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# Copyright (c) 2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for L{twisted.scripts.mktap}. """
import sys try: import pwd, grp except ImportError: pwd = None
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.scripts.mktap import run, getid, loadPlugins from twisted.application.service import IProcess, loadApplication from twisted.test.test_twistd import patchUserDatabase from twisted.plugins.twisted_ftp import TwistedFTP
class RunTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{}. """ def setUp(self): """ Save the original value of L{sys.argv} so that tests can change it as necessary. """ self.argv = sys.argv[:]
def tearDown(self): """ Restore the original value of L{sys.argv}. """ sys.argv[:] = self.argv
def _saveConfiguredIDTest(self, argv, uid, gid): """ Test that when L{run} is invoked and L{sys.argv} has the given value, the resulting application has the specified UID and GID.
@type argv: C{list} of C{str} @param argv: The value to which to set L{sys.argv} before calling L{run}.
@type uid: C{int} @param uid: The expected value for the resulting application's L{IProcess.uid}.
@type gid: C{int} @param gid: The expected value for the resulting application's L{IProcess.gid}. """ sys.argv = argv run() app = loadApplication("ftp.tap", "pickle", None) process = IProcess(app) self.assertEqual(process.uid, uid) self.assertEqual(process.gid, gid)
def test_getNumericID(self): """ L{run} extracts numeric UID and GID information from the command line and persists it with the application object. """ uid = 1234 gid = 4321 self._saveConfiguredIDTest( ["mktap", "--uid", str(uid), "--gid", str(gid), "ftp"], uid, gid)
def test_getNameID(self): """ L{run} extracts name UID and GID information from the command line and persists it with the application object. """ user = "foo" uid = 1234 group = "bar" gid = 4321 patchUserDatabase(self.patch, user, uid, group, gid) self._saveConfiguredIDTest( ["mktap", "--uid", user, "--gid", group, "ftp"], uid, gid) if pwd is None: test_getNameID.skip = ( "Username/UID Group name/GID translation requires pwd and grp " "modules.")
class HelperTests(TestCase): """ Tests for miscellaneous utility functions related to mktap. """ def test_getid(self): """ L{getid} returns a two-tuple of integers giving the numeric values of the strings it is passed. """ uid = 1234 gid = 4321 self.assertEqual(getid(str(uid), str(gid)), (uid, gid))
def test_loadPlugins(self): """ L{loadPlugins} returns a C{dict} mapping tap names to tap plugins. """ plugins = loadPlugins() self.assertTrue(plugins, "There should be at least one plugin.") # Make sure the mapping is set up properly. for k, v in plugins.iteritems(): self.assertEqual(k, v.tapname)
# Make sure one of the always-available builtin plugins is there. self.assertIdentical(plugins['ftp'], TwistedFTP)