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# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for twisted SSL support. """
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, interfaces, defer from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.python import util from twisted.python.reflect import getClass, fullyQualifiedName from twisted.python.runtime import platform from twisted.test.test_tcp import WriteDataTestCase, ProperlyCloseFilesMixin
import os, errno
try: from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto from twisted.internet import ssl from twisted.test.ssl_helpers import ClientTLSContext except ImportError: def _noSSL(): # ugh, make pyflakes happy. global SSL global ssl SSL = ssl = None _noSSL()
certPath = util.sibpath(__file__, "server.pem")
class UnintelligentProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): """ @ivar deferred: a deferred that will fire at connection lost. @type deferred: L{defer.Deferred}
@cvar pretext: text sent before TLS is set up. @type pretext: C{str}
@cvar posttext: text sent after TLS is set up. @type posttext: C{str} """ pretext = [ "first line", "last thing before tls starts", "STARTTLS"]
posttext = [ "first thing after tls started", "last thing ever"]
def __init__(self): self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
def connectionMade(self): for l in self.pretext: self.sendLine(l)
def lineReceived(self, line): if line == "READY": self.transport.startTLS(ClientTLSContext(), self.factory.client) for l in self.posttext: self.sendLine(l) self.transport.loseConnection()
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.deferred.callback(None)
class LineCollector(basic.LineReceiver): """ @ivar deferred: a deferred that will fire at connection lost. @type deferred: L{defer.Deferred}
@ivar doTLS: whether the protocol is initiate TLS or not. @type doTLS: C{bool}
@ivar fillBuffer: if set to True, it will send lots of data once C{STARTTLS} is received. @type fillBuffer: C{bool} """
def __init__(self, doTLS, fillBuffer=False): self.doTLS = doTLS self.fillBuffer = fillBuffer self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
def connectionMade(self): self.factory.rawdata = '' self.factory.lines = []
def lineReceived(self, line): self.factory.lines.append(line) if line == 'STARTTLS': if self.fillBuffer: for x in range(500): self.sendLine('X' * 1000) self.sendLine('READY') if self.doTLS: ctx = ServerTLSContext( privateKeyFileName=certPath, certificateFileName=certPath, ) self.transport.startTLS(ctx, self.factory.server) else: self.setRawMode()
def rawDataReceived(self, data): self.factory.rawdata += data self.transport.loseConnection()
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.deferred.callback(None)
class SingleLineServerProtocol(protocol.Protocol): """ A protocol that sends a single line of data at C{connectionMade}. """
def connectionMade(self): self.transport.write("+OK <some crap>\r\n") self.transport.getPeerCertificate()
class RecordingClientProtocol(protocol.Protocol): """ @ivar deferred: a deferred that will fire with first received content. @type deferred: L{defer.Deferred} """
def __init__(self): self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
def connectionMade(self): self.transport.getPeerCertificate()
def dataReceived(self, data): self.deferred.callback(data)
class ImmediatelyDisconnectingProtocol(protocol.Protocol): """ A protocol that disconnect immediately on connection. It fires the C{connectionDisconnected} deferred of its factory on connetion lost. """
def connectionMade(self): self.transport.loseConnection()
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.factory.connectionDisconnected.callback(None)
def generateCertificateObjects(organization, organizationalUnit): """ Create a certificate for given C{organization} and C{organizationalUnit}.
@return: a tuple of (key, request, certificate) objects. """ pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 512) req = crypto.X509Req() subject = req.get_subject() subject.O = organization subject.OU = organizationalUnit req.set_pubkey(pkey) req.sign(pkey, "md5")
# Here comes the actual certificate cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(1) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60) # Testing certificates need not be long lived cert.set_issuer(req.get_subject()) cert.set_subject(req.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey()) cert.sign(pkey, "md5")
return pkey, req, cert
def generateCertificateFiles(basename, organization, organizationalUnit): """ Create certificate files key, req and cert prefixed by C{basename} for given C{organization} and C{organizationalUnit}. """ pkey, req, cert = generateCertificateObjects(organization, organizationalUnit)
for ext, obj, dumpFunc in [ ('key', pkey, crypto.dump_privatekey), ('req', req, crypto.dump_certificate_request), ('cert', cert, crypto.dump_certificate)]: fName = os.extsep.join((basename, ext)) fObj = file(fName, 'w') fObj.write(dumpFunc(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, obj)) fObj.close()
class ContextGeneratingMixin: """ Offer methods to create L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory} for both client and server.
