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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_deprecate -*- # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Deprecation framework for Twisted.
To mark a method or function as being deprecated do this::
def badAPI(self, first, second): ''' Docstring for badAPI. ''' ... badAPI = deprecate(Version("Twisted", 8, 0, 0))(badAPI)
The newly-decorated badAPI will issue a warning when called. It will also have a deprecation notice appended to its docstring.
To mark module-level attributes as being deprecated you can use::
badAttribute = "someValue"
deprecatedModuleAttribute( Version("Twisted", 8, 0, 0), "Use goodAttribute instead.", "", "badAttribute")
The deprecated attributes will issue a warning whenever they are accessed. If the attributes being deprecated are in the same module as the L{deprecatedModuleAttribute} call is being made from, the C{__name__} global can be used as the C{moduleName} parameter.
See also L{Version}.
@type DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT: C{str} @var DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT: The default deprecation warning string format to use when one is not provided by the user. """
__all__ = [ 'deprecated', 'getDeprecationWarningString', 'getWarningMethod', 'setWarningMethod', 'deprecatedModuleAttribute', ]
import sys, inspect from warnings import warn
from twisted.python.versions import getVersionString from twisted.python.util import mergeFunctionMetadata
DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT = '%(fqpn)s was deprecated in %(version)s'
# Notionally, part of twisted.python.reflect, but defining it there causes a # cyclic dependency between this module and that module. Define it here, # instead, and let reflect import it to re-expose to the public. def _fullyQualifiedName(obj): """ Return the fully qualified name of a module, class, method or function. Classes and functions need to be module level ones to be correctly qualified.
@rtype: C{str}. """ name = obj.__name__ if inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj): moduleName = obj.__module__ return "%s.%s" % (moduleName, name) elif inspect.ismethod(obj): className = _fullyQualifiedName(obj.im_class) return "%s.%s" % (className, name) return name # Try to keep it looking like something in twisted.python.reflect. _fullyQualifiedName.__module__ = 'twisted.python.reflect' _fullyQualifiedName.__name__ = 'fullyQualifiedName'
def getWarningMethod(): """ Return the warning method currently used to record deprecation warnings. """ return warn
def setWarningMethod(newMethod): """ Set the warning method to use to record deprecation warnings.
The callable should take message, category and stacklevel. The return value is ignored. """ global warn warn = newMethod
def _getDeprecationDocstring(version): return "Deprecated in %s." % getVersionString(version)
def _getDeprecationWarningString(fqpn, version, format=None): """ Return a string indicating that the Python name was deprecated in the given version.
@type fqpn: C{str} @param fqpn: Fully qualified Python name of the thing being deprecated
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @param version: Version that C{fqpn} was deprecated in
@type format: C{str} @param format: A user-provided format to interpolate warning values into, or L{DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT} if C{None} is given
@rtype: C{str} @return: A textual description of the deprecation """ if format is None: format = DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT return format % { 'fqpn': fqpn, 'version': getVersionString(version)}
def getDeprecationWarningString(callableThing, version, format=None): """ Return a string indicating that the callable was deprecated in the given version.
@type callableThing: C{callable} @param callableThing: Callable object to be deprecated
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @param version: Version that C{fqpn} was deprecated in
@type format: C{str} @param format: A user-provided format to interpolate warning values into, or L{DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT} if C{None} is given
@rtype: C{str} @return: A textual description of the deprecation """ return _getDeprecationWarningString( _fullyQualifiedName(callableThing), version, format)
def deprecated(version): """ Return a decorator that marks callables as deprecated.
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @param version: The version in which the callable will be marked as having been deprecated. The decorated function will be annotated with this version, having it set as its C{deprecatedVersion} attribute. """ def deprecationDecorator(function): """ Decorator that marks C{function} as deprecated. """ warningString = getDeprecationWarningString(function, version)
def deprecatedFunction(*args, **kwargs): warn( warningString, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return function(*args, **kwargs)
deprecatedFunction = mergeFunctionMetadata( function, deprecatedFunction) _appendToDocstring(deprecatedFunction, _getDeprecationDocstring(version)) deprecatedFunction.deprecatedVersion = version return deprecatedFunction
return deprecationDecorator
def _appendToDocstring(thingWithDoc, textToAppend): """ Append the given text to the docstring of C{thingWithDoc}.
