Viewing file: abook_database.php (15.62 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * abook_database.php * * @copyright 1999-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: abook_database.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage addressbook */
/** Needs the DB functions */ if (!include_once('DB.php')) { // same error also in db_prefs.php require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php'); $error = _("Could not include PEAR database functions required for the database backend.") . "<br />\n"; $error .= sprintf(_("Is PEAR installed, and is the include path set correctly to find %s?"), '<tt>DB.php</tt>') . "<br />\n"; $error .= _("Please contact your system administrator and report this error."); error_box($error, $color); exit; }
/** * Address book in a database backend * * Backend for personal/shared address book stored in a database, * accessed using the DB-classes in PEAR. * * IMPORTANT: The PEAR modules must be in the include path * for this class to work. * * An array with the following elements must be passed to * the class constructor (elements marked ? are optional): * <pre> * dsn => database DNS (see PEAR for syntax) * table => table to store addresses in (must exist) * owner => current user (owner of address data) * ? name => name of address book * ? writeable => set writeable flag (true/false) * ? listing => enable/disable listing * </pre> * The table used should have the following columns: * owner, nickname, firstname, lastname, email, label * The pair (owner,nickname) should be unique (primary key). * * NOTE. This class should not be used directly. Use the * "AddressBook" class instead. * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage addressbook */ class abook_database extends addressbook_backend { /** * Backend type * @var string */ var $btype = 'local'; /** * Backend name * @var string */ var $bname = 'database';
/** * Data Source Name (connection description) * @var string */ var $dsn = ''; /** * Table that stores addresses * @var string */ var $table = ''; /** * Owner name * * Limits list of database entries visible to end user * @var string */ var $owner = ''; /** * Database Handle * @var resource */ var $dbh = false; /** * Enable/disable writing into address book * @var bool */ var $writeable = true; /** * Enable/disable address book listing * @var bool */ var $listing = true;
/* ========================== Private ======================= */
/** * Constructor * @param array $param address book backend options */ function abook_database($param) { $this->sname = _("Personal address book");
if (is_array($param)) { if (empty($param['dsn']) || empty($param['table']) || empty($param['owner'])) { return $this->set_error('Invalid parameters'); }
$this->dsn = $param['dsn']; $this->table = $param['table']; $this->owner = $param['owner'];
if (!empty($param['name'])) { $this->sname = $param['name']; }
if (isset($param['writeable'])) { $this->writeable = $param['writeable']; }
if (isset($param['listing'])) { $this->listing = $param['listing']; }
$this->open(true); } else { return $this->set_error('Invalid argument to constructor'); } }
/** * Open the database. * @param bool $new new connection if it is true * @return bool */ function open($new = false) { $this->error = '';
/* Return true is file is open and $new is unset */ if ($this->dbh && !$new) { return true; }
/* Close old file, if any */ if ($this->dbh) { $this->close(); }
$dbh = DB::connect($this->dsn, true);
if (DB::isError($dbh)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($dbh))); }
$this->dbh = $dbh;
/** * field names are lowercased. * We use unquoted identifiers and they use upper case in Oracle */ $this->dbh->setOption('portability', DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE);
return true; }
/** * Close the file and forget the filehandle */ function close() { $this->dbh->disconnect(); $this->dbh = false; }
/** * Determine internal database field name given one of * the SquirrelMail SM_ABOOK_FIELD_* constants * * @param integer $field The SM_ABOOK_FIELD_* contant to look up * * @return string The desired field name, or the string "ERROR" * if the $field is not understood (the caller * is responsible for handing errors) * */ function get_field_name($field) { switch ($field) { case SM_ABOOK_FIELD_NICKNAME: return 'nickname'; case SM_ABOOK_FIELD_FIRSTNAME: return 'firstname'; case SM_ABOOK_FIELD_LASTNAME: return 'lastname'; case SM_ABOOK_FIELD_EMAIL: return 'email'; case SM_ABOOK_FIELD_LABEL: return 'label'; default: return 'ERROR'; } }
/* ========================== Public ======================== */
/** * Search the database * @param string $expr search expression * @return array search results */ function search($expr) { $ret = array(); if(!$this->open()) { return false; }
/* To be replaced by advanded search expression parsing */ if (is_array($expr)) { return; }
// don't allow wide search when listing is disabled. if ($expr=='*' && ! $this->listing) { return array(); }
/* lowercase expression in order to make it case insensitive */ $expr = strtolower($expr);
/* escape SQL wildcards */ $expr = str_replace('_', '\\_', $expr); $expr = str_replace('%', '\\%', $expr);
/* Convert wildcards to SQL syntax */ $expr = str_replace('?', '_', $expr); $expr = str_replace('*', '%', $expr); $expr = $this->dbh->quoteString($expr); $expr = "%$expr%";
/* create escape expression */ $escape = 'ESCAPE \'' . $this->dbh->quoteString('\\') . '\'';
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner='%s' AND " . "(LOWER(firstname) LIKE '%s' %s OR LOWER(lastname) LIKE '%s' %s)", $this->table, $this->owner, $expr, $escape, $expr, $escape); $res = $this->dbh->query($query);
