!C99Shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019]!

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Viewing file:     test_script.py (13.36 KB)      -rw-r--r--
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# Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

import gc
import StringIO, sys, types

from twisted.trial import unittest, runner
from twisted.scripts import trial
from twisted.python import util
from twisted.python.compat import set

from twisted.trial.test.test_loader import testNames

pyunit = __import__('unittest')

def sibpath(filename):
    """For finding files in twisted/trial/test"""
    return util.sibpath(__file__, filename)

class ForceGarbageCollection(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for the --force-gc option.

    def setUp(self):
        self.config = trial.Options()
        self.log = []
        self.patch(gc, 'collect', self.collect)
        test = pyunit.FunctionTestCase(self.simpleTest)
        self.test = runner.TestSuite([test, test])

    def simpleTest(self):
        A simple test method that records that it was run.

    def collect(self):
        A replacement for gc.collect that logs calls to itself.

    def makeRunner(self):
        Return a L{runner.TrialRunner} object that is safe to use in tests.
        runner = trial._makeRunner(self.config)
        runner.stream = StringIO.StringIO()
        return runner

    def test_forceGc(self):
        Passing the --force-gc option to the trial script forces the garbage
        collector to run before and after each test.
        self.config['force-gc'] = True
        runner = self.makeRunner()
        self.assertEqual(self.log, ['collect', 'test', 'collect',
                                    'collect', 'test', 'collect'])

    def test_unforceGc(self):
        By default, no garbage collection is forced.
        runner = self.makeRunner()
        self.assertEqual(self.log, ['test', 'test'])

class TestSuiteUsed(unittest.TestCase):
    Check the category of tests suite used by the loader.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a trial configuration object.
        self.config = trial.Options()

    def test_defaultSuite(self):
        By default, the loader should use L{runner.DestructiveTestSuite}
        loader = trial._getLoader(self.config)
        self.assertEquals(loader.suiteFactory, runner.DestructiveTestSuite)

    def test_untilFailureSuite(self):
        The C{until-failure} configuration uses the L{runner.TestSuite} to keep
        instances alive across runs.
        self.config['until-failure'] = True
        loader = trial._getLoader(self.config)
        self.assertEquals(loader.suiteFactory, runner.TestSuite)

class TestModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.config = trial.Options()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.config = None

    def test_testNames(self):
        Check that the testNames helper method accurately collects the
        names of tests in suite.
        self.assertEqual(testNames(self), [self.id()])

    def assertSuitesEqual(self, test1, names):
        loader = runner.TestLoader()
        names1 = testNames(test1)
        names2 = testNames(runner.TestSuite(map(loader.loadByName, names)))
        self.assertEqual(names1, names2)

    def test_baseState(self):
        self.failUnlessEqual(0, len(self.config['tests']))

    def test_testmoduleOnModule(self):
        Check that --testmodule loads a suite which contains the tests
        referred to in test-case-name inside its parameter.

    def test_testmoduleTwice(self):
        When the same module is specified with two --testmodule flags, it
        should only appear once in the suite.

    def test_testmoduleOnSourceAndTarget(self):
        If --testmodule is specified twice, once for module A and once for
        a module which refers to module A, then make sure module A is only
        added once.

    def test_testmoduleOnSelfModule(self):
        When given a module that refers to *itself* in the test-case-name
        variable, check that --testmodule only adds the tests once.

    def test_testmoduleOnScript(self):
        Check that --testmodule loads tests referred to in test-case-name
        buffer variables.

    def test_testmoduleOnNonexistentFile(self):
        Check that --testmodule displays a meaningful error message when
        passed a non-existent filename.
        buffy = StringIO.StringIO()
        stderr, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, buffy
        filename = 'test_thisbetternoteverexist.py'
            self.failUnlessEqual(0, len(self.config['tests']))
            self.failUnlessEqual("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (filename,),
            sys.stderr = stderr

    def test_testmoduleOnEmptyVars(self):
        Check that --testmodule adds no tests to the suite for modules
        which lack test-case-name buffer variables.
        self.failUnlessEqual(0, len(self.config['tests']))

    def test_testmoduleOnModuleName(self):
        Check that --testmodule does *not* support module names as arguments
        and that it displays a meaningful error message.
        buffy = StringIO.StringIO()
        stderr, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, buffy
        moduleName = 'twisted.trial.test.test_script'
            self.failUnlessEqual(0, len(self.config['tests']))
            self.failUnlessEqual("File %r doesn't exist\n" % (moduleName,),
            sys.stderr = stderr