If C{thingWithDoc} has no docstring, then the text just replaces the docstring. If it has a single-line docstring then it appends a blank line and the message text. If it has a multi-line docstring, then in appends a blank line a the message text, and also does the indentation correctly. """ if thingWithDoc.__doc__: docstringLines = thingWithDoc.__doc__.splitlines() else: docstringLines = []
if len(docstringLines) == 0: docstringLines.append(textToAppend) elif len(docstringLines) == 1: docstringLines.extend(['', textToAppend, '']) else: spaces = docstringLines.pop() docstringLines.extend(['', spaces + textToAppend, spaces]) thingWithDoc.__doc__ = '\n'.join(docstringLines)
class _ModuleProxy(object): """ Python module wrapper to hook module-level attribute access.
Access to deprecated attributes first checks L{_deprecatedAttributes}, if the attribute does not appear there then access falls through to L{_module}, the wrapped module object.
@type _module: C{module} @ivar _module: Module on which to hook attribute access.
@type _deprecatedAttributes: C{dict} mapping C{str} to L{_DeprecatedAttribute} @ivar _deprecatedAttributes: Mapping of attribute names to objects that retrieve the module attribute's original value. """ def __init__(self, module): object.__setattr__(self, '_module', module) object.__setattr__(self, '_deprecatedAttributes', {})
def __repr__(self): """ Get a string containing the type of the module proxy and a representation of the wrapped module object. """ _module = object.__getattribute__(self, '_module') return '<%s module=%r>' % ( type(self).__name__, _module)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set an attribute on the wrapped module object. """ _module = object.__getattribute__(self, '_module') setattr(_module, name, value)
def __getattribute__(self, name): """ Get an attribute on the wrapped module object.
If the specified name has been deprecated then a warning is issued. """ _module = object.__getattribute__(self, '_module') _deprecatedAttributes = object.__getattribute__( self, '_deprecatedAttributes')
getter = _deprecatedAttributes.get(name) if getter is not None: value = getter.get() else: value = getattr(_module, name) return value
class _DeprecatedAttribute(object): """ Wrapper for deprecated attributes.
This is intended to be used by L{_ModuleProxy}. Calling L{_DeprecatedAttribute.get} will issue a warning and retrieve the underlying attribute's value.
@type module: C{module} @ivar module: The original module instance containing this attribute
@type fqpn: C{str} @ivar fqpn: Fully qualified Python name for the deprecated attribute
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @ivar version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in
@type message: C{str} @ivar message: Deprecation message """ def __init__(self, module, name, version, message): """ Initialise a deprecated name wrapper. """ self.module = module self.__name__ = name self.fqpn = module.__name__ + '.' + name self.version = version self.message = message
def get(self): """ Get the underlying attribute value and issue a deprecation warning. """ message = _getDeprecationWarningString(self.fqpn, self.version, DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT + ': ' + self.message) warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) return getattr(self.module, self.__name__)
def _deprecateAttribute(proxy, name, version, message): """ Mark a module-level attribute as being deprecated.
@type proxy: L{_ModuleProxy} @param proxy: The module proxy instance proxying the deprecated attributes
@type name: C{str} @param name: Attribute name
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @param version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in
@type message: C{str} @param message: Deprecation message """ _module = object.__getattribute__(proxy, '_module') attr = _DeprecatedAttribute(_module, name, version, message) # Add a deprecated attribute marker for this module's attribute. When this # attribute is accessed via _ModuleProxy a warning is emitted. _deprecatedAttributes = object.__getattribute__( proxy, '_deprecatedAttributes') _deprecatedAttributes[name] = attr
def deprecatedModuleAttribute(version, message, moduleName, name): """ Declare a module-level attribute as being deprecated.
@type version: L{twisted.python.versions.Version} @param version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in
@type message: C{str} @param message: Deprecation message
@type moduleName: C{str} @param moduleName: Fully-qualified Python name of the module containing the deprecated attribute; if called from the same module as the attributes are being deprecated in, using the C{__name__} global can be helpful
@type name: C{str} @param name: Attribute name to deprecate """ module = sys.modules[moduleName] if not isinstance(module, _ModuleProxy): module = _ModuleProxy(module) sys.modules[moduleName] = module
_deprecateAttribute(module, name, version, message)