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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.scripts.test.test_tap2rpm -*- # Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
import sys, os, shutil, time, glob import subprocess import tempfile import tarfile from StringIO import StringIO
from twisted.python import usage, log
################################# # data that goes in /etc/inittab initFileData = '''\ #!/bin/sh # # Startup script for a Twisted service. # # chkconfig: - 85 15 # description: Start-up script for the Twisted service "%(tap_file)s".
pidfile=/var/run/%(rpm_file) rundir=/var/lib/twisted-taps/%(rpm_file)s/ file=/etc/twisted-taps/%(tap_file)s logfile=/var/log/%(rpm_file)s.log
# load init function library . /etc/init.d/functions
[ -r /etc/default/%(rpm_file)s ] && . /etc/default/%(rpm_file)s
# check for required files if [ ! -x /usr/bin/twistd ] then echo "$0: Aborting, no /usr/bin/twistd found" exit 0 fi if [ ! -r "$file" ] then echo "$0: Aborting, no file $file found." exit 0 fi
# set up run directory if necessary if [ ! -d "${rundir}" ] then mkdir -p "${rundir}" fi
case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting %(rpm_file)s: twistd" daemon twistd \\ --pidfile=$pidfile \\ --rundir=$rundir \\ --%(twistd_option)s=$file \\ --logfile=$logfile status %(rpm_file)s ;;
stop) echo -n "Stopping %(rpm_file)s: twistd" kill `cat "${pidfile}"` status %(rpm_file)s ;;
restart) "${0}" stop "${0}" start ;;
*) echo "Usage: ${0} {start|stop|restart|}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac
exit 0 '''
####################################### # the data for creating the spec file specFileData = '''\ Summary: %(description)s Name: %(rpm_file)s Version: %(version)s Release: 1 License: Unknown Group: Networking/Daemons Source: %(tarfile_basename)s BuildRoot: %%{_tmppath}/%%{name}-%%{version}-root Requires: /usr/bin/twistd BuildArch: noarch
%%description %(long_description)s
%%prep %%setup %%build
%%install [ ! -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != '/' ] \ && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mkdir -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"/etc/twisted-taps mkdir -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"/etc/init.d mkdir -p "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"/var/lib/twisted-taps cp "%(tap_file)s" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"/etc/twisted-taps/ cp "%(rpm_file)s.init" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"/etc/init.d/"%(rpm_file)s"
%%clean [ ! -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != '/' ] \ && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
%%post /sbin/chkconfig --add %(rpm_file)s /sbin/chkconfig --level 35 %(rpm_file)s /etc/init.d/%(rpm_file)s start
%%preun /etc/init.d/%(rpm_file)s stop /sbin/chkconfig --del %(rpm_file)s
%%files %%defattr(-,root,root) %%attr(0755,root,root) /etc/init.d/%(rpm_file)s %%attr(0660,root,root) /etc/twisted-taps/%(tap_file)s
%%changelog * %(date)s %(maintainer)s - Created by tap2rpm: %(rpm_file)s (%(version)s) '''
############################### class MyOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [["unsigned", "u"], ['quiet', 'q']] optParameters = [ ["tapfile", "t", "twistd.tap"], ["maintainer", "m", "tap2rpm"], ["protocol", "p", None], ["description", "e", None], ["long_description", "l", "Automatically created by tap2rpm"], ["set-version", "V", "1.0"], ["rpmfile", "r", None], ["type", "y", "tap", "type of configuration: 'tap', 'xml, " "'source' or 'python'"], ]
#zsh_altArgDescr = {"foo":"use this description for foo instead"} #zsh_multiUse = ["foo", "bar"] #zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [("foo", "bar"), ("bar", "baz")] zsh_actions = {"type":"(tap xml source python)", "rpmfile":'_files -g "*.rpm"'} #zsh_actionDescr = {"logfile":"log file name", "random":"random seed"}
def postOptions(self): """ Calculate the default values for certain command-line options. """ # Options whose defaults depend on other parameters. if self['protocol'] is None: base_tapfile = os.path.basename(self['tapfile']) self['protocol'] = os.path.splitext(base_tapfile)[0] if self['description'] is None: self['description'] = "A TCP server for %s" % (self['protocol'],) if self['rpmfile'] is None: self['rpmfile'] = 'twisted-%s' % (self['protocol'],)
# Values that aren't options, but are calculated from options and are # handy to have around. self['twistd_option'] = type_dict[self['type']] self['release-name'] = '%s-%s' % (self['rpmfile'], self['set-version'])
type_dict = { 'tap': 'file', 'python': 'python', 'source': 'source', 'xml': 'xml', }
########################## def makeBuildDir(): """ Set up the temporary directory for building RPMs.
