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#!/usr/bin/env python
## check-device-ids
## Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Authors: ## Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import dbus import cups import cupshelpers from cupshelpers.ppds import PPDs, ppdMakeModelSplit import sys
cups.setUser ('root') c = cups.Connection ()
devices = None if len (sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--help': print "Syntax: check-device-ids <device-make-and-model> <device-id>" sys.exit (1)
if len (sys.argv) == 3: id_dict = cupshelpers.parseDeviceID (sys.argv[2]) if id_dict.has_key ("MFG") and id_dict.has_key ("MDL"): devices = { 'user-specified:': { 'device-make-and-model': sys.argv[1], 'device-id': sys.argv[2] } } else: print ("\nIf you have not already done so, you may get more results\n" "by temporarily disabling your firewall (or by allowing\n" "incoming UDP packets on port 161).\n")
if devices == None: print "Examining connected devices" try: devices = c.getDevices (exclude_schemes=["dnssd", "hal", "hpfax"]) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): if e == cups.IPP_FORBIDDEN: print "Run this as root to examine IDs from attached devices." sys.exit (1)
if e == cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED: print "Not authorized." sys.exit (1)
if len (devices) == 0: print "No attached devices." sys.exit (0)
n = 0 device_ids = [] for device, attrs in devices.iteritems (): if device.find (":") == -1: continue
make_and_model = attrs.get ('device-make-and-model') device_id = attrs.get ('device-id') if make_and_model and not device_id: try: hostname = None if (device.startswith ("socket://") or device.startswith ("lpd://")): hostname = device[9:] colon = hostname.find (":") if colon != -1: hostname = hostname[:colon]
if hostname: devs = []
def got_device (dev): if dev != None: devs.append (dev)
import probe_printer pf = probe_printer.PrinterFinder () pf.hostname = hostname pf.callback_fn = got_device pf._cached_attributes = dict() print "Sending SNMP request to %s for device-id" % hostname pf._probe_snmp ()
for dev in devs: if device_id = attrs.update ({'device-id':}) break
except Exception, e: print "Exception: %s" % repr (e)
if not (make_and_model and device_id): print "Skipping %s, insufficient data" % device continue
id_fields = cupshelpers.parseDeviceID (device_id) this_id = "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;" % (id_fields['MFG'], id_fields['MDL']) device_ids.append (this_id) n += 1
if not device_ids: print "No Device IDs available." sys.exit (0)
try: bus = dbus.SessionBus ()
print "Installing relevant drivers using session service" try: obj = bus.get_object ("org.freedesktop.PackageKit", "/org/freedesktop/PackageKit") proxy = dbus.Interface (obj, "org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Modify") proxy.InstallPrinterDrivers (0, device_ids, "hide-finished", timeout=3600) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: print "Ignoring exception: %s" % e except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: try: bus = dbus.SystemBus ()
print "Installing relevant drivers using system service" try: obj = bus.get_object ("com.redhat.PrinterDriversInstaller", "/com/redhat/PrinterDriversInstaller") proxy = dbus.Interface (obj, "com.redhat.PrinterDriversInstaller") for device_id in device_ids: id_dict = cupshelpers.parseDeviceID (device_id) proxy.InstallDrivers (id_dict['MFG'], id_dict['MDL'], '', timeout=3600) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: print "Ignoring exception: %s" % e except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: print "D-Bus not available so skipping package installation"
print "Fetching driver list" ppds = PPDs (c.getPPDs ()) ppds._init_ids () makes = ppds.getMakes ()
def driver_uri_to_filename (uri): schemeparts = uri.split (':', 2) if len (schemeparts) < 2: if uri.startswith ("lsb/usr/"): return "/usr/share/ppd/" + uri[8:] elif uri.startswith ("lsb/opt/"): return "/opt/share/ppd/" + uri[8:] elif uri.startswith ("lsb/local/"): return "/usr/local/share/ppd/" + uri[10:]
return "/usr/share/cups/model/" + uri
scheme = schemeparts[0] if scheme != "drv": return "/usr/lib/cups/driver/" + scheme
rest = schemeparts[1] rest = rest.lstrip ('/') parts = rest.split ('/') if len (parts) > 1: parts = parts[:len (parts) - 1]
return "/usr/share/cups/drv/" + reduce (lambda x, y: x + "/" + y, parts)
def driver_uri_to_pkg (uri): filename = driver_uri_to_filename (uri)
try: import packagekit.client, packagekit.enums client = packagekit.client.PackageKitClient () packages = client.search_file ([filename], packagekit.enums.FILTER_INSTALLED) return packages[0].name except: return filename
i = 1 if sys.stdout.encoding == 'UTF-8': item = unichr (0x251c) + unichr (0x2500) + unichr (0x2500) last = unichr (0x2514) + unichr (0x2500) + unichr (0x2500) else: item = "|--" last = "`--"
for device, attrs in devices.iteritems (): make_and_model = attrs.get ('device-make-and-model') device_id = attrs.get ('device-id') if device.find (":") == -1: continue
if not (make_and_model and device_id): continue
id_fields = cupshelpers.parseDeviceID (device_id) if i < n: line = item else: line = last
cmd = id_fields['CMD'] if cmd: cmd = "CMD:%s;" % reduce (lambda x, y: x + ',' + y, cmd) else: cmd = ""
scheme = device.split (":", 1)[0] print "%s %s (%s): MFG:%s;MDL:%s;%s" % (line, make_and_model, scheme, id_fields['MFG'], id_fields['MDL'], cmd) try: drivers = ppds.ids[id_fields['MFG'].lower ()][id_fields['MDL'].lower ()] except KeyError: drivers = []
if i < n: more = unichr (0x2502) else: more = " "
if drivers: drivers = ppds.orderPPDNamesByPreference (drivers) n_drivers = len (drivers) j = 1 for driver in drivers: if j < n_drivers: print "%s %s %s [%s]" % (more, item, driver, driver_uri_to_pkg (driver)) else: print "%s %s %s [%s]" % (more, last, driver, driver_uri_to_pkg (driver))
j += 1 else: print "%s (No drivers)" % more
(mfr, mdl) = ppdMakeModelSplit (make_and_model) matches = set (ppds.getInfoFromModel (mfr, mdl)) mfrl = mfr.lower () mdls = None for make in makes: if make.lower () == mfrl: mdls = ppds.makes[make] break if mdls: (s, bestmatches) = ppds._findBestMatchPPDs (mdls, mdl) if s == ppds.STATUS_SUCCESS: matches = matches.union (set (bestmatches))
missing = set (matches) - set (drivers) for each in missing: print "%s MISSING %s [%s]" % (more, each, driver_uri_to_pkg (each))
i += 1