Viewing file: prefs.php (5.24 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * prefs.php * * This contains functions for filebased user prefs locations * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: prefs.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage prefs */
/** Include global.php */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php');
/** include this for error messages */ include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php');
sqgetGlobalVar('prefs_cache', $prefs_cache, SQ_SESSION ); sqgetGlobalVar('prefs_are_cached', $prefs_are_cached, SQ_SESSION );
$rg = ini_get('register_globals');
if ( !sqsession_is_registered('prefs_are_cached') || !isset($prefs_cache) || !is_array($prefs_cache) ) { $prefs_are_cached = false; $prefs_cache = array(); }
$prefs_backend = do_hook_function('prefs_backend'); if (isset($prefs_backend) && !empty($prefs_backend) && file_exists(SM_PATH . $prefs_backend)) { require_once(SM_PATH . $prefs_backend); } elseif (isset($prefs_dsn) && !empty($prefs_dsn)) { require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/db_prefs.php'); } else { require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/file_prefs.php'); }
/* Hashing functions */
/** * Given a username and datafilename, this will return the path to the * hashed location of that datafile. * * @param string username the username of the current user * @param string dir the squirrelmail datadir * @param string datafile the name of the file to open * @param bool hash_seach default true * @return string the hashed location of datafile */ function getHashedFile($username, $dir, $datafile, $hash_search = true) { global $dir_hash_level;
/* Remove trailing slash from $dir if found */ if (substr($dir, -1) == '/') { $dir = substr($dir, 0, strlen($dir) - 1); }
/* Compute the hash for this user and extract the hash directories. */ $hash_dirs = computeHashDirs($username);
/* First, get and make sure the full hash directory exists. */ $real_hash_dir = getHashedDir($username, $dir, $hash_dirs);
/* Set the value of our real data file, after we've removed unwanted characters. */ $datafile = str_replace('/', '_', $datafile); $result = "$real_hash_dir/$datafile";
/* Check for this file in the real hash directory. */ if ($hash_search && !@file_exists($result)) { /* First check the base directory, the most common location. */ if (@file_exists("$dir/$datafile")) { rename("$dir/$datafile", $result);
/* Then check the full range of possible hash directories. */ } else { $check_hash_dir = $dir; for ($h = 0; $h < 4; ++$h) { $check_hash_dir .= '/' . $hash_dirs[$h]; if (@is_readable("$check_hash_dir/$datafile")) { rename("$check_hash_dir/$datafile", $result); break; } } } }
/* Return the full hashed datafile path. */ return ($result); }
/** * Helper function for getHashedFile(), given a username returns * the hashed dir for that username. * * NOTE that the hashed dir will be created if it doesn't * already exist. * * @param string username the username of the current user * @param string dir the squirrelmail datadir * @param string hash_dirs default '' * @return the path to the hash dir for username */ function getHashedDir($username, $dir, $hash_dirs = '') { global $dir_hash_level;
/* Remove trailing slash from $dir if found */ if (substr($dir, -1) == '/') { $dir = substr($dir, 0, strlen($dir) - 1); }
/* If necessary, populate the hash dir variable. */ if ($hash_dirs == '') { $hash_dirs = computeHashDirs($username); }
/* Make sure the full hash directory exists. */ $real_hash_dir = $dir; for ($h = 0; $h < $dir_hash_level; ++$h) { $real_hash_dir .= '/' . $hash_dirs[$h]; if (!@is_dir($real_hash_dir)) { if (!@mkdir($real_hash_dir, 0770)) { echo sprintf(_("Error creating directory %s."), $real_hash_dir) . '<br />' . _("Could not create hashed directory structure!") . "<br />\n" . _("Please contact your system administrator and report this error.") . "<br />\n"; exit; } } }
/* And return that directory. */ return ($real_hash_dir); }
/** * Helper function for getHashDir which does the actual hash calculation. * * @param string username the username to calculate the hash dir for * @return array a list of hash dirs for this username */ function computeHashDirs($username) { /* Compute the hash for this user and extract the hash directories. */ /* Note that the crc32() function result will be different on 32 and */ /* 64 bit systems, thus the hack below. */ $crc = crc32($username); if ($crc & 0x80000000) { $crc ^= 0xffffffff; $crc += 1; } $hash = base_convert($crc, 10, 16); $hash_dirs = array(); for ($h = 0; $h < 4; ++ $h) { $hash_dirs[] = substr($hash, $h, 1); }
/* Return our array of hash directories. */ return ($hash_dirs); }