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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_htmlizer -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" HTML rendering of Python source. """
import tokenize, cgi, keyword import reflect
class TokenPrinter:
currentCol, currentLine = 0, 1 lastIdentifier = parameters = 0
def __init__(self, writer): self.writer = writer
def printtoken(self, type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line): #print "printtoken(%r,%r,%r,(%r,%r),(%r,%r),%r), row=%r,col=%r" % ( # self, type, token, srow,scol, erow,ecol, line, # self.currentLine, self.currentCol) if self.currentLine < srow: self.writer('\n'*(srow-self.currentLine)) self.currentLine, self.currentCol = srow, 0 self.writer(' '*(scol-self.currentCol)) if self.lastIdentifier: type = "identifier" self.parameters = 1 elif type == tokenize.NAME: if keyword.iskeyword(token): type = 'keyword' else: if self.parameters: type = 'parameter' else: type = 'variable' else: type = tokenize.tok_name.get(type).lower() self.writer(token, type) self.currentCol = ecol self.currentLine += token.count('\n') if self.currentLine != erow: self.currentCol = 0 self.lastIdentifier = token in ('def', 'class') if token == ':': self.parameters = 0
class HTMLWriter:
noSpan = []
def __init__(self, writer): self.writer = writer noSpan = [] reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, "noSpan", noSpan) self.noSpan = noSpan
def write(self, token, type=None): token = cgi.escape(token) if (type is None) or (type in self.noSpan): self.writer(token) else: self.writer('<span class="py-src-%s">%s</span>' % (type, token))
class SmallerHTMLWriter(HTMLWriter): """HTMLWriter that doesn't generate spans for some junk.
Results in much smaller HTML output. """ noSpan = ["endmarker", "indent", "dedent", "op", "newline", "nl"]
def filter(inp, out, writer=HTMLWriter): out.write('<pre>') printer = TokenPrinter(writer(out.write).write).printtoken try: tokenize.tokenize(inp.readline, printer) except tokenize.TokenError: pass out.write('</pre>\n')
def main(): import sys filter(open(sys.argv[1]), sys.stdout)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()