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# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for L{twisted.scripts.tap2rpm}. """ import os from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase, SkipTest from twisted.python import procutils from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.internet import utils from twisted.scripts import tap2rpm
# When we query the RPM metadata, we get back a string we'll have to parse, so # we'll use suitably rare delimiter characters to split on. Luckily, ASCII # defines some for us! RECORD_SEPARATOR = "\x1E" UNIT_SEPARATOR = "\x1F"
def _makeRPMs(tapfile=None, maintainer=None, protocol=None, description=None, longDescription=None, setVersion=None, rpmfile=None, type_=None): """ Helper function to invoke tap2rpm with the given parameters. """ args = []
if not tapfile: tapfile = "dummy-tap-file" handle = open(tapfile, "w") handle.write("# Dummy TAP file\n") handle.close()
args.extend(["--quiet", "--tapfile", tapfile])
if maintainer: args.extend(["--maintainer", maintainer]) if protocol: args.extend(["--protocol", protocol]) if description: args.extend(["--description", description]) if longDescription: args.extend(["--long_description", longDescription]) if setVersion: args.extend(["--set-version", setVersion]) if rpmfile: args.extend(["--rpmfile", rpmfile]) if type_: args.extend(["--type", type_])
def _queryRPMTags(rpmfile, taglist): """ Helper function to read the given header tags from the given RPM file.
Returns a Deferred that fires with dictionary mapping a tag name to a list of the associated values in the RPM header. If a tag has only a single value in the header (like NAME or VERSION), it will be returned as a 1-item list.
Run "rpm --querytags" to see what tags can be queried. """
# Build a query format string that will return appropriately delimited # results. Every field is treated as an array field, so single-value tags # like VERSION will be returned as 1-item lists. queryFormat = RECORD_SEPARATOR.join([ "[%%{%s}%s]" % (tag, UNIT_SEPARATOR) for tag in taglist ])
def parseTagValues(output): res = {}
for tag, values in zip(taglist, output.split(RECORD_SEPARATOR)): values = values.strip(UNIT_SEPARATOR).split(UNIT_SEPARATOR) res[tag] = values
return res
def checkErrorResult(failure): # The current rpm packages on Debian and Ubuntu don't properly set up # the RPM database, which causes rpm to print a harmless warning to # stderr. Unfortunately, .getProcessOutput() assumes all warnings are # catastrophic and panics whenever it sees one. # # See also: # # #
# Depending on kernel scheduling, we might read the whole error # message, or only the first few bytes. if str(failure.value).startswith("got stderr: 'error: "): newFailure = Failure(SkipTest("rpm is missing its package " "database. Run 'sudo rpm -qa > /dev/null' to create one.")) else: # Not the exception we were looking for; we should report the # original failure. newFailure = failure
# We don't want to raise the exception right away; we want to wait for # the process to exit, otherwise we'll get extra useless errors # reported. d = failure.value.processEnded d.addBoth(lambda _: newFailure) return d
d = utils.getProcessOutput("rpm", ("-q", "--queryformat", queryFormat, "-p", rpmfile)) d.addCallbacks(parseTagValues, checkErrorResult) return d
class TestTap2RPM(TestCase):
def setUp(self): return self._checkForRpmbuild()
def _checkForRpmbuild(self): """ tap2rpm requires rpmbuild; skip tests if rpmbuild is not present. """ if not procutils.which("rpmbuild"): raise SkipTest("rpmbuild must be present to test tap2rpm")
def _makeTapFile(self, basename="dummy"): """ Make a temporary .tap file and returns the absolute path. """ path = basename + ".tap" handle = open(path, "w") handle.write("# Dummy .tap file") handle.close() return path
def _verifyRPMTags(self, rpmfile, **tags): """ Check the given file has the given tags set to the given values. """
d = _queryRPMTags(rpmfile, tags.keys()) d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, tags) return d
def test_optionDefaults(self): """ Commandline options should default to sensible values.
