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#!/usr/bin/env python
## Printing troubleshooter
## Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat, Inc. ## Authors: ## Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import cups import os import smburi import socket import subprocess from timedops import TimedSubprocess, TimedOperation from base import *
try: import smbc except: pass
class CheckNetworkServerSanity(Question): def __init__ (self, troubleshooter): Question.__init__ (self, troubleshooter, "Check network server sanity") troubleshooter.new_page (gtk.Label (), self)
def display (self): # Collect useful information.
self.answers = {} answers = self.troubleshooter.answers if (not answers.has_key ('remote_server_name') and not answers.has_key ('remote_server_ip_address')): return False
parent = self.troubleshooter.get_window ()
server_name = answers['remote_server_name'] server_port = answers.get('remote_server_port', 631) if server_name: # Try resolving the hostname. try: ai = socket.getaddrinfo (server_name, server_port) resolves = map (lambda (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr): sockaddr[0], ai) except socket.gaierror: resolves = False
self.answers['remote_server_name_resolves'] = resolves
if resolves: ipaddr = answers.get ('remote_server_ip_address', '') if ipaddr: try: resolves.index (ipaddr) except ValueError: # The IP address given doesn't match the server name. # Use the IP address instead of the name. server_name = ipaddr else: server_name = answers['remote_server_ip_address'] # Validate it. try: ai = socket.getaddrinfo (server_name, server_port) resolves = map (lambda (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr): sockaddr[0], ai) except socket.gaierror: resolves = False
self.answers['remote_server_name_resolves'] = resolves
self.answers['remote_server_try_connect'] = server_name
if (self.answers['remote_server_name_resolves'] and answers.get ('cups_device_uri_scheme', 'ipp') in ['ipp', 'http', 'https']): if answers.get ('cups_device_uri_scheme') == 'https': encryption = cups.HTTP_ENCRYPT_REQUIRED else: encryption = cups.HTTP_ENCRYPT_IF_REQUESTED
try: self.op = TimedOperation (cups.Connection, kwargs={"host": server_name, "port": server_port, "encryption": encryption}, parent=parent) c = () ipp_connect = True except RuntimeError: ipp_connect = False
self.answers['remote_server_connect_ipp'] = ipp_connect
if ipp_connect: try: self.op = TimedOperation (c.getPrinters, parent=parent) () cups_server = True except: cups_server = False
self.answers['remote_server_cups'] = cups_server
if cups_server: cups_printer_dict = answers.get ('cups_printer_dict', {}) uri = cups_printer_dict.get ('device-uri', None) if uri: try: self.op = TimedOperation (c.getPrinterAttributes, kwargs={"uri": uri}, parent=parent) attr = () self.answers['remote_cups_queue_attributes'] = attr except: pass
if (self.answers['remote_server_name_resolves'] and not self.answers.get ('remote_server_connect_ipp', False)): # Try to see if we can connect using smbc. context = None try: context = smbc.Context () name = self.answers['remote_server_try_connect'] self.op = TimedOperation (context.opendir, args=("smb://%s/" % name,), parent=parent) dir = () self.op = TimedOperation (dir.getdents, parent=parent) shares = () self.answers['remote_server_smb'] = True self.answers['remote_server_smb_shares'] = shares except NameError: # No smbc support pass except RuntimeError, (e, s): self.answers['remote_server_smb_shares'] = (e, s)
if context != None and answers.has_key ('cups_printer_dict'): uri = answers['cups_printer_dict'].get ('device-uri', '') u = smburi.SMBURI (uri) (group, host, share, user, password) = u.separate () accessible = False try: self.op = TimedOperation (, args=("smb://%s/%s" % (host, share), os.O_RDWR, 0777), parent=parent) f = () accessible = True except RuntimeError, (e, s): accessible = (e, s)
self.answers['remote_server_smb_share_anon_access'] = accessible
# Try traceroute if we haven't already. if (self.answers['remote_server_name_resolves'] and not answers.has_key ('remote_server_traceroute')): try: self.op = TimedSubprocess (parent=parent, close_fds=True, args=['traceroute', '-w', '1', server_name], stdin=file("/dev/null"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.answers['remote_server_traceroute'] = () except: # Problem executing command. pass
return False
def collect_answer (self): return self.answers
def cancel_operation (self): self.op.cancel ()