@ivar clientBase: prefix of client certificate files. @type clientBase: C{str}
@ivar serverBase: prefix of server certificate files. @type serverBase: C{str}
@ivar clientCtxFactory: a generated context factory to be used in C{reactor.connectSSL}. @type clientCtxFactory: L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory}
@ivar serverCtxFactory: a generated context factory to be used in C{reactor.listenSSL}. @type serverCtxFactory: L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory} """
def makeContextFactory(self, org, orgUnit, *args, **kwArgs): base = self.mktemp() generateCertificateFiles(base, org, orgUnit) serverCtxFactory = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory( os.extsep.join((base, 'key')), os.extsep.join((base, 'cert')), *args, **kwArgs)
return base, serverCtxFactory
def setupServerAndClient(self, clientArgs, clientKwArgs, serverArgs, serverKwArgs): self.clientBase, self.clientCtxFactory = self.makeContextFactory( *clientArgs, **clientKwArgs) self.serverBase, self.serverCtxFactory = self.makeContextFactory( *serverArgs, **serverKwArgs)
if SSL is not None: class ServerTLSContext(ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory): """ A context factory with a default method set to L{SSL.TLSv1_METHOD}. """ isClient = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): kw['sslmethod'] = SSL.TLSv1_METHOD ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
class StolenTCPTestCase(ProperlyCloseFilesMixin, unittest.TestCase): """ For SSL transports, test many of the same things which are tested for TCP transports. """
def createServer(self, address, portNumber, factory): """ Create an SSL server with a certificate using L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL}. """ cert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(file(certPath).read()) contextFactory = cert.options() return reactor.listenSSL( portNumber, factory, contextFactory, interface=address)
def connectClient(self, address, portNumber, clientCreator): """ Create an SSL client using L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}. """ contextFactory = ssl.CertificateOptions() return clientCreator.connectSSL(address, portNumber, contextFactory)
def getHandleExceptionType(self): """ Return L{SSL.Error} as the expected error type which will be raised by a write to the L{OpenSSL.SSL.Connection} object after it has been closed. """ return SSL.Error
_iocp = 'twisted.internet.iocpreactor.reactor.IOCPReactor'
def getHandleErrorCode(self): """ Return the argument L{SSL.Error} will be constructed with for this case. This is basically just a random OpenSSL implementation detail. It would be better if this test worked in a way which did not require this. """ # Windows 2000 SP 4 and Windows XP SP 2 give back WSAENOTSOCK for # SSL.Connection.write for some reason. The twisted.protocols.tls # implementation of IReactorSSL doesn't suffer from this imprecation, # though, since it is isolated from the Windows I/O layer (I suppose?).
# If test_properlyCloseFiles waited for the SSL handshake to complete # and performed an orderly shutdown, then this would probably be a # little less weird: writing to a shutdown SSL connection has a more # well-defined failure mode (or at least it should). name = fullyQualifiedName(getClass(reactor)) if platform.getType() == 'win32' and name != self._iocp: return errno.WSAENOTSOCK # This is terribly implementation-specific. return [('SSL routines', 'SSL_write', 'protocol is shutdown')]
class TLSTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for startTLS support.
@ivar fillBuffer: forwarded to L{LineCollector.fillBuffer} @type fillBuffer: C{bool} """ fillBuffer = False
clientProto = None serverProto = None
def tearDown(self): if self.clientProto.transport is not None: self.clientProto.transport.loseConnection() if self.serverProto.transport is not None: self.serverProto.transport.loseConnection()
def _runTest(self, clientProto, serverProto, clientIsServer=False): """ Helper method to run TLS tests.