"sensible" here is defined as "the same values that previous versions defaulted to". """ config = tap2rpm.MyOptions() config.parseOptions([])
self.assertEquals(config['tapfile'], 'twistd.tap') self.assertEquals(config['maintainer'], 'tap2rpm') self.assertEquals(config['protocol'], 'twistd') self.assertEquals(config['description'], 'A TCP server for twistd') self.assertEquals(config['long_description'], 'Automatically created by tap2rpm') self.assertEquals(config['set-version'], '1.0') self.assertEquals(config['rpmfile'], 'twisted-twistd') self.assertEquals(config['type'], 'tap') self.assertEquals(config['quiet'], False) self.assertEquals(config['twistd_option'], 'file') self.assertEquals(config['release-name'], 'twisted-twistd-1.0')
def test_protocolCalculatedFromTapFile(self): """ The protocol name defaults to a value based on the tapfile value. """ config = tap2rpm.MyOptions() config.parseOptions(['--tapfile', 'pancakes.tap'])
self.assertEquals(config['tapfile'], 'pancakes.tap') self.assertEquals(config['protocol'], 'pancakes')
def test_optionsDefaultToProtocolValue(self): """ Many options default to a value calculated from the protocol name. """ config = tap2rpm.MyOptions() config.parseOptions([ '--tapfile', 'sausages.tap', '--protocol', 'eggs', ])
self.assertEquals(config['tapfile'], 'sausages.tap') self.assertEquals(config['maintainer'], 'tap2rpm') self.assertEquals(config['protocol'], 'eggs') self.assertEquals(config['description'], 'A TCP server for eggs') self.assertEquals(config['long_description'], 'Automatically created by tap2rpm') self.assertEquals(config['set-version'], '1.0') self.assertEquals(config['rpmfile'], 'twisted-eggs') self.assertEquals(config['type'], 'tap') self.assertEquals(config['quiet'], False) self.assertEquals(config['twistd_option'], 'file') self.assertEquals(config['release-name'], 'twisted-eggs-1.0')
def test_releaseNameDefaultsToRpmfileValue(self): """ The release-name option is calculated from rpmfile and set-version. """ config = tap2rpm.MyOptions() config.parseOptions([ "--rpmfile", "beans", "--set-version", "1.2.3", ])
self.assertEquals(config['release-name'], 'beans-1.2.3')
def test_basicOperation(self): """ Calling tap2rpm should produce an RPM and SRPM with default metadata. """ basename = "frenchtoast"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(basename))
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, NAME=["twisted-%s" % (basename,)], VERSION=["1.0"], RELEASE=["1"], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (basename,)], DESCRIPTION=["Automatically created by tap2rpm"], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, NAME=["twisted-%s" % (basename,)], VERSION=["1.0"], RELEASE=["1"], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (basename,)], DESCRIPTION=["Automatically created by tap2rpm"], ))
return d
def test_protocolOverride(self): """ Setting 'protocol' should change the name of the resulting package. """ basename = "acorn" protocol = "banana"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(basename), protocol=protocol)
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, NAME=["twisted-%s" % (protocol,)], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (protocol,)], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, NAME=["twisted-%s" % (protocol,)], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (protocol,)], ))
return d
def test_rpmfileOverride(self): """ Setting 'rpmfile' should change the name of the resulting package. """ basename = "cherry" rpmfile = "donut"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(basename), rpmfile=rpmfile)
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, NAME=[rpmfile], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (basename,)], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, NAME=[rpmfile], SUMMARY=["A TCP server for %s" % (basename,)], ))
return d
def test_descriptionOverride(self): """ Setting 'description' should change the SUMMARY tag. """ description = "eggplant"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(), description=description)
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, SUMMARY=[description], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, SUMMARY=[description], ))
return d
def test_longDescriptionOverride(self): """ Setting 'longDescription' should change the DESCRIPTION tag. """ longDescription = "fig"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(), longDescription=longDescription)
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, DESCRIPTION=[longDescription], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, DESCRIPTION=[longDescription], ))
return d
def test_setVersionOverride(self): """ Setting 'setVersion' should change the RPM's version info. """ version = "123.456"
# Create RPMs based on a TAP file with this name. rpm, srpm = _makeRPMs(tapfile=self._makeTapFile(), setVersion=version)
# Verify the resulting RPMs have the correct tags. d = self._verifyRPMTags(rpm, VERSION=["123.456"], RELEASE=["1"], ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self._verifyRPMTags(srpm, VERSION=["123.456"], RELEASE=["1"], ))
return d
def test_tapInOtherDirectory(self): """ tap2rpm handles tapfiles outside the current directory. """ # Make a tapfile outside the current directory. tempdir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(tempdir) tapfile = self._makeTapFile(os.path.join(tempdir, "bacon"))
# Try and make an RPM from that tapfile. _makeRPMs(tapfile=tapfile)