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# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Test cases for twisted.protocols package. """
import struct
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.protocols import basic, wire, portforward from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer, task, error from twisted.test import proto_helpers
class LineTester(basic.LineReceiver): """ A line receiver that parses data received and make actions on some tokens.
@type delimiter: C{str} @ivar delimiter: character used between received lines. @type MAX_LENGTH: C{int} @ivar MAX_LENGTH: size of a line when C{lineLengthExceeded} will be called. @type clock: L{twisted.internet.task.Clock} @ivar clock: clock simulating reactor callLater. Pass it to constructor if you want to use the pause/rawpause functionalities. """
delimiter = '\n' MAX_LENGTH = 64
def __init__(self, clock=None): """ If given, use a clock to make callLater calls. """ self.clock = clock
def connectionMade(self): """ Create/clean data received on connection. """ self.received = []
def lineReceived(self, line): """ Receive line and make some action for some tokens: pause, rawpause, stop, len, produce, unproduce. """ self.received.append(line) if line == '': self.setRawMode() elif line == 'pause': self.pauseProducing() self.clock.callLater(0, self.resumeProducing) elif line == 'rawpause': self.pauseProducing() self.setRawMode() self.received.append('') self.clock.callLater(0, self.resumeProducing) elif line == 'stop': self.stopProducing() elif line[:4] == 'len ': self.length = int(line[4:]) elif line.startswith('produce'): self.transport.registerProducer(self, False) elif line.startswith('unproduce'): self.transport.unregisterProducer()
def rawDataReceived(self, data): """ Read raw data, until the quantity specified by a previous 'len' line is reached. """ data, rest = data[:self.length], data[self.length:] self.length = self.length - len(data) self.received[-1] = self.received[-1] + data if self.length == 0: self.setLineMode(rest)
def lineLengthExceeded(self, line): """ Adjust line mode when long lines received. """ if len(line) > self.MAX_LENGTH + 1: self.setLineMode(line[self.MAX_LENGTH + 1:])
class LineOnlyTester(basic.LineOnlyReceiver): """ A buffering line only receiver. """ delimiter = '\n' MAX_LENGTH = 64
def connectionMade(self): """ Create/clean data received on connection. """ self.received = []
def lineReceived(self, line): """ Save received data. """ self.received.append(line)
class WireTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test wire protocols. """ def test_echo(self): """ Test wire.Echo protocol: send some data and check it send it back. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = wire.Echo() a.makeConnection(t) a.dataReceived("hello") a.dataReceived("world") a.dataReceived("how") a.dataReceived("are") a.dataReceived("you") self.assertEquals(t.value(), "helloworldhowareyou")
def test_who(self): """ Test wire.Who protocol. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = wire.Who() a.makeConnection(t) self.assertEquals(t.value(), "root\r\n")
def test_QOTD(self): """ Test wire.QOTD protocol. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = wire.QOTD() a.makeConnection(t) self.assertEquals(t.value(), "An apple a day keeps the doctor away.\r\n")
def test_discard(self): """ Test wire.Discard protocol. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = wire.Discard() a.makeConnection(t) a.dataReceived("hello") a.dataReceived("world") a.dataReceived("how") a.dataReceived("are") a.dataReceived("you") self.assertEqual(t.value(), "")
class LineReceiverTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test LineReceiver, using the C{LineTester} wrapper. """ buffer = '''\ len 10
0123456789len 5
1234 len 20 foo 123
0123456789 012345678len 0 foo 5
1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 len 1
output = ['len 10', '0123456789', 'len 5', '1234\n', 'len 20', 'foo 123', '0123456789\n012345678', 'len 0', 'foo 5', '', '67890', 'len 1', 'a']
def testBuffer(self): """ Test buffering for different packet size, checking received matches expected data. """ for packet_size in range(1, 10): t = proto_helpers.StringIOWithoutClosing() a = LineTester() a.makeConnection(protocol.FileWrapper(t)) for i in range(len(self.buffer)/packet_size + 1): s = self.buffer[i*packet_size:(i+1)*packet_size] a.dataReceived(s) self.failUnlessEqual(self.output, a.received)
pause_buf = 'twiddle1\ntwiddle2\npause\ntwiddle3\n'
pause_output1 = ['twiddle1', 'twiddle2', 'pause'] pause_output2 = pause_output1+['twiddle3']