@param clientProto: protocol instance attached to the client connection. @param serverProto: protocol instance attached to the server connection. @param clientIsServer: flag indicated if client should initiate startTLS instead of server.
@return: a L{defer.Deferred} that will fire when both connections are lost. """ self.clientProto = clientProto cf = self.clientFactory = protocol.ClientFactory() cf.protocol = lambda: clientProto if clientIsServer: cf.server = False else: cf.client = True
self.serverProto = serverProto sf = self.serverFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() sf.protocol = lambda: serverProto if clientIsServer: sf.client = False else: sf.server = True
port = reactor.listenTCP(0, sf, interface="") self.addCleanup(port.stopListening)
reactor.connectTCP('', port.getHost().port, cf)
return defer.gatherResults([clientProto.deferred, serverProto.deferred])
def test_TLS(self): """ Test for server and client startTLS: client should received data both before and after the startTLS. """ def check(ignore): self.assertEquals( self.serverFactory.lines, UnintelligentProtocol.pretext + UnintelligentProtocol.posttext ) d = self._runTest(UnintelligentProtocol(), LineCollector(True, self.fillBuffer)) return d.addCallback(check)
def test_unTLS(self): """ Test for server startTLS not followed by a startTLS in client: the data received after server startTLS should be received as raw. """ def check(ignored): self.assertEquals( self.serverFactory.lines, UnintelligentProtocol.pretext ) self.failUnless(self.serverFactory.rawdata, "No encrypted bytes received") d = self._runTest(UnintelligentProtocol(), LineCollector(False, self.fillBuffer)) return d.addCallback(check)
def test_backwardsTLS(self): """ Test startTLS first initiated by client. """ def check(ignored): self.assertEquals( self.clientFactory.lines, UnintelligentProtocol.pretext + UnintelligentProtocol.posttext ) d = self._runTest(LineCollector(True, self.fillBuffer), UnintelligentProtocol(), True) return d.addCallback(check)
class SpammyTLSTestCase(TLSTestCase): """ Test TLS features with bytes sitting in the out buffer. """ fillBuffer = True
class BufferingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): serverProto = None clientProto = None
def tearDown(self): if self.serverProto.transport is not None: self.serverProto.transport.loseConnection() if self.clientProto.transport is not None: self.clientProto.transport.loseConnection()
def test_openSSLBuffering(self): serverProto = self.serverProto = SingleLineServerProtocol() clientProto = self.clientProto = RecordingClientProtocol()
server = protocol.ServerFactory() client = self.client = protocol.ClientFactory()
server.protocol = lambda: serverProto client.protocol = lambda: clientProto
sCTX = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(certPath, certPath) cCTX = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
port = reactor.listenSSL(0, server, sCTX, interface='') self.addCleanup(port.stopListening)
reactor.connectSSL('', port.getHost().port, client, cCTX)
return clientProto.deferred.addCallback( self.assertEquals, "+OK <some crap>\r\n")
class ConnectionLostTestCase(unittest.TestCase, ContextGeneratingMixin):
def testImmediateDisconnect(self): org = "twisted.test.test_ssl" self.setupServerAndClient( (org, org + ", client"), {}, (org, org + ", server"), {})
# Set up a server, connect to it with a client, which should work since our verifiers # allow anything, then disconnect. serverProtocolFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() serverProtocolFactory.protocol = protocol.Protocol self.serverPort = serverPort = reactor.listenSSL(0, serverProtocolFactory, self.serverCtxFactory)
clientProtocolFactory = protocol.ClientFactory() clientProtocolFactory.protocol = ImmediatelyDisconnectingProtocol clientProtocolFactory.connectionDisconnected = defer.Deferred() clientConnector = reactor.connectSSL('', serverPort.getHost().port, clientProtocolFactory, self.clientCtxFactory)
return clientProtocolFactory.connectionDisconnected.addCallback( lambda ignoredResult: self.serverPort.stopListening())
def testFailedVerify(self): org = "twisted.test.test_ssl" self.setupServerAndClient( (org, org + ", client"), {}, (org, org + ", server"), {})
def verify(*a): return False self.clientCtxFactory.getContext().set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER, verify)
serverConnLost = defer.Deferred() serverProtocol = protocol.Protocol() serverProtocol.connectionLost = serverConnLost.callback serverProtocolFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() serverProtocolFactory.protocol = lambda: serverProtocol self.serverPort = serverPort = reactor.listenSSL(0, serverProtocolFactory, self.serverCtxFactory)
