Viewing file: date.php (11.72 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * date.php * * Takes a date and parses it into a usable format. The form that a * date SHOULD arrive in is: * <Tue,> 29 Jun 1999 09:52:11 -0500 (EDT) * (as specified in RFC 822) -- 'Tue' is optional * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: date.php 13932 2010-03-30 05:54:31Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage date */
/** Load up some useful constants */ require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/constants.php');
/** * Corrects a time stamp to be the local time. * * @param int stamp the timestamp to adjust * @param string tzc the timezone correction * @return int the corrected timestamp */ function getGMTSeconds($stamp, $tzc) { /* date couldn't be parsed */ if ($stamp == -1) { return -1; } /* timezone correction, expressed as `shhmm' */ switch($tzc) { case 'Pacific': case 'PST': $tzc = '-0800'; break; case 'Mountain': case 'MST': case 'PDT': $tzc = '-0700'; break; case 'Central': case 'CST': case 'MDT': $tzc = '-0600'; break; case 'Eastern': case 'EST': case 'CDT': $tzc = '-0500'; break; case 'EDT': $tzc = '-0400'; break; case 'GMT': $tzc = '+0000'; break; case 'BST': case 'MET': case 'CET': $tzc = '+0100'; break; case 'EET': case 'IST': case 'MET DST': case 'METDST': case 'CEST': case 'MEST': $tzc = '+0200'; break; case 'HKT': $tzc = '+0800'; break; case 'JST': case 'KST': $tzc = '+0900'; break; } $neg = false; if (substr($tzc, 0, 1) == '-') { $neg = true; } else if (substr($tzc, 0, 1) != '+') { $tzc = '+'.$tzc; } $hh = substr($tzc,1,2); $mm = substr($tzc,3,2); $iTzc = ($hh * 60 + $mm) * 60; if ($neg) $iTzc = -1 * (int) $iTzc; /* stamp in gmt */ $stamp -= $iTzc; /** now find what the server is at **/ $current = date('Z', time()); /* stamp in local timezone */ $stamp += $current;
return $stamp; }
/** * Returns the (localized) string for a given day number. * Switch system has been intentionaly chosen for the * internationalization of month and day names. The reason * is to make sure that _("") strings will go into the * main po. * * @param int day_number the day number * @return string the day in human readable form */ function getDayName( $day_number ) {
switch( $day_number ) { case 0: $ret = _("Sunday"); break; case 1: $ret = _("Monday"); break; case 2: $ret = _("Tuesday"); break; case 3: $ret = _("Wednesday"); break; case 4: $ret = _("Thursday"); break; case 5: $ret = _("Friday"); break; case 6: $ret = _("Saturday"); break; default: $ret = ''; } return( $ret ); }
/** * Like getDayName, but returns the short form * @param int day_number the day number * @return string the day in short human readable form */ function getDayAbrv( $day_number ) {
switch( $day_number ) { case 0: $ret = _("Sun"); break; case 1: $ret = _("Mon"); break; case 2: $ret = _("Tue"); break; case 3: $ret = _("Wed"); break; case 4: $ret = _("Thu"); break; case 5: $ret = _("Fri"); break; case 6: $ret = _("Sat"); break; default: $ret = ''; } return( $ret ); }
/** * Returns the (localized) string for a given month number. * * @param string month_number the month number (01..12) * @return string the month name in human readable form */ function getMonthName( $month_number ) { switch( $month_number ) { case '01': $ret = _("January"); break; case '02': $ret = _("February"); break; case '03': $ret = _("March"); break; case '04': $ret = _("April"); break; case '05': $ret = _("May"); break; case '06': $ret = _("June"); break; case '07': $ret = _("July"); break; case '08': $ret = _("August"); break; case '09': $ret = _("September"); break; case '10': $ret = _("October"); break; case '11': $ret = _("November"); break; case '12': $ret = _("December"); break; default: $ret = ''; } return( $ret ); }
/** * Returns the (localized) string for a given month number, * short representation. * * @param string month_number the month number (01..12) * @return string the shortened month in human readable form */ function getMonthAbrv( $month_number ) { switch( $month_number ) { case '01': $ret = _("Jan"); break; case '02': $ret = _("Feb"); break; case '03': $ret = _("Mar"); break; case '04': $ret = _("Apr"); break; case '05': $ret = _("May"); break; case '06': $ret = _("Jun"); break; case '07': $ret = _("Jul"); break; case '08': $ret = _("Aug"); break; case '09': $ret = _("Sep"); break; case '10': $ret = _("Oct"); break; case '11': $ret = _("Nov"); break; case '12': $ret = _("Dec"); break; default: $ret = ''; } return( $ret ); }