def test_pausing(self): """ Test pause inside data receiving. It uses fake clock to see if pausing/resuming work. """ for packet_size in range(1, 10): t = proto_helpers.StringIOWithoutClosing() clock = task.Clock() a = LineTester(clock) a.makeConnection(protocol.FileWrapper(t)) for i in range(len(self.pause_buf)/packet_size + 1): s = self.pause_buf[i*packet_size:(i+1)*packet_size] a.dataReceived(s) self.assertEquals(self.pause_output1, a.received) clock.advance(0) self.assertEquals(self.pause_output2, a.received)
rawpause_buf = 'twiddle1\ntwiddle2\nlen 5\nrawpause\n12345twiddle3\n'
rawpause_output1 = ['twiddle1', 'twiddle2', 'len 5', 'rawpause', ''] rawpause_output2 = ['twiddle1', 'twiddle2', 'len 5', 'rawpause', '12345', 'twiddle3']
def test_rawPausing(self): """ Test pause inside raw date receiving. """ for packet_size in range(1, 10): t = proto_helpers.StringIOWithoutClosing() clock = task.Clock() a = LineTester(clock) a.makeConnection(protocol.FileWrapper(t)) for i in range(len(self.rawpause_buf)/packet_size + 1): s = self.rawpause_buf[i*packet_size:(i+1)*packet_size] a.dataReceived(s) self.assertEquals(self.rawpause_output1, a.received) clock.advance(0) self.assertEquals(self.rawpause_output2, a.received)
stop_buf = 'twiddle1\ntwiddle2\nstop\nmore\nstuff\n'
stop_output = ['twiddle1', 'twiddle2', 'stop']
def test_stopProducing(self): """ Test stop inside producing. """ for packet_size in range(1, 10): t = proto_helpers.StringIOWithoutClosing() a = LineTester() a.makeConnection(protocol.FileWrapper(t)) for i in range(len(self.stop_buf)/packet_size + 1): s = self.stop_buf[i*packet_size:(i+1)*packet_size] a.dataReceived(s) self.assertEquals(self.stop_output, a.received)
def test_lineReceiverAsProducer(self): """ Test produce/unproduce in receiving. """ a = LineTester() t = proto_helpers.StringIOWithoutClosing() a.makeConnection(protocol.FileWrapper(t)) a.dataReceived('produce\nhello world\nunproduce\ngoodbye\n') self.assertEquals(a.received, ['produce', 'hello world', 'unproduce', 'goodbye'])
def test_clearLineBuffer(self): """ L{LineReceiver.clearLineBuffer} removes all buffered data and returns it as a C{str} and can be called from beneath C{dataReceived}. """ class ClearingReceiver(basic.LineReceiver): def lineReceived(self, line): self.line = line = self.clearLineBuffer()
protocol = ClearingReceiver() protocol.dataReceived('foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz') self.assertEqual(protocol.line, 'foo') self.assertEqual(, 'bar\r\nbaz')
# Deliver another line to make sure the previously buffered data is # really gone. protocol.dataReceived('quux\r\n') self.assertEqual(protocol.line, 'quux') self.assertEqual(, '')
class LineOnlyReceiverTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test line only receiveer. """ buffer = """foo bleakness desolation plastic forks """
def test_buffer(self): """ Test buffering over line protocol: data received should match buffer. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = LineOnlyTester() a.makeConnection(t) for c in self.buffer: a.dataReceived(c) self.assertEquals(a.received, self.buffer.split('\n')[:-1])
def test_lineTooLong(self): """ Test sending a line too long: it should close the connection. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = LineOnlyTester() a.makeConnection(t) res = a.dataReceived('x'*200) self.assertIsInstance(res, error.ConnectionLost)
class TestMixin:
def connectionMade(self): self.received = []
def stringReceived(self, s): self.received.append(s)
MAX_LENGTH = 50 closed = 0
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.closed = 1
class TestNetstring(TestMixin, basic.NetstringReceiver): pass
class LPTestCaseMixin:
illegalStrings = [] protocol = None
def getProtocol(self): """ Return a new instance of C{self.protocol} connected to a new instance of L{proto_helpers.StringTransport}. """ t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = self.protocol() a.makeConnection(t) return a
def test_illegal(self): """ Assert that illegal strings cause the transport to be closed. """ for s in self.illegalStrings: r = self.getProtocol() for c in s: r.dataReceived(c) self.assertTrue(r.transport.disconnecting)
class NetstringReceiverTestCase(unittest.TestCase, LPTestCaseMixin):
strings = ['hello', 'world', 'how', 'are', 'you123', ':today', "a"*515]
illegalStrings = [ '9999999999999999999999', 'abc', '4:abcde', '51:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab,',]
protocol = TestNetstring
