Viewing file: left_main.php (16.05 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * left_main.php * * This is the code for the left bar. The left bar shows the folders * available, and has cookie information. * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: left_main.php 13946 2010-06-21 00:43:54Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail */
/** This is the left_main page */ define('PAGE_NAME', 'left_main');
/** * Path for SquirrelMail required files. * @ignore */ define('SM_PATH','../');
/* SquirrelMail required files. */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/html.php');
/* These constants are used for folder stuff. */ define('SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED', 0); define('SM_BOX_COLLAPSED', 1);
/* --------------------- FUNCTIONS ------------------------- */
function formatMailboxName($imapConnection, $box_array) {
global $folder_prefix, $trash_folder, $sent_folder, $color, $move_to_sent, $move_to_trash, $unseen_notify, $unseen_type, $collapse_folders, $draft_folder, $save_as_draft, $use_special_folder_color; $real_box = $box_array['unformatted']; $mailbox = str_replace(' ','',$box_array['formatted']); $mailboxURL = urlencode($real_box);
/* Strip down the mailbox name. */ if (preg_match('/^( *)([^ ]*)$/', $mailbox, $regs)) { $mailbox = $regs[2]; } $unseen = 0; $status = array('',''); if (($unseen_notify == 2 && $real_box == 'INBOX') || $unseen_notify == 3) { $tmp_status = create_unseen_string($real_box, $box_array, $imapConnection, $unseen_type ); if ($status !== false) { $status = $tmp_status; } } list($unseen_string, $unseen) = $status; $special_color = ($use_special_folder_color && isSpecialMailbox($real_box));
/* Start off with a blank line. */ $line = '';
/* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */ if ($unseen > 0) { $line .= '<b>'; }
/* Create the link for this folder. */ if ($status !== false) { $line .= '<a href="right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox='. $mailboxURL.'" target="right" style="text-decoration:none">'; } if ($special_color) { $line .= "<font color=\"$color[11]\">"; } if ( $mailbox == 'INBOX' ) { $line .= _("INBOX"); } else { $line .= str_replace(array(' ','<','>'),array(' ','<','>'),$mailbox); } if ($special_color == TRUE) $line .= '</font>'; if ($status !== false) { $line .= '</a>'; }
/* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */ if ($unseen > 0) { $line .= "</b>"; }
/* Print unseen information. */ if ($unseen_string != '') { $line .= " <small>$unseen_string</small>"; }
/* If it's the trash folder, show a purge link when needed */ if (($move_to_trash) && ($real_box == $trash_folder)) { if (! isset($numMessages)) { $numMessages = sqimap_get_num_messages($imapConnection, $real_box); }
if (($numMessages > 0) or ($box_array['parent'] == 1)) { $urlMailbox = urlencode($real_box); $line .= "\n<small>\n" . ' (<a href="empty_trash.php?smtoken=' . sm_generate_security_token() . '" style="text-decoration:none">'._("Purge").'</a>)' . '</small>'; } }
$line .= concat_hook_function('left_main_after_each_folder', array(isset($numMessages) ? $numMessages : '', $real_box, $imapConnection));
/* Return the final product. */ return ($line); }
/** * Recursive function that computes the collapsed status and parent * (or not parent) status of this box, and the visiblity and collapsed * status and parent (or not parent) status for all children boxes. */ function compute_folder_children(&$parbox, $boxcount) { global $boxes, $data_dir, $username, $collapse_folders; $nextbox = $parbox + 1;
/* Retreive the name for the parent box. */ $parbox_name = $boxes[$parbox]['unformatted'];
/* 'Initialize' this parent box to childless. */ $boxes[$parbox]['parent'] = FALSE;
/* Compute the collapse status for this box. */ if( isset($collapse_folders) && $collapse_folders ) { $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $parbox_name); $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse); } else { $collapse = SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED; } $boxes[$parbox]['collapse'] = $collapse;
/* Otherwise, get the name of the next box. */ if (isset($boxes[$nextbox]['unformatted'])) { $nextbox_name = $boxes[$nextbox]['unformatted']; } else { $nextbox_name = ''; }
/* Compute any children boxes for this box. */ while (($nextbox < $boxcount) && (is_parent_box($boxes[$nextbox]['unformatted'], $parbox_name))) {
/* Note that this 'parent' box has at least one child. */ $boxes[$parbox]['parent'] = TRUE;
/* Compute the visiblity of this box. */ $boxes[$nextbox]['visible'] = ($boxes[$parbox]['visible'] && ($boxes[$parbox]['collapse'] != SM_BOX_COLLAPSED));
