Viewing file: mailbox_display.php (47.82 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * mailbox_display.php * * This contains functions that display mailbox information, such as the * table row that has sender, date, subject, etc... * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: mailbox_display.php 13932 2010-03-30 05:54:31Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail */
/** The standard includes.. */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/strings.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/html.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'class/html.class.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap_mailbox.php');
/* Constants: * PG_SEL_MAX: default value for page_selector_max * SUBJ_TRIM_AT: the length at which we trim off subjects */ define('PG_SEL_MAX', 10); define('SUBJ_TRIM_AT', 55);
function elapsed($start) { $end = microtime(); list($start2, $start1) = explode(" ", $start); list($end2, $end1) = explode(" ", $end); $diff1 = $end1 - $start1; $diff2 = $end2 - $start2; if( $diff2 < 0 ){ $diff1 -= 1; $diff2 += 1.0; } return $diff2 + $diff1; }
function printMessageInfo($imapConnection, $t, $not_last=true, $key, $mailbox, $start_msg, $where, $what) { global $checkall, $preselected, $color, $msgs, $msort, $td_str, $msg, $default_use_priority, $message_highlight_list, $index_order, $indent_array, /* indent subject by */ $pos, /* Search postion (if any) */ $thread_sort_messages, /* thread sorting on/off */ $server_sort_order, /* sort value when using server-sorting */ $row_count, $allow_server_sort, /* enable/disable server-side sorting */ $truncate_subject, $truncate_sender, $internal_date_sort;
sqgetGlobalVar('sort', $sort, SQ_SESSION);
$color_string = $color[4];
if ($GLOBALS['alt_index_colors']) { if (!isset($row_count)) { $row_count = 0; } $row_count++; if ($row_count % 2) { if (!isset($color[12])) { $color[12] = '#EAEAEA'; } $color_string = $color[12]; } } $msg = $msgs[$key];
if($mailbox == 'None') { $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection); $mailbox = $boxes[0]['unformatted']; unset($boxes); } $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) { $msg['FROM'] = $msg['TO']; } $msg['FROM'] = parseAddress($msg['FROM'],1);
/* * This is done in case you're looking into Sent folders, * because you can have multiple receivers. */
$senderNames = $msg['FROM']; $senderName = ''; $senderFrom = '';
if (sizeof($senderNames)){ foreach ($senderNames as $senderNames_part) { if ($senderName != '') { $senderName .= ', '; }
if ($senderFrom != '') { $senderFrom .= ', '; }
if ($senderNames_part[1]) { $senderName .= decodeHeader($senderNames_part[1]); } else { $senderName .= htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]); }
$senderFrom .= htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]); } } $senderName = str_replace(' ',' ',$senderName); echo html_tag( 'tr','','','','valign="top"') . "\n";
if (isset($msg['FLAG_FLAGGED']) && ($msg['FLAG_FLAGGED'] == true)) { $flag = "<font color=\"$color[2]\">"; $flag_end = '</font>'; } else { $flag = ''; $flag_end = ''; } if (!isset($msg['FLAG_SEEN']) || ($msg['FLAG_SEEN'] == false)) { $bold = '<b>'; $bold_end = '</b>'; } else { $bold = ''; $bold_end = ''; } if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) { $italic = '<i>'; $italic_end = '</i>'; } else { $italic = ''; $italic_end = ''; } if (isset($msg['FLAG_DELETED']) && $msg['FLAG_DELETED']) { $fontstr = "<font color=\"$color[9]\">"; $fontstr_end = '</font>'; } else { $fontstr = ''; $fontstr_end = ''; }
if ($where && $what) { $searchstr = '&where='.$where.'&what='.$what; } else { $searchstr = ''; }
if (is_array($message_highlight_list) && count($message_highlight_list)) { $msg['TO'] = parseAddress($msg['TO']); $msg['CC'] = parseAddress($msg['CC']); foreach ($message_highlight_list as $message_highlight_list_part) { if (trim($message_highlight_list_part['value']) != '') { $high_val = strtolower($message_highlight_list_part['value']); $match_type = strtoupper($message_highlight_list_part['match_type']); if($match_type == 'TO_CC') { $match = array('TO', 'CC'); } else { $match = array($match_type); } foreach($match as $match_type) { switch($match_type) { case('TO'): case('CC'): case('FROM'): foreach ($msg[$match_type] as $address) { $address[0] = decodeHeader($address[0], true, false); $address[1] = decodeHeader($address[1], true, false); if (strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[0]), $high_val) || strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[1]), $high_val)) { $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color']; break 4; } } break; default: $headertest = strtolower(decodeHeader($msg[$match_type], true, false)); if (strstr('^^' . $headertest, $high_val)) { $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color']; break 3; } break; } } } } }