def test_buffer(self): """ Test that when strings are received in chunks of different lengths, they are still parsed correctly. """ for packet_size in range(1, 10): t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a = TestNetstring() a.MAX_LENGTH = 699 a.makeConnection(t) for s in self.strings: a.sendString(s) out = t.value() for i in range(len(out)/packet_size + 1): s = out[i*packet_size:(i+1)*packet_size] if s: a.dataReceived(s) self.assertEquals(a.received, self.strings)
def test_sendNonStrings(self): """ L{basic.NetstringReceiver.sendString} will send objects that are not strings by sending their string representation according to str(). """ nonStrings = [ [], { 1 : 'a', 2 : 'b' }, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 673, (12, "fine", "and", "you?") ] a = TestNetstring() t = proto_helpers.StringTransport() a.MAX_LENGTH = 100 a.makeConnection(t) for s in nonStrings: a.sendString(s) out = t.value() t.clear() length = out[:out.find(":")] data = out[out.find(":") + 1:-1] #[:-1] to ignore the trailing "," self.assertEquals(int(length), len(str(s))) self.assertEquals(data, str(s))
warnings = self.flushWarnings( offendingFunctions=[self.test_sendNonStrings]) self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 5) self.assertEqual( warnings[0]["message"], "data passed to sendString() must be a string. Non-string support " "is deprecated since Twisted 10.0") self.assertEqual( warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
class IntNTestCaseMixin(LPTestCaseMixin): """ TestCase mixin for int-prefixed protocols. """
protocol = None strings = None illegalStrings = None partialStrings = None
def test_receive(self): """ Test receiving data find the same data send. """ r = self.getProtocol() for s in self.strings: for c in struct.pack(r.structFormat,len(s)) + s: r.dataReceived(c) self.assertEquals(r.received, self.strings)
def test_partial(self): """ Send partial data, nothing should be definitely received. """ for s in self.partialStrings: r = self.getProtocol() for c in s: r.dataReceived(c) self.assertEquals(r.received, [])
def test_send(self): """ Test sending data over protocol. """ r = self.getProtocol() r.sendString("b" * 16) self.assertEquals(r.transport.value(), struct.pack(r.structFormat, 16) + "b" * 16)
def test_lengthLimitExceeded(self): """ When a length prefix is received which is greater than the protocol's C{MAX_LENGTH} attribute, the C{lengthLimitExceeded} method is called with the received length prefix. """ length = [] r = self.getProtocol() r.lengthLimitExceeded = length.append r.MAX_LENGTH = 10 r.dataReceived(struct.pack(r.structFormat, 11)) self.assertEqual(length, [11])
def test_longStringNotDelivered(self): """ If a length prefix for a string longer than C{MAX_LENGTH} is delivered to C{dataReceived} at the same time as the entire string, the string is not passed to C{stringReceived}. """ r = self.getProtocol() r.MAX_LENGTH = 10 r.dataReceived( struct.pack(r.structFormat, 11) + 'x' * 11) self.assertEqual(r.received, [])
class TestInt32(TestMixin, basic.Int32StringReceiver): """ A L{basic.Int32StringReceiver} storing received strings in an array.
@ivar received: array holding received strings. """
class Int32TestCase(unittest.TestCase, IntNTestCaseMixin): """ Test case for int32-prefixed protocol """ protocol = TestInt32 strings = ["a", "b" * 16] illegalStrings = ["\x10\x00\x00\x00aaaaaa"] partialStrings = ["\x00\x00\x00", "hello there", ""]
def test_data(self): """ Test specific behavior of the 32-bits length. """ r = self.getProtocol() r.sendString("foo") self.assertEquals(r.transport.value(), "\x00\x00\x00\x03foo") r.dataReceived("\x00\x00\x00\x04ubar") self.assertEquals(r.received, ["ubar"])
class TestInt16(TestMixin, basic.Int16StringReceiver): """ A L{basic.Int16StringReceiver} storing received strings in an array.
@ivar received: array holding received strings. """
class Int16TestCase(unittest.TestCase, IntNTestCaseMixin): """ Test case for int16-prefixed protocol """ protocol = TestInt16 strings = ["a", "b" * 16] illegalStrings = ["\x10\x00aaaaaa"] partialStrings = ["\x00", "hello there", ""]
def test_data(self): """ Test specific behavior of the 16-bits length. """ r = self.getProtocol() r.sendString("foo") self.assertEquals(r.transport.value(), "\x00\x03foo") r.dataReceived("\x00\x04ubar") self.assertEquals(r.received, ["ubar"])
def test_tooLongSend(self): """ Send too much data: that should cause an error. """ r = self.getProtocol() tooSend = "b" * (2**(r.prefixLength*8) + 1) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.sendString, tooSend)
class TestInt8(TestMixin, basic.Int8StringReceiver): """ A L{basic.Int8StringReceiver} storing received strings in an array.
