Viewing file: auth.php (13.2 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * auth.php * * Contains functions used to do authentication. * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: auth.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail */
/** Put in a safety net here, in case a naughty admin didn't run when they upgraded */
if (! isset($smtp_auth_mech)) { $smtp_auth_mech = 'none'; }
if (! isset($imap_auth_mech)) { $imap_auth_mech = 'login'; }
if (! isset($use_imap_tls)) { $use_imap_tls = false; }
if (! isset($use_smtp_tls)) { $use_smtp_tls = false; }
/** * Check if user has previously logged in to the SquirrelMail session. If user * has not logged in, execution will stop inside this function. * * This function optionally checks the referrer of this page request. If the * administrator wants to impose a check that the referrer of this page request * is another page on the same domain (otherwise, the page request is likely * the result of a XSS or phishing attack), then they need to specify the * acceptable referrer domain in a variable named $check_referrer in * config/config.php (or the configuration tool) for which the value is * usually the same as the $domain setting (for example: * $check_referrer = ''; * However, in some cases (where proxy servers are in use, etc.), the * acceptable referrer might be different. If $check_referrer is set to * "###DOMAIN###", then the current value of $domain is used (useful in * situations where $domain might change at runtime (when using the Login * Manager plugin to host multiple domains with one SquirrelMail installation, * for example)): * $check_referrer = '###DOMAIN###'; * NOTE HOWEVER, that referrer checks are not foolproof - they can be spoofed * by browsers, and some browsers intentionally don't send them, in which * case SquirrelMail silently ignores referrer checks. * * @return void This function returns ONLY if user has previously logged in * successfully (otherwise, execution terminates herein). */ function is_logged_in() {
// check for user login as well as referrer if needed // global $check_referrer, $domain; if ($check_referrer == '###DOMAIN###') $check_referrer = $domain; if (!empty($check_referrer)) { $ssl_check_referrer = 'https://' . $check_referrer; $plain_check_referrer = 'http://' . $check_referrer; } if (!sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_REFERER', $referrer, SQ_SERVER)) $referrer = ''; if (sqsession_is_registered('user_is_logged_in') && (!$check_referrer || empty($referrer) || ($check_referrer && !empty($referrer) && (strpos(strtolower($referrer), strtolower($plain_check_referrer)) === 0 || strpos(strtolower($referrer), strtolower($ssl_check_referrer)) === 0)))) { return; } else {
global $session_expired_post, $session_expired_location, $squirrelmail_language;
// use $message to indicate what logout text the user // will see... if 0, typical "You must be logged in" // if 1, information that the user session was saved // and will be resumed after (re)login, if 2, there // seems to have been a XSS or phishing attack (bad // referrer) // $message = 0;
// First we store some information in the new session to prevent // information-loss. $session_expired_post = $_POST; if (defined('PAGE_NAME')) { $session_expired_location = PAGE_NAME; } if (!sqsession_is_registered('session_expired_post')) { sqsession_register($session_expired_post,'session_expired_post'); } if (!sqsession_is_registered('session_expired_location')) { sqsession_register($session_expired_location,'session_expired_location'); if ($session_expired_location == 'compose') $message = 1; }
// was bad referrer the reason we were rejected? // if (sqsession_is_registered('user_is_logged_in') && $check_referrer && !empty($referrer)) $message = 2; session_write_close();
// signout page will deal with users who aren't logged // in on its own; don't show error here if (defined('PAGE_NAME') && PAGE_NAME == 'signout') { return; }
include_once( SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php' ); set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true); if (!$message) logout_error( _("You must be logged in to access this page.") ); else if ($message == 1) logout_error( _("Your session has expired, but will be resumed after logging in again.") ); else if ($message == 2) logout_error( _("The current page request appears to have originated from an unrecognized source.") ); exit; } }
/** * Given the challenge from the server, supply the response using cram-md5 (See * RFC 2195 for details) * * @param string $username User ID * @param string $password User password supplied by User * @param string $challenge The challenge supplied by the server * @return string The response to be sent to the IMAP server * */ function cram_md5_response ($username,$password,$challenge) { $challenge=base64_decode($challenge); $hash=bin2hex(hmac_md5($challenge,$password)); $response=base64_encode($username . " " . $hash) . "\r\n"; return $response; }
/** * Return Digest-MD5 response. * Given the challenge from the server, calculate and return the * response-string for digest-md5 authentication. (See RFC 2831 for more * details) * * @param string $username User ID * @param string $password User password supplied by User * @param string $challenge The challenge supplied by the server * @param string $service The service name, usually 'imap'; it is used to * define the digest-uri. * @param string $host The host name, usually the server's FQDN; it is used to * define the digest-uri. * @return string The response to be sent to the IMAP server */ function digest_md5_response ($username,$password,$challenge,$service,$host) { $result=digest_md5_parse_challenge($challenge); //FIXME we should check that $result contains the expected values that we use below
// verify server supports qop=auth // $qop = explode(",",$result['qop']); //if (!in_array("auth",$qop)) { // rfc2831: client MUST fail if no qop methods supported // return false; //} $cnonce = base64_encode(bin2hex(hmac_md5(microtime()))); $ncount = "00000001";