if (!isset($hlt_color)) { $hlt_color = $color_string; } if ($checkall == 1 || in_array($msg['ID'], $preselected)) $checked = ' checked="checked"'; else $checked = ''; $col = 0; $msg['SUBJECT'] = decodeHeader($msg['SUBJECT']); // $subject = processSubject($msg['SUBJECT'], $indent_array[$msg['ID']]); $subject = sm_truncate_string(str_replace(' ',' ',$msg['SUBJECT']), $truncate_subject, '...', TRUE); if (sizeof($index_order)) { foreach ($index_order as $index_order_part) { switch ($index_order_part) { case 1: /* checkbox */ echo html_tag( 'td', "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"msg[$t]\" id=\"msg".$msg['ID']. "\" value=\"".$msg['ID']."\"$checked>", 'center', $hlt_color ); break; case 2: /* from */ $from_xtra = ''; $from_xtra = 'title="' . $senderFrom . '"'; echo html_tag( 'td', html_tag('label', $italic . $bold . $flag . $fontstr . sm_truncate_string($senderName, $truncate_sender, '...', TRUE) . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end . $italic_end, '','','for="msg'.$msg['ID'].'"'), 'left', $hlt_color, $from_xtra ); break; case 3: /* date */ // show internal date if using it to sort if ($internal_date_sort && ($sort == 0 || $sort == 1)) { $date_string = $msg['RECEIVED_DATE_STRING'] . ''; } else { $date_string = $msg['DATE_STRING'] . ''; } if ($date_string == '') { $date_string = _("Unknown date"); } echo html_tag( 'td', $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $date_string . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap' ); break; case 4: /* subject */ $td_str = $bold; if ($thread_sort_messages == 1) { if (isset($indent_array[$msg['ID']])) { $td_str .= str_repeat(" ",$indent_array[$msg['ID']]); } } $td_str .= '<a href="read_body.php?mailbox='.$urlMailbox . '&passed_id='. $msg["ID"] . '&startMessage='.$start_msg.$searchstr.'"'; $td_str .= ' ' .concat_hook_function('subject_link', array($start_msg, $searchstr)); if ($subject != $msg['SUBJECT']) { $title = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS); $title = array_flip($title); $title = strtr($msg['SUBJECT'], $title); $title = str_replace('"', "''", $title); $td_str .= " title=\"$title\""; } $td_str .= ">$flag$subject$flag_end</a>$bold_end"; echo html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'left', $hlt_color ); break; case 5: /* flags */ $stuff = false; $td_str = "<b><small>";
if (isset($msg['FLAG_ANSWERED']) && $msg['FLAG_ANSWERED'] == true) { // i18n: "A" is short for "Answered". Make sure that two icon strings aren't translated to the same character (only in 1.5). $td_str .= _("A"); $stuff = true; } if ($msg['TYPE0'] == 'multipart' && $msg['TYPE1'] == 'mixed') { $td_str .= '+'; $stuff = true; } if ($default_use_priority) { if ( ($msg['PRIORITY'] == 1) || ($msg['PRIORITY'] == 2) ) { $td_str .= "<font color=\"$color[1]\">!</font>"; $stuff = true; } if ($msg['PRIORITY'] == 5) { $td_str .= "<font color=\"$color[8]\">?</font>"; $stuff = true; } } if (isset($msg['FLAG_DELETED']) && $msg['FLAG_DELETED'] == true) { $td_str .= "<font color=\"$color[1]\">D</font>"; $stuff = true; } if (!$stuff) { $td_str .= ' '; } do_hook("msg_envelope"); $td_str .= '</small></b>'; echo html_tag( 'td', $td_str, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap' ); break; case 6: /* size */ echo html_tag( 'td', $bold . $fontstr . show_readable_size($msg['SIZE']) . $fontstr_end . $bold_end, 'right', $hlt_color ); break; } ++$col; } } if ($not_last) { echo '</tr>' . "\n" . '<tr><td colspan="' . $col . '" bgcolor="' . $color[0] . '" height="1"></td></tr>' . "\n"; } else { echo '</tr>'."\n"; } }
function getServerMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $id) { if ($id != 'no') { $id = array_slice($id, ($start_msg-1), $show_num); $end = $start_msg + $show_num - 1; if ($num_msgs < $show_num) { $end_loop = $num_msgs; } else if ($end > $num_msgs) { $end_loop = $num_msgs - $start_msg + 1; } else { $end_loop = $show_num; } return fillMessageArray($imapConnection,$id,$end_loop,$show_num); } else { return false; } }
function getThreadMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs) { $id = get_thread_sort($imapConnection); return getServerMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $id); }
function getServerSortMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $server_sort_order, $mbxresponse) { $id = sqimap_get_sort_order($imapConnection, $server_sort_order,$mbxresponse); return getServerMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $id); }
function getSelfSortMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $sort, $mbxresponse) { $msgs = array(); if ($num_msgs >= 1) { $id = sqimap_get_php_sort_order ($imapConnection, $mbxresponse); if ($sort != 6 ) { $end = $num_msgs; $end_loop = $end; /* set shownum to 999999 to fool sqimap_get_small_header_list and rebuild the msgs_str to 1:* */ $show_num = 999999; } else { /* if it's not sorted */ if ($start_msg + ($show_num - 1) < $num_msgs) { $end_msg = $start_msg + ($show_num - 1); } else { $end_msg = $num_msgs; } if ($end_msg < $start_msg) { $start_msg = $start_msg - $show_num; if ($start_msg < 1) { $start_msg = 1; } } $id = array_slice(array_reverse($id), ($start_msg-1), $show_num); $end = $start_msg + $show_num - 1; if ($num_msgs < $show_num) { $end_loop = $num_msgs; } else if ($end > $num_msgs) { $end_loop = $num_msgs - $start_msg + 1; } else { $end_loop = $show_num; } } $msgs = fillMessageArray($imapConnection,$id,$end_loop, $show_num); } return $msgs; }
/* * This function loops through a group of messages in the mailbox * and shows them to the user. */ function showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, $mailbox, $num_msgs, $start_msg, $sort, $color, $show_num, $use_cache, $mode='') { global $msgs, $msort, $auto_expunge, $thread_sort_messages, $allow_server_sort, $server_sort_order;
/* * For some reason, on PHP 4.3+, this being unset, and set in the session causes havoc * so setting it to an empty array beforehand seems to clean up the issue, and stopping the * "Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3" error */
if (!isset($msort)) { $msort = array(); }
if (!isset($msgs)) { $msgs = array(); }
//$start = microtime(); /* If autoexpunge is turned on, then do it now. */ $mbxresponse = sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox); $srt = $sort; /* If autoexpunge is turned on, then do it now. */ if ($auto_expunge == true) { $exp_cnt = sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, false, ''); $mbxresponse['EXISTS'] = $mbxresponse['EXISTS'] - $exp_cnt; $num_msgs = $mbxresponse['EXISTS']; }
if ($mbxresponse['EXISTS'] > 0) { /* if $start_msg is lower than $num_msgs, we probably deleted all messages * in the last page. We need to re-adjust the start_msg */
if($start_msg > $num_msgs) { $start_msg -= $show_num; if($start_msg < 1) { $start_msg = 1; } }
/* This code and the next if() block check for * server-side sorting methods. The $id array is * formatted and $sort is set to 6 to disable * SM internal sorting */
if ($thread_sort_messages == 1) { $mode = 'thread'; } elseif ($allow_server_sort == 1) { $mode = 'serversort'; } else { $mode = ''; }
if ($use_cache) { sqgetGlobalVar('msgs', $msgs, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('msort', $msort, SQ_SESSION); } else { sqsession_unregister('msort'); sqsession_unregister('msgs'); } switch ($mode) { case 'thread': $id = get_thread_sort($imapConnection); $msgs = getServerMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $id); if ($msgs === false) { echo '<b><small><center><font color="red">' . _("Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.") . '<br />' . _("Please contact your system administrator and report this error.") . '</font></center></small></b>'; $thread_sort_messages = 0; $msort = $msgs = array(); } else { $msort= $msgs; $sort = 6; } break; case 'serversort': $id = sqimap_get_sort_order($imapConnection, $sort, $mbxresponse); $msgs = getServerMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $id); if ($msgs === false) { echo '<b><small><center><font color="red">' . _( "Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.") . '<br />' . _("Please contact your system administrator and report this error.") . '</font></center></small></b>'; $sort = $server_sort_order; $allow_server_sort = FALSE; $msort = $msgs = array(); $id = array(); } else { $msort = $msgs; $sort = 6; } break; default: if (!$use_cache) { $msgs = getSelfSortMessages($imapConnection, $start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs, $sort, $mbxresponse); $msort = calc_msort($msgs, $sort, $mailbox); } /* !use cache */ break; } // switch sqsession_register($msort, 'msort'); sqsession_register($msgs, 'msgs');
} /* if exists > 0 */
$res = getEndMessage($start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs); $start_msg = $res[0]; $end_msg = $res[1];
if ($num_msgs > 0) { $paginator_str = get_paginator_str($mailbox, $start_msg, $end_msg, $num_msgs, $show_num, $sort); } else { $paginator_str = ''; }
$msg_cnt_str = get_msgcnt_str($start_msg, $end_msg, $num_msgs);
$safe_name = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/", '_', $mailbox); $form_name = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; echo '<form name="' . $form_name . '" method="post" action="move_messages.php">' ."\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="smtoken" value="'.sm_generate_security_token().'">' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="mailbox" value="'.htmlspecialchars($mailbox).'">' . "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="startMessage" value="'.htmlspecialchars($start_msg).'">' . "\n"; echo '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; echo '<tr><td>';
