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# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Test code for policies. """
from zope.interface import Interface, implements, implementedBy
from StringIO import StringIO
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransportWithDisconnection
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, address, defer, task from twisted.protocols import policies
class SimpleProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
connected = disconnected = 0 buffer = ""
def __init__(self): self.dConnected = defer.Deferred() self.dDisconnected = defer.Deferred()
def connectionMade(self): self.connected = 1 self.dConnected.callback('')
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.disconnected = 1 self.dDisconnected.callback('')
def dataReceived(self, data): self.buffer += data
class SillyFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
def __init__(self, p): self.p = p
def buildProtocol(self, addr): return self.p
class EchoProtocol(protocol.Protocol): paused = False
def pauseProducing(self): self.paused = True
def resumeProducing(self): self.paused = False
def stopProducing(self): pass
def dataReceived(self, data): self.transport.write(data)
class Server(protocol.ServerFactory): """ A simple server factory using L{EchoProtocol}. """ protocol = EchoProtocol
class TestableThrottlingFactory(policies.ThrottlingFactory): """ L{policies.ThrottlingFactory} using a L{task.Clock} for tests. """
def __init__(self, clock, *args, **kwargs): """ @param clock: object providing a callLater method that can be used for tests. @type clock: C{task.Clock} or alike. """ policies.ThrottlingFactory.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.clock = clock
def callLater(self, period, func): """ Forward to the testable clock. """ return self.clock.callLater(period, func)
class TestableTimeoutFactory(policies.TimeoutFactory): """ L{policies.TimeoutFactory} using a L{task.Clock} for tests. """
def __init__(self, clock, *args, **kwargs): """ @param clock: object providing a callLater method that can be used for tests. @type clock: C{task.Clock} or alike. """ policies.TimeoutFactory.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.clock = clock
def callLater(self, period, func): """ Forward to the testable clock. """ return self.clock.callLater(period, func)
class WrapperTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{WrappingFactory} and L{ProtocolWrapper}. """ def test_protocolFactoryAttribute(self): """ Make sure protocol.factory is the wrapped factory, not the wrapping factory. """ f = Server() wf = policies.WrappingFactory(f) p = wf.buildProtocol(address.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 35)) self.assertIdentical(p.wrappedProtocol.factory, f)
def test_transportInterfaces(self): """ The transport wrapper passed to the wrapped protocol's C{makeConnection} provides the same interfaces as are provided by the original transport. """ class IStubTransport(Interface): pass
class StubTransport: implements(IStubTransport)
# Looking up what ProtocolWrapper implements also mutates the class. # It adds __implemented__ and __providedBy__ attributes to it. These # prevent __getattr__ from causing the IStubTransport.providedBy call # below from returning True. If, by accident, nothing else causes # these attributes to be added to ProtocolWrapper, the test will pass, # but the interface will only be provided until something does trigger # their addition. So we just trigger it right now to be sure. implementedBy(policies.ProtocolWrapper)
proto = protocol.Protocol() wrapper = policies.ProtocolWrapper(policies.WrappingFactory(None), proto)
wrapper.makeConnection(StubTransport()) self.assertTrue(IStubTransport.providedBy(proto.transport))
class WrappingFactory(policies.WrappingFactory): protocol = lambda s, f, p: p
def startFactory(self): policies.WrappingFactory.startFactory(self) self.deferred.callback(None)
class ThrottlingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{policies.ThrottlingFactory}. """
def test_limit(self): """ Full test using a custom server limiting number of connections. """ server = Server() c1, c2, c3, c4 = [SimpleProtocol() for i in range(4)] tServer = policies.ThrottlingFactory(server, 2) wrapTServer = WrappingFactory(tServer) wrapTServer.deferred = defer.Deferred()
# Start listening p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrapTServer, interface="") n = p.getHost().port
def _connect123(results): reactor.connectTCP("", n, SillyFactory(c1)) c1.dConnected.addCallback( lambda r: reactor.connectTCP("", n, SillyFactory(c2))) c2.dConnected.addCallback( lambda r: reactor.connectTCP("", n, SillyFactory(c3))) return c3.dDisconnected
def _check123(results): self.assertEquals([c.connected for c in c1, c2, c3], [1, 1, 1]) self.assertEquals([c.disconnected for c in c1, c2, c3], [0, 0, 1]) self.assertEquals(len(tServer.protocols.keys()), 2) return results
def _lose1(results): # disconnect one protocol and now another should be able to connect c1.transport.loseConnection() return c1.dDisconnected
def _connect4(results): reactor.connectTCP("", n, SillyFactory(c4)) return c4.dConnected
def _check4(results): self.assertEquals(c4.connected, 1) self.assertEquals(c4.disconnected, 0) return results
def _cleanup(results): for c in c2, c4: c.transport.loseConnection() return defer.DeferredList([ defer.maybeDeferred(p.stopListening), c2.dDisconnected, c4.dDisconnected])
wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_connect123) wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_check123) wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_lose1) wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_connect4) wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_check4) wrapTServer.deferred.addCallback(_cleanup) return wrapTServer.deferred
def test_writeLimit(self): """ Check the writeLimit parameter: write data, and check for the pause status. """ server = Server() tServer = TestableThrottlingFactory(task.Clock(), server, writeLimit=10) port = tServer.buildProtocol(address.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 0)) tr = StringTransportWithDisconnection() tr.protocol = port port.makeConnection(tr) port.producer = port.wrappedProtocol
port.dataReceived("0123456789") port.dataReceived("abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tr.value(), "0123456789abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tServer.writtenThisSecond, 20) self.assertFalse(port.wrappedProtocol.paused)
# at this point server should've written 20 bytes, 10 bytes # above the limit so writing should be paused around 1 second # from 'now', and resumed a second after that tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.writtenThisSecond, 0) self.assertTrue(port.wrappedProtocol.paused)
tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.writtenThisSecond, 0) self.assertFalse(port.wrappedProtocol.paused)
def test_readLimit(self): """ Check the readLimit parameter: read data and check for the pause status. """ server = Server() tServer = TestableThrottlingFactory(task.Clock(), server, readLimit=10) port = tServer.buildProtocol(address.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 0)) tr = StringTransportWithDisconnection() tr.protocol = port port.makeConnection(tr)
port.dataReceived("0123456789") port.dataReceived("abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tr.value(), "0123456789abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 20)
tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 0) self.assertEquals(tr.producerState, 'paused')
tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 0) self.assertEquals(tr.producerState, 'producing')
tr.clear() port.dataReceived("0123456789") port.dataReceived("abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tr.value(), "0123456789abcdefghij") self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 20)
tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 0) self.assertEquals(tr.producerState, 'paused')
tServer.clock.advance(1.05) self.assertEquals(tServer.readThisSecond, 0) self.assertEquals(tr.producerState, 'producing')
class TimeoutTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{policies.TimeoutFactory}. """
def setUp(self): """ Create a testable, deterministic clock, and a set of server factory/protocol/transport. """ self.clock = task.Clock() wrappedFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() wrappedFactory.protocol = SimpleProtocol self.factory = TestableTimeoutFactory(self.clock, wrappedFactory, 3) self.proto = self.factory.buildProtocol( address.IPv4Address('TCP', '', 12345)) self.transport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() self.transport.protocol = self.proto self.proto.makeConnection(self.transport)
def test_timeout(self): """ Make sure that when a TimeoutFactory accepts a connection, it will time out that connection if no data is read or written within the timeout period. """ # Let almost 3 time units pass self.clock.pump([0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Now let the timer elapse self.clock.pump([0.0, 0.2]) self.failUnless(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
def test_sendAvoidsTimeout(self): """ Make sure that writing data to a transport from a protocol constructed by a TimeoutFactory resets the timeout countdown. """ # Let half the countdown period elapse self.clock.pump([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Send some data (self.proto is the /real/ proto's transport, so this # is the write that gets called) self.proto.write('bytes bytes bytes')
# More time passes, putting us past the original timeout self.clock.pump([0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Make sure writeSequence delays timeout as well self.proto.writeSequence(['bytes'] * 3)
# Tick tock self.clock.pump([0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Don't write anything more, just let the timeout expire self.clock.pump([0.0, 2.0]) self.failUnless(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
def test_receiveAvoidsTimeout(self): """ Make sure that receiving data also resets the timeout countdown. """ # Let half the countdown period elapse self.clock.pump([0.0, 1.0, 0.5]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Some bytes arrive, they should reset the counter self.proto.dataReceived('bytes bytes bytes')
# We pass the original timeout self.clock.pump([0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
# Nothing more arrives though, the new timeout deadline is passed, # the connection should be dropped. self.clock.pump([0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failUnless(self.proto.wrappedProtocol.disconnected)
class TimeoutTester(protocol.Protocol, policies.TimeoutMixin): """ A testable protocol with timeout facility.
