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# Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for L{twisted.protocols.amp}. """
import datetime import decimal
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
from twisted.python.util import setIDFunction from twisted.python import filepath from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.protocols import amp from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, error, reactor, interfaces from twisted.test import iosim from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
ssl = None try: from twisted.internet import ssl except ImportError: pass
if ssl and not ssl.supported: ssl = None
if ssl is None: skipSSL = "SSL not available" else: skipSSL = None
class TestProto(protocol.Protocol): """ A trivial protocol for use in testing where a L{Protocol} is expected.
@ivar instanceId: the id of this instance @ivar onConnLost: deferred that will fired when the connection is lost @ivar dataToSend: data to send on the protocol """
instanceCount = 0
def __init__(self, onConnLost, dataToSend): self.onConnLost = onConnLost self.dataToSend = dataToSend self.instanceId = TestProto.instanceCount TestProto.instanceCount = TestProto.instanceCount + 1
def connectionMade(self): = [] self.transport.write(self.dataToSend)
def dataReceived(self, bytes):
def connectionLost(self, reason): self.onConnLost.callback(
def __repr__(self): """ Custom repr for testing to avoid coupling amp tests with repr from L{Protocol}
Returns a string which contains a unique identifier that can be looked up using the instanceId property::
<TestProto #3> """ return "<TestProto #%d>" % (self.instanceId,)
class SimpleSymmetricProtocol(amp.AMP):
def sendHello(self, text): return self.callRemoteString( "hello", hello=text)
def amp_HELLO(self, box): return amp.Box(hello=box['hello'])
def amp_HOWDOYOUDO(self, box): return amp.QuitBox(howdoyoudo='world')
class UnfriendlyGreeting(Exception): """Greeting was insufficiently kind. """
class DeathThreat(Exception): """Greeting was insufficiently kind. """
class UnknownProtocol(Exception): """Asked to switch to the wrong protocol. """
class TransportPeer(amp.Argument): # this serves as some informal documentation for how to get variables from # the protocol or your environment and pass them to methods as arguments. def retrieve(self, d, name, proto): return ''
def fromStringProto(self, notAString, proto): return proto.transport.getPeer()
def toBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto): return
class Hello(amp.Command):
commandName = 'hello'
arguments = [('hello', amp.String()), ('optional', amp.Boolean(optional=True)), ('print', amp.Unicode(optional=True)), ('from', TransportPeer(optional=True)), ('mixedCase', amp.String(optional=True)), ('dash-arg', amp.String(optional=True)), ('underscore_arg', amp.String(optional=True))]
response = [('hello', amp.String()), ('print', amp.Unicode(optional=True))]
errors = {UnfriendlyGreeting: 'UNFRIENDLY'}
fatalErrors = {DeathThreat: 'DEAD'}
class NoAnswerHello(Hello): commandName = Hello.commandName requiresAnswer = False
class FutureHello(amp.Command): commandName = 'hello'
arguments = [('hello', amp.String()), ('optional', amp.Boolean(optional=True)), ('print', amp.Unicode(optional=True)), ('from', TransportPeer(optional=True)), ('bonus', amp.String(optional=True)), # addt'l arguments # should generally be # added at the end, and # be optional... ]
response = [('hello', amp.String()), ('print', amp.Unicode(optional=True))]
errors = {UnfriendlyGreeting: 'UNFRIENDLY'}
class WTF(amp.Command): """ An example of an invalid command. """
class BrokenReturn(amp.Command): """ An example of a perfectly good command, but the handler is going to return None... """
commandName = 'broken_return'
class Goodbye(amp.Command): # commandName left blank on purpose: this tests implicit command names. response = [('goodbye', amp.String())] responseType = amp.QuitBox
class Howdoyoudo(amp.Command): commandName = 'howdoyoudo' # responseType = amp.QuitBox
class WaitForever(amp.Command): commandName = 'wait_forever'
class GetList(amp.Command): commandName = 'getlist' arguments = [('length', amp.Integer())] response = [('body', amp.AmpList([('x', amp.Integer())]))]
class DontRejectMe(amp.Command): commandName = 'dontrejectme' arguments = [ ('magicWord', amp.Unicode()), ('list', amp.AmpList([('name', amp.Unicode())], optional=True)), ] response = [('response', amp.Unicode())]
class SecuredPing(amp.Command): # XXX TODO: actually make this refuse to send over an insecure connection response = [('pinged', amp.Boolean())]
class TestSwitchProto(amp.ProtocolSwitchCommand): commandName = 'Switch-Proto'
arguments = [ ('name', amp.String()), ] errors = {UnknownProtocol: 'UNKNOWN'}
class SingleUseFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): def __init__(self, proto): self.proto = proto self.proto.factory = self
def buildProtocol(self, addr): p, self.proto = self.proto, None return p
reasonFailed = None
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): self.reasonFailed = reason return
THING_I_DONT_UNDERSTAND = 'gwebol nargo' class ThingIDontUnderstandError(Exception): pass
class FactoryNotifier(amp.AMP): factory = None def connectionMade(self): if self.factory is not None: self.factory.theProto = self if hasattr(self.factory, 'onMade'): self.factory.onMade.callback(None)
def emitpong(self): from twisted.internet.interfaces import ISSLTransport if not ISSLTransport.providedBy(self.transport): raise DeathThreat("only send secure pings over secure channels") return {'pinged': True} SecuredPing.responder(emitpong)
class SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(FactoryNotifier): maybeLater = None def __init__(self, onConnLost=None): amp.AMP.__init__(self) self.onConnLost = onConnLost
def sendHello(self, text): return self.callRemote(Hello, hello=text)
def sendUnicodeHello(self, text, translation): return self.callRemote(Hello, hello=text, Print=translation)
greeted = False
def cmdHello(self, hello, From, optional=None, Print=None, mixedCase=None, dash_arg=None, underscore_arg=None): assert From == self.transport.getPeer() if hello == THING_I_DONT_UNDERSTAND: raise ThingIDontUnderstandError() if hello.startswith('fuck'): raise UnfriendlyGreeting("Don't be a dick.") if hello == 'die': raise DeathThreat("aieeeeeeeee") result = dict(hello=hello) if Print is not None: result.update(dict(Print=Print)) self.greeted = True return result Hello.responder(cmdHello)
def cmdGetlist(self, length): return {'body': [dict(x=1)] * length} GetList.responder(cmdGetlist)
def okiwont(self, magicWord, list=None): if list is None: response = u'list omitted' else: response = u'%s accepted' % (list[0]['name']) return dict(response=response) DontRejectMe.responder(okiwont)
def waitforit(self): self.waiting = defer.Deferred() return self.waiting WaitForever.responder(waitforit)
def howdo(self): return dict(howdoyoudo='world') Howdoyoudo.responder(howdo)
def saybye(self): return dict(goodbye="everyone") Goodbye.responder(saybye)
def switchToTestProtocol(self, fail=False): if fail: name = 'no-proto' else: name = 'test-proto' p = TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_CLIENT_DATA) return self.callRemote( TestSwitchProto, SingleUseFactory(p), name=name).addCallback(lambda ign: p)
def switchit(self, name): if name == 'test-proto': return TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_SERVER_DATA) raise UnknownProtocol(name) TestSwitchProto.responder(switchit)
def donothing(self): return None BrokenReturn.responder(donothing)
class DeferredSymmetricCommandProtocol(SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol): def switchit(self, name): if name == 'test-proto': self.maybeLaterProto = TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_SERVER_DATA) self.maybeLater = defer.Deferred() return self.maybeLater raise UnknownProtocol(name) TestSwitchProto.responder(switchit)
class BadNoAnswerCommandProtocol(SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol): def badResponder(self, hello, From, optional=None, Print=None, mixedCase=None, dash_arg=None, underscore_arg=None): """ This responder does nothing and forgets to return a dictionary. """ NoAnswerHello.responder(badResponder)
class NoAnswerCommandProtocol(SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol): def goodNoAnswerResponder(self, hello, From, optional=None, Print=None, mixedCase=None, dash_arg=None, underscore_arg=None): return dict(hello=hello+"-noanswer") NoAnswerHello.responder(goodNoAnswerResponder)
def connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricProtocol, *a, **kw): """Returns a 3-tuple: (client, server, pump) """ return iosim.connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass, ClientClass, *a, **kw)
class TotallyDumbProtocol(protocol.Protocol): buf = '' def dataReceived(self, data): self.buf += data
class LiteralAmp(amp.AMP): def __init__(self): self.boxes = []
def ampBoxReceived(self, box): self.boxes.append(box) return
class ParsingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_booleanValues(self): """ Verify that the Boolean parser parses 'True' and 'False', but nothing else. """ b = amp.Boolean() self.assertEquals(b.fromString("True"), True) self.assertEquals(b.fromString("False"), False) self.assertRaises(TypeError, b.fromString, "ninja") self.assertRaises(TypeError, b.fromString, "true") self.assertRaises(TypeError, b.fromString, "TRUE") self.assertEquals(b.toString(True), 'True') self.assertEquals(b.toString(False), 'False')
def test_pathValueRoundTrip(self): """ Verify the 'Path' argument can parse and emit a file path. """ fp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) p = amp.Path() s = p.toString(fp) v = p.fromString(s) self.assertNotIdentical(fp, v) # sanity check self.assertEquals(fp, v)
def test_sillyEmptyThing(self): """ Test that empty boxes raise an error; they aren't supposed to be sent on purpose. """ a = amp.AMP() return self.assertRaises(amp.NoEmptyBoxes, a.ampBoxReceived, amp.Box())
def test_ParsingRoundTrip(self): """ Verify that various kinds of data make it through the encode/parse round-trip unharmed. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ClientClass=LiteralAmp, ServerClass=LiteralAmp)
SIMPLE = ('simple', 'test') CE = ('ceq', ': ') CR = ('crtest', 'test\r') LF = ('lftest', 'hello\n') NEWLINE = ('newline', 'test\r\none\r\ntwo') NEWLINE2 = ('newline2', 'test\r\none\r\n two') BODYTEST = ('body', 'blah\r\n\r\ntesttest')
for test in testData: jb = amp.Box() jb.update(dict(test)) jb._sendTo(c) p.flush() self.assertEquals(s.boxes[-1], jb)
class FakeLocator(object): """ This is a fake implementation of the interface implied by L{CommandLocator}. """ def __init__(self): """ Remember the given keyword arguments as a set of responders. """ self.commands = {}
def locateResponder(self, commandName): """ Look up and return a function passed as a keyword argument of the given name to the constructor. """ return self.commands[commandName]
class FakeSender: """ This is a fake implementation of the 'box sender' interface implied by L{AMP}. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a fake sender and initialize the list of received boxes and unhandled errors. """ self.sentBoxes = [] self.unhandledErrors = [] self.expectedErrors = 0
def expectError(self): """ Expect one error, so that the test doesn't fail. """ self.expectedErrors += 1
def sendBox(self, box): """ Accept a box, but don't do anything. """ self.sentBoxes.append(box)
def unhandledError(self, failure): """ Deal with failures by instantly re-raising them for easier debugging. """ self.expectedErrors -= 1 if self.expectedErrors < 0: failure.raiseException() else: self.unhandledErrors.append(failure)
class CommandDispatchTests(unittest.TestCase): """ The AMP CommandDispatcher class dispatches converts AMP boxes into commands and responses using Command.responder decorator.