mail_message_listing_beginning($imapConnection, $mailbox, $sort, $msg_cnt_str, $paginator_str, $start_msg); /* line between the button area and the list */ echo '<tr><td height="5" bgcolor="'.$color[4].'"></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td>'; echo ' <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" align="center"'.' border="0" bgcolor="'.$color[9].'">'; echo ' <tr><td>'; echo ' <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0" bgcolor="'.$color[5].'">'; printHeader($mailbox, $srt, $color, !$thread_sort_messages);
displayMessageArray($imapConnection, $num_msgs, $start_msg, $msort, $mailbox, $sort, $color, $show_num,0,0); echo '</table></td></tr></table>';
mail_message_listing_end($num_msgs, $paginator_str, $msg_cnt_str, $color); echo '</table>';
echo "\n</form>\n\n"; //$t = elapsed($start); //echo("elapsed time = $t seconds\n"); }
function calc_msort($msgs, $sort, $mailbox = 'INBOX') {
/* * 0 = Date (up) * 1 = Date (dn) * 2 = Name (up) * 3 = Name (dn) * 4 = Subject (up) * 5 = Subject (dn) * 6 = default no sort * 7 - UNUSED * 8 = Size (up) * 9 = Size (dn) */
global $internal_date_sort;
if (($sort == 0) || ($sort == 1)) { foreach ($msgs as $item) { if ($internal_date_sort) $msort[] = $item['RECEIVED_TIME_STAMP']; else $msort[] = $item['TIME_STAMP']; } } elseif (($sort == 2) || ($sort == 3)) { $fld_sort = (handleAsSent($mailbox)?'TO-SORT':'FROM-SORT'); foreach ($msgs as $item) { $msort[] = $item[$fld_sort]; } } elseif (($sort == 4) || ($sort == 5)) { foreach ($msgs as $item) { $msort[] = $item['SUBJECT-SORT']; } } elseif (($sort == 8) || ($sort == 9)) { foreach ($msgs as $item) { $msort[] = $item['SIZE']; } } else { $msort = $msgs; } if ($sort != 6) { if ($sort % 2) { asort($msort); } else { arsort($msort); } } return $msort; }
function fillMessageArray($imapConnection, $id, $count, $show_num=false) { return sqimap_get_small_header_list($imapConnection, $id, $show_num); }
/* Generic function to convert the msgs array into an HTML table. */ function displayMessageArray($imapConnection, $num_msgs, $start_msg, $msort, $mailbox, $sort, $color, $show_num, $where=0, $what=0) { global $imapServerAddress, $use_mailbox_cache, $index_order, $indent_array, $thread_sort_messages, $allow_server_sort, $server_sort_order, $PHP_SELF;
$res = getEndMessage($start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs); $start_msg = $res[0]; $end_msg = $res[1];
$urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
/* get indent level for subject display */ if ($thread_sort_messages == 1 && $num_msgs) { $indent_array = get_parent_level($imapConnection); }
$real_startMessage = $start_msg; if ($sort == 6) { if ($end_msg - $start_msg < $show_num - 1) { $end_msg = $end_msg - $start_msg + 1; $start_msg = 1; } else if ($start_msg > $show_num) { $end_msg = $show_num; $start_msg = 1; } } $endVar = $end_msg + 1;
/* * Loop through and display the info for each message. * ($t is used for the checkbox number) */ $t = 0;
/* messages display */
if (!$num_msgs) { /* if there's no messages in this folder */ echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', "<br><b>" . _("THIS FOLDER IS EMPTY") . "</b><br> ", 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="' . count($index_order) . '"' ) ); } elseif ($start_msg == $end_msg) { /* if there's only one message in the box, handle it differently. */ if ($sort != 6) { $i = $start_msg; } else { $i = 1; } reset($msort); $k = 0; do { $key = key($msort); next($msort); $k++; } while (isset ($key) && ($k < $i)); printMessageInfo($imapConnection, $t, true, $key, $mailbox, $real_startMessage, $where, $what); } else { $i = $start_msg; reset($msort); $k = 0; do { $key = key($msort); next($msort); $k++; } while (isset ($key) && ($k < $i)); $not_last = true; do { if (!$i || $i == $endVar-1) $not_last = false; printMessageInfo($imapConnection, $t, $not_last, $key, $mailbox, $real_startMessage, $where, $what); $key = key($msort); $t++; $i++; next($msort); } while ($i && $i < $endVar); } }
/* * Displays the standard message list header. To finish the table, * you need to do a "</table></table>"; * * $moveURL is the URL to submit the delete/move form to * $mailbox is the current mailbox * $sort is the current sorting method (-1 for no sorting available [searches]) * $Message is a message that is centered on top of the list * $More is a second line that is left aligned */
function mail_message_listing_beginning ($imapConnection, $mailbox = '', $sort = -1, $msg_cnt_str = '', $paginator = ' ', $start_msg = 1) { global $color, $auto_expunge, $base_uri, $thread_sort_messages, $allow_thread_sort, $allow_server_sort, $server_sort_order, $PHP_SELF;
