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# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Test cases for L{jelly} object serialization. """
import datetime
try: import decimal except ImportError: decimal = None
from twisted.spread import jelly, pb from twisted.python.compat import set, frozenset
from twisted.trial import unittest
class TestNode(object, jelly.Jellyable): """ An object to test jellyfying of new style class instances. """ classAttr = 4
def __init__(self, parent=None): if parent: = + 1 parent.children.append(self) else: = 1 self.parent = parent self.children = []
class A: """ Dummy class. """
def amethod(self): """ Method tp be used in serialization tests. """
def afunc(self): """ A dummy function to test function serialization. """
class B: """ Dummy class. """
def bmethod(self): """ Method to be used in serialization tests. """
class C: """ Dummy class. """
def cmethod(self): """ Method to be used in serialization tests. """
class D(object): """ Dummy new-style class. """
class E(object): """ Dummy new-style class with slots. """
__slots__ = ("x", "y")
def __init__(self, x=None, y=None): self.x = x self.y = y
def __getstate__(self): return {"x" : self.x, "y" : self.y}
def __setstate__(self, state): self.x = state["x"] self.y = state["y"]
class SimpleJellyTest: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y
def isTheSameAs(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
class JellyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Testcases for L{jelly} module serialization.
@cvar decimalData: serialized version of decimal data, to be used in tests. @type decimalData: C{list} """
def _testSecurity(self, inputList, atom): """ Helper test method to test security options for a type.
@param inputList: a sample input for the type. @param inputList: C{list}
@param atom: atom identifier for the type. @type atom: C{str} """ c = jelly.jelly(inputList) taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() taster.allowBasicTypes() # By default, it should succeed jelly.unjelly(c, taster) taster.allowedTypes.pop(atom) # But it should raise an exception when disallowed self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, c, taster)
def test_methodSelfIdentity(self): a = A() b = B() a.bmethod = b.bmethod b.a = a im_ = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(b)).a.bmethod self.assertEquals(im_.im_class, im_.im_self.__class__)
def test_methodsNotSelfIdentity(self): """ If a class change after an instance has been created, L{jelly.unjelly} shoud raise a C{TypeError} when trying to unjelly the instance. """ a = A() b = B() c = C() a.bmethod = c.cmethod b.a = a savecmethod = C.cmethod del C.cmethod try: self.assertRaises(TypeError, jelly.unjelly, jelly.jelly(b)) finally: C.cmethod = savecmethod
def test_newStyle(self): n = D() n.x = 1 n2 = D() n.n2 = n2 n.n3 = n2 c = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertIsInstance(m, D) self.assertIdentical(m.n2, m.n3)
def test_newStyleWithSlots(self): """ A class defined with I{slots} can be jellied and unjellied with the values for its attributes preserved. """ n = E() n.x = 1 c = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertIsInstance(m, E) self.assertEquals(n.x, 1)
def test_typeOldStyle(self): """ Test that an old style class type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [C] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEquals(t, r)
def test_typeNewStyle(self): """ Test that a new style class type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [D] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEquals(t, r)
def test_typeBuiltin(self): """ Test that a builtin type can be jellied and unjellied to the original type. """ t = [str] r = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(t)) self.assertEquals(t, r)
def test_dateTime(self): dtn = dtd = - dtn input = [dtn, dtd] c = jelly.jelly(input) output = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertEquals(input, output) self.assertNotIdentical(input, output)
def test_decimal(self): """ Jellying L{decimal.Decimal} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [decimal.Decimal('9.95'), decimal.Decimal(0), decimal.Decimal(123456), decimal.Decimal('-78.901')] c = jelly.jelly(inputList) output = jelly.unjelly(c) self.assertEquals(inputList, output) self.assertNotIdentical(inputList, output)
decimalData = ['list', ['decimal', 995, -2], ['decimal', 0, 0], ['decimal', 123456, 0], ['decimal', -78901, -3]]
def test_decimalUnjelly(self): """ Unjellying the s-expressions produced by jelly for L{decimal.Decimal} instances should result in L{decimal.Decimal} instances with the values represented by the s-expressions.