/** * Returns the localized representation of the date/time. * * @param string date_format The format for the date, like the input for the PHP date() function. * @param int stamp the timestamp to convert * @return string a full date representation */ function date_intl( $date_format, $stamp ) { $ret = str_replace( array('D','F','l','M'), array('$1','$2','$3','$4'), $date_format ); // to reduce the date calls we retrieve m and w in the same call $ret = date('w#m#'. $ret, $stamp ); // extract day and month in order to replace later by intl day and month $aParts = explode('#',$ret); $ret = str_replace(array('$1','$4','$2','$3',), array(getDayAbrv($aParts[0]), getMonthAbrv($aParts[1]), getMonthName($aParts[1]), getDayName($aParts[0])), $aParts[2]); return( $ret ); }
/** * This returns a date of the format "Wed, Oct 29, 2003 9:52 am", * or the same in 24H format (depending on the user's settings), * and taking localization into accout. * * @param int stamp the timestamp * @param string fallback string to use when stamp not valid * @return string the long date string */ function getLongDateString( $stamp, $fallback = '' ) {
global $hour_format;
if ($stamp == -1) { return $fallback; }
if ( $hour_format == SMPREF_TIME_12HR ) { $date_format = _("D, F j, Y g:i a"); } else { $date_format = _("D, F j, Y H:i"); }
return( date_intl( $date_format, $stamp ) );
/** * Returns a short representation of the date, * taking timezones and localization into account. * Depending on user's settings, this string can be * of the form: "14:23" or "Jun 14, 2003" depending * on whether the stamp is "today" or not. * * @param int stamp the timestamp * @return string the date string */ function getDateString( $stamp ) {
global $invert_time, $hour_format, $show_full_date;
if ( $stamp == -1 ) { return ''; }
$now = time();
$dateZ = date('Z', $now );
// FIXME: isn't this obsolete and introduced as a terrible workaround // for bugs at other places which are fixed a long time ago? if ($invert_time) { $dateZ = - $dateZ; }
// calculate when it was midnight and when it will be, // in order to display dates differently if they're 'today' $midnight = $now - ($now % 86400) - $dateZ; // this is to correct if after calculations midnight is more than // one whole day away. if ($now - $midnight > 86400) { $midnight += 86400; } $nextmid = $midnight + 86400;
if (($show_full_date == 1) || ($nextmid < $stamp)) { $date_format = _("M j, Y"); } else if ($midnight < $stamp) { /* Today */ if ( $hour_format == SMPREF_TIME_12HR ) { $date_format = _("g:i a"); } else { $date_format = _("H:i"); } } else if ($midnight - 518400 < $stamp) { /* This week */ if ( $hour_format == SMPREF_TIME_12HR ) { $date_format = _("D, g:i a"); } else { $date_format = _("D, H:i"); } } else { /* before this week */ $date_format = _("M j, Y"); }
return( date_intl( $date_format, $stamp ) ); }
/** * Decodes a RFC 822 Date-header into a timestamp * * @param array dateParts the Date-header split by whitespace * @return int the timestamp calculated from the header */ function getTimeStamp($dateParts) { /** $dateParts[0] == <day of week> Mon, Tue, Wed ** $dateParts[1] == <day of month> 23 ** $dateParts[2] == <month> Jan, Feb, Mar ** $dateParts[3] == <year> 1999 ** $dateParts[4] == <time> 18:54:23 (HH:MM:SS) ** $dateParts[5] == <from GMT> +0100 ** $dateParts[6] == <zone> (EDT) ** ** NOTE: In RFC 822, it states that <day of week> is optional. ** In that case, dateParts[0] would be the <day of month> ** and everything would be bumped up one. **/ if (count($dateParts) <2) { return -1; } else if (count($dateParts) ==3) { if (substr_count($dateParts[0],'-') == 2 && substr_count($dateParts[1],':') == 2) { // dd-Month-yyyy 23:19:05 +0200 // redefine the date $aDate = explode('-',$dateParts[0]); $newDate = array($aDate[0],$aDate[1],$aDate[2],$dateParts[1],$dateParts[2]); $dateParts = $newDate; } }
/* * Simply check to see if the first element in the dateParts * array is an integer or not. * Since the day of week is optional, this check is needed. */ if (!is_numeric(trim($dateParts[0]))) { /* cope with broken mailers that send "Tue,23" without space */ if ( preg_match ('/^\w+,(\d{1,2})$/', $dateParts[0], $match) ) { /* replace Tue,23 with 23 */ $dateParts[0] = $match[1]; } else { /* just drop the day of the week */ array_shift($dateParts); } } /* calculate timestamp separated from the zone and obs-zone */ $stamp = strtotime(implode (' ', array_splice ($dateParts,0,4))); if (!isset($dateParts[0])) { $dateParts[0] = '+0000'; }
if (!preg_match('/^[+-]{1}[0-9]{4}$/',$dateParts[0])) { /* zone in obs-zone format */ if (preg_match('/\((.+)\)/',$dateParts[0],$regs)) { $obs_zone = $regs[1]; } else { $obs_zone = $dateParts[0]; } return getGMTSeconds($stamp, $obs_zone); } else { return getGMTSeconds($stamp, $dateParts[0]); } }
/* I use this function for profiling. Should never be called in actual versions of squirrelmail released to public. */ /* function getmicrotime() { $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(' ',$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; return ($mtime); } */