$php_self = $PHP_SELF; /* fix for incorrect $PHP_SELF */ if (strpos($php_self, 'move_messages.php')) { $php_self = str_replace('move_messages.php', 'right_main.php', $php_self); } $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$php_self,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $php_self; }
/* * This is the beginning of the message list table. * It wraps around all messages */
if (!empty($paginator) && !empty($msg_cnt_str)) {
echo html_tag( 'table' , html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td' , html_tag( 'table' , html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', $paginator, 'left' ) . html_tag( 'td', $msg_cnt_str, 'right' ) ) , '', $color[4], 'border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ) , 'left', '', '' ) , '', $color[0] ) , '', '', 'border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ); } /* line between header and button area */ echo '</td></tr><tr><td height="5" bgcolor="'.$color[4].'"></td></tr>';
echo html_tag( 'tr' ) . "\n" . html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', '' ) . html_tag( 'table' ,'' , '', $color[9], 'border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ) . '<tr><td>' . html_tag( 'table' ,'' , '', $color[0], 'border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ) . html_tag( 'tr', getSmallStringCell(_("Move Selected To"), 'left', 'nowrap') . getSmallStringCell(_("Transform Selected Messages"), 'right') ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) ."\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'valign="middle" nowrap' ); getMbxList($imapConnection); echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'moveButton',_("Move")) . "\n"; echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'attache',_("Forward")) . "\n"; do_hook('mailbox_display_buttons');
echo " </small></td>\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'right', '', 'nowrap' );
if (!$auto_expunge) { echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'expungeButton',_("Expunge")) ."\n"; }
echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'markRead',_("Read")) . "\n"; echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'markUnread',_("Unread")) . "\n"; echo getButton('SUBMIT', 'delete',_("Delete")) ." \n"; if (!strpos($php_self,'mailbox')) { $location = $php_self.'?mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1'; } else { $location = $php_self; }
// $location = urlencode($location);
echo '<input type="hidden" name="location" value="'.$location.'">'; echo "</td>\n" . " </tr>\n";
/* draws thread sorting links */ if ($allow_thread_sort == TRUE) { if ($thread_sort_messages == 1 ) { $set_thread = 2; $thread_name = _("Unthread View"); } elseif ($thread_sort_messages == 0) { $set_thread = 1; $thread_name = _("Thread View"); } echo html_tag( 'tr' , html_tag( 'td' , ' <small><a href="' . $source_url . '?sort=' . "$sort" . '&start_messages=1&set_thread=' . "$set_thread" . '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '">' . $thread_name . '</a></small> ' , '', '', '' ) , '', '', '' ); }
echo "</table></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
/* if using server sort we highjack the * the $sort var and use $server_sort_order * instead. but here we reset sort for a bit * since its easy */ if ($allow_server_sort == TRUE) { $sort = $server_sort_order; } }
function mail_message_listing_end($num_msgs, $paginator_str, $msg_cnt_str, $color) { if ($num_msgs) { /* space between list and footer */ echo '<tr><td height="5" bgcolor="'.$color[4].'" colspan="1">';
echo '</td></tr><tr><td>'; echo html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', $paginator_str ) . html_tag( 'td', $msg_cnt_str, 'right' ) ) , '', $color[4], 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ) ) ) , '', $color[9], 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' ); echo '</td></tr>'; } /* End of message-list table */
do_hook('mailbox_index_after'); }
function printHeader($mailbox, $sort, $color, $showsort=true) { global $index_order, $internal_date_sort; echo html_tag( 'tr' ,'' , 'center', $color[5] );
/* calculate the width of the subject column based on the * widths of the other columns */ $widths = array(1=>1,2=>25,3=>5,4=>0,5=>1,6=>5); $subjectwidth = 100; foreach($index_order as $item) { $subjectwidth -= $widths[$item]; }