Note: Originally, AMP's factoring was such that many tests for this functionality are now implemented as full round-trip tests in L{AMPTest}. Future tests should be written at this level instead, to ensure API compatibility and to provide more granular, readable units of test coverage. """
def setUp(self): """ Create a dispatcher to use. """ self.locator = FakeLocator() self.sender = FakeSender() self.dispatcher = amp.BoxDispatcher(self.locator) self.dispatcher.startReceivingBoxes(self.sender)
def test_receivedAsk(self): """ L{CommandDispatcher.ampBoxReceived} should locate the appropriate command in its responder lookup, based on the '_ask' key. """ received = [] def thunk(box): received.append(box) return amp.Box({"hello": "goodbye"}) input = amp.Box(_command="hello", _ask="test-command-id", hello="world") self.locator.commands['hello'] = thunk self.dispatcher.ampBoxReceived(input) self.assertEquals(received, [input])
def test_sendUnhandledError(self): """ L{CommandDispatcher} should relay its unhandled errors in responding to boxes to its boxSender. """ err = RuntimeError("something went wrong, oh no") self.sender.expectError() self.dispatcher.unhandledError(Failure(err)) self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.unhandledErrors), 1) self.assertEqual(self.sender.unhandledErrors[0].value, err)
def test_unhandledSerializationError(self): """ Errors during serialization ought to be relayed to the sender's unhandledError method. """ err = RuntimeError("something undefined went wrong") def thunk(result): class BrokenBox(amp.Box): def _sendTo(self, proto): raise err return BrokenBox() self.locator.commands['hello'] = thunk input = amp.Box(_command="hello", _ask="test-command-id", hello="world") self.sender.expectError() self.dispatcher.ampBoxReceived(input) self.assertEquals(len(self.sender.unhandledErrors), 1) self.assertEquals(self.sender.unhandledErrors[0].value, err)
def test_callRemote(self): """ L{CommandDispatcher.callRemote} should emit a properly formatted '_ask' box to its boxSender and record an outstanding L{Deferred}. When a corresponding '_answer' packet is received, the L{Deferred} should be fired, and the results translated via the given L{Command}'s response de-serialization. """ D = self.dispatcher.callRemote(Hello, hello='world') self.assertEquals(self.sender.sentBoxes, [amp.AmpBox(_command="hello", _ask="1", hello="world")]) answers = [] D.addCallback(answers.append) self.assertEquals(answers, []) self.dispatcher.ampBoxReceived(amp.AmpBox({'hello': "yay", 'print': "ignored", '_answer': "1"})) self.assertEquals(answers, [dict(hello="yay", Print=u"ignored")])
class SimpleGreeting(amp.Command): """ A very simple greeting command that uses a few basic argument types. """ commandName = 'simple' arguments = [('greeting', amp.Unicode()), ('cookie', amp.Integer())] response = [('cookieplus', amp.Integer())]
class TestLocator(amp.CommandLocator): """ A locator which implements a responder to the 'simple' command. """ def __init__(self): self.greetings = []
def greetingResponder(self, greeting, cookie): self.greetings.append((greeting, cookie)) return dict(cookieplus=cookie + 3) greetingResponder = SimpleGreeting.responder(greetingResponder)
class OverridingLocator(TestLocator): """ A locator which overrides the responder to the 'simple' command. """
def greetingResponder(self, greeting, cookie): """ Return a different cookieplus than L{TestLocator.greetingResponder}. """ self.greetings.append((greeting, cookie)) return dict(cookieplus=cookie + 4) greetingResponder = SimpleGreeting.responder(greetingResponder)
class InheritingLocator(OverridingLocator): """ This locator should inherit the responder from L{OverridingLocator}. """
class OverrideLocatorAMP(amp.AMP): def __init__(self): amp.AMP.__init__(self) self.customResponder = object() self.expectations = {"custom": self.customResponder} self.greetings = []
def lookupFunction(self, name): """ Override the deprecated lookupFunction function. """ if name in self.expectations: result = self.expectations[name] return result else: return super(OverrideLocatorAMP, self).lookupFunction(name)
def greetingResponder(self, greeting, cookie): self.greetings.append((greeting, cookie)) return dict(cookieplus=cookie + 3) greetingResponder = SimpleGreeting.responder(greetingResponder)
class CommandLocatorTests(unittest.TestCase): """ The CommandLocator should enable users to specify responders to commands as functions that take structured objects, annotated with metadata. """
def _checkSimpleGreeting(self, locatorClass, expected): """ Check that a locator of type C{locatorClass} finds a responder for command named I{simple} and that the found responder answers with the C{expected} result to a C{SimpleGreeting<"ni hao", 5>} command. """ locator = locatorClass() responderCallable = locator.locateResponder("simple") result = responderCallable(amp.Box(greeting="ni hao", cookie="5")) def done(values): self.assertEquals(values, amp.AmpBox(cookieplus=str(expected))) return result.addCallback(done)
def test_responderDecorator(self): """ A method on a L{CommandLocator} subclass decorated with a L{Command} subclass's L{responder} decorator should be returned from locateResponder, wrapped in logic to serialize and deserialize its arguments. """ return self._checkSimpleGreeting(TestLocator, 8)
def test_responderOverriding(self): """ L{CommandLocator} subclasses can override a responder inherited from a base class by using the L{Command.responder} decorator to register a new responder method. """ return self._checkSimpleGreeting(OverridingLocator, 9)
def test_responderInheritance(self): """ Responder lookup follows the same rules as normal method lookup rules, particularly with respect to inheritance. """ return self._checkSimpleGreeting(InheritingLocator, 9)
def test_lookupFunctionDeprecatedOverride(self): """ Subclasses which override locateResponder under its old name, lookupFunction, should have the override invoked instead. (This tests an AMP subclass, because in the version of the code that could invoke this deprecated code path, there was no L{CommandLocator}.) """ locator = OverrideLocatorAMP() customResponderObject = self.assertWarns( PendingDeprecationWarning, "Override locateResponder, not lookupFunction.", __file__, lambda : locator.locateResponder("custom")) self.assertEquals(locator.customResponder, customResponderObject) # Make sure upcalling works too normalResponderObject = self.assertWarns( PendingDeprecationWarning, "Override locateResponder, not lookupFunction.", __file__, lambda : locator.locateResponder("simple")) result = normalResponderObject(amp.Box(greeting="ni hao", cookie="5")) def done(values): self.assertEquals(values, amp.AmpBox(cookieplus='8')) return result.addCallback(done)
def test_lookupFunctionDeprecatedInvoke(self): """ Invoking locateResponder under its old name, lookupFunction, should emit a deprecation warning, but do the same thing. """ locator = TestLocator() responderCallable = self.assertWarns( PendingDeprecationWarning, "Call locateResponder, not lookupFunction.", __file__, lambda : locator.lookupFunction("simple")) result = responderCallable(amp.Box(greeting="ni hao", cookie="5")) def done(values): self.assertEquals(values, amp.AmpBox(cookieplus='8')) return result.addCallback(done)
SWITCH_CLIENT_DATA = 'Success!' SWITCH_SERVER_DATA = 'No, really. Success.'
class BinaryProtocolTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol}.
