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#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Author: Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import threading import cups import cupspk import gobject import gtk import os from errordialogs import * from debug import *
_ = lambda x: x N_ = lambda x: x def set_gettext_function (fn): global _ _ = fn
class AuthDialog(gtk.Dialog): AUTH_FIELD={'username': N_("Username:"), 'password': N_("Password:"), 'domain': N_("Domain:")}
def __init__ (self, title=None, parent=None, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK), auth_info_required=['username', 'password'], allow_remember=False): if title == None: title = _("Authentication") gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self, title, parent, flags, buttons) self.auth_info_required = auth_info_required self.set_default_response (gtk.RESPONSE_OK) self.set_border_width (6) self.set_resizable (False) hbox = gtk.HBox (False, 12) hbox.set_border_width (6) image = gtk.Image () image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION, gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) image.set_alignment (0.0, 0.0) hbox.pack_start (image, False, False, 0) vbox = gtk.VBox (False, 12) self.prompt_label = gtk.Label () vbox.pack_start (self.prompt_label, False, False, 0)
num_fields = len (auth_info_required) table = gtk.Table (num_fields, 2) table.set_row_spacings (6) table.set_col_spacings (6)
self.field_entry = [] for i in range (num_fields): field = auth_info_required[i] label = gtk.Label (_(self.AUTH_FIELD.get (field, field))) label.set_alignment (0, 0.5) table.attach (label, 0, 1, i, i + 1) entry = gtk.Entry () entry.set_visibility (field != 'password') table.attach (entry, 1, 2, i, i + 1, 0, 0) self.field_entry.append (entry)
self.field_entry[num_fields - 1].set_activates_default (True) vbox.pack_start (table, False, False, 0) hbox.pack_start (vbox, False, False, 0) self.vbox.pack_start (hbox)
if allow_remember: cb = gtk.CheckButton (_("Remember password")) cb.set_active (False) vbox.pack_start (cb) self.remember_checkbox = cb
self.vbox.show_all ()
def set_prompt (self, prompt): self.prompt_label.set_markup ('<span weight="bold" size="larger">' + prompt + '</span>') self.prompt_label.set_use_markup (True) self.prompt_label.set_alignment (0, 0) self.prompt_label.set_line_wrap (True)
def set_auth_info (self, auth_info): for i in range (len (self.field_entry)): self.field_entry[i].set_text (auth_info[i])
def get_auth_info (self): return map (lambda x: x.get_text (), self.field_entry)
def get_remember_password (self): try: return self.remember_checkbox.get_active () except AttributeError: return False
def field_grab_focus (self, field): i = self.auth_info_required.index (field) self.field_entry[i].grab_focus ()
class Connection: def __init__ (self, parent=None, try_as_root=True, lock=False, host=None, port=None, encryption=None): if host != None: cups.setServer (host) if port != None: cups.setPort (port) if encryption != None: cups.setEncryption (encryption)
self._use_password = '' self._parent = parent self._try_as_root = try_as_root self._use_user = cups.getUser () self._server = cups.getServer () self._port = cups.getPort() self._encryption = cups.getEncryption () self._prompt_allowed = True self._operation_stack = [] self._lock = lock self._gui_event = threading.Event () self._connect ()
def _begin_operation (self, operation): self._operation_stack.append (operation)
def _end_operation (self): self._operation_stack.pop ()
def _get_prompt_allowed (self, ): return self._prompt_allowed
def _set_prompt_allowed (self, allowed): self._prompt_allowed = allowed
def _set_lock (self, whether): self._lock = whether
def _connect (self, allow_pk=True): cups.setUser (self._use_user)
self._use_pk = (allow_pk and (self._server[0] == '/' or self._server == 'localhost') and os.getuid () != 0) if self._use_pk: create_object = cupspk.Connection else: create_object = cups.Connection
self._connection = create_object (host=self._server, port=self._port, encryption=self._encryption)
if self._use_pk: self._connection.set_parent(self._parent)
self._user = self._use_user debugprint ("Connected as user %s" % self._user) methodtype_lambda = type (self._connection.getPrinters) methodtype_real = type (self._connection.addPrinter) for fname in dir (self._connection): if fname[0] == '_': continue fn = getattr (self._connection, fname) if not type (fn) in [methodtype_lambda, methodtype_real]: continue setattr (self, fname, self._make_binding (fname, fn))
def _make_binding (self, fname, fn): return lambda *args, **kwds: self._authloop (fname, fn, *args, **kwds)
def _authloop (self, fname, fn, *args, **kwds): self._passes = 0 c = self._connection retry = False while True: try: if self._perform_authentication () == 0: break
if c != self._connection: # We have reconnected. fn = getattr (self._connection, fname) c = self._connection
cups.setUser (self._use_user)
result = fn.__call__ (*args, **kwds)
if fname == 'adminGetServerSettings': # Special case for a rubbish bit of API. if result == {}: # Authentication failed, but we aren't told that. raise cups.IPPError (cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED, '') break except cups.IPPError, (e, m): if self._use_pk and m == 'pkcancel': raise cups.IPPError (0, _("Operation canceled")) if not self._cancel and (e == cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED or e == cups.IPP_FORBIDDEN): self._failed (e == cups.IPP_FORBIDDEN) elif not self._cancel and e == cups.IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: if self._lock: self._gui_event.clear () gobject.timeout_add (1, self._ask_retry_server_error, m) self._gui_event.wait () else: self._ask_retry_server_error (m)
if self._retry_response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: debugprint ("retrying operation...") retry = True self._passes -= 1 self._has_failed = True else: self._cancel = True raise else: if self._cancel and not self._cannot_auth: raise cups.IPPError (0, _("Operation canceled"))