This test also verifies that C{self.decimalData} contains valid jellied data. This is important since L{test_decimalMissing} re-uses C{self.decimalData} and is expected to be unable to produce L{decimal.Decimal} instances even though the s-expression correctly represents a list of them. """ expected = [decimal.Decimal('9.95'), decimal.Decimal(0), decimal.Decimal(123456), decimal.Decimal('-78.901')] output = jelly.unjelly(self.decimalData) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def test_decimalMissing(self): """ If decimal is unavailable on the unjelly side, L{jelly.unjelly} should gracefully return L{jelly.Unpersistable} objects. """ self.patch(jelly, 'decimal', None) output = jelly.unjelly(self.decimalData) self.assertEquals(len(output), 4) for i in range(4): self.assertIsInstance(output[i], jelly.Unpersistable) self.assertEquals(output[0].reason, "Could not unpersist decimal: 9.95") self.assertEquals(output[1].reason, "Could not unpersist decimal: 0") self.assertEquals(output[2].reason, "Could not unpersist decimal: 123456") self.assertEquals(output[3].reason, "Could not unpersist decimal: -78.901")
def test_decimalSecurity(self): """ By default, C{decimal} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [decimal.Decimal('9.95')] self._testSecurity(inputList, "decimal")
if decimal is None: skipReason = "decimal not available" test_decimal.skip = skipReason test_decimalUnjelly.skip = skipReason test_decimalSecurity.skip = skipReason
def test_set(self): """ Jellying C{set} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [set([1, 2, 3])] output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(inputList)) self.assertEquals(inputList, output) self.assertNotIdentical(inputList, output)
def test_frozenset(self): """ Jellying C{frozenset} instances and then unjellying the result should produce objects which represent the values of the original inputs. """ inputList = [frozenset([1, 2, 3])] output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(inputList)) self.assertEquals(inputList, output) self.assertNotIdentical(inputList, output)
def test_setSecurity(self): """ By default, C{set} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [set([1, 2, 3])] self._testSecurity(inputList, "set")
def test_frozensetSecurity(self): """ By default, C{frozenset} objects should be allowed by L{jelly.SecurityOptions}. If not allowed, L{jelly.unjelly} should raise L{jelly.InsecureJelly} when trying to unjelly it. """ inputList = [frozenset([1, 2, 3])] self._testSecurity(inputList, "frozenset")
def test_oldSets(self): """ Test jellying C{sets.Set}: it should serialize to the same thing as C{set} jelly, and be unjellied as C{set} if available. """ inputList = [jelly._sets.Set([1, 2, 3])] inputJelly = jelly.jelly(inputList) self.assertEquals(inputJelly, jelly.jelly([set([1, 2, 3])])) output = jelly.unjelly(inputJelly) # Even if the class is different, it should coerce to the same list self.assertEquals(list(inputList[0]), list(output[0])) if set is jelly._sets.Set: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], jelly._sets.Set) else: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], set)
def test_oldImmutableSets(self): """ Test jellying C{sets.ImmutableSet}: it should serialize to the same thing as C{frozenset} jelly, and be unjellied as C{frozenset} if available. """ inputList = [jelly._sets.ImmutableSet([1, 2, 3])] inputJelly = jelly.jelly(inputList) self.assertEquals(inputJelly, jelly.jelly([frozenset([1, 2, 3])])) output = jelly.unjelly(inputJelly) # Even if the class is different, it should coerce to the same list self.assertEquals(list(inputList[0]), list(output[0])) if frozenset is jelly._sets.ImmutableSet: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], jelly._sets.ImmutableSet) else: self.assertIsInstance(output[0], frozenset)
def test_simple(self): """ Simplest test case. """ self.failUnless(SimpleJellyTest('a', 'b').isTheSameAs( SimpleJellyTest('a', 'b'))) a = SimpleJellyTest(1, 2) cereal = jelly.jelly(a) b = jelly.unjelly(cereal) self.failUnless(a.isTheSameAs(b))
def test_identity(self): """ Test to make sure that objects retain identity properly. """ x = [] y = (x) x.append(y) x.append(y) self.assertIdentical(x[0], x[1]) self.assertIdentical(x[0][0], x) s = jelly.jelly(x) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIdentical(z[0], z[1]) self.assertIdentical(z[0][0], z)
def test_unicode(self): x = unicode('blah') y = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(x)) self.assertEquals(x, y) self.assertEquals(type(x), type(y))
def test_stressReferences(self): reref = [] toplevelTuple = ({'list': reref}, reref) reref.append(toplevelTuple) s = jelly.jelly(toplevelTuple) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIdentical(z[0]['list'], z[1]) self.assertIdentical(z[0]['list'][0], z)
def test_moreReferences(self): a = [] t = (a,) a.append((t,)) s = jelly.jelly(t) z = jelly.unjelly(s) self.assertIdentical(z[0][0][0], z)
def test_typeSecurity(self): """ Test for type-level security of serialization. """ taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() dct = jelly.jelly({}) self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, dct, taster)