@ivar _boxSender: After C{startReceivingBoxes} is called, the L{IBoxSender} which was passed to it. """
def setUp(self): """ Keep track of all boxes received by this test in its capacity as an L{IBoxReceiver} implementor. """ self.boxes = [] = []
def startReceivingBoxes(self, sender): """ Implement L{IBoxReceiver.startReceivingBoxes} to just remember the value passed in. """ self._boxSender = sender
def ampBoxReceived(self, box): """ A box was received by the protocol. """ self.boxes.append(box)
stopReason = None def stopReceivingBoxes(self, reason): """ Record the reason that we stopped receiving boxes. """ self.stopReason = reason
# fake ITransport def getPeer(self): return 'no peer'
def getHost(self): return 'no host'
def write(self, data):
def test_startReceivingBoxes(self): """ When L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} is connected to a transport, it calls C{startReceivingBoxes} on its L{IBoxReceiver} with itself as the L{IBoxSender} parameter. """ protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(None) self.assertIdentical(self._boxSender, protocol)
def test_sendBoxInStartReceivingBoxes(self): """ The L{IBoxReceiver} which is started when L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} is connected to a transport can call C{sendBox} on the L{IBoxSender} passed to it before C{startReceivingBoxes} returns and have that box sent. """ class SynchronouslySendingReceiver: def startReceivingBoxes(self, sender): sender.sendBox(amp.Box({'foo': 'bar'}))
transport = StringTransport() protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(SynchronouslySendingReceiver()) protocol.makeConnection(transport) self.assertEqual( transport.value(), '\x00\x03foo\x00\x03bar\x00\x00')
def test_receiveBoxStateMachine(self): """ When a binary box protocol receives: * a key * a value * an empty string it should emit a box and send it to its boxReceiver. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.stringReceived("hello") a.stringReceived("world") a.stringReceived("") self.assertEquals(self.boxes, [amp.AmpBox(hello="world")])
def test_firstBoxFirstKeyExcessiveLength(self): """ L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} drops its connection if the length prefix for the first a key it receives is larger than 255. """ transport = StringTransport() protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(transport) protocol.dataReceived('\x01\x00') self.assertTrue(transport.disconnecting)
def test_firstBoxSubsequentKeyExcessiveLength(self): """ L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} drops its connection if the length prefix for a subsequent key in the first box it receives is larger than 255. """ transport = StringTransport() protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(transport) protocol.dataReceived('\x00\x01k\x00\x01v') self.assertFalse(transport.disconnecting) protocol.dataReceived('\x01\x00') self.assertTrue(transport.disconnecting)
def test_subsequentBoxFirstKeyExcessiveLength(self): """ L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} drops its connection if the length prefix for the first key in a subsequent box it receives is larger than 255. """ transport = StringTransport() protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(transport) protocol.dataReceived('\x00\x01k\x00\x01v\x00\x00') self.assertFalse(transport.disconnecting) protocol.dataReceived('\x01\x00') self.assertTrue(transport.disconnecting)
def test_excessiveKeyFailure(self): """ If L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} disconnects because it received a key length prefix which was too large, the L{IBoxReceiver}'s C{stopReceivingBoxes} method is called with a L{TooLong} failure. """ protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(StringTransport()) protocol.dataReceived('\x01\x00') protocol.connectionLost( Failure(error.ConnectionDone("simulated connection done"))) self.stopReason.trap(amp.TooLong) self.assertTrue(self.stopReason.value.isKey) self.assertFalse(self.stopReason.value.isLocal) self.assertIdentical(self.stopReason.value.value, None) self.assertIdentical(self.stopReason.value.keyName, None)
def test_receiveBoxData(self): """ When a binary box protocol receives the serialized form of an AMP box, it should emit a similar box to its boxReceiver. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.dataReceived(amp.Box({"testKey": "valueTest", "anotherKey": "anotherValue"}).serialize()) self.assertEquals(self.boxes, [amp.Box({"testKey": "valueTest", "anotherKey": "anotherValue"})])
def test_receiveLongerBoxData(self): """ An L{amp.BinaryBoxProtocol} can receive serialized AMP boxes with values of up to (2 ** 16 - 1) bytes. """ length = (2 ** 16 - 1) value = 'x' * length transport = StringTransport() protocol = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) protocol.makeConnection(transport) protocol.dataReceived(amp.Box({'k': value}).serialize()) self.assertEqual(self.boxes, [amp.Box({'k': value})]) self.assertFalse(transport.disconnecting)
def test_sendBox(self): """ When a binary box protocol sends a box, it should emit the serialized bytes of that box to its transport. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.makeConnection(self) aBox = amp.Box({"testKey": "valueTest", "someData": "hello"}) a.makeConnection(self) a.sendBox(aBox) self.assertEquals(''.join(, aBox.serialize())
def test_connectionLostStopSendingBoxes(self): """ When a binary box protocol loses its connection, it should notify its box receiver that it has stopped receiving boxes. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.makeConnection(self) connectionFailure = Failure(RuntimeError()) a.connectionLost(connectionFailure) self.assertIdentical(self.stopReason, connectionFailure)
def test_protocolSwitch(self): """ L{BinaryBoxProtocol} has the capacity to switch to a different protocol on a box boundary. When a protocol is in the process of switching, it cannot receive traffic. """ otherProto = TestProto(None, "outgoing data") test = self class SwitchyReceiver: switched = False def startReceivingBoxes(self, sender): pass def ampBoxReceived(self, box): test.assertFalse(self.switched, "Should only receive one box!") self.switched = True a._lockForSwitch() a._switchTo(otherProto) a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(SwitchyReceiver()) anyOldBox = amp.Box({"include": "lots", "of": "data"}) a.makeConnection(self) # Include a 0-length box at the beginning of the next protocol's data, # to make sure that AMP doesn't eat the data or try to deliver extra # boxes either... moreThanOneBox = anyOldBox.serialize() + "\x00\x00Hello, world!" a.dataReceived(moreThanOneBox) self.assertIdentical(otherProto.transport, self) self.assertEquals("".join(, "\x00\x00Hello, world!") self.assertEquals(, ["outgoing data"]) a.dataReceived("more data") self.assertEquals("".join(, "\x00\x00Hello, world!more data") self.assertRaises(amp.ProtocolSwitched, a.sendBox, anyOldBox)
def test_protocolSwitchEmptyBuffer(self): """ After switching to a different protocol, if no extra bytes beyond the switch box were delivered, an empty string is not passed to the switched protocol's C{dataReceived} method. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.makeConnection(self) otherProto = TestProto(None, "") a._switchTo(otherProto) self.assertEquals(, [])
def test_protocolSwitchInvalidStates(self): """ In order to make sure the protocol never gets any invalid data sent into the middle of a box, it must be locked for switching before it is switched. It can only be unlocked if the switch failed, and attempting to send a box while it is locked should raise an exception. """ a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.makeConnection(self) sampleBox = amp.Box({"some": "data"}) a._lockForSwitch() self.assertRaises(amp.ProtocolSwitched, a.sendBox, sampleBox) a._unlockFromSwitch() a.sendBox(sampleBox) self.assertEquals(''.join(, sampleBox.serialize()) a._lockForSwitch() otherProto = TestProto(None, "outgoing data") a._switchTo(otherProto) self.assertRaises(amp.ProtocolSwitched, a._unlockFromSwitch)
def test_protocolSwitchLoseConnection(self): """ When the protocol is switched, it should notify its nested protocol of disconnection. """ class Loser(protocol.Protocol): reason = None def connectionLost(self, reason): self.reason = reason connectionLoser = Loser() a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) a.makeConnection(self) a._lockForSwitch() a._switchTo(connectionLoser) connectionFailure = Failure(RuntimeError()) a.connectionLost(connectionFailure) self.assertEquals(connectionLoser.reason, connectionFailure)
def test_protocolSwitchLoseClientConnection(self): """ When the protocol is switched, it should notify its nested client protocol factory of disconnection. """ class ClientLoser: reason = None def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): self.reason = reason a = amp.BinaryBoxProtocol(self) connectionLoser = protocol.Protocol() clientLoser = ClientLoser() a.makeConnection(self) a._lockForSwitch() a._switchTo(connectionLoser, clientLoser) connectionFailure = Failure(RuntimeError()) a.connectionLost(connectionFailure) self.assertEquals(clientLoser.reason, connectionFailure)
class AMPTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_interfaceDeclarations(self): """ The classes in the amp module ought to implement the interfaces that are declared for their benefit. """ for interface, implementation in [(amp.IBoxSender, amp.BinaryBoxProtocol), (amp.IBoxReceiver, amp.BoxDispatcher), (amp.IResponderLocator, amp.CommandLocator), (amp.IResponderLocator, amp.SimpleStringLocator), (amp.IBoxSender, amp.AMP), (amp.IBoxReceiver, amp.AMP), (amp.IResponderLocator, amp.AMP)]: self.failUnless(interface.implementedBy(implementation), "%s does not implements(%s)" % (implementation, interface))
def test_helloWorld(self): """ Verify that a simple command can be sent and its response received with the simple low-level string-based API. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() L = [] HELLO = 'world' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_wireFormatRoundTrip(self): """ Verify that mixed-case, underscored and dashed arguments are mapped to their python names properly. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() L = [] HELLO = 'world' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_helloWorldUnicode(self): """ Verify that unicode arguments can be encoded and decoded. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] HELLO = 'world' HELLO_UNICODE = 'wor\u1234ld' c.sendUnicodeHello(HELLO, HELLO_UNICODE).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO) self.assertEquals(L[0]['Print'], HELLO_UNICODE)
def test_callRemoteStringRequiresAnswerFalse(self): """ L{BoxDispatcher.callRemoteString} returns C{None} if C{requiresAnswer} is C{False}. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() ret = c.callRemoteString("WTF", requiresAnswer=False) self.assertIdentical(ret, None)
def test_unknownCommandLow(self): """ Verify that unknown commands using low-level APIs will be rejected with an error, but will NOT terminate the connection. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() L = [] def clearAndAdd(e): """ You can't propagate the error... """ e.trap(amp.UnhandledCommand) return "OK" c.callRemoteString("WTF").addErrback(clearAndAdd).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop(), "OK") HELLO = 'world' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_unknownCommandHigh(self): """ Verify that unknown commands using high-level APIs will be rejected with an error, but will NOT terminate the connection. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() L = [] def clearAndAdd(e): """ You can't propagate the error... """ e.trap(amp.UnhandledCommand) return "OK" c.callRemote(WTF).addErrback(clearAndAdd).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop(), "OK") HELLO = 'world' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_brokenReturnValue(self): """ It can be very confusing if you write some code which responds to a command, but gets the return value wrong. Most commonly you end up returning None instead of a dictionary.
Verify that if that happens, the framework logs a useful error. """ L = [] SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol().dispatchCommand( amp.AmpBox(_command=BrokenReturn.commandName)).addErrback(L.append) L[0].trap(amp.BadLocalReturn) self.failUnlessIn('None', repr(L[0].value))
def test_unknownArgument(self): """ Verify that unknown arguments are ignored, and not passed to a Python function which can't accept them. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] HELLO = 'world' # c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) c.callRemote(FutureHello, hello=HELLO, bonus="I'm not in the book!").addCallback( L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_simpleReprs(self): """ Verify that the various Box objects repr properly, for debugging. """ self.assertEquals(type(repr(amp._SwitchBox('a'))), str) self.assertEquals(type(repr(amp.QuitBox())), str) self.assertEquals(type(repr(amp.AmpBox())), str) self.failUnless("AmpBox" in repr(amp.AmpBox()))
def test_innerProtocolInRepr(self): """ Verify that L{AMP} objects output their innerProtocol when set. """ otherProto = TestProto(None, "outgoing data") a = amp.AMP() a.innerProtocol = otherProto def fakeID(obj): return {a: 0x1234}.get(obj, id(obj)) self.addCleanup(setIDFunction, setIDFunction(fakeID))
self.assertEquals( repr(a), "<AMP inner <TestProto #%d> at 0x1234>" % ( otherProto.instanceId,))
def test_innerProtocolNotInRepr(self): """ Verify that L{AMP} objects do not output 'inner' when no innerProtocol is set. """ a = amp.AMP() def fakeID(obj): return {a: 0x4321}.get(obj, id(obj)) self.addCleanup(setIDFunction, setIDFunction(fakeID)) self.assertEquals(repr(a), "<AMP at 0x4321>")
def test_simpleSSLRepr(self): """ L{amp._TLSBox.__repr__} returns a string. """ self.assertEquals(type(repr(amp._TLSBox())), str)
test_simpleSSLRepr.skip = skipSSL
def test_keyTooLong(self): """ Verify that a key that is too long will immediately raise a synchronous exception. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() x = "H" * (0xff+1) tl = self.assertRaises(amp.TooLong, c.callRemoteString, "Hello", **{x: "hi"}) self.assertTrue(tl.isKey) self.assertTrue(tl.isLocal) self.assertIdentical(tl.keyName, None) self.assertEquals(tl.value, x) self.assertIn(str(len(x)), repr(tl)) self.assertIn("key", repr(tl))
def test_valueTooLong(self): """ Verify that attempting to send value longer than 64k will immediately raise an exception. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() x = "H" * (0xffff+1) tl = self.assertRaises(amp.TooLong, c.sendHello, x) p.flush() self.failIf(tl.isKey) self.failUnless(tl.isLocal) self.assertEquals(tl.keyName, 'hello') self.failUnlessIdentical(tl.value, x) self.failUnless(str(len(x)) in repr(tl)) self.failUnless("value" in repr(tl)) self.failUnless('hello' in repr(tl))
def test_helloWorldCommand(self): """ Verify that a simple command can be sent and its response received with the high-level value parsing API. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] HELLO = 'world' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)
def test_helloErrorHandling(self): """ Verify that if a known error type is raised and handled, it will be properly relayed to the other end of the connection and translated into an exception, and no error will be logged. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = 'fuck you' c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L[0].trap(UnfriendlyGreeting) self.assertEquals(str(L[0].value), "Don't be a dick.")
def test_helloFatalErrorHandling(self): """ Verify that if a known, fatal error type is raised and handled, it will be properly relayed to the other end of the connection and translated into an exception, no error will be logged, and the connection will be terminated. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = 'die' c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(DeathThreat) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def test_helloNoErrorHandling(self): """ Verify that if an unknown error type is raised, it will be relayed to the other end of the connection and translated into an exception, it will be logged, and then the connection will be dropped. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = THING_I_DONT_UNDERSTAND c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() ure = L.pop() ure.trap(amp.UnknownRemoteError) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) cl = L.pop() cl.trap(error.ConnectionDone) # The exception should have been logged. self.failUnless(self.flushLoggedErrors(ThingIDontUnderstandError))
def test_lateAnswer(self): """ Verify that a command that does not get answered until after the connection terminates will not cause any errors. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] c.callRemote(WaitForever).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L, []) s.transport.loseConnection() p.flush() L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone) # Just make sure that it doesn't error... s.waiting.callback({}) return s.waiting
def test_requiresNoAnswer(self): """ Verify that a command that requires no answer is run. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = 'world' c.callRemote(NoAnswerHello, hello=HELLO) p.flush() self.failUnless(s.greeted)
def test_requiresNoAnswerFail(self): """ Verify that commands sent after a failed no-answer request do not complete. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = 'fuck you' c.callRemote(NoAnswerHello, hello=HELLO) p.flush() # This should be logged locally. self.failUnless(self.flushLoggedErrors(amp.RemoteAmpError)) HELLO = 'world' c.callRemote(Hello, hello=HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone) self.failIf(s.greeted)
def test_noAnswerResponderBadAnswer(self): """ Verify that responders of requiresAnswer=False commands have to return a dictionary anyway.
