Viewing file: setup.php (5.42 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * setup.php -- SpamCop plugin * * Copyright (c) 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id: setup.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ */
/** Disable Quick Reporting by default */ global $spamcop_quick_report; $spamcop_quick_report = false;
/* Initialize the plugin */ function squirrelmail_plugin_init_spamcop() { global $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks;
$squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['optpage_register_block']['spamcop'] = 'spamcop_options'; $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['loading_prefs']['spamcop'] = 'spamcop_load'; $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['read_body_header_right']['spamcop'] = 'spamcop_show_link'; $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['compose_send']['spamcop'] = 'spamcop_while_sending'; }
// Load the settings // Validate some of it (make '' into 'default', etc.) function spamcop_load() { global $username, $data_dir, $spamcop_enabled, $spamcop_delete, $spamcop_method, $spamcop_id, $spamcop_quick_report;
$spamcop_enabled = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_enabled'); $spamcop_delete = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_delete'); $spamcop_method = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_method'); $spamcop_id = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_id'); if ($spamcop_method == '') { // This variable is not used // if (getPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_form')) // $spamcop_method = 'web_form'; // else
// Default to web_form. It is faster. $spamcop_method = 'web_form'; setPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_method', $spamcop_method); } if (! $spamcop_quick_report && $spamcop_method=='quick_email') { $spamcop_method = 'web_form'; setPref($data_dir, $username, 'spamcop_method', $spamcop_method); } if ($spamcop_id == '') $spamcop_enabled = 0; }
// Show the link on the read-a-message screen function spamcop_show_link() { global $spamcop_enabled, $spamcop_method, $spamcop_quick_report;
if (! $spamcop_enabled) return;
/* GLOBALS */ sqgetGlobalVar('passed_id', $passed_id, SQ_FORM); sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id',$passed_ent_id,SQ_FORM); sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_FORM); if ( sqgetGlobalVar('startMessage', $startMessage, SQ_FORM) ) { $startMessage = (int)$startMessage; } /* END GLOBALS */
// catch unset passed_ent_id if (! sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id', $passed_ent_id, SQ_FORM) ) { $passed_ent_id = 0; }
echo "<br>\n";
/* Catch situation when user use quick_email and does not update preferences. User gets web_form link. If prefs are set to quick_email format - they will be updated after clicking the link */ if (! $spamcop_quick_report && $spamcop_method=='quick_email') { $spamcop_method = 'web_form'; } if ($spamcop_method == 'web_form') { ?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write('<a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&js_web=1&mailbox=<?php echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&passed_ent_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_ent_id); ?>" target="_blank">'); document.write("<?php echo _("Report as Spam"); ?>"); document.write("</a>"); </script><noscript> <a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?php echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?php echo urlencode($startMessage); ?>&passed_ent_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_ent_id); ?>"> <?php echo _("Report as Spam"); ?></a> </noscript><?php } else { ?><a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?php echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?php echo urlencode($startMessage); ?>&passed_ent_id=<?php echo urlencode($passed_ent_id); ?>"> <?php echo _("Report as Spam"); ?></a> <?php } }
// Show the link to our own custom options page function spamcop_options() { global $optpage_blocks; $optpage_blocks[] = array( 'name' => _("SpamCop - Spam Reporting"), 'url' => '../plugins/spamcop/options.php', 'desc' => _("Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite fast, really smart, and easy to use."), 'js' => false ); }
// When we send the email, we optionally trash it then too function spamcop_while_sending() { global $mailbox, $spamcop_delete, $auto_expunge, $username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort;
// load sqgetGlobalVar() include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php');
// check if compose.php is called by spamcop plugin if (sqgetGlobalVar('spamcop_is_composing' , $spamcop_is_composing)) { if ($spamcop_delete) { $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); sqimap_msgs_list_delete($imapConnection, $mailbox, $spamcop_is_composing); if ($auto_expunge) sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true); } // change default email composition setting. Plugin always operates in right frame. // make sure that compose.php redirects to right page. Temporally override. global $compose_new_win; $compose_new_win = false; } }