def test_newStyleClasses(self): j = jelly.jelly(D) uj = jelly.unjelly(D) self.assertIdentical(D, uj)
def test_lotsaTypes(self): """ Test for all types currently supported in jelly """ a = A() jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a.amethod)) items = [afunc, [1, 2, 3], not bool(1), bool(1), 'test', 20.3, (1, 2, 3), None, A, unittest, {'a': 1}, A.amethod] for i in items: self.assertEquals(i, jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(i)))
def test_setState(self): global TupleState class TupleState: def __init__(self, other): self.other = other def __getstate__(self): return (self.other,) def __setstate__(self, state): self.other = state[0] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.other) a = A() t1 = TupleState(a) t2 = TupleState(a) t3 = TupleState((t1, t2)) d = {t1: t1, t2: t2, t3: t3, "t3": t3} t3prime = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(d))["t3"] self.assertIdentical(t3prime.other[0].other, t3prime.other[1].other)
def test_classSecurity(self): """ Test for class-level security of serialization. """ taster = jelly.SecurityOptions() taster.allowInstancesOf(A, B) a = A() b = B() c = C() # add a little complexity to the data a.b = b a.c = c # and a backreference a.x = b b.c = c # first, a friendly insecure serialization friendly = jelly.jelly(a, taster) x = jelly.unjelly(friendly, taster) self.assertIsInstance(x.c, jelly.Unpersistable) # now, a malicious one mean = jelly.jelly(a) self.assertRaises(jelly.InsecureJelly, jelly.unjelly, mean, taster) self.assertIdentical(x.x, x.b, "Identity mismatch") # test class serialization friendly = jelly.jelly(A, taster) x = jelly.unjelly(friendly, taster) self.assertIdentical(x, A, "A came back: %s" % x)
def test_unjellyable(self): """ Test that if Unjellyable is used to deserialize a jellied object, state comes out right. """ class JellyableTestClass(jelly.Jellyable): pass jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(JellyableTestClass, jelly.Unjellyable) input = JellyableTestClass() input.attribute = 'value' output = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(input)) self.assertEquals(output.attribute, 'value') self.assertIsInstance(output, jelly.Unjellyable)
def test_persistentStorage(self): perst = [{}, 1] def persistentStore(obj, jel, perst = perst): perst[1] = perst[1] + 1 perst[0][perst[1]] = obj return str(perst[1])
def persistentLoad(pidstr, unj, perst = perst): pid = int(pidstr) return perst[0][pid]
a = SimpleJellyTest(1, 2) b = SimpleJellyTest(3, 4) c = SimpleJellyTest(5, 6)
a.b = b a.c = c c.b = b
jel = jelly.jelly(a, persistentStore = persistentStore) x = jelly.unjelly(jel, persistentLoad = persistentLoad)
self.assertIdentical(x.b, x.c.b) self.failUnless(perst[0], "persistentStore was not called.") self.assertIdentical(x.b, a.b, "Persistent storage identity failure.")
def test_newStyleClassesAttributes(self): n = TestNode() n1 = TestNode(n) n11 = TestNode(n1) n2 = TestNode(n) # Jelly it jel = jelly.jelly(n) m = jelly.unjelly(jel) # Check that it has been restored ok self._check_newstyle(n, m)
def _check_newstyle(self, a, b): self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(a.classAttr, 4) self.assertEqual(b.classAttr, 4) self.assertEqual(len(a.children), len(b.children)) for x, y in zip(a.children, b.children): self._check_newstyle(x, y)
class ClassA(pb.Copyable, pb.RemoteCopy): def __init__(self): self.ref = ClassB(self)
class ClassB(pb.Copyable, pb.RemoteCopy): def __init__(self, ref): self.ref = ref
class CircularReferenceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for circular references handling in the jelly/unjelly process. """
def test_simpleCircle(self): jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassA, ClassA) jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassB, ClassB) a = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(ClassA())) self.assertIdentical(a.ref.ref, a, "Identity not preserved in circular reference")
def test_circleWithInvoker(self): class DummyInvokerClass: pass dummyInvoker = DummyInvokerClass() dummyInvoker.serializingPerspective = None a0 = ClassA() jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassA, ClassA) jelly.setUnjellyableForClass(ClassB, ClassB) j = jelly.jelly(a0, invoker=dummyInvoker) a1 = jelly.unjelly(j) self.failUnlessIdentical(a1.ref.ref, a1, "Identity not preserved in circular reference")
def test_set(self): """ Check that a C{set} can contain a circular reference and be serialized and unserialized without losing the reference. """ s = set() a = SimpleJellyTest(s, None) s.add(a) res = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) self.assertIsInstance(res.x, set) self.assertEquals(list(res.x), [res])
def test_frozenset(self): """ Check that a C{frozenset} can contain a circular reference and be serializeserialized without losing the reference. """ a = SimpleJellyTest(None, None) s = frozenset([a]) a.x = s res = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(a)) self.assertIsInstance(res.x, frozenset) self.assertEquals(list(res.x), [res])