(requiresAnswer is a hint from the _client_ - the server may be called upon to answer commands in any case, if the client wants to know when they complete.) """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=BadNoAnswerCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) c.callRemote(NoAnswerHello, hello="hello") p.flush() le = self.flushLoggedErrors(amp.BadLocalReturn) self.assertEquals(len(le), 1)
def test_noAnswerResponderAskedForAnswer(self): """ Verify that responders with requiresAnswer=False will actually respond if the client sets requiresAnswer=True. In other words, verify that requiresAnswer is a hint honored only by the client. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=NoAnswerCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] c.callRemote(Hello, hello="Hello!").addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(len(L), 1) self.assertEquals(L, [dict(hello="Hello!-noanswer", Print=None)]) # Optional response argument
def test_ampListCommand(self): """ Test encoding of an argument that uses the AmpList encoding. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] c.callRemote(GetList, length=10).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() values = L.pop().get('body') self.assertEquals(values, [{'x': 1}] * 10)
def test_optionalAmpListOmitted(self): """ Sending a command with an omitted AmpList argument that is designated as optional does not raise an InvalidSignature error. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] c.callRemote(DontRejectMe, magicWord=u'please').addCallback(L.append) p.flush() response = L.pop().get('response') self.assertEquals(response, 'list omitted')
def test_optionalAmpListPresent(self): """ Sanity check that optional AmpList arguments are processed normally. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] c.callRemote(DontRejectMe, magicWord=u'please', list=[{'name': 'foo'}]).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() response = L.pop().get('response') self.assertEquals(response, 'foo accepted')
def test_failEarlyOnArgSending(self): """ Verify that if we pass an invalid argument list (omitting an argument), an exception will be raised. """ self.assertRaises(amp.InvalidSignature, Hello)
def test_doubleProtocolSwitch(self): """ As a debugging aid, a protocol system should raise a L{ProtocolSwitched} exception when asked to switch a protocol that is already switched. """ serverDeferred = defer.Deferred() serverProto = SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(serverDeferred) clientDeferred = defer.Deferred() clientProto = SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(clientDeferred) c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: serverProto, ClientClass=lambda: clientProto) def switched(result): self.assertRaises(amp.ProtocolSwitched, c.switchToTestProtocol) self.testSucceeded = True c.switchToTestProtocol().addCallback(switched) p.flush() self.failUnless(self.testSucceeded)
def test_protocolSwitch(self, switcher=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, spuriousTraffic=False, spuriousError=False): """ Verify that it is possible to switch to another protocol mid-connection and send data to it successfully. """ self.testSucceeded = False
serverDeferred = defer.Deferred() serverProto = switcher(serverDeferred) clientDeferred = defer.Deferred() clientProto = switcher(clientDeferred) c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: serverProto, ClientClass=lambda: clientProto)
if spuriousTraffic: wfdr = [] # remote c.callRemote(WaitForever).addErrback(wfdr.append) switchDeferred = c.switchToTestProtocol() if spuriousTraffic: self.assertRaises(amp.ProtocolSwitched, c.sendHello, 'world')
def cbConnsLost(((serverSuccess, serverData), (clientSuccess, clientData))): self.failUnless(serverSuccess) self.failUnless(clientSuccess) self.assertEquals(''.join(serverData), SWITCH_CLIENT_DATA) self.assertEquals(''.join(clientData), SWITCH_SERVER_DATA) self.testSucceeded = True
def cbSwitch(proto): return defer.DeferredList( [serverDeferred, clientDeferred]).addCallback(cbConnsLost)
switchDeferred.addCallback(cbSwitch) p.flush() if serverProto.maybeLater is not None: serverProto.maybeLater.callback(serverProto.maybeLaterProto) p.flush() if spuriousTraffic: # switch is done here; do this here to make sure that if we're # going to corrupt the connection, we do it before it's closed. if spuriousError: s.waiting.errback(amp.RemoteAmpError( "SPURIOUS", "Here's some traffic in the form of an error.")) else: s.waiting.callback({}) p.flush() c.transport.loseConnection() # close it p.flush() self.failUnless(self.testSucceeded)
def test_protocolSwitchDeferred(self): """ Verify that protocol-switching even works if the value returned from the command that does the switch is deferred. """ return self.test_protocolSwitch(switcher=DeferredSymmetricCommandProtocol)
def test_protocolSwitchFail(self, switcher=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol): """ Verify that if we try to switch protocols and it fails, the connection stays up and we can go back to speaking AMP. """ self.testSucceeded = False
serverDeferred = defer.Deferred() serverProto = switcher(serverDeferred) clientDeferred = defer.Deferred() clientProto = switcher(clientDeferred) c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: serverProto, ClientClass=lambda: clientProto) L = [] c.switchToTestProtocol(fail=True).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(UnknownProtocol) self.failIf(self.testSucceeded) # It's a known error, so let's send a "hello" on the same connection; # it should work. c.sendHello('world').addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEqual(L.pop()['hello'], 'world')
def test_trafficAfterSwitch(self): """ Verify that attempts to send traffic after a switch will not corrupt the nested protocol. """ return self.test_protocolSwitch(spuriousTraffic=True)
def test_errorAfterSwitch(self): """ Returning an error after a protocol switch should record the underlying error. """ return self.test_protocolSwitch(spuriousTraffic=True, spuriousError=True)
def test_quitBoxQuits(self): """ Verify that commands with a responseType of QuitBox will in fact terminate the connection. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol)
L = [] HELLO = 'world' GOODBYE = 'everyone' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop()['hello'], HELLO) c.callRemote(Goodbye).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop()['goodbye'], GOODBYE) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def test_basicLiteralEmit(self): """ Verify that the command dictionaries for a callRemoteN look correct after being serialized and parsed. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient() L = [] s.ampBoxReceived = L.append c.callRemote(Hello, hello='hello test', mixedCase='mixed case arg test', dash_arg='x', underscore_arg='y') p.flush() self.assertEquals(len(L), 1) for k, v in [('_command', Hello.commandName), ('hello', 'hello test'), ('mixedCase', 'mixed case arg test'), ('dash-arg', 'x'), ('underscore_arg', 'y')]: self.assertEquals(L[-1].pop(k), v) L[-1].pop('_ask') self.assertEquals(L[-1], {})
def test_basicStructuredEmit(self): """ Verify that a call similar to basicLiteralEmit's is handled properly with high-level quoting and passing to Python methods, and that argument names are correctly handled. """ L = [] class StructuredHello(amp.AMP): def h(self, *a, **k): L.append((a, k)) return dict(hello='aaa') Hello.responder(h) c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=StructuredHello) c.callRemote(Hello, hello='hello test', mixedCase='mixed case arg test', dash_arg='x', underscore_arg='y').addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(len(L), 2) self.assertEquals(L[0], ((), dict( hello='hello test', mixedCase='mixed case arg test', dash_arg='x', underscore_arg='y',
# XXX - should optional arguments just not be passed? # passing None seems a little odd, looking at the way it # turns out here... -glyph From=('file', 'file'), Print=None, optional=None, ))) self.assertEquals(L[1], dict(Print=None, hello='aaa'))
class PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority: def checkIsPretendRemote(self): return True
class IOSimCert: verifyCount = 0
def options(self, *ign): return self
def iosimVerify(self, otherCert): """ This isn't a real certificate, and wouldn't work on a real socket, but iosim specifies a different API so that we don't have to do any crypto math to demonstrate that the right functions get called in the right places. """ assert otherCert is self self.verifyCount += 1 return True
class OKCert(IOSimCert): def options(self, x): assert x.checkIsPretendRemote() return self
class GrumpyCert(IOSimCert): def iosimVerify(self, otherCert): self.verifyCount += 1 return False
class DroppyCert(IOSimCert): def __init__(self, toDrop): self.toDrop = toDrop
def iosimVerify(self, otherCert): self.verifyCount += 1 self.toDrop.loseConnection() return True
class SecurableProto(FactoryNotifier):
factory = None
def verifyFactory(self): return [PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority()]
def getTLSVars(self): cert = self.certFactory() verify = self.verifyFactory() return dict( tls_localCertificate=cert, tls_verifyAuthorities=verify) amp.StartTLS.responder(getTLSVars)
class TLSTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_startingTLS(self): """ Verify that starting TLS and succeeding at handshaking sends all the notifications to all the right places. """ cli, svr, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SecurableProto, ClientClass=SecurableProto)
okc = OKCert() svr.certFactory = lambda : okc
cli.callRemote( amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=okc, tls_verifyAuthorities=[PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority()])
# let's buffer something to be delivered securely L = [] cli.callRemote(SecuredPing).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() # once for client once for server self.assertEquals(okc.verifyCount, 2) L = [] cli.callRemote(SecuredPing).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEqual(L[0], {'pinged': True})
def test_startTooManyTimes(self): """ Verify that the protocol will complain if we attempt to renegotiate TLS, which we don't support. """ cli, svr, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SecurableProto, ClientClass=SecurableProto)
okc = OKCert() svr.certFactory = lambda : okc
cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=okc, tls_verifyAuthorities=[PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority()]) p.flush() cli.noPeerCertificate = True # this is totally fake self.assertRaises( amp.OnlyOneTLS, cli.callRemote, amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=okc, tls_verifyAuthorities=[PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority()])
def test_negotiationFailed(self): """ Verify that starting TLS and failing on both sides at handshaking sends notifications to all the right places and terminates the connection. """
badCert = GrumpyCert()
cli, svr, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SecurableProto, ClientClass=SecurableProto) svr.certFactory = lambda : badCert
cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=badCert)
p.flush() # once for client once for server - but both fail self.assertEquals(badCert.verifyCount, 2) d = cli.callRemote(SecuredPing) p.flush() self.assertFailure(d, iosim.NativeOpenSSLError)
def test_negotiationFailedByClosing(self): """ Verify that starting TLS and failing by way of a lost connection notices that it is probably an SSL problem. """
cli, svr, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SecurableProto, ClientClass=SecurableProto) droppyCert = DroppyCert(svr.transport) svr.certFactory = lambda : droppyCert
cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=droppyCert)
self.assertEquals(droppyCert.verifyCount, 2)
d = cli.callRemote(SecuredPing) p.flush()
# it might be a good idea to move this exception somewhere more # reasonable. self.assertFailure(d, error.PeerVerifyError)
skip = skipSSL
class TLSNotAvailableTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests what happened when ssl is not available in current installation. """
def setUp(self): """ Disable ssl in amp. """ self.ssl = amp.ssl amp.ssl = None
def tearDown(self): """ Restore ssl module. """ amp.ssl = self.ssl
def test_callRemoteError(self): """ Check that callRemote raises an exception when called with a L{amp.StartTLS}. """ cli, svr, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SecurableProto, ClientClass=SecurableProto)
okc = OKCert() svr.certFactory = lambda : okc
return self.assertFailure(cli.callRemote( amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=okc, tls_verifyAuthorities=[PretendRemoteCertificateAuthority()]), RuntimeError)
def test_messageReceivedError(self): """ When a client with SSL enabled talks to a server without SSL, it should return a meaningful error. """ svr = SecurableProto() okc = OKCert() svr.certFactory = lambda : okc box = amp.Box() box['_command'] = 'StartTLS' box['_ask'] = '1' boxes = [] svr.sendBox = boxes.append svr.makeConnection(StringTransport()) svr.ampBoxReceived(box) self.assertEquals(boxes, [{'_error_code': 'TLS_ERROR', '_error': '1', '_error_description': 'TLS not available'}])
class InheritedError(Exception): """ This error is used to check inheritance. """
class OtherInheritedError(Exception): """ This is a distinct error for checking inheritance. """
class BaseCommand(amp.Command): """ This provides a command that will be subclassed. """ errors = {InheritedError: 'INHERITED_ERROR'}
class InheritedCommand(BaseCommand): """ This is a command which subclasses another command but does not override anything. """
class AddErrorsCommand(BaseCommand): """ This is a command which subclasses another command but adds errors to the list. """ arguments = [('other', amp.Boolean())] errors = {OtherInheritedError: 'OTHER_INHERITED_ERROR'}
class NormalCommandProtocol(amp.AMP): """ This is a protocol which responds to L{BaseCommand}, and is used to test that inheritance does not interfere with the normal handling of errors. """ def resp(self): raise InheritedError() BaseCommand.responder(resp)
class InheritedCommandProtocol(amp.AMP): """ This is a protocol which responds to L{InheritedCommand}, and is used to test that inherited commands inherit their bases' errors if they do not respond to any of their own. """ def resp(self): raise InheritedError() InheritedCommand.responder(resp)
class AddedCommandProtocol(amp.AMP): """ This is a protocol which responds to L{AddErrorsCommand}, and is used to test that inherited commands can add their own new types of errors, but still respond in the same way to their parents types of errors. """ def resp(self, other): if other: raise OtherInheritedError() else: raise InheritedError() AddErrorsCommand.responder(resp)
class CommandInheritanceTests(unittest.TestCase): """ These tests verify that commands inherit error conditions properly. """
def errorCheck(self, err, proto, cmd, **kw): """ Check that the appropriate kind of error is raised when a given command is sent to a given protocol. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=proto, ClientClass=proto) d = c.callRemote(cmd, **kw) d2 = self.failUnlessFailure(d, err) p.flush() return d2
def test_basicErrorPropagation(self): """ Verify that errors specified in a superclass are respected normally even if it has subclasses. """ return self.errorCheck( InheritedError, NormalCommandProtocol, BaseCommand)
def test_inheritedErrorPropagation(self): """ Verify that errors specified in a superclass command are propagated to its subclasses. """ return self.errorCheck( InheritedError, InheritedCommandProtocol, InheritedCommand)
def test_inheritedErrorAddition(self): """ Verify that new errors specified in a subclass of an existing command are honored even if the superclass defines some errors. """ return self.errorCheck( OtherInheritedError, AddedCommandProtocol, AddErrorsCommand, other=True)
def test_additionWithOriginalError(self): """ Verify that errors specified in a command's superclass are respected even if that command defines new errors itself. """ return self.errorCheck( InheritedError, AddedCommandProtocol, AddErrorsCommand, other=False)
def _loseAndPass(err, proto): # be specific, pass on the error to the client. err.trap(error.ConnectionLost, error.ConnectionDone) del proto.connectionLost proto.connectionLost(err)
class LiveFireBase: """ Utility for connected reactor-using tests. """
def setUp(self): """ Create an amp server and connect a client to it. """ from twisted.internet import reactor self.serverFactory = protocol.ServerFactory() self.serverFactory.protocol = self.serverProto self.clientFactory = protocol.ClientFactory() self.clientFactory.protocol = self.clientProto self.clientFactory.onMade = defer.Deferred() self.serverFactory.onMade = defer.Deferred() self.serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.serverFactory) self.addCleanup(self.serverPort.stopListening) self.clientConn = reactor.connectTCP( '', self.serverPort.getHost().port, self.clientFactory) self.addCleanup(self.clientConn.disconnect) def getProtos(rlst): self.cli = self.clientFactory.theProto self.svr = self.serverFactory.theProto dl = defer.DeferredList([self.clientFactory.onMade, self.serverFactory.onMade]) return dl.addCallback(getProtos)
def tearDown(self): """ Cleanup client and server connections, and check the error got at C{connectionLost}. """ L = [] for conn in self.cli, self.svr: if conn.transport is not None: # depend on amp's function connection-dropping behavior d = defer.Deferred().addErrback(_loseAndPass, conn) conn.connectionLost = d.errback conn.transport.loseConnection() L.append(d) return defer.gatherResults(L ).addErrback(lambda first: first.value.subFailure)
def show(x): import sys sys.stdout.write(x+'\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def tempSelfSigned(): from twisted.internet import ssl
sharedDN = ssl.DN(CN='shared') key = ssl.KeyPair.generate() cr = key.certificateRequest(sharedDN) sscrd = key.signCertificateRequest( sharedDN, cr, lambda dn: True, 1234567) cert = key.newCertificate(sscrd) return cert
if ssl is not None: tempcert = tempSelfSigned()
class LiveFireTLSTestCase(LiveFireBase, unittest.TestCase): clientProto = SecurableProto serverProto = SecurableProto def test_liveFireCustomTLS(self): """ Using real, live TLS, actually negotiate a connection.
This also looks at the 'peerCertificate' attribute's correctness, since that's actually loaded using OpenSSL calls, but the main purpose is to make sure that we didn't miss anything obvious in iosim about TLS negotiations. """
cert = tempcert
self.svr.verifyFactory = lambda : [cert] self.svr.certFactory = lambda : cert # only needed on the server, we specify the client below.
def secured(rslt): x = cert.digest() def pinged(rslt2): # Interesting. OpenSSL won't even _tell_ us about the peer # cert until we negotiate. we should be able to do this in # 'secured' instead, but it looks like we can't. I think this # is a bug somewhere far deeper than here. self.failUnlessEqual(x, self.cli.hostCertificate.digest()) self.failUnlessEqual(x, self.cli.peerCertificate.digest()) self.failUnlessEqual(x, self.svr.hostCertificate.digest()) self.failUnlessEqual(x, self.svr.peerCertificate.digest()) return self.cli.callRemote(SecuredPing).addCallback(pinged) return self.cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS, tls_localCertificate=cert, tls_verifyAuthorities=[cert]).addCallback(secured)
skip = skipSSL
class SlightlySmartTLS(SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol): """ Specific implementation of server side protocol with different management of TLS. """ def getTLSVars(self): """ @return: the global C{tempcert} certificate as local certificate. """ return dict(tls_localCertificate=tempcert) amp.StartTLS.responder(getTLSVars)
class PlainVanillaLiveFire(LiveFireBase, unittest.TestCase):
clientProto = SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol serverProto = SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol
def test_liveFireDefaultTLS(self): """ Verify that out of the box, we can start TLS to at least encrypt the connection, even if we don't have any certificates to use. """ def secured(result): return self.cli.callRemote(SecuredPing) return self.cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS).addCallback(secured)
skip = skipSSL
class WithServerTLSVerification(LiveFireBase, unittest.TestCase): clientProto = SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol serverProto = SlightlySmartTLS
def test_anonymousVerifyingClient(self): """ Verify that anonymous clients can verify server certificates. """ def secured(result): return self.cli.callRemote(SecuredPing) return self.cli.callRemote(amp.StartTLS, tls_verifyAuthorities=[tempcert] ).addCallback(secured)
skip = skipSSL
class ProtocolIncludingArgument(amp.Argument): """ An L{amp.Argument} which encodes its parser and serializer arguments *including the protocol* into its parsed and serialized forms. """
def fromStringProto(self, string, protocol): """ Don't decode anything; just return all possible information.