@ivar received: array holding received strings. """
class Int8TestCase(unittest.TestCase, IntNTestCaseMixin): """ Test case for int8-prefixed protocol """ protocol = TestInt8 strings = ["a", "b" * 16] illegalStrings = ["\x00\x00aaaaaa"] partialStrings = ["\x08", "dzadz", ""]
def test_data(self): """ Test specific behavior of the 8-bits length. """ r = self.getProtocol() r.sendString("foo") self.assertEquals(r.transport.value(), "\x03foo") r.dataReceived("\x04ubar") self.assertEquals(r.received, ["ubar"])
def test_tooLongSend(self): """ Send too much data: that should cause an error. """ r = self.getProtocol() tooSend = "b" * (2**(r.prefixLength*8) + 1) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.sendString, tooSend)
class OnlyProducerTransport(object): # Transport which isn't really a transport, just looks like one to # someone not looking very hard.
paused = False disconnecting = False
def __init__(self): = []
def pauseProducing(self): self.paused = True
def resumeProducing(self): self.paused = False
def write(self, bytes):
class ConsumingProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): # Protocol that really, really doesn't want any more bytes.
def lineReceived(self, line): self.transport.write(line) self.pauseProducing()
class ProducerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testPauseResume(self): p = ConsumingProtocol() t = OnlyProducerTransport() p.makeConnection(t)
p.dataReceived('hello, ') self.failIf( self.failIf(t.paused) self.failIf(p.paused)
self.assertEquals(, ['hello, world']) self.failUnless(t.paused) self.failUnless(p.paused)
self.failIf(t.paused) self.failIf(p.paused)
self.assertEquals(, ['hello, world', 'hello']) self.failUnless(t.paused) self.failUnless(p.paused)
p.resumeProducing() p.dataReceived('goodbye\r\n')
self.assertEquals(, ['hello, world', 'hello', 'world']) self.failUnless(t.paused) self.failUnless(p.paused)
self.assertEquals(, ['hello, world', 'hello', 'world', 'goodbye']) self.failUnless(t.paused) self.failUnless(p.paused)
self.assertEquals(, ['hello, world', 'hello', 'world', 'goodbye']) self.failIf(t.paused) self.failIf(p.paused)
class TestableProxyClientFactory(portforward.ProxyClientFactory): """ Test proxy client factory that keeps the last created protocol instance.
@ivar protoInstance: the last instance of the protocol. @type protoInstance: L{portforward.ProxyClient} """
def buildProtocol(self, addr): """ Create the protocol instance and keeps track of it. """ proto = portforward.ProxyClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) self.protoInstance = proto return proto
class TestableProxyFactory(portforward.ProxyFactory): """ Test proxy factory that keeps the last created protocol instance.
@ivar protoInstance: the last instance of the protocol. @type protoInstance: L{portforward.ProxyServer}
@ivar clientFactoryInstance: client factory used by C{protoInstance} to create forward connections. @type clientFactoryInstance: L{TestableProxyClientFactory} """
def buildProtocol(self, addr): """ Create the protocol instance, keeps track of it, and makes it use C{clientFactoryInstance} as client factory. """ proto = portforward.ProxyFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) self.clientFactoryInstance = TestableProxyClientFactory() # Force the use of this specific instance proto.clientProtocolFactory = lambda: self.clientFactoryInstance self.protoInstance = proto return proto
class Portforwarding(unittest.TestCase): """ Test port forwarding. """
def setUp(self): self.serverProtocol = wire.Echo() self.clientProtocol = protocol.Protocol() self.openPorts = []
def tearDown(self): try: self.proxyServerFactory.protoInstance.transport.loseConnection() except AttributeError: pass try: self.proxyServerFactory.clientFactoryInstance.protoInstance.transport.loseConnection() except AttributeError: pass try: self.clientProtocol.transport.loseConnection() except AttributeError: pass try: self.serverProtocol.transport.loseConnection() except AttributeError: pass return defer.gatherResults( [defer.maybeDeferred(p.stopListening) for p in self.openPorts])
def test_portforward(self): """ Test port forwarding through Echo protocol. """ realServerFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() realServerFactory.protocol = lambda: self.serverProtocol realServerPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, realServerFactory, interface='') self.openPorts.append(realServerPort) self.proxyServerFactory = TestableProxyFactory('', realServerPort.getHost().port) proxyServerPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.proxyServerFactory, interface='') self.openPorts.append(proxyServerPort)
nBytes = 1000 received = [] d = defer.Deferred() def testDataReceived(data): received.extend(data) if len(received) >= nBytes: self.assertEquals(''.join(received), 'x' * nBytes) d.callback(None) self.clientProtocol.dataReceived = testDataReceived
def testConnectionMade(): self.clientProtocol.transport.write('x' * nBytes) self.clientProtocol.connectionMade = testConnectionMade
clientFactory = protocol.ClientFactory() clientFactory.protocol = lambda: self.clientProtocol
reactor.connectTCP( '', proxyServerPort.getHost().port, clientFactory)
return d
class StringTransportTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test L{proto_helpers.StringTransport} helper behaviour. """
def test_noUnicode(self): """ Test that L{proto_helpers.StringTransport} doesn't accept unicode data. """ s = proto_helpers.StringTransport() self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.write, u'foo')