@ivar timedOut: set to C{True} if a timeout has been detected. @type timedOut: C{bool} """ timeOut = 3 timedOut = False
def __init__(self, clock): """ Initialize the protocol with a C{task.Clock} object. """ self.clock = clock
def connectionMade(self): """ Upon connection, set the timeout. """ self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
def dataReceived(self, data): """ Reset the timeout on data. """ self.resetTimeout() protocol.Protocol.dataReceived(self, data)
def connectionLost(self, reason=None): """ On connection lost, cancel all timeout operations. """ self.setTimeout(None)
def timeoutConnection(self): """ Flags the timedOut variable to indicate the timeout of the connection. """ self.timedOut = True
def callLater(self, timeout, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Override callLater to use the deterministic clock. """ return self.clock.callLater(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs)
class TestTimeout(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{policies.TimeoutMixin}. """
def setUp(self): """ Create a testable, deterministic clock and a C{TimeoutTester} instance. """ self.clock = task.Clock() self.proto = TimeoutTester(self.clock)
def test_overriddenCallLater(self): """ Test that the callLater of the clock is used instead of C{reactor.callLater}. """ self.proto.setTimeout(10) self.assertEquals(len(self.clock.calls), 1)
def test_timeout(self): """ Check that the protocol does timeout at the time specified by its C{timeOut} attribute. """ self.proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
# timeOut value is 3 self.clock.pump([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.timedOut) self.clock.pump([0, 1.0]) self.failUnless(self.proto.timedOut)
def test_noTimeout(self): """ Check that receiving data is delaying the timeout of the connection. """ self.proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
self.clock.pump([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]) self.failIf(self.proto.timedOut) self.proto.dataReceived('hello there') self.clock.pump([0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5]) self.failIf(self.proto.timedOut) self.clock.pump([0, 1.0]) self.failUnless(self.proto.timedOut)
def test_resetTimeout(self): """ Check that setting a new value for timeout cancel the previous value and install a new timeout. """ self.proto.timeOut = None self.proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
self.proto.setTimeout(1) self.assertEquals(self.proto.timeOut, 1)
self.clock.pump([0, 0.9]) self.failIf(self.proto.timedOut) self.clock.pump([0, 0.2]) self.failUnless(self.proto.timedOut)
def test_cancelTimeout(self): """ Setting the timeout to C{None} cancel any timeout operations. """ self.proto.timeOut = 5 self.proto.makeConnection(StringTransport())
self.proto.setTimeout(None) self.assertEquals(self.proto.timeOut, None)
self.clock.pump([0, 5, 5, 5]) self.failIf(self.proto.timedOut)
def test_return(self): """ setTimeout should return the value of the previous timeout. """ self.proto.timeOut = 5
self.assertEquals(self.proto.setTimeout(10), 5) self.assertEquals(self.proto.setTimeout(None), 10) self.assertEquals(self.proto.setTimeout(1), None) self.assertEquals(self.proto.timeOut, 1)
# Clean up the DelayedCall self.proto.setTimeout(None)
class LimitTotalConnectionsFactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory""" def testConnectionCounting(self): # Make a basic factory factory = policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory() factory.protocol = protocol.Protocol
