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#!/usr/bin/python2.6 # # - Find use of deprecated methods/attributes in the code. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Julian Andres Klode <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """ - Find all occurences of funcs./attrs. deprecated in 0.8.
Usage: python2.6 [options] <file/directory>...
This reads the list of all functions and attributes available only in COMPAT_0_7 builds and checks for occurences in the given Python modules. Has to be run from the python-apt source code directory.
Requires python2.6 to be installed.
Parameters: -h Display this help -c Colorize the matching parts in the output. """ import _ast import ast import glob import linecache import os import re import sys import types from collections import defaultdict from textwrap import fill
color=False if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ('-c', '--color', '--colour'): color=True del sys.argv[1]
if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv or not sys.argv[1:]: print __doc__.strip() sys.exit(0)
if os.path.dirname(__file__).endswith('utils'): sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
deprecated_cpp_stuff = set([ '.Add', '.AllTargets', '.Arch', '.Architecture', '.Archive', '.ArchiveURI', '.Auto', '.Base64Encode', '.Binaries', '.BrokenCount', '.BuildDepends', '.Bytes', '.CheckDep', '.CheckDomainList', '.Clear', '.Close', '.Commit', '.CompType', '.Complete', '.Component', '.Config', '.CurStateConfigFiles', '.CurStateHalfConfigured', '.CurStateHalfInstalled', '.CurStateInstalled', '.CurStateNotInstalled', '.CurStateUnPacked', '.CurrentState', '.CurrentVer', '.Date', '.DeQuoteString', '.DebSize', '.DelCount', '.DepType', '.DependsCount', '.DependsList', '.DependsListStr', '.DescURI', '.Describe', '.DestFile', '.Dist', '.DoInstall', '.Downloadable', '.ErrorText', '.Essential', '.Exists', '.FetchNeeded', '.FileList', '.FileName', '.FileSize', '.Files', '.Find', '.FindB', '.FindDir', '.FindFile', '.FindFlag', '.FindI', '.FindIndex', '.FindRaw', '.FixBroken', '.FixMissing', '.GetAcquire', '.GetArchives', '.GetCache', '.GetCandidateVer', '.GetCdrom', '.GetDepCache', '.GetIndexes', '.GetLock', '.GetPackageManager', '.GetPkgAcqFile', '.GetPkgActionGroup', '.GetPkgProblemResolver', '.GetPkgRecords', '.GetPkgSourceList', '.GetPkgSrcRecords', '.HasPackages', '.Hash', '.Homepage', '.ID', '.Ident', '.Important', '.Index', '.IndexFiles', '.IndexType', '.Init', '.InitConfig', '.InitSystem', '.InstCount', '.InstState', '.InstStateHold', '.InstStateHoldReInstReq', '.InstStateOk', '.InstStateReInstReq', '.InstallProtect', '.InstalledSize', '.IsAutoInstalled', '.IsGarbage', '.IsInstBroken', '.IsNowBroken', '.IsTrusted', '.IsUpgradable', '.Items', '.Jump', '.KeepCount', '.Label', '.LanguageCode', '.LibVersion', '.List', '.Local', '.LongDesc', '.Lookup', '.MD5Hash', '.Maintainer', '.MarkDelete', '.MarkInstall', '.MarkKeep', '.MarkedDelete', '.MarkedDowngrade', '.MarkedInstall', '.MarkedKeep', '.MarkedReinstall', '.MarkedUpgrade', '.MinimizeUpgrade', '.MyTag', '.Name', '.NotAutomatic', '.NotSource', '.Offset', '.Open', '.Origin', '.Package', '.PackageCount', '.PackageFileCount', '.Packages', '.ParentPkg', '.ParentVer', '.ParseCommandLine', '.ParseDepends', '.ParseSection', '.ParseSrcDepends', '.ParseTagFile', '.PartialPresent', '.PkgSystemLock', '.PkgSystemUnLock', '.PriExtra', '.PriImportant', '.PriOptional', '.PriRequired', '.PriStandard', '.Priority', '.PriorityStr', '.Protect', '.ProvidesCount', '.ProvidesList', '.QuoteString', '.ReadConfigDir', '.ReadConfigFile', '.ReadConfigFileISC', '.ReadMainList', '.ReadPinFile', '.Record', '.Remove', '.Resolve', '.ResolveByKeep', '.Restart', '.RevDependsList', '.RewriteSection', '.RewriteSourceOrder', '.Run', '.SHA1Hash', '.SHA256Hash', '.Section', '.SelStateDeInstall', '.SelStateHold', '.SelStateInstall', '.SelStatePurge', '.SelStateUnknown', '.SelectedState', '.Set', '.SetCandidateVer', '.SetReInstall', '.ShortDesc', '.Shutdown', '.Site', '.Size', '.SizeToStr', '.SmartTargetPkg', '.SourcePkg', '.SourceVer', '.Status', '.Step', '.StrToTime', '.StringToBool', '.SubTree', '.TargetPkg', '.TargetVer', '.Time', '.TimeRFC1123', '.TimeToStr', '.TotalNeeded', '.TranslationDescription', '.URI', '.URItoFileName', '.Update', '.Upgrade', '.UpstreamVersion', '.UsrSize', '.ValueList', '.VerFileCount', '.VerStr', '.Version', '.VersionCompare', '.VersionCount', '.VersionList', '.newConfiguration', 'Base64Encode', 'CheckDep', 'CheckDomainList', 