/* Compute the visibility of any child boxes. */ compute_folder_children($nextbox, $boxcount); }
/* Set the parent box to the current next box. */ $parbox = $nextbox; }
/** * Create the link for a parent folder that will allow that * parent folder to either be collapsed or expaned, as is * currently appropriate. */ function create_collapse_link($boxnum) { global $boxes, $imapConnection, $unseen_notify, $color; $mailbox = urlencode($boxes[$boxnum]['unformatted']);
/* Create the link for this collapse link. */ $link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' . 'href="left_main.php?'; if ($boxes[$boxnum]['collapse'] == SM_BOX_COLLAPSED) { $link .= "unfold=$mailbox\">+"; } else { $link .= "fold=$mailbox\">-"; } $link .= '</a>';
/* Return the finished product. */ return ($link); }
/** * create_unseen_string: * * Create unseen and total message count for both this folder and * it's subfolders. * * @param string $boxName name of the current mailbox * @param array $boxArray array for the current mailbox * @param $imapConnection current imap connection in use * @return array[0] unseen message string (for display) * @return array[1] unseen message count */ function create_unseen_string($boxName, $boxArray, $imapConnection, $unseen_type) { global $boxes, $unseen_type, $color, $unseen_cum;
/* Initialize the return value. */ $result = array(0,0);
/* Initialize the counts for this folder. */ $boxUnseenCount = 0; $boxMessageCount = 0; $totalUnseenCount = 0; $totalMessageCount = 0;
/* Collect the counts for this box alone. */ $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $boxName); $boxUnseenCount = $status['UNSEEN']; if ($boxUnseenCount === false) { return false; } if ($unseen_type == 2) { $boxMessageCount = $status['MESSAGES']; }
/* Initialize the total counts. */
if ($boxArray['collapse'] == SM_BOX_COLLAPSED && $unseen_cum) { /* Collect the counts for this boxes subfolders. */ $curBoxLength = strlen($boxName); $boxCount = count($boxes);
for ($i = 0; $i < $boxCount; ++$i) { /* Initialize the counts for this subfolder. */ $subUnseenCount = 0; $subMessageCount = 0;
/* Collect the counts for this subfolder. */ if (($boxName != $boxes[$i]['unformatted']) && (substr($boxes[$i]['unformatted'], 0, $curBoxLength) == $boxName) && !in_array('noselect', $boxes[$i]['flags'])) { $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]['unformatted']); $subUnseenCount = $status['UNSEEN']; if ($unseen_type == 2) { $subMessageCount = $status['MESSAGES'];; } /* Add the counts for this subfolder to the total. */ $totalUnseenCount += $subUnseenCount; $totalMessageCount += $subMessageCount; } }
/* Add the counts for all subfolders to that of the box. */ $boxUnseenCount += $totalUnseenCount; $boxMessageCount += $totalMessageCount; }
/* And create the magic unseen count string. */ /* Really a lot more then just the unseen count. */ if (($unseen_type == 1) && ($boxUnseenCount > 0)) { $result[0] = "($boxUnseenCount)"; } else if ($unseen_type == 2) { $result[0] = "($boxUnseenCount/$boxMessageCount)"; $result[0] = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">$result[0]</font>"; }
/* Set the unseen count to return to the outside world. */ $result[1] = $boxUnseenCount;
/* Return our happy result. */ return ($result); }
/** * This simple function checks if a box is another box's parent. */ function is_parent_box($curbox_name, $parbox_name) { global $delimiter;
/* Extract the name of the parent of the current box. */ $curparts = explode($delimiter, $curbox_name); $curname = array_pop($curparts); $actual_parname = implode($delimiter, $curparts); $actual_parname = substr($actual_parname,0,strlen($parbox_name));
/* Compare the actual with the given parent name. */ return ($parbox_name == $actual_parname); }
/* -------------------- MAIN ------------------------ */
/* get globals */ sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('fold', $fold, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('unfold', $unfold, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('auto_create_done',$auto_create_done,SQ_SESSION);
/* end globals */
// Disable browser caching // header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT');
// open a connection on the imap port (143) $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 10); // the 10 is to hide the output
/** * Using stristr since older preferences may contain "None" and "none". */ if (isset($left_refresh) && ($left_refresh != '') && !stristr($left_refresh, 'none')){ $xtra = "\n<meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"$left_refresh;URL=left_main.php\">\n"; } else { $xtra = ''; }
displayHtmlHeader( $org_title, $xtra );
/* If requested and not yet complete, attempt to autocreate folders. */ if ($auto_create_special && !$auto_create_done) { $autocreate = array($sent_folder, $trash_folder, $draft_folder); foreach( $autocreate as $folder ) { if (($folder != '') && ($folder != 'none')) { if ( !sqimap_mailbox_exists($imapConnection, $folder)) { sqimap_mailbox_create($imapConnection, $folder, ''); } else if (!sqimap_mailbox_is_subscribed($imapConnection, $folder)) { sqimap_subscribe($imapConnection, $folder); } } }
/* Let the world know that autocreation is complete! Hurrah! */ $auto_create_done = TRUE; sqsession_register($auto_create_done, 'auto_create_done'); /* retrieve the mailboxlist. We do this at a later stage again but if the right_frame loads faster then the second call retrieves a cached version of the mailboxlist without the newly created folders. The second parameter forces a non cached mailboxlist return. */ $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection,true); }
echo "\n<body bgcolor=\"$color[3]\" text=\"$color[6]\" link=\"$color[6]\" vlink=\"$color[6]\" alink=\"$color[6]\">\n";
echo "\n\n" . html_tag( 'table', '', 'left', '', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="99%"' ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) . html_tag( 'table', '', '', '', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"' ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ) . '<font size="4"><b>'. _("Folders") . "</b><br /></font>\n\n";
if ($date_format != 6) { /* First, display the clock. */ if ($hour_format == 1) { $hr = 'H:i'; if ($date_format == 4) { $hr .= ':s'; } } else { if ($date_format == 4) { $hr = 'g:i:s a'; } else { $hr = 'g:i a'; } }
switch( $date_format ) { case 0: $clk = date('Y-m-d '.$hr. ' T', time()); break; case 1: $clk = date('m/d/y '.$hr, time()); break; case 2: $clk = date('d/m/y '.$hr, time()); break; case 4: case 5: $clk = date($hr, time()); break; default: $clk = getDayAbrv( date( 'w', time() ) ) . date( ', ' . $hr, time() ); } $clk = str_replace(' ',' ',$clk);
echo '<small><span style="white-space: nowrap;">' . str_replace(' ', ' ', _("Last Refresh")) . ":</span><br /><span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">$clk</span></small><br />"; }
/* Next, display the refresh button. */ echo '<small style="white-space: nowrap;">(<a href="../src/left_main.php" target="left">'. _("Check mail") . '</a>)</small></td></tr></table><br />';
/* Lastly, display the folder list. */ if ( $collapse_folders ) { /* If directed, collapse or uncollapse a folder. */ if (isset($fold)) { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $fold, SM_BOX_COLLAPSED); } else if (isset($unfold)) { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $unfold, SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED); } }
sqgetGlobalVar('force_refresh',$force_refresh,SQ_GET); if (!isset($boxes)) { // auto_create_done $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection,$force_refresh); } /* Prepare do do out collapsedness and visibility computation. */ $curbox = 0; $boxcount = count($boxes);
/* Compute the collapsedness and visibility of each box. */
while ($curbox < $boxcount) { $boxes[$curbox]['visible'] = TRUE; compute_folder_children($curbox, $boxcount); }
for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) { if ( $boxes[$i]['visible'] ) { $mailbox = $boxes[$i]['formatted']; // remove folder_prefix using substr so folders aren't indented unnecessarily $mblevel = substr_count(substr($boxes[$i]['unformatted'], strlen($folder_prefix)), $delimiter) + 1;
/* Create the prefix for the folder name and link. */ $prefix = str_repeat(' ',$mblevel); if (isset($collapse_folders) && $collapse_folders && $boxes[$i]['parent']) { $prefix = str_replace(' ',' ',substr($prefix,0,strlen($prefix)-2)). create_collapse_link($i) . ' '; } else { $prefix = str_replace(' ',' ',$prefix); } $line = "<span style=\"white-space: nowrap;\"><tt>$prefix</tt>";
/* Add the folder name and link. */ if (! isset($color[15])) { $color[15] = $color[6]; }
if (in_array('noselect', $boxes[$i]['flags'])) { if( isSpecialMailbox( $boxes[$i]['unformatted']) ) { $line .= "<font color=\"$color[11]\">"; } else { $line .= "<font color=\"$color[15]\">"; } if (preg_match('/^( *)([^ ]*)/', $mailbox, $regs)) { $mailbox = str_replace(' ','',$mailbox); $line .= str_replace(' ', ' ', $mailbox); } $line .= '</font>'; } else { $line .= formatMailboxName($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]); }
/* Put the final touches on our folder line. */ $line .= "</span><br />\n";
/* Output the line for this folder. */ echo $line; } }
do_hook('left_main_after'); sqimap_logout($imapConnection);
?> </td></tr></table> </body></html>