    def test_parseLocalVariable(self):
        declaration = '-*- test-case-name: twisted.trial.test.test_tests -*-'
        localVars = trial._parseLocalVariables(declaration)

    def test_trailingSemicolon(self):
        declaration = '-*- test-case-name: twisted.trial.test.test_tests; -*-'
        localVars = trial._parseLocalVariables(declaration)

    def test_parseLocalVariables(self):
        declaration = ('-*- test-case-name: twisted.trial.test.test_tests; '
                       'foo: bar -*-')
        localVars = trial._parseLocalVariables(declaration)
                              'foo': 'bar'},

    def test_surroundingGuff(self):
        declaration = ('## -*- test-case-name: '
                       'twisted.trial.test.test_tests -*- #')
        localVars = trial._parseLocalVariables(declaration)

    def test_invalidLine(self):
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, trial._parseLocalVariables,

    def test_invalidDeclaration(self):
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, trial._parseLocalVariables,
                              '-*- foo -*-')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, trial._parseLocalVariables,
                              '-*- foo: bar; qux -*-')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, trial._parseLocalVariables,
                              '-*- foo: bar: baz; qux: qax -*-')

    def test_variablesFromFile(self):
        localVars = trial.loadLocalVariables(sibpath('moduletest.py'))

    def test_noVariablesInFile(self):
        localVars = trial.loadLocalVariables(sibpath('novars.py'))
        self.failUnlessEqual({}, localVars)

    def test_variablesFromScript(self):
        localVars = trial.loadLocalVariables(sibpath('scripttest.py'))
            {'test-case-name': ('twisted.trial.test.test_test_visitor,'

    def test_getTestModules(self):
        modules = trial.getTestModules(sibpath('moduletest.py'))
        self.failUnlessEqual(modules, ['twisted.trial.test.test_test_visitor'])

    def test_getTestModules_noVars(self):
        modules = trial.getTestModules(sibpath('novars.py'))
        self.failUnlessEqual(len(modules), 0)

    def test_getTestModules_multiple(self):
        modules = trial.getTestModules(sibpath('scripttest.py'))

    def test_looksLikeTestModule(self):
        for filename in ['test_script.py', 'twisted/trial/test/test_script.py']:
                            "%r should be a test file" % (filename,))
        for filename in ['twisted/trial/test/moduletest.py',
                         sibpath('scripttest.py'), sibpath('test_foo.bat')]:
                        "%r should *not* be a test file" % (filename,))

class WithoutModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the C{without-module} flag.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a L{trial.Options} object to be used in the tests, and save
        self.config = trial.Options()
        self.savedModules = dict(sys.modules)

    def tearDown(self):
        Restore C{sys.modules}.
        for module in ('imaplib', 'smtplib'):
            if module in self.savedModules:
                sys.modules[module] = self.savedModules[module]
                sys.modules.pop(module, None)

    def _checkSMTP(self):
        Try to import the C{smtplib} module, and return it.
        import smtplib
        return smtplib

    def _checkIMAP(self):
        Try to import the C{imaplib} module, and return it.
        import imaplib
        return imaplib

    def test_disableOneModule(self):
        Check that after disabling a module, it can't be imported anymore.
        self.config.parseOptions(["--without-module", "smtplib"])
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, self._checkSMTP)
        # Restore sys.modules
        del sys.modules["smtplib"]
        # Then the function should succeed
        self.assertIsInstance(self._checkSMTP(), types.ModuleType)

    def test_disableMultipleModules(self):
        Check that several modules can be disabled at once.
        self.config.parseOptions(["--without-module", "smtplib,imaplib"])
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, self._checkSMTP)
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, self._checkIMAP)
        # Restore sys.modules
        del sys.modules["smtplib"]
        del sys.modules["imaplib"]
        # Then the functions should succeed
        self.assertIsInstance(self._checkSMTP(), types.ModuleType)
        self.assertIsInstance(self._checkIMAP(), types.ModuleType)

    def test_disableAlreadyImportedModule(self):
        Disabling an already imported module should produce a warning.
        self.assertIsInstance(self._checkSMTP(), types.ModuleType)
                "Module 'smtplib' already imported, disabling anyway.",
                self.config.parseOptions, ["--without-module", "smtplib"])
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, self._checkSMTP)

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0088 ]--