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############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Sequence Interfaces
$Id: 105433 2009-11-02 08:33:25Z ctheune $ """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' from zope import interface
class IMinimalSequence(interface.Interface): """Most basic sequence interface.
All sequences are iterable. This requires at least one of the following:
- a `__getitem__()` method that takes a single argument; interger values starting at 0 must be supported, and `IndexError` should be raised for the first index for which there is no value, or
- an `__iter__()` method that returns an iterator as defined in the Python documentation (
def __getitem__(index): """`x.__getitem__(index)` <==> `x[index]`
Declaring this interface does not specify whether `__getitem__` supports slice objects."""
class IFiniteSequence(IMinimalSequence):
def __len__(): """`x.__len__()` <==> `len(x)`"""
class IReadSequence(IFiniteSequence): """read interface shared by tuple and list"""
def __contains__(item): """`x.__contains__(item)` <==> `item in x`"""
def __lt__(other): """`x.__lt__(other)` <==> `x < other`"""
def __le__(other): """`x.__le__(other)` <==> `x <= other`"""
def __eq__(other): """`x.__eq__(other)` <==> `x == other`"""
def __ne__(other): """`x.__ne__(other)` <==> `x != other`"""
def __gt__(other): """`x.__gt__(other)` <==> `x > other`"""
def __ge__(other): """`x.__ge__(other)` <==> `x >= other`"""
def __add__(other): """`x.__add__(other)` <==> `x + other`"""
def __mul__(n): """`x.__mul__(n)` <==> `x * n`"""
def __rmul__(n): """`x.__rmul__(n)` <==> `n * x`"""
def __getslice__(i, j): """`x.__getslice__(i, j)` <==> `x[i:j]`
Use of negative indices is not supported.
Deprecated since Python 2.0 but still a part of `UserList`. """
class IExtendedReadSequence(IReadSequence): """Full read interface for lists"""
def count(item): """Return number of occurrences of value"""
def index(item, *args): """Return first index of value
`L.index(value, [start, [stop]])` -> integer"""
class IUniqueMemberWriteSequence(interface.Interface): """The write contract for a sequence that may enforce unique members"""
def __setitem__(index, item): """`x.__setitem__(index, item)` <==> `x[index] = item`
Declaring this interface does not specify whether `__setitem__` supports slice objects. """
def __delitem__(index): """`x.__delitem__(index)` <==> `del x[index]`
Declaring this interface does not specify whether `__delitem__` supports slice objects. """
def __setslice__(i, j, other): """`x.__setslice__(i, j, other)` <==> `x[i:j]=other`
Use of negative indices is not supported.
Deprecated since Python 2.0 but still a part of `UserList`. """
def __delslice__(i, j): """`x.__delslice__(i, j)` <==> `del x[i:j]`
Use of negative indices is not supported.
Deprecated since Python 2.0 but still a part of `UserList`. """ def __iadd__(y): """`x.__iadd__(y)` <==> `x += y`"""
def append(item): """Append item to end"""
def insert(index, item): """Insert item before index"""
def pop(index=-1): """Remove and return item at index (default last)"""
def remove(item): """Remove first occurrence of value"""
def reverse(): """Reverse *IN PLACE*"""
def sort(cmpfunc=None): """Stable sort *IN PLACE*; `cmpfunc(x, y)` -> -1, 0, 1"""
def extend(iterable): """Extend list by appending elements from the iterable"""
class IWriteSequence(IUniqueMemberWriteSequence): """Full write contract for sequences"""
def __imul__(n): """`x.__imul__(n)` <==> `x *= n`"""
class ISequence(IReadSequence, IWriteSequence): """Full sequence contract"""