Viewing file: gettext.php (8.1 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * SquirrelMail internal gettext functions * * Alternate to the system's built-in gettext. Relies on .po files (can't read * .mo easily). Uses the session for caching (speed increase). Possible use in * other PHP scripts? The only SM-specific thing is $sm_language, I think. * * @link Original php gettext manual * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: gettext.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @since 1.1.2 * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage i18n */
/** Almost everything requires global.php... */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php');
global $gettext_php_domain, $gettext_php_dir, $gettext_php_loaded, $gettext_php_translateStrings, $gettext_php_loaded_language, $gettext_php_short_circuit;
if (! isset($gettext_php_loaded)) { $gettext_php_loaded = false; sqsession_register($gettext_php_loaded, 'gettext_php_loaded'); } if (! isset($gettext_php_domain)) { $gettext_php_domain = ''; sqsession_register($gettext_php_domain, 'gettext_php_domain'); } if (! isset($gettext_php_dir)) { $gettext_php_dir = ''; sqsession_register($gettext_php_dir, 'gettext_php_dir'); } if (! isset($gettext_php_translateStrings)) { $gettext_php_translateStrings = array(); sqsession_register($gettext_php_translateStrings, 'gettext_php_translateStrings'); } if (! isset($gettext_php_loaded_language)) { $gettext_php_loaded_language = ''; sqsession_register($gettext_php_loaded_language, 'gettext_php_loaded_language'); } if (! isset($gettext_php_short_circuit)) { $gettext_php_short_circuit = false; sqsession_register($gettext_php_short_circuit, 'gettext_php_short_circuit'); }
/** * Converts .po file into array and stores it in session. * * Used internally by _($str) function * * @internal function is used internally by functions/gettext.php code */ function gettext_php_load_strings() { global $squirrelmail_language, $gettext_php_translateStrings, $gettext_php_domain, $gettext_php_dir, $gettext_php_loaded, $gettext_php_loaded_language, $gettext_php_short_circuit; /* * $squirrelmail_language gives 'en' for English, 'de' for German, * etc. I didn't wanna use getenv or similar, but you easily could * change my code to do that. */ $gettext_php_translateStrings = array(); $gettext_php_short_circuit = false; /* initialization */ $filename = $gettext_php_dir; if (substr($filename, -1) != '/') $filename .= '/'; $filename .= $squirrelmail_language . '/LC_MESSAGES/' . $gettext_php_domain . '.po'; $file = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($file == false) { /* Uh-ho -- we can't load the file. Just fake it. :-) This is also for English, which doesn't use translations */ $gettext_php_loaded = true; $gettext_php_loaded_language = $squirrelmail_language; /* Avoid fuzzy matching when we didn't load strings */ $gettext_php_short_circuit = true; return; } $key = ''; $SkipRead = false; while (! feof($file)) { if (! $SkipRead) { $line = trim(fgets($file, 4096)); } else { $SkipRead = false; } if (preg_match('/^msgid "(.*)"$/', $line, $match)) { if ($match[1] == '') { /* * Potential multi-line * msgid "" * "string string " * "string string" */ $key = ''; $line = trim(fgets($file, 4096)); while (preg_match('/^[ ]*"(.*)"[ ]*$/', $line, $match)) { $key .= $match[1]; $line = trim(fgets($file, 4096)); } $SkipRead = true; } else { /* msgid "string string" */ $key = $match[1]; } } elseif (preg_match('/^msgstr "(.*)"$/', $line, $match)) { if ($match[1] == '') { /* * Potential multi-line * msgstr "" * "string string " * "string string" */ $gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] = ''; $line = trim(fgets($file, 4096)); while (preg_match('/^[ ]*"(.*)"[ ]*$/', $line, $match)) { $gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] .= $match[1]; $line = trim(fgets($file, 4096)); } $SkipRead = true; } else { /* msgstr "string string" */ $gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] = $match[1]; } $gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] = stripslashes($gettext_php_translateStrings[$key]); /* If there is no translation, just use the untranslated string */ if ($gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] == '') { $gettext_php_translateStrings[$key] = $key; } $key = ''; } } fclose($file); $gettext_php_loaded = true; $gettext_php_loaded_language = $squirrelmail_language; }
/** * Alternative php gettext function (short form) * * @link * * @param string $str English string * @return string translated string */ function _($str) { global $gettext_php_loaded, $gettext_php_translateStrings, $squirrelmail_language, $gettext_php_loaded_language, $gettext_php_short_circuit; if (! $gettext_php_loaded || $gettext_php_loaded_language != $squirrelmail_language) { gettext_php_load_strings(); } /* Try finding the exact string */ if (isset($gettext_php_translateStrings[$str])) { return $gettext_php_translateStrings[$str]; } /* See if we should short-circuit */ if ($gettext_php_short_circuit) { $gettext_php_translateStrings[$str] = $str; return $str; }
/* don't do fuzzy matching for strings with sprintf() formating */ if (! preg_match('/\%[\%bcdeufFosxX]/',$str)) { /* Look for a string that is very close to the one we want * Very computationally expensive */ $oldPercent = 0; $oldStr = ''; $newPercent = 0; foreach ($gettext_php_translateStrings as $k => $v) { similar_text($str, $k, $newPercent); if ($newPercent > $oldPercent) { $oldStr = $v; $oldPercent = $newPercent; } } /* Require 80% match or better * Adjust to suit your needs */ if ($oldPercent > 80) { /* Remember this so we don't need to search again */ $gettext_php_translateStrings[$str] = $oldStr; return $oldStr; } } /* Remember this so we don't need to search again */ $gettext_php_translateStrings[$str] = $str; return $str; }
/** * Alternative php bindtextdomain function * * Sets path to directory containing domain translations * * @link * @param string $name gettext domain name * @param string $dir directory that contains all translations * @return string path to translation directory */ function bindtextdomain($name, $dir) { global $gettext_php_domain, $gettext_php_dir, $gettext_php_loaded; if ($gettext_php_domain != $name) { $gettext_php_domain = $name; $gettext_php_loaded = false; } if ($gettext_php_dir != $dir) { $gettext_php_dir = $dir; $gettext_php_loaded = false; } return $dir; }
/** * Alternative php textdomain function * * Sets default domain name * * @link * @param string $name gettext domain name * @return string gettext domain name */ function textdomain($name = false) { global $gettext_php_domain, $gettext_php_loaded; if ($name != false && $gettext_php_domain != $name) { $gettext_php_domain = $name; $gettext_php_loaded = false; }
return $gettext_php_domain; }