/* This can be auth (authentication only), auth-int (integrity protection), or auth-conf (confidentiality protection). Right now only auth is supported. DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE */ $qop_value = "auth";
$digest_uri_value = $service . '/' . $host;
// build the $response_value //FIXME This will probably break badly if a server sends more than one realm $string_a1 = utf8_encode($username).":"; $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($result['realm']).":"; $string_a1 .= utf8_encode($password); $string_a1 = hmac_md5($string_a1); $A1 = $string_a1 . ":" . $result['nonce'] . ":" . $cnonce; $A1 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1)); $A2 = "AUTHENTICATE:$digest_uri_value"; // If qop is auth-int or auth-conf, A2 gets a little extra if ($qop_value != 'auth') { $A2 .= ':00000000000000000000000000000000'; } $A2 = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A2));
$string_response = $result['nonce'] . ':' . $ncount . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $qop_value; $response_value = bin2hex(hmac_md5($A1.":".$string_response.":".$A2));
$reply = 'charset=utf-8,username="' . $username . '",realm="' . $result["realm"] . '",'; $reply .= 'nonce="' . $result['nonce'] . '",nc=' . $ncount . ',cnonce="' . $cnonce . '",'; $reply .= "digest-uri=\"$digest_uri_value\",response=$response_value"; $reply .= ',qop=' . $qop_value; $reply = base64_encode($reply); return $reply . "\r\n";
/** * Parse Digest-MD5 challenge. * This function parses the challenge sent during DIGEST-MD5 authentication and * returns an array. See the RFC for details on what's in the challenge string. * * @param string $challenge Digest-MD5 Challenge * @return array Digest-MD5 challenge decoded data */ function digest_md5_parse_challenge($challenge) { $challenge=base64_decode($challenge); $parsed = array(); while (!empty($challenge)) { if ($challenge{0} == ',') { // First char is a comma, must not be 1st time through loop $challenge=substr($challenge,1); } $key=explode('=',$challenge,2); $challenge=$key[1]; $key=$key[0]; if ($challenge{0} == '"') { // We're in a quoted value // Drop the first quote, since we don't care about it $challenge=substr($challenge,1); // Now explode() to the next quote, which is the end of our value $val=explode('"',$challenge,2); $challenge=$val[1]; // The rest of the challenge, work on it in next iteration of loop $value=explode(',',$val[0]); // Now, for those quoted values that are only 1 piece.. if (sizeof($value) == 1) { $value=$value[0]; // Convert to non-array } } else { // We're in a "simple" value - explode to next comma $val=explode(',',$challenge,2); if (isset($val[1])) { $challenge=$val[1]; } else { unset($challenge); } $value=$val[0]; } $parsed["$key"]=$value; } // End of while loop return $parsed; }
/** * Creates a HMAC digest that can be used for auth purposes * See RFCs 2104, 2617, 2831 * Uses mhash() extension if available * * @param string $data Data to apply hash function to. * @param string $key Optional key, which, if supplied, will be used to * calculate data's HMAC. * @return string HMAC Digest string */ function hmac_md5($data, $key='') { if (extension_loaded('mhash')) { if ($key== '') { $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data); } else { $mhash=mhash(MHASH_MD5,$data,$key); } return $mhash; } if (!$key) { return pack('H*',md5($data)); } $key = str_pad($key,64,chr(0x00)); if (strlen($key) > 64) { $key = pack("H*",md5($key)); } $k_ipad = $key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64) ; $k_opad = $key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5c), 64) ; /* Heh, let's get recursive. */ $hmac=hmac_md5($k_opad . pack("H*",md5($k_ipad . $data)) ); return $hmac; }
/** * Reads and decodes stored user password information * * Direct access to password information is deprecated. * @return string password in plain text * @since 1.4.11 */ function sqauth_read_password() { sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad,SQ_SESSION);
return OneTimePadDecrypt($key, $onetimepad); }
/** * Saves or updates user password information * * This function is used to update the password information that * SquirrelMail stores in the existing PHP session. It does NOT * modify the password stored in the authentication system used * by the IMAP server. * * This function must be called before any html output is started. * Direct access to password information is deprecated. The saved * password information is available only to the SquirrelMail script * that is called/executed AFTER the current one. If your script * needs access to the saved password after a sqauth_save_password() * call, use the returned OTP encrypted key. * * @param string $pass password * * @return string Password encrypted with OTP. In case the script * wants to access the password information before * the end of its execution. * * @since 1.4.16 * */ function sqauth_save_password($pass) { sqgetGlobalVar('base_uri', $base_uri, SQ_SESSION);
$onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($pass)); sqsession_register($onetimepad,'onetimepad'); $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($pass, $onetimepad); sqsetcookie('key', $key, false, $base_uri); return $key; }
/** * Fillin user and password based on SMTP auth settings. * * @param string $user Reference to SMTP username * @param string $pass Reference to SMTP password (unencrypted) * @since 1.4.11 */ function get_smtp_user(&$user, &$pass) { global $username, $smtp_auth_mech, $smtp_sitewide_user, $smtp_sitewide_pass;
if ($smtp_auth_mech == 'none') { $user = ''; $pass = ''; } elseif ( isset($smtp_sitewide_user) && isset($smtp_sitewide_pass) && !empty($smtp_sitewide_user)) { $user = $smtp_sitewide_user; $pass = $smtp_sitewide_pass; } else { $user = $username; $pass = sqauth_read_password(); }
// plugin authors note: override $user or $pass by // returning an array where the new username is the // first array value and the new password is the // second array value e.g., return array($myuser, $mypass); // $ret = do_hook_function('smtp_auth', array($user, $pass)); if (!empty($ret[0])) $user = $ret[0]; if (!empty($ret[1])) $pass = $ret[1]; }