foreach ($index_order as $item) { switch ($item) { case 1: /* checkbox */ case 5: /* flags */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,' ' , '', '', 'width="1%"' ); break; case 2: /* from */ if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) { echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="25%"' ) . '<b>' . _("To") . '</b>'; } else { echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="25%"' ) . '<b>' . _("From") . '</b>'; } if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($sort, $mailbox, 2, 3); } echo "</td>\n"; break; case 3: /* date */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="5%" nowrap' ) . '<b>' . ($internal_date_sort && ($sort == 0 || $sort == 1) ? _("Received") : _("Date")) . '</b>'; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($sort, $mailbox, 0, 1); } echo "</td>\n"; break; case 4: /* subject */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="'.$subjectwidth.'%"' ) . '<b>' . _("Subject") . '</b>'; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($sort, $mailbox, 4, 5); } echo "</td>\n"; break; case 6: /* size */ echo html_tag( 'td' ,'' , 'left', '', 'width="5%" nowrap' ) . '<b>' . _("Size") . '</b>'; if ($showsort) { ShowSortButton($sort, $mailbox, 8, 9); } echo "</td>\n"; break; } } echo "</tr>\n"; }
/* * This function shows the sort button. Isn't this a good comment? */ function ShowSortButton($sort, $mailbox, $Up, $Down ) { global $PHP_SELF; /* Figure out which image we want to use. */ if ($sort != $Up && $sort != $Down) { $img = 'sort_none.png'; $which = $Up; } elseif ($sort == $Up) { $img = 'up_pointer.png'; $which = $Down; } else { $img = 'down_pointer.png'; $which = 6; }
if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$PHP_SELF,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $PHP_SELF; }
/* Now that we have everything figured out, show the actual button. */ echo ' <a href="' . $source_url .'?newsort=' . $which . '&startMessage=1&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) . '"><img src="../images/' . $img . '" border="0" width="12" height="10" alt="sort"></a>'; }
function get_selectall_link($start_msg, $sort) { global $checkall, $what, $where, $mailbox, $javascript_on; global $PHP_SELF, $PG_SHOWNUM;
$result = ''; if ($javascript_on) { $safe_name = preg_replace("/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/", '_', $mailbox); $func_name = "CheckAll" . $safe_name; $form_name = "FormMsgs" . $safe_name; $result = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!-- \n" . "function " . $func_name . "() {\n" . " for (var i = 0; i < document." . $form_name . ".elements.length; i++) {\n" . " if(document." . $form_name . ".elements[i].type == 'checkbox'){\n" . " document." . $form_name . ".elements[i].checked = " . " !(document." . $form_name . ".elements[i].checked);\n" . " }\n" . " }\n" . "}\n" . "//-->\n" . '</script><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="' . $func_name . '();">' . _("Toggle All") /* . '</script><a href="javascript:' . $func_name . '()">' . _("Toggle All")*/ . "</a>\n"; } else { if (strpos($PHP_SELF, "?")) { $result .= "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF&mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . "&startMessage=$start_msg&sort=$sort&checkall="; } else { $result .= "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . "&startMessage=$start_msg&sort=$sort&checkall="; } if (isset($checkall) && $checkall == '1') { $result .= '0'; } else { $result .= '1'; }
if (isset($where) && isset($what)) { $result .= '&where=' . urlencode($where) . '&what=' . urlencode($what); } $result .= "\">";
if (isset($checkall) && ($checkall == '1')) { $result .= _("Unselect All"); } else { $result .= _("Select All"); } $result .= "</a>\n"; }
/* Return our final result. */ return ($result); }
/* * This function computes the "Viewing Messages..." string. */ function get_msgcnt_str($start_msg, $end_msg, $num_msgs) { /* Compute the $msg_cnt_str. */ $result = ''; if ($start_msg < $end_msg) { $result = sprintf(_("Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"), '<b>'.$start_msg.'</b>', '<b>'.$end_msg.'</b>', $num_msgs); } else if ($start_msg == $end_msg) { $result = sprintf(_("Viewing Message: %s (%s total)"), '<b>'.$start_msg.'</b>', $num_msgs); } else { $result = '<br>'; } /* Return our result string. */ return ($result); }
/* * Generate a paginator link. */ function get_paginator_link($box, $start_msg, $use, $text) { global $PHP_SELF;
$result = "<a href=\"right_main.php?use_mailbox_cache=$use" . "&startMessage=$start_msg&mailbox=$box\" " . ">$text</a>"; return ($result); /* if (preg_match('/^(.+)\?.+$/',$PHP_SELF,$regs)) { $source_url = $regs[1]; } else { $source_url = $PHP_SELF; }
$result = '<A HREF="'. $source_url . "?use_mailbox_cache=$use" . "&startMessage=$start_msg&mailbox=$box\" " . ">$text</A>"; return ($result); */ }
/* * This function computes the paginator string. */ function get_paginator_str($box, $start_msg, $end_msg, $num_msgs, $show_num, $sort) { global $username, $data_dir, $use_mailbox_cache, $color, $PG_SHOWNUM;
/* Initialize paginator string chunks. */ $prv_str = ''; $nxt_str = ''; $pg_str = ''; $all_str = ''; $tgl_str = '';
$box = urlencode($box);
/* Create simple strings that will be creating the paginator. */ $spc = ' '; /* This will be used as a space. */ $sep = '|'; /* This will be used as a seperator. */
/* Get some paginator preference values. */ $pg_sel = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector', SMPREF_ON); $pg_max = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector_max', PG_SEL_MAX);
/* Make sure that our start message number is not too big. */ $start_msg = min($start_msg, $num_msgs);
/* Decide whether or not we will use the mailbox cache. */ /* Not sure why $use_mailbox_cache is even passed in. */ if ($sort == 6) { $use = 0; } else { $use = 1; }
/* Compute the starting message of the previous and next page group. */ $next_grp = $start_msg + $show_num; $prev_grp = $start_msg - $show_num;
/* Compute the basic previous and next strings. */ if (($next_grp <= $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) { $prv_str = get_paginator_link($box, $prev_grp, $use, _("Previous")); $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($box, $next_grp, $use, _("Next")); } else if (($next_grp > $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp >= 0)) { $prv_str = get_paginator_link($box, $prev_grp, $use, _("Previous")); $nxt_str = "<font color=\"$color[9]\">"._("Next")."</font>\n"; } else if (($next_grp <= $num_msgs) && ($prev_grp < 0)) { $prv_str = "<font color=\"$color[9]\">"._("Previous") . '</font>'; $nxt_str = get_paginator_link($box, $next_grp, $use, _("Next")); }
/* Page selector block. Following code computes page links. */ if ($pg_sel && ($num_msgs > $show_num)) { /* Most importantly, what is the current page!!! */ $cur_pg = intval($start_msg / $show_num) + 1;
/* Compute total # of pages and # of paginator page links. */ $tot_pgs = ceil($num_msgs / $show_num); /* Total number of Pages */ $vis_pgs = min($pg_max, $tot_pgs - 1); /* Visible Pages */
/* Compute the size of the four quarters of the page links. */
/* If we can, just show all the pages. */ if (($tot_pgs - 1) <= $pg_max) { $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1; $q2_pgs = $q3_pgs = 0; $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg;
/* Otherwise, compute some magic to choose the four quarters. */ } else { /* * Compute the magic base values. Added together, * these values will always equal to the $pag_pgs. * NOTE: These are DEFAULT values and do not take * the current page into account. That is below. */ $q1_pgs = floor($vis_pgs/4); $q2_pgs = round($vis_pgs/4, 0); $q3_pgs = ceil($vis_pgs/4); $q4_pgs = round(($vis_pgs - $q2_pgs)/3, 0);
/* Adjust if the first quarter contains the current page. */ if (($cur_pg - $q1_pgs) < 1) { $extra_pgs = ($q1_pgs - ($cur_pg - 1)) + $q2_pgs; $q1_pgs = $cur_pg - 1; $q2_pgs = 0; $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);
/* Adjust if the first and second quarters intersect. */ } else if (($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - ceil($q2_pgs/3)) <= $q1_pgs) { $extra_pgs = $q2_pgs; $extra_pgs -= ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 3/4); $q2_pgs = ceil(($cur_pg - $q1_pgs - 1) * 3/4); $q3_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); $q4_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2);
/* Adjust if the fourth quarter contains the current page. */ } else if (($cur_pg + $q4_pgs) >= $tot_pgs) { $extra_pgs = ($q4_pgs - ($tot_pgs - $cur_pg)) + $q3_pgs; $q3_pgs = 0; $q4_pgs = $tot_pgs - $cur_pg; $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2);
/* Adjust if the third and fourth quarter intersect. */ } else if (($cur_pg + $q3_pgs) >= ($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs)) { $extra_pgs = $q3_pgs; $extra_pgs -= ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 3/4); $q3_pgs = ceil(($tot_pgs - $cur_pg - $q4_pgs) * 3/4); $q1_pgs += floor($extra_pgs / 2); $q2_pgs += ceil($extra_pgs / 2); } }
/* * I am leaving this debug code here, commented out, because * it is a really nice way to see what the above code is doing. */ // echo "qts = $q1_pgs/$q2_pgs/$q3_pgs/$q4_pgs = " // . ($q1_pgs + $q2_pgs + $q3_pgs + $q4_pgs) . '<br>';
/* Print out the page links from the compute page quarters. */
/* Start with the first quarter. */ if (($q1_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg > 1)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } else { for ($pg = 1; $pg <= $q1_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $use, $pg) . $spc; } if ($cur_pg - $q2_pgs - $q1_pgs > 1) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } }
/* Continue with the second quarter. */ for ($pg = $cur_pg - $q2_pgs; $pg < $cur_pg; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $use, $pg) . $spc; }
