = True break
if not canceled: self.notify_completed_job (jobid)
if self.jobiters.has_key (jobid): (self.jobiters[jobid]) del self.jobiters[jobid] del[jobid]
if jobid in self.active_jobs: self.active_jobs.remove (jobid)
if self.jobs_attrs.has_key (jobid): del self.jobs_attrs[jobid]
self.update_status ()
def state_reason_added (self, mon, reason): monitor.Watcher.state_reason_added (self, mon, reason)
(title, text) = reason.get_description () printer = reason.get_printer ()
try: l = self.printer_state_reasons[printer] except KeyError: l = [] self.printer_state_reasons[printer] = l
reason.user_notified = False l.append (reason) self.update_status () self.treeview.queue_draw ()
if not self.trayicon: return
# Find out if the user has jobs queued for that printer. for job, data in (): if not self.job_is_active (data): continue if data['job-printer-name'] == printer: # Yes! Notify them of the state reason, if necessary. self.notify_printer_state_reason_if_important (reason) break
def state_reason_removed (self, mon, reason): monitor.Watcher.state_reason_removed (self, mon, reason)
printer = reason.get_printer () try: reasons = self.printer_state_reasons[printer] except KeyError: debugprint ("Printer not found") return
try: i = reasons.index (reason) except IndexError: debugprint ("Reason not found") return
del reasons[i]
self.update_status () self.treeview.queue_draw ()
if not self.trayicon: return
tuple = reason.get_tuple () try: notification = self.state_reason_notifications[tuple] if notification.get_data ('closed') != True: try: notification.close () except glib.GError: # Can fail if the notification wasn't even shown # yet (as in bug #545733). pass
del self.state_reason_notifications[tuple] self.set_statusicon_visibility () except KeyError: pass
def still_connecting (self, mon, reason): monitor.Watcher.still_connecting (self, mon, reason) if not self.trayicon: return
self.notify_printer_state_reason (reason)
def now_connected (self, mon, printer): monitor.Watcher.now_connected (self, mon, printer)
if not self.trayicon: return
# Find the connecting-to-device state reason. try: reasons = self.printer_state_reasons[printer] reason = None for r in reasons: if r.get_reason () == "connecting-to-device": reason = r break except KeyError: debugprint ("Couldn't find state reason (no reasons)!")
if reason != None: tuple = reason.get_tuple () else: debugprint ("Couldn't find state reason in list!") for (level, p, r) in self.state_reason_notifications.keys (): if p == printer and r == "connecting-to-device": debugprint ("Found from notifications list") tuple = (level, p, r) break
try: notification = self.state_reason_notifications[tuple] except KeyError: debugprint ("Unexpected now_connected signal") return
if notification.get_data ('closed') != True: try: notification.close () except glib.GError: # Can fail if the notification wasn't even shown pass notification.set_data ('closed', True)
def printer_added (self, mon, printer): monitor.Watcher.printer_added (self, mon, printer) self.printer_uri_index.add_printer (printer)
def printer_event (self, mon, printer, eventname, event): monitor.Watcher.printer_event (self, mon, printer, eventname, event) self.printer_uri_index.update_from_attrs (printer, event)
def printer_removed (self, mon, printer): monitor.Watcher.printer_removed (self, mon, printer) self.printer_uri_index.remove_printer (printer)
### Cell data functions def _set_job_job_number_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): cell.set_property("text", str (model.get_value (iter, 0)))
def _set_job_user_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) job =[jobid] cell.set_property("text", job.get ('job-originating-user-name', _("Unknown")))
def _set_job_document_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) job =[jobid] cell.set_property("text", job.get('job-name', _("Unknown")))
def _set_job_printer_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) reasons =[jobid].get('job-state-reasons') if reasons == 'printer-stopped': reason = ' - ' + _("disabled") else: reason = '' cell.set_property("text",[jobid]['job-printer-name']+reason)