'Config', 'CurStateConfigFiles', 'CurStateHalfConfigured', 'CurStateHalfInstalled', 'CurStateInstalled', 'CurStateNotInstalled', 'CurStateUnPacked', 'Date', 'DeQuoteString', 'GetAcquire', 'GetCache', 'GetCdrom', 'GetDepCache', 'GetLock', 'GetPackageManager', 'GetPkgAcqFile', 'GetPkgActionGroup', 'GetPkgProblemResolver', 'GetPkgRecords', 'GetPkgSourceList', 'GetPkgSrcRecords', 'InitConfig', 'InitSystem', 'InstStateHold', 'InstStateHoldReInstReq', 'InstStateOk', 'InstStateReInstReq', 'LibVersion', 'ParseCommandLine', 'ParseDepends', 'ParseSection', 'ParseSrcDepends', 'ParseTagFile', 'PkgSystemLock', 'PkgSystemUnLock', 'PriExtra', 'PriImportant', 'PriOptional', 'PriRequired', 'PriStandard', 'QuoteString', 'ReadConfigDir', 'ReadConfigFile', 'ReadConfigFileISC', 'RewriteSection', 'RewriteSourceOrder', 'SelStateDeInstall', 'SelStateHold', 'SelStateInstall', 'SelStatePurge', 'SelStateUnknown', 'SizeToStr', 'StrToTime', 'StringToBool', 'Time', 'TimeRFC1123', 'TimeToStr', 'URItoFileName', 'UpstreamVersion', 'VersionCompare', 'newConfiguration', '.has_key'])
def do_color(string, words): """Colorize (red) the given words in the given string.""" if not color: return string for word in words: word = re.escape(word) string = re.sub('([^_]*)(%s)([^_]*)' % word, "\\1\033[31m\033[1m" + r"\2" + "\033[0m\\3", string) return string
def find_deprecated_py(): """Find all the deprecated functions and attributes.
Import apt_pkg, set _COMPAT_0_7 to 0, import apt and aptsources and create a list of all attributes. Then remove the imported modules, reimport them (with _COMPAT_0_7=1), and see which functions do not exist anymore. """
modules = ('apt', 'apt.package', 'apt.cdrom', 'apt.cache', 'apt.debfile', 'apt.progress', 'apt.progress.old', 'aptsources.distinfo', 'aptsources.distro', 'aptsources.sourceslist')
import apt_pkg apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7 = 0
empty = set(sys.modules) new, deprecated = set(), set()
for mname in sorted(modules): module = __import__(mname, fromlist=['*'])
for clsname in dir(module): cls = getattr(module, clsname) if not isinstance(cls, types.TypeType): new.add(clsname) continue # Attributes/Methods new.update(clsname + '.' + name for name in dir(cls))
for mname in sys.modules.keys(): if not mname in empty: del sys.modules[mname]
apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7 = 1
for mname in sorted(modules): module = __import__(mname, fromlist=['*']) for clsname in dir(module): cls = getattr(module, clsname) if not isinstance(cls, types.TypeType): deprecated.add(clsname) continue for name in dir(cls): if not clsname + '.' + name in new: # Attributes/Methods, which are deprecated (not in new). deprecated.add('.' + name)
for mname in sys.modules.keys(): if not mname in empty: del sys.modules[mname]
return deprecated.difference(new)
def find_occurences(all_old, files): """Find all ocurrences in the given Python files.""" for fname in files: if not os.path.exists(fname): continue if not (fname in sys.argv or fname.endswith('.py') or re.match('^#.*python.*', open(fname).readline())): continue
words = defaultdict(lambda: set()) try: node = ast.parse(open(fname, "rU").read(), fname) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "Ignoring %s: %s" % (fname, e) continue for i in ast.walk(node): if isinstance(i, _ast.ImportFrom): for alias in i.names: if in all_old: words[i.lineno].add( if isinstance(i, _ast.Name) and in all_old: words[i.lineno].add(
if isinstance(i, _ast.Attribute) and ('.' + i.attr in all_old): words[i.lineno].add(i.attr)
for lineno in sorted(words): line = do_color(linecache.getline(fname, lineno).rstrip('\n'), words[lineno]) print '%s:%s:%s' % (fname, lineno, line)
# Now, let's find them in the code.
print __doc__.split("\n")[0] print print fill('Information: Please verify that the results are correct before ' 'you modify any code, because there may be false positives.', 79) print if color: print fill('Information: The color is not always correct, because we ' 'simply highlight the matched words (like grep).', 79) print
all_old = deprecated_cpp_stuff
if not '-P' in sys.argv: all_old |= find_deprecated_py() else: sys.argv.remove('-P')
files = set() for path in sys.argv[1:]: if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError('Path does not exist: %s' % path) if os.path.isfile(path): files.add(path) else: for root, dirs, files_ in os.walk(path): for fname in files_: files.add(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, fname)))
find_occurences(all_old, sorted(files))