Returns: buildDir, a randomly-named subdirectory of baseDir. """ tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # set up initial directory contents os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'RPMS', 'noarch')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'SPECS')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'BUILD')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'SOURCES')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'SRPMS'))
log.msg(format="Created RPM build structure in %(path)r", path=tmpDir) return tmpDir
def setupBuildFiles(buildDir, config): """ Create files required to build an RPM in the build directory. """ # Create the source tarball in the SOURCES directory. tarballName = "%s.tar" % (config['release-name'],) tarballPath = os.path.join(buildDir, "SOURCES", tarballName) tarballHandle =, "w")
sourceDirInfo = tarfile.TarInfo(config['release-name']) sourceDirInfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE sourceDirInfo.mode = 0755 tarballHandle.addfile(sourceDirInfo)
tapFileBase = os.path.basename(config['tapfile'])
initFileInfo = tarfile.TarInfo( os.path.join( config['release-name'], '%s.init' % config['rpmfile'], ) ) initFileInfo.type = tarfile.REGTYPE initFileInfo.mode = 0755 initFileRealData = initFileData % { 'tap_file': tapFileBase, 'rpm_file': config['release-name'], 'twistd_option': config['twistd_option'], } initFileInfo.size = len(initFileRealData) tarballHandle.addfile(initFileInfo, StringIO(initFileRealData))
tapFileHandle = open(config['tapfile'], 'rb') tapFileInfo = tarballHandle.gettarinfo( arcname=os.path.join(config['release-name'], tapFileBase), fileobj=tapFileHandle, ) tapFileInfo.mode = 0644 tarballHandle.addfile(tapFileInfo, tapFileHandle)
log.msg(format="Created dummy source tarball %(tarballPath)r", tarballPath=tarballPath)
# Create the spec file in the SPECS directory. specName = "%s.spec" % (config['release-name'],) specPath = os.path.join(buildDir, "SPECS", specName) specHandle = open(specPath, "w") specFileRealData = specFileData % { 'description': config['description'], 'rpm_file': config['rpmfile'], 'version': config['set-version'], 'tarfile_basename': tarballName, 'tap_file': tapFileBase, 'date': time.strftime('%a %b %d %Y', time.localtime(time.time())), 'maintainer': config['maintainer'], 'long_description': config['long_description'], } specHandle.write(specFileRealData) specHandle.close()
log.msg(format="Created RPM spec file %(specPath)r", specPath=specPath)
return specPath
def run(options=None): # parse options try: config = MyOptions() config.parseOptions(options) except usage.error, ue: sys.exit("%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue))
# create RPM build environment tmpDir = makeBuildDir() specPath = setupBuildFiles(tmpDir, config)
# build rpm job = subprocess.Popen([ "rpmbuild", "-vv", "--define", "_topdir %s" % (tmpDir,), "-ba", specPath, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, _ = job.communicate()
# If there was a problem, show people what it was. if job.returncode != 0: print stdout
# copy the RPMs to the local directory rpmPath = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'RPMS', 'noarch', '*'))[0] srpmPath = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpDir, 'SRPMS', '*'))[0] if not config['quiet']: print 'Writing "%s"...' % os.path.basename(rpmPath) shutil.copy(rpmPath, '.') if not config['quiet']: print 'Writing "%s"...' % os.path.basename(srpmPath) shutil.copy(srpmPath, '.')
# remove the build directory shutil.rmtree(tmpDir)
return [os.path.basename(rpmPath), os.path.basename(srpmPath)]