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# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Test running processes with the APIs in L{twisted.internet.utils}.

import warnings, os, stat, sys, signal

from twisted.python.runtime import platform
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import error, reactor, utils, interfaces

class ProcessUtilsTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Test running a process using L{getProcessOutput}, L{getProcessValue}, and

    if interfaces.IReactorProcess(reactor, None) is None:
        skip = "reactor doesn't implement IReactorProcess"

    output = None
    value = None
    exe = sys.executable

    def makeSourceFile(self, sourceLines):
        Write the given list of lines to a text file and return the absolute
        path to it.
        script = self.mktemp()
        scriptFile = file(script, 'wt')
        scriptFile.write(os.linesep.join(sourceLines) + os.linesep)
        return os.path.abspath(script)

    def test_output(self):
        L{getProcessOutput} returns a L{Deferred} which fires with the complete
        output of the process it runs after that process exits.
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
                "import sys",
                "for s in 'hello world\\n':",
                "    sys.stdout.write(s)",
                "    sys.stdout.flush()"])
        d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile])
        return d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, "hello world\n")

    def test_outputWithErrorIgnored(self):
        The L{Deferred} returned by L{getProcessOutput} is fired with an
        L{IOError} L{Failure} if the child process writes to stderr.
        # make sure stderr raises an error normally
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
            'import sys',
            'sys.stderr.write("hello world\\n")'

        d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile])
        d = self.assertFailure(d, IOError)
        def cbFailed(err):
            return self.assertFailure(err.processEnded, error.ProcessDone)
        return d

    def test_outputWithErrorCollected(self):
        If a C{True} value is supplied for the C{errortoo} parameter to
        L{getProcessOutput}, the returned L{Deferred} fires with the child's
        stderr output as well as its stdout output.
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
            'import sys',
            # Write the same value to both because ordering isn't guaranteed so
            # this simplifies the test.

        d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile], errortoo=True)
        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, "foofoo")

    def test_value(self):
        The L{Deferred} returned by L{getProcessValue} is fired with the exit
        status of the child process.
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile(["raise SystemExit(1)"])

        d = utils.getProcessValue(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile])
        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 1)

    def test_outputAndValue(self):
        The L{Deferred} returned by L{getProcessOutputAndValue} fires with a
        three-tuple, the elements of which give the data written to the child's
        stdout, the data written to the child's stderr, and the exit status of
        the child.
        exe = sys.executable
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
            "import sys",
            "sys.stdout.write('hello world!\\n')",
            "sys.stderr.write('goodbye world!\\n')",

        def gotOutputAndValue((out, err, code)):
            self.assertEquals(out, "hello world!\n")
            self.assertEquals(err, "goodbye world!" + os.linesep)
            self.assertEquals(code, 1)
        d = utils.getProcessOutputAndValue(self.exe, ["-u", scriptFile])
        return d.addCallback(gotOutputAndValue)

    def test_outputSignal(self):
        If the child process exits because of a signal, the L{Deferred}
        returned by L{getProcessOutputAndValue} fires a L{Failure} of a tuple
        containing the the child's stdout, stderr, and the signal which caused
        it to exit.
        # Use SIGKILL here because it's guaranteed to be delivered. Using
        # SIGHUP might not work in, e.g., a buildbot slave run under the
        # 'nohup' command.
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
            "import sys, os, signal",
            "sys.stdout.write('stdout bytes\\n')",
            "sys.stderr.write('stderr bytes\\n')",
            "os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)"])

        def gotOutputAndValue((out, err, sig)):
            self.assertEquals(out, "stdout bytes\n")
            self.assertEquals(err, "stderr bytes\n")
            self.assertEquals(sig, signal.SIGKILL)

        d = utils.getProcessOutputAndValue(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile])
        d = self.assertFailure(d, tuple)
        return d.addCallback(gotOutputAndValue)

    if platform.isWindows():
        test_outputSignal.skip = "Windows doesn't have real signals."