# connectionCount starts at zero self.assertEqual(0, factory.connectionCount)
# connectionCount increments as connections are made p1 = factory.buildProtocol(None) self.assertEqual(1, factory.connectionCount) p2 = factory.buildProtocol(None) self.assertEqual(2, factory.connectionCount)
# and decrements as they are lost p1.connectionLost(None) self.assertEqual(1, factory.connectionCount) p2.connectionLost(None) self.assertEqual(0, factory.connectionCount)
def testConnectionLimiting(self): # Make a basic factory with a connection limit of 1 factory = policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory() factory.protocol = protocol.Protocol factory.connectionLimit = 1
# Make a connection p = factory.buildProtocol(None) self.assertNotEqual(None, p) self.assertEqual(1, factory.connectionCount)
# Try to make a second connection, which will exceed the connection # limit. This should return None, because overflowProtocol is None. self.assertEqual(None, factory.buildProtocol(None)) self.assertEqual(1, factory.connectionCount)
# Define an overflow protocol class OverflowProtocol(protocol.Protocol): def connectionMade(self): factory.overflowed = True factory.overflowProtocol = OverflowProtocol factory.overflowed = False
# Try to make a second connection again, now that we have an overflow # protocol. Note that overflow connections count towards the connection # count. op = factory.buildProtocol(None) op.makeConnection(None) # to trigger connectionMade self.assertEqual(True, factory.overflowed) self.assertEqual(2, factory.connectionCount)
# Close the connections. p.connectionLost(None) self.assertEqual(1, factory.connectionCount) op.connectionLost(None) self.assertEqual(0, factory.connectionCount)
class WriteSequenceEchoProtocol(EchoProtocol): def dataReceived(self, bytes): if bytes.find('vector!') != -1: self.transport.writeSequence([bytes]) else: EchoProtocol.dataReceived(self, bytes)
class TestLoggingFactory(policies.TrafficLoggingFactory): openFile = None def open(self, name): assert self.openFile is None, "open() called too many times" self.openFile = StringIO() return self.openFile
class LoggingFactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{policies.TrafficLoggingFactory}. """
def test_thingsGetLogged(self): """ Check the output produced by L{policies.TrafficLoggingFactory}. """ wrappedFactory = Server() wrappedFactory.protocol = WriteSequenceEchoProtocol t = StringTransportWithDisconnection() f = TestLoggingFactory(wrappedFactory, 'test') p = f.buildProtocol(('', 5678)) t.protocol = p p.makeConnection(t)
v = f.openFile.getvalue() self.failUnless('*' in v, "* not found in %r" % (v,)) self.failIf(t.value())
p.dataReceived('here are some bytes')
v = f.openFile.getvalue() self.assertIn("C 1: 'here are some bytes'", v) self.assertIn("S 1: 'here are some bytes'", v) self.assertEquals(t.value(), 'here are some bytes')
t.clear() p.dataReceived('prepare for vector! to the extreme') v = f.openFile.getvalue() self.assertIn("SV 1: ['prepare for vector! to the extreme']", v) self.assertEquals(t.value(), 'prepare for vector! to the extreme')
v = f.openFile.getvalue() self.assertIn('ConnectionDone', v)
def test_counter(self): """ Test counter management with the resetCounter method. """ wrappedFactory = Server() f = TestLoggingFactory(wrappedFactory, 'test') self.assertEqual(f._counter, 0) f.buildProtocol(('', 5678)) self.assertEqual(f._counter, 1) # Reset log file f.openFile = None f.buildProtocol(('', 5679)) self.assertEqual(f._counter, 2)
f.resetCounter() self.assertEqual(f._counter, 0)