Viewing file: cp1255.php (4.72 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * decode/cp1255.php * * This file contains cp1255 decoding function that is needed to read * cp1255 encoded mails in non-cp1255 locale. * * Original data taken from: * * * Name: cp1255 to Unicode table * Unicode version: 2.0 * Table version: 2.01 * Table format: Format A * Date: 1/7/2000 * Contact: * * @copyright 2003-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: cp1255.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail * @subpackage decode */
/** * Decode cp1255-encoded string * @param string $string Encoded string * @return string $string decoded string */ function charset_decode_cp1255 ($string) { // don't do decoding when there are no 8bit symbols if (! sq_is8bit($string,'windows-1255')) return $string;
$cp1255 = array( "\x80" => '€', "\x81" => '�', "\x82" => '‚', "\x83" => 'ƒ', "\x84" => '„', "\x85" => '…', "\x86" => '†', "\x87" => '‡', "\x88" => 'ˆ', "\x89" => '‰', "\x8A" => '�', "\x8B" => '‹', "\x8C" => '�', "\x8D" => '�', "\x8E" => '�', "\x8F" => '�', "\x90" => '�', "\x91" => '‘', "\x92" => '’', "\x93" => '“', "\x94" => '”', "\x95" => '•', "\x96" => '–', "\x97" => '—', "\x98" => '˜', "\x99" => '™', "\x9A" => '�', "\x9B" => '›', "\x9C" => '�', "\x9D" => '�', "\x9E" => '�', "\x9F" => '�', "\xA0" => ' ', "\xA1" => '¡', "\xA2" => '¢', "\xA3" => '£', "\xA4" => '₪', "\xA5" => '¥', "\xA6" => '¦', "\xA7" => '§', "\xA8" => '¨', "\xA9" => '©', "\xAA" => '×', "\xAB" => '«', "\xAC" => '¬', "\xAD" => '­', "\xAE" => '®', "\xAF" => '¯', "\xB0" => '°', "\xB1" => '±', "\xB2" => '²', "\xB3" => '³', "\xB4" => '´', "\xB5" => 'µ', "\xB6" => '¶', "\xB7" => '·', "\xB8" => '¸', "\xB9" => '¹', "\xBA" => '÷', "\xBB" => '»', "\xBC" => '¼', "\xBD" => '½', "\xBE" => '¾', "\xBF" => '¿', "\xC0" => 'ְ', "\xC1" => 'ֱ', "\xC2" => 'ֲ', "\xC3" => 'ֳ', "\xC4" => 'ִ', "\xC5" => 'ֵ', "\xC6" => 'ֶ', "\xC7" => 'ַ', "\xC8" => 'ָ', "\xC9" => 'ֹ', "\xCA" => '�', "\xCB" => 'ֻ', "\xCC" => 'ּ', "\xCD" => 'ֽ', "\xCE" => '־', "\xCF" => 'ֿ', "\xD0" => '׀', "\xD1" => 'ׁ', "\xD2" => 'ׂ', "\xD3" => '׃', "\xD4" => 'װ', "\xD5" => 'ױ', "\xD6" => 'ײ', "\xD7" => '׳', "\xD8" => '״', "\xD9" => '�', "\xDA" => '�', "\xDB" => '�', "\xDC" => '�', "\xDD" => '�', "\xDE" => '�', "\xDF" => '�', "\xE0" => 'א', "\xE1" => 'ב', "\xE2" => 'ג', "\xE3" => 'ד', "\xE4" => 'ה', "\xE5" => 'ו', "\xE6" => 'ז', "\xE7" => 'ח', "\xE8" => 'ט', "\xE9" => 'י', "\xEA" => 'ך', "\xEB" => 'כ', "\xEC" => 'ל', "\xED" => 'ם', "\xEE" => 'מ', "\xEF" => 'ן', "\xF0" => 'נ', "\xF1" => 'ס', "\xF2" => 'ע', "\xF3" => 'ף', "\xF4" => 'פ', "\xF5" => 'ץ', "\xF6" => 'צ', "\xF7" => 'ק', "\xF8" => 'ר', "\xF9" => 'ש', "\xFA" => 'ת', "\xFB" => '�', "\xFC" => '�', "\xFD" => '‎', "\xFE" => '‏', "\xFF" => '�' );
$string = str_replace(array_keys($cp1255), array_values($cp1255), $string);
return $string; }