    def _pathTest(self, utilFunc, check):
        dir = os.path.abspath(self.mktemp())
        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
                "import os, sys",
        d = utilFunc(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile], path=dir)
        d.addCallback(check, dir)
        return d

    def test_getProcessOutputPath(self):
        L{getProcessOutput} runs the given command with the working directory
        given by the C{path} parameter.
        return self._pathTest(utils.getProcessOutput, self.assertEqual)

    def test_getProcessValuePath(self):
        L{getProcessValue} runs the given command with the working directory
        given by the C{path} parameter.
        def check(result, ignored):
            self.assertEqual(result, 0)
        return self._pathTest(utils.getProcessValue, check)

    def test_getProcessOutputAndValuePath(self):
        L{getProcessOutputAndValue} runs the given command with the working
        directory given by the C{path} parameter.
        def check((out, err, status), dir):
            self.assertEqual(out, dir)
            self.assertEqual(status, 0)
        return self._pathTest(utils.getProcessOutputAndValue, check)

    def _defaultPathTest(self, utilFunc, check):
        # Make another directory to mess around with.
        dir = os.path.abspath(self.mktemp())

        scriptFile = self.makeSourceFile([
                "import os, sys, stat",
                # Fix the permissions so we can report the working directory.
                # On OS X (and maybe elsewhere), os.getcwd() fails with EACCES
                # if +x is missing from the working directory.
                "os.chmod(%r, stat.S_IXUSR)" % (dir,),

        # Switch to it, but make sure we switch back
        self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.getcwd())

        # Get rid of all its permissions, but make sure they get cleaned up
        # later, because otherwise it might be hard to delete the trial
        # temporary directory.
            os.chmod, dir, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat('.').st_mode))
        os.chmod(dir, 0)

        d = utilFunc(self.exe, ['-u', scriptFile])
        d.addCallback(check, dir)
        return d

    def test_getProcessOutputDefaultPath(self):
        If no value is supplied for the C{path} parameter, L{getProcessOutput}
        runs the given command in the same working directory as the parent
        process and succeeds even if the current working directory is not
        return self._defaultPathTest(utils.getProcessOutput, self.assertEqual)

    def test_getProcessValueDefaultPath(self):
        If no value is supplied for the C{path} parameter, L{getProcessValue}
        runs the given command in the same working directory as the parent
        process and succeeds even if the current working directory is not
        def check(result, ignored):
            self.assertEqual(result, 0)
        return self._defaultPathTest(utils.getProcessValue, check)

    def test_getProcessOutputAndValueDefaultPath(self):
        If no value is supplied for the C{path} parameter,
        L{getProcessOutputAndValue} runs the given command in the same working
        directory as the parent process and succeeds even if the current
        working directory is not accessible.
        def check((out, err, status), dir):
            self.assertEqual(out, dir)
            self.assertEqual(status, 0)
        return self._defaultPathTest(
            utils.getProcessOutputAndValue, check)

class WarningSuppression(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.warnings = []
        self.originalshow = warnings.showwarning
        warnings.showwarning = self.showwarning

    def tearDown(self):
        warnings.showwarning = self.originalshow

    def showwarning(self, *a, **kw):
        self.warnings.append((a, kw))

    def testSuppressWarnings(self):
        def f(msg):
        g = utils.suppressWarnings(f, (('ignore',), dict(message="This is message")))

        # Start off with a sanity check - calling the original function
        # should emit the warning.
        f("Sanity check message")
        self.assertEquals(len(self.warnings), 1)

        # Now that that's out of the way, call the wrapped function, and
        # make sure no new warnings show up.
        g("This is message")
        self.assertEquals(len(self.warnings), 1)

        # Finally, emit another warning which should not be ignored, and
        # make sure it is not.
        g("Unignored message")
        self.assertEquals(len(self.warnings), 2)

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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