/* Now print the current page. */ $pg_str .= $cur_pg . $spc;
/* Next comes the third quarter. */ for ($pg = $cur_pg + 1; $pg <= $cur_pg + $q3_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $use, $pg) . $spc; }
/* And last, print the forth quarter page links. */ if (($q4_pgs == 0) && ($cur_pg < $tot_pgs)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } else { if (($tot_pgs - $q4_pgs) > ($cur_pg + $q3_pgs)) { $pg_str .= "...$spc"; } for ($pg = $tot_pgs - $q4_pgs + 1; $pg <= $tot_pgs; ++$pg) { $start = (($pg-1) * $show_num) + 1; $pg_str .= get_paginator_link($box, $start, $use, $pg) . $spc; } } } else if ($PG_SHOWNUM == 999999) { $pg_str = "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0" . "&use_mailbox_cache=$use&startMessage=1&mailbox=$box\" " . ">" ._("Paginate") . '</a>' . $spc; }
/* If necessary, compute the 'show all' string. */ if (($prv_str != '') || ($nxt_str != '')) { $all_str = "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=1" . "&use_mailbox_cache=$use&startMessage=1&mailbox=$box\" " . ">" . _("Show All") . '</a>'; }
/* Last but not least, get the value for the toggle all link. */ $tgl_str = get_selectall_link($start_msg, $sort);
/* Put all the pieces of the paginator string together. */ /** * Hairy code... But let's leave it like it is since I am not certain * a different approach would be any easier to read. ;) */ $result = ''; $result .= ($prv_str != '' ? $prv_str . $spc . $sep . $spc : ''); $result .= ($nxt_str != '' ? $nxt_str . $spc . $sep . $spc : ''); $result .= ($pg_str != '' ? $pg_str : ''); $result .= ($all_str != '' ? $sep . $spc . $all_str . $spc : ''); $result .= ($result != '' ? $sep . $spc . $tgl_str: $tgl_str);
/* If the resulting string is blank, return a non-breaking space. */ if ($result == '') { $result = ' '; }
/* Return our final magical paginator string. */ return ($result); }
function processSubject($subject, $threadlevel = 0) { global $languages, $squirrelmail_language; /* Shouldn't ever happen -- caught too many times in the IMAP functions */ if ($subject == '') { return _("(no subject)"); }
$trim_at = SUBJ_TRIM_AT;
/* if this is threaded, subtract two chars per indentlevel */ if($threadlevel > 0 && $threadlevel <= 10) { $trim_at -= (2*$threadlevel); }
if (strlen($subject) <= $trim_at) { return $subject; }
$ent_strlen = $orig_len = strlen($subject); $trim_val = $trim_at - 5; $ent_offset = 0; /* * see if this is entities-encoded string * If so, Iterate through the whole string, find out * the real number of characters, and if more * than 55, substr with an updated trim value. */ $step = $ent_loc = 0; while ( $ent_loc < $trim_val && (($ent_loc = strpos($subject, '&', $ent_offset)) !== false) && (($ent_loc_end = strpos($subject, ';', $ent_loc+3)) !== false) ) { $trim_val += ($ent_loc_end-$ent_loc); $ent_offset = $ent_loc_end+1; ++$step; }
if (($trim_val > 50) && (strlen($subject) > ($trim_val))&& (strpos($subject,';',$trim_val) < ($trim_val +6))) { $i = strpos($subject,';',$trim_val); if ($i) { $trim_val = strpos($subject,';',$trim_val); } } if ($ent_strlen <= $trim_at){ return $subject; }
if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) && function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'])) { return $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']('strimwidth', $subject, $trim_val); }
// only print '...' when we're actually dropping part of the subject if(strlen($subject) <= $trim_val) { return $subject; } else { return substr($subject, 0, $trim_val) . '...'; } }
function getMbxList($imapConnection) { global $lastTargetMailbox; echo ' <small> <tt><select name="targetMailbox">'; echo sqimap_mailbox_option_list($imapConnection, array(strtolower($lastTargetMailbox)) ); echo ' </select></tt> '; }
function getButton($type, $name, $value) { return '<input type="'.$type.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value . '">'; }
function getSmallStringCell($string, $align) { return html_tag('td', '<small>' . $string . ': </small>', $align, '', 'nowrap' ); }
function getEndMessage($start_msg, $show_num, $num_msgs) { if ($start_msg + ($show_num - 1) < $num_msgs){ $end_msg = $start_msg + ($show_num - 1); } else { $end_msg = $num_msgs; }
if ($end_msg < $start_msg) { $start_msg = $start_msg - $show_num; if ($start_msg < 1) { $start_msg = 1; } } return (array($start_msg,$end_msg)); }
function handleAsSent($mailbox) { global $handleAsSent_result;
/* First check if this is the sent or draft folder. */ $handleAsSent_result = isSentMailbox($mailbox) || isDraftMailbox($mailbox);
/* Then check the result of the handleAsSent hook. */ do_hook('check_handleAsSent_result', $mailbox);
/* And return the result. */ return $handleAsSent_result; }