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# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Test cases for explorer """
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.manhole import explorer
import types, string
""" # Tests:
Get an ObjectLink. Browse ObjectLink.identifier. Is it the same?
Watch Object. Make sure an ObjectLink is received when: Call a method. Set an attribute.
Have an Object with a setattr class. Watch it. Do both the navite setattr and the watcher get called?
Sequences with circular references. Does it blow up? """
class SomeDohickey: def __init__(self, *a): self.__dict__['args'] = a
def bip(self): return self.args
class TestBrowser(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.pool = explorer.explorerPool self.pool.clear() self.testThing = ["How many stairs must a man climb down?", SomeDohickey(42)]
def test_chain(self): "Following a chain of Explorers." xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(self.testThing, 'testThing') self.failUnlessEqual(, id(self.testThing)) self.failUnlessEqual(xplorer.identifier, 'testThing')
dxplorer = xplorer.get_elements()[1] self.failUnlessEqual(, id(self.testThing[1]))
class Watcher: zero = 0 def __init__(self): self.links = []
def receiveBrowserObject(self, olink): self.links.append(olink)
def setZero(self): = len(self.links)
def len(self): return len(self.links) -
class SetattrDohickey: def __setattr__(self, k, v): v = list(str(v)) v.reverse() self.__dict__[k] = string.join(v, '')
class MiddleMan(SomeDohickey, SetattrDohickey): pass
# class TestWatch(unittest.TestCase): class FIXME_Watch: def setUp(self): self.globalNS = globals().copy() self.localNS = {} self.browser = explorer.ObjectBrowser(self.globalNS, self.localNS) self.watcher = Watcher()
def test_setAttrPlain(self): "Triggering a watcher response by setting an attribute."
testThing = SomeDohickey('pencil') self.browser.watchObject(testThing, 'testThing', self.watcher.receiveBrowserObject) self.watcher.setZero()
testThing.someAttr = 'someValue'
self.failUnlessEqual(testThing.someAttr, 'someValue') self.failUnless(self.watcher.len()) olink = self.watcher.links[-1] self.failUnlessEqual(, id(testThing))
def test_setAttrChain(self): "Setting an attribute on a watched object that has __setattr__" testThing = MiddleMan('pencil')
self.browser.watchObject(testThing, 'testThing', self.watcher.receiveBrowserObject) self.watcher.setZero()
testThing.someAttr = 'ZORT'
self.failUnlessEqual(testThing.someAttr, 'TROZ') self.failUnless(self.watcher.len()) olink = self.watcher.links[-1] self.failUnlessEqual(, id(testThing))
def test_method(self): "Triggering a watcher response by invoking a method."
for testThing in (SomeDohickey('pencil'), MiddleMan('pencil')): self.browser.watchObject(testThing, 'testThing', self.watcher.receiveBrowserObject) self.watcher.setZero()
rval = testThing.bip() self.failUnlessEqual(rval, ('pencil',))
self.failUnless(self.watcher.len()) olink = self.watcher.links[-1] self.failUnlessEqual(, id(testThing))
def function_noArgs(): "A function which accepts no arguments at all." return
def function_simple(a, b, c): "A function which accepts several arguments." return a, b, c
def function_variable(*a, **kw): "A function which accepts a variable number of args and keywords." return a, kw
def function_crazy((alpha, beta), c, d=range(4), **kw): "A function with a mad crazy signature." return alpha, beta, c, d, kw
class TestBrowseFunction(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): self.pool = explorer.explorerPool self.pool.clear()
def test_sanity(self): """Basic checks for browse_function.
Was the proper type returned? Does it have the right name and ID? """ for f_name in ('function_noArgs', 'function_simple', 'function_variable', 'function_crazy'): f = eval(f_name)
xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(f, f_name)
self.failUnlessEqual(, id(f))
self.failUnless(isinstance(xplorer, explorer.ExplorerFunction))
self.failUnlessEqual(, f_name)
def test_signature_noArgs(self): """Testing zero-argument function signature. """
xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(function_noArgs, 'function_noArgs')
self.failUnlessEqual(len(xplorer.signature), 0)
def test_signature_simple(self): """Testing simple function signature. """
xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(function_simple, 'function_simple')
expected_signature = ('a','b','c')
self.failUnlessEqual(, expected_signature)
def test_signature_variable(self): """Testing variable-argument function signature. """
xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(function_variable, 'function_variable')
expected_names = ('a','kw') signature = xplorer.signature
self.failUnlessEqual(, expected_names) self.failUnless(signature.is_varlist(0)) self.failUnless(signature.is_keyword(1))
def test_signature_crazy(self): """Testing function with crazy signature. """ xplorer = self.pool.getExplorer(function_crazy, 'function_crazy')
signature = xplorer.signature
expected_signature = [{'name': 'c'}, {'name': 'd', 'default': range(4)}, {'name': 'kw', 'keywords': 1}]
# The name of the first argument seems to be indecipherable, # but make sure it has one (and no default). self.failUnless(signature.get_name(0)) self.failUnless(not signature.get_default(0)[0])
self.failUnlessEqual(signature.get_name(1), 'c')
# Get a list of values from a list of ExplorerImmutables. arg_2_default = map(lambda l: l.value, signature.get_default(2)[1].get_elements())
self.failUnlessEqual(signature.get_name(2), 'd') self.failUnlessEqual(arg_2_default, range(4))
self.failUnlessEqual(signature.get_name(3), 'kw') self.failUnless(signature.is_keyword(3))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()