def _set_job_size_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) job =[jobid] size = _("Unknown") if job.has_key ('job-k-octets'): size = str (job['job-k-octets']) + 'k' cell.set_property("text", size)
def _find_job_state_text (self, job): data =[job] jstate = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING) s = int (jstate) job_requires_auth = (s == cups.IPP_JOB_HELD and data.get ('job-hold-until', 'none') == 'auth-info-required') state = None if job_requires_auth: state = _("Held for authentication") elif s == cups.IPP_JOB_HELD: state = _("Held") until = data.get ('job-hold-until') if until != None: try: colon1 = until.find (':') if colon1 != -1: now = time.gmtime () hh = int (until[:colon1]) colon2 = until[colon1 + 1:].find (':') if colon2 != -1: colon2 += colon1 + 1 mm = int (until[colon1 + 1:colon2]) ss = int (until[colon2 + 1:]) else: mm = int (until[colon1 + 1:]) ss = 0
day = now.tm_mday if (hh < now.tm_hour or (hh == now.tm_hour and (mm < now.tm_min or (mm == now.tm_min and ss < now.tm_sec)))): day += 1
hold = (now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, day, hh, mm, ss, 0, 0, -1) old_tz = os.environ.get("TZ") os.environ["TZ"] = "UTC" simpletime = time.mktime (hold)
if old_tz == None: del os.environ["TZ"] else: os.environ["TZ"] = old_tz
local = time.localtime (simpletime) state = _("Held until %s") % time.strftime ("%X", local) except ValueError: pass if until == "day-time": state = _("Held until day-time") elif until == "evening": state = _("Held until evening") elif until == "night": state = _("Held until night-time") elif until == "second-shift": state = _("Held until second shift") elif until == "third-shift": state = _("Held until third shift") elif until == "weekend": state = _("Held until weekend") else: try: state = { cups.IPP_JOB_PENDING: _("Pending"), cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: _("Processing"), cups.IPP_JOB_STOPPED: _("Stopped"), cups.IPP_JOB_CANCELED: _("Canceled"), cups.IPP_JOB_ABORTED: _("Aborted"), cups.IPP_JOB_COMPLETED: _("Completed") }[s] except IndexError: pass
if state == None: state = _("Unknown")
return state
def _set_job_status_icon (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) data =[jobid] jstate = data.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING) s = int (jstate) if s == cups.IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: icon = self.icon_jobs_processing else: icon = self.icon_jobs
if s == cups.IPP_JOB_HELD: theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default () emblem = theme.load_icon (gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE, 22 / 2, 0) copy = icon.copy () emblem.composite (copy, 0, 0, copy.get_width (), copy.get_height (), copy.get_width () / 2 - 1, copy.get_height () / 2 - 1, 1.0, 1.0, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST, 255) icon = copy else: # Check state reasons. printer = data['job-printer-name'] icon = self.add_state_reason_emblem (icon, printer=printer)
cell.set_property ("pixbuf", icon)
def _set_job_status_text (self, column, cell, model, iter, *data): jobid = model.get_value (iter, 0) data =[jobid] try: text = data['_status_text'] except KeyError: text = self._find_job_state_text (jobid) data['_status_text'] = text
printer = data['job-printer-name'] reasons = self.printer_state_reasons.get (printer, []) if len (reasons) > 0: worst_reason = reasons[0] for reason in reasons[1:]: if reason > worst_reason: worst_reason = reason (title, unused) = worst_reason.get_description () text += " - " + title
cell.set_property ("text", text)
def _on_treeview_query_tooltip (self, tv, x, y, keyboard_mode, tooltip): if keyboard_mode: (path, column) = tv.get_cursor () if path is None: return False else: bin_x, bin_y = tv.convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords (x, y) ret = tv.get_path_at_pos (bin_x, bin_y) if ret is None: return False path = ret[0] column = ret[1]
cells = column.get_cell_renderers () for cell in cells: if type (cell) == gtk.CellRendererText: tooltip.set_markup (cell.get_property ("text")) self.treeview.set_tooltip_cell (tooltip, path, column, cell) break
return True