raise except cups.HTTPError, (s,): if not self._cancel: self._failed (s == cups.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) else: raise
return result
def _ask_retry_server_error (self, message): if self._lock: gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
try: msg = _("CUPS server error (%s)") % self._operation_stack[0] except IndexError: msg = _("CUPS server error")
d = gtk.MessageDialog (self._parent, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, msg) d.format_secondary_text (_("There was an error during the " "CUPS operation: '%s'." % message)) d.add_buttons (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, _("Retry"), gtk.RESPONSE_OK) d.set_default_response (gtk.RESPONSE_OK) if self._lock: d.connect ("response", self._on_retry_server_error_response) gtk.gdk.threads_leave () else: self._retry_response = () d.destroy ()
def _on_retry_server_error_response (self, dialog, response): self._retry_response = response dialog.destroy () self._gui_event.set ()
def _failed (self, forbidden=False): self._has_failed = True self._forbidden = forbidden
def _password_callback (self, prompt): debugprint ("Got password callback") if self._cancel or self._auth_called: return ''
self._auth_called = True self._prompt = prompt return self._use_password
def _perform_authentication (self): self._passes += 1
debugprint ("Authentication pass: %d" % self._passes) if self._passes == 1: # Haven't yet tried the operation. Set the password # callback and return > 0 so we try it for the first time. self._has_failed = False self._forbidden = False self._auth_called = False self._cancel = False self._cannot_auth = False self._dialog_shown = False cups.setPasswordCB (self._password_callback) debugprint ("Authentication: password callback set") return 1
debugprint ("Forbidden: %s" % self._forbidden) if not self._has_failed: # Tried the operation and it worked. Return 0 to signal to # break out of the loop. debugprint ("Authentication: Operation successful") return 0
# Reset failure flag. self._has_failed = False
if self._passes >= 2: # Tried the operation without a password and it failed. if (self._try_as_root and self._user != 'root' and (self._server[0] == '/' or self._forbidden)): # This is a UNIX domain socket connection so we should # not have needed a password (or it is not a UDS but # we got an HTTP_FORBIDDEN response), and so the # operation must not be something that the current # user is authorised to do. They need to try as root, # and supply the password. However, to get the right # prompt, we need to try as root but with no password # first. debugprint ("Authentication: Try as root") self._use_user = 'root' self._auth_called = False try: self._connect (allow_pk=False) except RuntimeError: raise cups.IPPError (cups.IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'server-error-service-unavailable')
return 1
if not self._prompt_allowed: debugprint ("Authentication: prompting not allowed") self._cancel = True return 1
if not self._auth_called: # We aren't even getting a chance to supply credentials. debugprint ("Authentication: giving up") self._cancel = True self._cannot_auth = True return 1
# Reset the flag indicating whether we were given an auth callback. self._auth_called = False
# If we're previously prompted, explain why we're prompting again. if self._dialog_shown: if self._lock: self._gui_event.clear () gobject.timeout_add (1, self._show_not_authorized_dialog) self._gui_event.wait () else: self._show_not_authorized_dialog ()
if self._lock: self._gui_event.clear () gobject.timeout_add (1, self._perform_authentication_with_dialog) self._gui_event.wait () else: self._perform_authentication_with_dialog ()
if self._cancel: debugprint ("cancelled") return -1
cups.setUser (self._use_user) debugprint ("Authentication: Reconnect") try: self._connect (allow_pk=False) except RuntimeError: raise cups.IPPError (cups.IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'server-error-service-unavailable')
return 1
def _show_not_authorized_dialog (self): if self._lock: gtk.gdk.threads_enter () d = gtk.MessageDialog (self._parent, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) d.set_title (_("Not authorized")) d.set_markup ('<span weight="bold" size="larger">' + _("Not authorized") + '</span>\n\n' + _("The password may be incorrect.")) if self._lock: d.connect ("response", self._on_not_authorized_dialog_response) d.show_all () d.show_now () gtk.gdk.threads_leave () else: () d.destroy ()
def _on_not_authorized_dialog_response (self, dialog, response): self._gui_event.set () dialog.destroy ()
def _perform_authentication_with_dialog (self): if self._lock: gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
# Prompt. if len (self._operation_stack) > 0: try: title = _("Authentication (%s)") % self._operation_stack[0] except IndexError: title = _("Authentication")
d = AuthDialog (title=title, parent=self._parent) else: d = AuthDialog (parent=self._parent)
d.set_prompt (self._prompt) d.set_auth_info ([self._use_user, '']) d.field_grab_focus ('password') d.set_keep_above (True) d.show_all () d.show_now () self._dialog_shown = True if self._lock: d.connect ("response", self._on_authentication_response) gtk.gdk.threads_leave () else: response = () self._on_authentication_response (d, response)
def _on_authentication_response (self, dialog, response): (self._use_user, self._use_password) = dialog.get_auth_info () dialog.destroy ()
if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or response == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT): self._cancel = True
if self._lock: self._gui_event.set ()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Test it out. gtk.gdk.threads_init () from timedops import TimedOperation set_debugging (True) c = TimedOperation (Connection, args=(None,)).run () debugprint ("Connected") c._set_lock (True) print TimedOperation (c.getFile, args=('/admin/conf/cupsd.conf', '/dev/stdout')).run ()