@return: A two-tuple of the input string and the protocol. """ return (string, protocol)
def toStringProto(self, obj, protocol): """ Encode identifying information about L{object} and protocol into a string for later verification.
@type obj: L{object} @type protocol: L{amp.AMP} """ return "%s:%s" % (id(obj), id(protocol))
class ProtocolIncludingCommand(amp.Command): """ A command that has argument and response schemas which use L{ProtocolIncludingArgument}. """ arguments = [('weird', ProtocolIncludingArgument())] response = [('weird', ProtocolIncludingArgument())]
class MagicSchemaCommand(amp.Command): """ A command which overrides L{parseResponse}, L{parseArguments}, and L{makeResponse}. """ def parseResponse(self, strings, protocol): """ Don't do any parsing, just jam the input strings and protocol onto the C{protocol.parseResponseArguments} attribute as a two-tuple. Return the original strings. """ protocol.parseResponseArguments = (strings, protocol) return strings parseResponse = classmethod(parseResponse)
def parseArguments(cls, strings, protocol): """ Don't do any parsing, just jam the input strings and protocol onto the C{protocol.parseArgumentsArguments} attribute as a two-tuple. Return the original strings. """ protocol.parseArgumentsArguments = (strings, protocol) return strings parseArguments = classmethod(parseArguments)
def makeArguments(cls, objects, protocol): """ Don't do any serializing, just jam the input strings and protocol onto the C{protocol.makeArgumentsArguments} attribute as a two-tuple. Return the original strings. """ protocol.makeArgumentsArguments = (objects, protocol) return objects makeArguments = classmethod(makeArguments)
class NoNetworkProtocol(amp.AMP): """ An L{amp.AMP} subclass which overrides private methods to avoid testing the network. It also provides a responder for L{MagicSchemaCommand} that does nothing, so that tests can test aspects of the interaction of L{amp.Command}s and L{amp.AMP}.
@ivar parseArgumentsArguments: Arguments that have been passed to any L{MagicSchemaCommand}, if L{MagicSchemaCommand} has been handled by this protocol.
@ivar parseResponseArguments: Responses that have been returned from a L{MagicSchemaCommand}, if L{MagicSchemaCommand} has been handled by this protocol.
@ivar makeArgumentsArguments: Arguments that have been serialized by any L{MagicSchemaCommand}, if L{MagicSchemaCommand} has been handled by this protocol. """ def _sendBoxCommand(self, commandName, strings, requiresAnswer): """ Return a Deferred which fires with the original strings. """ return defer.succeed(strings)
MagicSchemaCommand.responder(lambda s, weird: {})
class MyBox(dict): """ A unique dict subclass. """
class ProtocolIncludingCommandWithDifferentCommandType( ProtocolIncludingCommand): """ A L{ProtocolIncludingCommand} subclass whose commandType is L{MyBox} """ commandType = MyBox
class CommandTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{amp.Argument} and L{amp.Command}. """ def test_argumentInterface(self): """ L{Argument} instances provide L{amp.IArgumentType}. """ self.assertTrue(verifyObject(amp.IArgumentType, amp.Argument()))
def test_parseResponse(self): """ There should be a class method of Command which accepts a mapping of argument names to serialized forms and returns a similar mapping whose values have been parsed via the Command's response schema. """ protocol = object() result = 'whatever' strings = {'weird': result} self.assertEqual( ProtocolIncludingCommand.parseResponse(strings, protocol), {'weird': (result, protocol)})
def test_callRemoteCallsParseResponse(self): """ Making a remote call on a L{amp.Command} subclass which overrides the C{parseResponse} method should call that C{parseResponse} method to get the response. """ client = NoNetworkProtocol() thingy = "weeoo" response = client.callRemote(MagicSchemaCommand, weird=thingy) def gotResponse(ign): self.assertEquals(client.parseResponseArguments, ({"weird": thingy}, client)) response.addCallback(gotResponse) return response
def test_parseArguments(self): """ There should be a class method of L{amp.Command} which accepts a mapping of argument names to serialized forms and returns a similar mapping whose values have been parsed via the command's argument schema. """ protocol = object() result = 'whatever' strings = {'weird': result} self.assertEqual( ProtocolIncludingCommand.parseArguments(strings, protocol), {'weird': (result, protocol)})
def test_responderCallsParseArguments(self): """ Making a remote call on a L{amp.Command} subclass which overrides the C{parseArguments} method should call that C{parseArguments} method to get the arguments. """ protocol = NoNetworkProtocol() responder = protocol.locateResponder(MagicSchemaCommand.commandName) argument = object() response = responder(dict(weird=argument)) response.addCallback( lambda ign: self.assertEqual(protocol.parseArgumentsArguments, ({"weird": argument}, protocol))) return response
def test_makeArguments(self): """ There should be a class method of L{amp.Command} which accepts a mapping of argument names to objects and returns a similar mapping whose values have been serialized via the command's argument schema. """ protocol = object() argument = object() objects = {'weird': argument} self.assertEqual( ProtocolIncludingCommand.makeArguments(objects, protocol), {'weird': "%d:%d" % (id(argument), id(protocol))})
def test_makeArgumentsUsesCommandType(self): """ L{amp.Command.makeArguments}'s return type should be the type of the result of L{amp.Command.commandType}. """ protocol = object() objects = {"weird": "whatever"}
result = ProtocolIncludingCommandWithDifferentCommandType.makeArguments( objects, protocol) self.assertIdentical(type(result), MyBox)
def test_callRemoteCallsMakeArguments(self): """ Making a remote call on a L{amp.Command} subclass which overrides the C{makeArguments} method should call that C{makeArguments} method to get the response. """ client = NoNetworkProtocol() argument = object() response = client.callRemote(MagicSchemaCommand, weird=argument) def gotResponse(ign): self.assertEqual(client.makeArgumentsArguments, ({"weird": argument}, client)) response.addCallback(gotResponse) return response
def test_extraArgumentsDisallowed(self): """ L{Command.makeArguments} raises L{amp.InvalidSignature} if the objects dictionary passed to it includes a key which does not correspond to the Python identifier for a defined argument. """ self.assertRaises( amp.InvalidSignature, Hello.makeArguments, dict(hello="hello", bogusArgument=object()), None)
def test_wireSpellingDisallowed(self): """ If a command argument conflicts with a Python keyword, the untransformed argument name is not allowed as a key in the dictionary passed to L{Command.makeArguments}. If it is supplied, L{amp.InvalidSignature} is raised.
This may be a pointless implementation restriction which may be lifted. The current behavior is tested to verify that such arguments are not silently dropped on the floor (the previous behavior). """ self.assertRaises( amp.InvalidSignature, Hello.makeArguments, dict(hello="required", **{"print": "print value"}), None)
class ListOfTestsMixin: """ Base class for testing L{ListOf}, a parameterized zero-or-more argument type.
@ivar elementType: Subclasses should set this to an L{Argument} instance. The tests will make a L{ListOf} using this.
@ivar strings: Subclasses should set this to a dictionary mapping some number of keys to the correct serialized form for some example values. These should agree with what L{elementType} produces/accepts.