clientConnLost = defer.Deferred() clientProtocol = protocol.Protocol() clientProtocol.connectionLost = clientConnLost.callback clientProtocolFactory = protocol.ClientFactory() clientProtocolFactory.protocol = lambda: clientProtocol clientConnector = reactor.connectSSL('', serverPort.getHost().port, clientProtocolFactory, self.clientCtxFactory)
dl = defer.DeferredList([serverConnLost, clientConnLost], consumeErrors=True) return dl.addCallback(self._cbLostConns)
def _cbLostConns(self, results): (sSuccess, sResult), (cSuccess, cResult) = results
self.failIf(sSuccess) self.failIf(cSuccess)
acceptableErrors = [SSL.Error]
# Rather than getting a verification failure on Windows, we are getting # a connection failure. Without something like sslverify proxying # in-between we can't fix up the platform's errors, so let's just # specifically say it is only OK in this one case to keep the tests # passing. Normally we'd like to be as strict as possible here, so # we're not going to allow this to report errors incorrectly on any # other platforms.
if platform.isWindows(): from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost acceptableErrors.append(ConnectionLost)
sResult.trap(*acceptableErrors) cResult.trap(*acceptableErrors)
return self.serverPort.stopListening()
class FakeContext: """ L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context} double which can more easily be inspected. """ def __init__(self, method): self._method = method self._options = 0
def set_options(self, options): self._options |= options
def use_certificate_file(self, fileName): pass
def use_privatekey_file(self, fileName): pass
class DefaultOpenSSLContextFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory}. """ def setUp(self): # pyOpenSSL Context objects aren't introspectable enough. Pass in # an alternate context factory so we can inspect what is done to it. self.contextFactory = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory( certPath, certPath, _contextFactory=FakeContext) self.context = self.contextFactory.getContext()
def test_method(self): """ L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory.getContext} returns an SSL context which can use SSLv3 or TLSv1 but not SSLv2. """ # SSLv23_METHOD allows SSLv2, SSLv3, or TLSv1 self.assertEqual(self.context._method, SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
# And OP_NO_SSLv2 disables the SSLv2 support. self.assertTrue(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2)
# Make sure SSLv3 and TLSv1 aren't disabled though. self.assertFalse(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3) self.assertFalse(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1)
def test_missingCertificateFile(self): """ Instantiating L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory} with a certificate filename which does not identify an existing file results in the initializer raising L{OpenSSL.SSL.Error}. """ self.assertRaises( SSL.Error, ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory, certPath, self.mktemp())
def test_missingPrivateKeyFile(self): """ Instantiating L{ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory} with a private key filename which does not identify an existing file results in the initializer raising L{OpenSSL.SSL.Error}. """ self.assertRaises( SSL.Error, ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory, self.mktemp(), certPath)
class ClientContextFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{ssl.ClientContextFactory}. """ def setUp(self): self.contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory() self.contextFactory._contextFactory = FakeContext self.context = self.contextFactory.getContext()
def test_method(self): """ L{ssl.ClientContextFactory.getContext} returns a context which can use SSLv3 or TLSv1 but not SSLv2. """ self.assertEqual(self.context._method, SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertTrue(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2) self.assertFalse(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3) self.assertFalse(self.context._options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1)
if interfaces.IReactorSSL(reactor, None) is None: for tCase in [StolenTCPTestCase, TLSTestCase, SpammyTLSTestCase, BufferingTestCase, ConnectionLostTestCase, DefaultOpenSSLContextFactoryTests, ClientContextFactoryTests]: tCase.skip = "Reactor does not support SSL, cannot run SSL tests"
# Otherwise trial will run this test here del WriteDataTestCase