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# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
"""HTML pretty-printing for Python source code."""
__version__ = '$Revision: 1.8 $'[11:-2]
from twisted.python import htmlizer, usage from twisted import copyright
import os, sys
header = '''<html><head> <title>%(title)s</title> <meta name=\"Generator\" content="%(generator)s" /> %(alternate)s %(stylesheet)s </head> <body> ''' footer = """</body>"""
styleLink = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css" />' alternateLink = '<link rel="alternate" href="%(source)s" type="text/x-python" />'
class Options(usage.Options): synopsis = """%s [options] """ % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
optParameters = [ ('stylesheet', 's', None, "URL of stylesheet to link to."), ] zsh_extras = ["1:source python file:_files -g '*.py'"]
def parseArgs(self, filename): self['filename'] = filename
def run(): options = Options() try: options.parseOptions() except usage.UsageError, e: print str(e) sys.exit(1) filename = options['filename'] if options.get('stylesheet') is not None: stylesheet = styleLink % (options['stylesheet'],) else: stylesheet = ''
output = open(filename + '.html', 'w') try: output.write(header % { 'title': filename, 'generator': 'htmlizer/%s' % (copyright.longversion,), 'alternate': alternateLink % {'source': filename}, 'stylesheet': stylesheet }) htmlizer.filter(open(filename), output, htmlizer.SmallerHTMLWriter) output.write(footer) finally: output.close()