Viewing file: view_header.php (4.67 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * view_header.php * * This is the code to view the message header. * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: view_header.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail */
/** This is the view_header page */ define('PAGE_NAME', 'view_header');
/** * Path for SquirrelMail required files. * @ignore */ define('SM_PATH','../');
/* SquirrelMail required files. */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/html.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/url_parser.php');
function parse_viewheader($imapConnection,$id, $passed_ent_id) { global $uid_support;
$header_full = array(); $header_output = array(); $second = array(); $first = array();
if (!$passed_ent_id) { $read=sqimap_run_command ($imapConnection, "FETCH $id BODY[HEADER]", true, $a, $b, $uid_support); } else { $query = "FETCH $id BODY[".$passed_ent_id.'.HEADER]'; $read=sqimap_run_command ($imapConnection, $query, true, $a, $b, $uid_support); } $cnum = 0;
for ($i=1; $i < count($read); $i++) { $line = htmlspecialchars($read[$i]); switch (true) { case (preg_match('/^>/i', $line)): $second[$i] = $line; $first[$i] = ' '; $cnum++; break; // FIXME: is the pipe character below a mistake? I think the original author might have thought it carried special meaning in the character class, which it does not... but then again, I am not currently trying to understand what this code actually does case (preg_match('/^[ |\t]/', $line)): $second[$i] = $line; $first[$i] = ''; break; case (preg_match('/^([^:]+):(.+)/', $line, $regs)): $first[$i] = $regs[1] . ':'; $second[$i] = $regs[2]; $cnum++; break; default: $second[$i] = trim($line); $first[$i] = ''; break; } }
for ($i=0; $i < count($second); $i = $j) { $f = (isset($first[$i]) ? $first[$i] : ''); $s = (isset($second[$i]) ? nl2br($second[$i]) : ''); $j = $i + 1; while (($first[$j] == '') && ($j < count($first))) { $s .= ' ' . nl2br($second[$j]); $j++; } $lowf=strtolower($f); /* do not mark these headers as emailaddresses */ if($lowf != 'message-id:' && $lowf != 'in-reply-to:' && $lowf != 'references:') { parseEmail($s); } if ($f) { $header_output[] = array($f,$s); } } return $header_output; }
function view_header($header, $mailbox, $color) { sqgetGlobalVar('QUERY_STRING', $queryStr, SQ_SERVER); $ret_addr = SM_PATH . 'src/read_body.php?'.$queryStr;
displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox);
echo '<br />' . '<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" '. 'align="center">' . "\n" . '<tr><td bgcolor="'.$color[9].'" width="100%" align="center"><b>'. _("Viewing Full Header") . '</b> - '. '<a href="'; echo_template_var($ret_addr); echo '">' ._("View message") . "</a></b></td></tr></table>\n";
echo_template_var($header, array( '<table width="99%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" '. "align=center>\n".'<tr><td>', '<nobr><tt><b>', '</b>', '</tt></nobr>', '</td></tr></table>'."\n" ) ); echo '</body></html>'; }
/* get global vars */ if ( sqgetGlobalVar('passed_id', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $passed_id = (int) $temp; } if ( sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $mailbox = $temp; } if ( !sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id', $passed_ent_id, SQ_GET) ) { $passed_ent_id = ''; } sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION);
$imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $mbx_response = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox, false, false, true);
$header = parse_viewheader($imapConnection,$passed_id, $passed_ent_id); view_header($header, $mailbox, $color); sqimap_logout($imapConnection);