if (DB::isError($res)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); }
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { array_push($ret, array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname)); } return $ret; }
/** * Lookup by the indicated field * * @param string $value Value to look up * @param integer $field The field to look in, should be one * of the SM_ABOOK_FIELD_* constants * defined in functions/constants.php * (OPTIONAL; defaults to nickname field) * NOTE: uniqueness is only guaranteed * when the nickname field is used here; * otherwise, the first matching address * is returned. * * @return array search results * */ function lookup($value, $field=SM_ABOOK_FIELD_NICKNAME) { if (empty($value)) { return array(); }
$value = strtolower($value);
if (!$this->open()) { return false; }
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner = '%s' AND LOWER(%s) = '%s'", $this->table, $this->owner, $this->get_field_name($field), $this->dbh->quoteString($value));
$res = $this->dbh->query($query);
if (DB::isError($res)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); }
if ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { return array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname); } return array(); }
/** * List all addresses * @return array search results */ function list_addr() { $ret = array(); if (!$this->open()) { return false; }
if(isset($this->listing) && !$this->listing) { return array(); }
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE owner='%s'", $this->table, $this->owner);
$res = $this->dbh->query($query);
if (DB::isError($res)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($res))); }
while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { array_push($ret, array('nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'name' => "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]", 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'email' => $row['email'], 'label' => $row['label'], 'backend' => $this->bnum, 'source' => &$this->sname)); } return $ret; }
/** * Add address * @param array $userdata added data * @return bool */ function add($userdata) { if (!$this->writeable) { return $this->set_error(_("Address book is read-only")); }
if (!$this->open()) { return false; }
/* See if user exist already */ $ret = $this->lookup($userdata['nickname']); if (!empty($ret)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("User \"%s\" already exists"), $ret['nickname'])); }
/* Create query */ $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (owner, nickname, firstname, " . "lastname, email, label) VALUES('%s','%s','%s'," . "'%s','%s','%s')", $this->table, $this->owner, $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['nickname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['firstname']), $this->dbh->quoteString((!empty($userdata['lastname'])?$userdata['lastname']:'')), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['email']), $this->dbh->quoteString((!empty($userdata['label'])?$userdata['label']:'')) );
/* Do the insert */ $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query);
/* Check for errors */ if (DB::isError($r)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); }
return true; }
/** * Delete address * @param string $alias alias that has to be deleted * @return bool */ function remove($alias) { if (!$this->writeable) { return $this->set_error(_("Address book is read-only")); }
if (!$this->open()) { return false; }
/* Create query */ $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE owner='%s' AND (", $this->table, $this->owner);
$sepstr = ''; while (list($undef, $nickname) = each($alias)) { $query .= sprintf("%s nickname='%s' ", $sepstr, $this->dbh->quoteString($nickname)); $sepstr = 'OR'; } $query .= ')';
/* Delete entry */ $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query);
/* Check for errors */ if (DB::isError($r)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); } return true; }
/** * Modify address * @param string $alias modified alias * @param array $userdata new data * @return bool */ function modify($alias, $userdata) { if (!$this->writeable) { return $this->set_error(_("Address book is read-only")); }
if (!$this->open()) { return false; }
/* See if user exist */ $ret = $this->lookup($alias); if (empty($ret)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("User \"%s\" does not exist"), $alias)); }
/* make sure that new nickname is not used */ if (strtolower($alias) != strtolower($userdata['nickname'])) { /* same check as in add() */ $ret = $this->lookup($userdata['nickname']); if (!empty($ret)) { $error = sprintf(_("User '%s' already exist."), $ret['nickname']); return $this->set_error($error); } }
/* Create query */ $query = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET nickname='%s', firstname='%s', ". "lastname='%s', email='%s', label='%s' ". "WHERE owner='%s' AND nickname='%s'", $this->table, $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['nickname']), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['firstname']), $this->dbh->quoteString((!empty($userdata['lastname'])?$userdata['lastname']:'')), $this->dbh->quoteString($userdata['email']), $this->dbh->quoteString((!empty($userdata['label'])?$userdata['label']:'')), $this->owner, $this->dbh->quoteString($alias) );
/* Do the insert */ $r = $this->dbh->simpleQuery($query);
/* Check for errors */ if (DB::isError($r)) { return $this->set_error(sprintf(_("Database error: %s"), DB::errorMessage($r))); } return true; } } /* End of class abook_database */
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