@ivar objects: Subclasses should set this to a dictionary with the same keys as C{strings} and with values which are the lists which should serialize to the values in the C{strings} dictionary. """ def test_toBox(self): """ L{ListOf.toBox} extracts the list of objects from the C{objects} dictionary passed to it, using the C{name} key also passed to it, serializes each of the elements in that list using the L{Argument} instance previously passed to its initializer, combines the serialized results, and inserts the result into the C{strings} dictionary using the same C{name} key. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(self.elementType) strings = amp.AmpBox() for key in self.objects: stringList.toBox(key, strings, self.objects.copy(), None) self.assertEquals(strings, self.strings)
def test_fromBox(self): """ L{ListOf.fromBox} reverses the operation performed by L{ListOf.toBox}. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(self.elementType) objects = {} for key in self.strings: stringList.fromBox(key, self.strings.copy(), objects, None) self.assertEquals(objects, self.objects)
class ListOfStringsTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.String}. """ elementType = amp.String()
strings = { "empty": "", "single": "\x00\x03foo", "multiple": "\x00\x03bar\x00\x03baz\x00\x04quux"}
objects = { "empty": [], "single": ["foo"], "multiple": ["bar", "baz", "quux"]}
class ListOfIntegersTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.Integer}. """ elementType = amp.Integer()
huge = ( 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 * 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)
strings = { "empty": "", "single": "\x00\x0210", "multiple": "\x00\x011\x00\x0220\x00\x03500", "huge": "\x00\x74%d" % (huge,), "negative": "\x00\x02-1"}
objects = { "empty": [], "single": [10], "multiple": [1, 20, 500], "huge": [huge], "negative": [-1]}
class ListOfUnicodeTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.Unicode}. """ elementType = amp.Unicode()
strings = { "empty": "", "single": "\x00\x03foo", "multiple": "\x00\x03\xe2\x98\x83\x00\x05Hello\x00\x05world"}
objects = { "empty": [], "single": [u"foo"], "multiple": [u"\N{SNOWMAN}", u"Hello", u"world"]}
class ListOfDecimalTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.Decimal}. """ elementType = amp.Decimal()
strings = { "empty": "", "single": "\x00\x031.1", "extreme": "\x00\x08Infinity\x00\x09-Infinity", "scientist": "\x00\x083.141E+5\x00\x0a0.00003141\x00\x083.141E-7" "\x00\x09-3.141E+5\x00\x0b-0.00003141\x00\x09-3.141E-7", "engineer": "\x00\x04%s\x00\x06%s" % ( decimal.Decimal("0e6").to_eng_string(), decimal.Decimal("1.5E-9").to_eng_string()), }
objects = { "empty": [], "single": [decimal.Decimal("1.1")], "extreme": [ decimal.Decimal("Infinity"), decimal.Decimal("-Infinity"), ], # exarkun objected to AMP supporting engineering notation because # it was redundant, until we realised that 1E6 has less precision # than 1000000 and is represented differently. But they compare # and even hash equally. There were tears. "scientist": [ decimal.Decimal("3.141E5"), decimal.Decimal("3.141e-5"), decimal.Decimal("3.141E-7"), decimal.Decimal("-3.141e5"), decimal.Decimal("-3.141E-5"), decimal.Decimal("-3.141e-7"), ], "engineer": [ decimal.Decimal("0e6"), decimal.Decimal("1.5E-9"), ], }
class ListOfDecimalNanTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.Decimal} for not-a-number values. """ elementType = amp.Decimal()
strings = { "nan": "\x00\x03NaN\x00\x04-NaN\x00\x04sNaN\x00\x05-sNaN", }
objects = { "nan": [ decimal.Decimal("NaN"), decimal.Decimal("-NaN"), decimal.Decimal("sNaN"), decimal.Decimal("-sNaN"), ] }
def test_fromBox(self): """ L{ListOf.fromBox} reverses the operation performed by L{ListOf.toBox}. """ # Helpers. Decimal.is_{qnan,snan,signed}() are new in 2.6 (or 2.5.2, # but who's counting). def is_qnan(decimal): return 'NaN' in str(decimal) and 'sNaN' not in str(decimal)
def is_snan(decimal): return 'sNaN' in str(decimal)
def is_signed(decimal): return '-' in str(decimal)
# NaN values have unusual equality semantics, so this method is # overridden to compare the resulting objects in a way which works with # NaNs. stringList = amp.ListOf(self.elementType) objects = {} for key in self.strings: stringList.fromBox(key, self.strings.copy(), objects, None) n = objects["nan"] self.assertTrue(is_qnan(n[0]) and not is_signed(n[0])) self.assertTrue(is_qnan(n[1]) and is_signed(n[1])) self.assertTrue(is_snan(n[2]) and not is_signed(n[2])) self.assertTrue(is_snan(n[3]) and is_signed(n[3]))
class DecimalTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{amp.Decimal}. """ def test_nonDecimal(self): """ L{amp.Decimal.toString} raises L{ValueError} if passed an object which is not an instance of C{decimal.Decimal}. """ argument = amp.Decimal() self.assertRaises(ValueError, argument.toString, "1.234") self.assertRaises(ValueError, argument.toString, 1.234) self.assertRaises(ValueError, argument.toString, 1234)
class ListOfDateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase, ListOfTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ListOf} combined with L{amp.DateTime}. """ elementType = amp.DateTime()
strings = { "christmas": "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000-00:00" "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000-00:00", "christmas in eu": "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000+01:00", "christmas in iran": "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000+03:30", "christmas in nyc": "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000-05:00", "previous tests": "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000+03:19" "\x00\x202010-12-25T00:00:00.000000-06:59", }
objects = { "christmas": [ datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp.utc), datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('+', 0, 0)), ], "christmas in eu": [ datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('+', 1, 0)), ], "christmas in iran": [ datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('+', 3, 30)), ], "christmas in nyc": [ datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('-', 5, 0)), ], "previous tests": [ datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('+', 3, 19)), datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('-', 6, 59)), ], }
class ListOfOptionalTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests to ensure L{ListOf} AMP arguments can be omitted from AMP commands via the 'optional' flag. """ def test_requiredArgumentWithNoneValueRaisesTypeError(self): """ L{ListOf.toBox} raises C{TypeError} when passed a value of C{None} for the argument. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(amp.Integer()) self.assertRaises( TypeError, stringList.toBox, 'omitted', amp.AmpBox(), {'omitted': None}, None)
def test_optionalArgumentWithNoneValueOmitted(self): """ L{ListOf.toBox} silently omits serializing any argument with a value of C{None} that is designated as optional for the protocol. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(amp.Integer(), optional=True) strings = amp.AmpBox() stringList.toBox('omitted', strings, {'omitted': None}, None) self.assertEquals(strings, {})
def test_requiredArgumentWithKeyMissingRaisesKeyError(self): """ L{ListOf.toBox} raises C{KeyError} if the argument's key is not present in the objects dictionary. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(amp.Integer()) self.assertRaises( KeyError, stringList.toBox, 'ommited', amp.AmpBox(), {'someOtherKey': 0}, None)
def test_optionalArgumentWithKeyMissingOmitted(self): """ L{ListOf.toBox} silently omits serializing any argument designated as optional whose key is not present in the objects dictionary. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(amp.Integer(), optional=True) stringList.toBox('ommited', amp.AmpBox(), {'someOtherKey': 0}, None)
def test_omittedOptionalArgumentDeserializesAsNone(self): """ L{ListOf.fromBox} correctly reverses the operation performed by L{ListOf.toBox} for optional arguments. """ stringList = amp.ListOf(amp.Integer(), optional=True) objects = {} stringList.fromBox('omitted', {}, objects, None) self.assertEquals(objects, {'omitted': None})
class DateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{amp.DateTime}, L{amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo}, and L{amp.utc}. """ string = '9876-01-23T12:34:56.054321-01:23' tzinfo = amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo('-', 1, 23) object = datetime.datetime(9876, 1, 23, 12, 34, 56, 54321, tzinfo)
def test_invalidString(self): """ L{amp.DateTime.fromString} raises L{ValueError} when passed a string which does not represent a timestamp in the proper format. """ d = amp.DateTime() self.assertRaises(ValueError, d.fromString, 'abc')
def test_invalidDatetime(self): """ L{amp.DateTime.toString} raises L{ValueError} when passed a naive datetime (a datetime with no timezone information). """ d = amp.DateTime() self.assertRaises(ValueError, d.toString, datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0))
def test_fromString(self): """ L{amp.DateTime.fromString} returns a C{datetime.datetime} with all of its fields populated from the string passed to it. """ argument = amp.DateTime() value = argument.fromString(self.string) self.assertEquals(value, self.object)
def test_toString(self): """ L{amp.DateTime.toString} returns a C{str} in the wire format including all of the information from the C{datetime.datetime} passed into it, including the timezone offset. """ argument = amp.DateTime() value = argument.toString(self.object) self.assertEquals(value, self.string)
class FixedOffsetTZInfoTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo} and L{amp.utc}. """
def test_tzname(self): """ L{amp.utc.tzname} returns C{"+00:00"}. """ self.assertEquals(amp.utc.tzname(None), '+00:00')
def test_dst(self): """ L{amp.utc.dst} returns a zero timedelta. """ self.assertEquals(amp.utc.dst(None), datetime.timedelta(0))
def test_utcoffset(self): """ L{amp.utc.utcoffset} returns a zero timedelta. """ self.assertEquals(amp.utc.utcoffset(None), datetime.timedelta(0))
def test_badSign(self): """ L{amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo} raises L{ValueError} if passed an offset sign other than C{'+'} or C{'-'}. """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, amp._FixedOffsetTZInfo, '?', 0, 0)
if not interfaces.IReactorSSL.providedBy(reactor): skipMsg = 'This test case requires SSL support in the reactor' TLSTest.skip = skipMsg LiveFireTLSTestCase.skip = skipMsg PlainVanillaLiveFire.skip = skipMsg WithServerTLSVerification.skip = skipMsg