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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_soap -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" SOAP support for twisted.web.
Requires SOAPpy 0.10.1 or later.
Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
Future plans: SOAPContext support of some kind. Pluggable method lookup policies. """
# SOAPpy import SOAPpy
# twisted imports from twisted.web import server, resource, client from twisted.internet import defer
class SOAPPublisher(resource.Resource): """Publish SOAP methods.
By default, publish methods beginning with 'soap_'. If the method has an attribute 'useKeywords', it well get the arguments passed as keyword args. """
isLeaf = 1
# override to change the encoding used for responses encoding = "UTF-8"
def lookupFunction(self, functionName): """Lookup published SOAP function.
Override in subclasses. Default behaviour - publish methods starting with soap_.
@return: callable or None if not found. """ return getattr(self, "soap_%s" % functionName, None)
def render(self, request): """Handle a SOAP command.""" data =
p, header, body, attrs = SOAPpy.parseSOAPRPC(data, 1, 1, 1)
methodName, args, kwargs, ns = p._name, p._aslist, p._asdict, p._ns
# deal with changes in SOAPpy 0.11 if callable(args): args = args() if callable(kwargs): kwargs = kwargs()
function = self.lookupFunction(methodName)
if not function: self._methodNotFound(request, methodName) return server.NOT_DONE_YET else: if hasattr(function, "useKeywords"): keywords = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): keywords[str(k)] = v d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, **keywords) else: d = defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args)
d.addCallback(self._gotResult, request, methodName) d.addErrback(self._gotError, request, methodName) return server.NOT_DONE_YET
def _methodNotFound(self, request, methodName): response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(SOAPpy.faultType("%s:Client" % SOAPpy.NS.ENV_T, "Method %s not found" % methodName), encoding=self.encoding) self._sendResponse(request, response, status=500)
def _gotResult(self, result, request, methodName): if not isinstance(result, SOAPpy.voidType): result = {"Result": result} response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(kw={'%sResponse' % methodName: result}, encoding=self.encoding) self._sendResponse(request, response)
def _gotError(self, failure, request, methodName): e = failure.value if isinstance(e, SOAPpy.faultType): fault = e else: fault = SOAPpy.faultType("%s:Server" % SOAPpy.NS.ENV_T, "Method %s failed." % methodName) response = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(fault, encoding=self.encoding) self._sendResponse(request, response, status=500)
def _sendResponse(self, request, response, status=200): request.setResponseCode(status)
if self.encoding is not None: mimeType = 'text/xml; charset="%s"' % self.encoding else: mimeType = "text/xml" request.setHeader("Content-type", mimeType) request.setHeader("Content-length", str(len(response))) request.write(response) request.finish()
class Proxy: """A Proxy for making remote SOAP calls.
Pass the URL of the remote SOAP server to the constructor.
Use proxy.callRemote('foobar', 1, 2) to call remote method 'foobar' with args 1 and 2, proxy.callRemote('foobar', x=1) will call foobar with named argument 'x'. """
# at some point this should have encoding etc. kwargs def __init__(self, url, namespace=None, header=None): self.url = url self.namespace = namespace self.header = header
def _cbGotResult(self, result): result = SOAPpy.parseSOAPRPC(result) if hasattr(result, 'Result'): return result.Result elif len(result) == 1: ## SOAPpy 0.11.6 wraps the return results in a containing structure. ## This check added to make Proxy behaviour emulate SOAPProxy, which ## flattens the structure by default. ## This behaviour is OK because even singleton lists are wrapped in ## another singleton structType, which is almost always useless. return result[0] else: return result
def callRemote(self, method, *args, **kwargs): payload = SOAPpy.buildSOAP(args=args, kw=kwargs, method=method, header=self.header, namespace=self.namespace) return client.getPage(self.url, postdata=payload, method="POST", headers={'content-type': 'text/xml', 'SOAPAction': method} ).addCallback(self._cbGotResult)