Viewing file: html.class.php (4.71 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
/** * html.class.php * * This contains functions needed to generate html output. * * @copyright 2003-2010 The SquirrelMail Project Team * @license GNU Public License * @version $Id: html.class.php 13893 2010-01-25 02:47:41Z pdontthink $ * @package squirrelmail */
/** * Undocumented class * @package squirrelmail */ class html { var $tag, $text, $style, $class, $id, $html_el = array(), $javascript, $xtr_prop;
function html($tag='', $text='', $style ='', $class='', $id='', $xtr_prop = '', $javascript = '') { $this->tag = $tag; $this->text = $text; $this->style = $style; $this->class = $class; $this->id = $id; $this->xtr_prop = $xtr_prop; $this->javascript = $javascript; }
function htmlAdd($el, $last=true) { if ($last) { $this->html_el[] = $el; } else { $new_html_el = array(); $new_html_el[] = $el; foreach ($this->html_el as $html_el) { $new_html_el[] = $html_el; } $this->html_el = $new_html_el; } }
function AddChild($tag='', $text='', $style ='', $class='', $id='', $xtr_prop = '', $javascript = '') { $el = new html ($tag, $text, $style, $class, $id, $xtr_prop, $javascript); $this->htmlAdd($el); }
function FindId($id) { $cnt = count($this->html_el); $el = false; if ($cnt) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($this->html_el[$i]->id == $id) { $ret = $this->html_el[$i]; return $ret; } else if (count($this->html_el[$i]->html_el)) { $el = $this->html_el[$i]->FindId($id); } if ($el) return $el; } } return $el; }
function InsToId( $el, $id, $last=true) { $html_el = &$this->FindId($id); if ($html_el) { $html_el->htmlAdd($el, $last); } }
function scriptAdd($script) { $s = "\n".'<!--'."\n". $script . "\n".'// -->'."\n"; $el = new html ('script',$s,'','','',array('language' => 'JavaScript', 'type' => 'text/javascript')); $this->htmlAdd($el); }
function echoHtml( $usecss=false, $indent='x') { if ($indent == 'x') { $indent = ''; $indentmore = ''; } else { $indentmore = $indent . ' '; } $tag = $this->tag; $text = $this->text; $class = $this->class; $id = $this->id; $style = $this->style; $javascript = $this->javascript; $xtr_prop = $this->xtr_prop; if ($xtr_prop) { $prop = ''; foreach ($xtr_prop as $k => $v) { if (is_string($k)) { $prop.=' '.$k.'="'.$v.'"'; } else { $prop.=' '.$v; } } } if ($javascript) { $js = ''; foreach ($javascript as $k => $v) { /* here we put the onclick, onmouseover etc entries */ $js.=' '.$k.'="'.$v.'";'; } } if ($tag) { echo $indent . '<' . $tag; } else { echo $indent; } if ($class) { echo ' class="'.$class.'"'; } if ($id) { echo ' id="'.$id.'"'; } if ($xtr_prop) { echo ' '.$prop; } if ($style && !$usecss && !is_array($style)) { /* last premisse is to prevent 'style="Array"' in the output */ echo ' style="'.$style.'"'; } if ($javascript) { echo ' '.$js; } if ($tag) echo '>';
$openstyles = ''; $closestyles = ''; if ($style && !$usecss) { foreach ($style as $k => $v) { $openstyles .= '<'.$k.'>'; } foreach ($style as $k => $v) { /* if value of key value = true close the tag */ if ($v) { $closestyles .= '</'.$k.'>'; } } } echo $openstyles;
if ($text) { echo $text; }
$cnt = count($this->html_el); if ($cnt) { echo "\n"; for($i = 0;$i<$cnt;$i++) { $el = $this->html_el[$i]; $el->echoHtml($usecss,$indentmore); } echo $indent; } echo $closestyles; if ($tag) { echo '</'.$tag.'>'."\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } }