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# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for L{twisted.python.release} and L{twisted.python._release}.
All of these tests are skipped on platforms other than Linux, as the release is only ever performed on Linux. """
import warnings import operator import os, sys, signal from StringIO import StringIO import tarfile from xml.dom import minidom as dom
from datetime import date
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.python.compat import set from twisted.python.procutils import which from twisted.python import release from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.versions import Version from twisted.python._release import _changeVersionInFile, getNextVersion from twisted.python._release import findTwistedProjects, replaceInFile from twisted.python._release import replaceProjectVersion from twisted.python._release import updateTwistedVersionInformation, Project from twisted.python._release import generateVersionFileData from twisted.python._release import changeAllProjectVersions from twisted.python._release import VERSION_OFFSET, DocBuilder, ManBuilder from twisted.python._release import NoDocumentsFound, filePathDelta from twisted.python._release import CommandFailed, BookBuilder from twisted.python._release import DistributionBuilder, APIBuilder from twisted.python._release import BuildAPIDocsScript from twisted.python._release import buildAllTarballs, runCommand from twisted.python._release import UncleanWorkingDirectory, NotWorkingDirectory from twisted.python._release import ChangeVersionsScript, BuildTarballsScript from twisted.python._release import NewsBuilder
if != 'posix': skip = "Release toolchain only supported on POSIX." else: skip = None
# Check a bunch of dependencies to skip tests if necessary. try: from twisted.lore.scripts import lore except ImportError: loreSkip = "Lore is not present." else: loreSkip = skip
try: import pydoctor.driver # it might not be installed, or it might use syntax not available in # this version of Python. except (ImportError, SyntaxError): pydoctorSkip = "Pydoctor is not present." else: if getattr(pydoctor, "version_info", (0,)) < (0, 1): pydoctorSkip = "Pydoctor is too old." else: pydoctorSkip = skip
if which("latex") and which("dvips") and which("ps2pdf13"): latexSkip = skip else: latexSkip = "LaTeX is not available."
if which("svn") and which("svnadmin"): svnSkip = skip else: svnSkip = "svn or svnadmin is not present."
def genVersion(*args, **kwargs): """ A convenience for generating data.
@param args: Arguments to pass to L{Version}. @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to L{Version}. """ return generateVersionFileData(Version(*args, **kwargs))
class StructureAssertingMixin(object): """ A mixin for L{TestCase} subclasses which provides some methods for asserting the structure and contents of directories and files on the filesystem. """ def createStructure(self, root, dirDict): """ Create a set of directories and files given a dict defining their structure.
@param root: The directory in which to create the structure. It must already exist. @type root: L{FilePath}
@param dirDict: The dict defining the structure. Keys should be strings naming files, values should be strings describing file contents OR dicts describing subdirectories. All files are written in binary mode. Any string values are assumed to describe text files and will have their newlines replaced with the platform-native newline convention. For example::
{"foofile": "foocontents", "bardir": {"barfile": "bar\ncontents"}} @type dirDict: C{dict} """ for x in dirDict: child = root.child(x) if isinstance(dirDict[x], dict): child.createDirectory() self.createStructure(child, dirDict[x]) else: child.setContent(dirDict[x].replace('\n', os.linesep))
def assertStructure(self, root, dirDict): """ Assert that a directory is equivalent to one described by a dict.
@param root: The filesystem directory to compare. @type root: L{FilePath} @param dirDict: The dict that should describe the contents of the directory. It should be the same structure as the C{dirDict} parameter to L{createStructure}. @type dirDict: C{dict} """ children = [x.basename() for x in root.children()] for x in dirDict: child = root.child(x) if isinstance(dirDict[x], dict): self.assertTrue(child.isdir(), "%s is not a dir!" % (child.path,)) self.assertStructure(child, dirDict[x]) else: a = child.getContent().replace(os.linesep, '\n') self.assertEquals(a, dirDict[x], child.path) children.remove(x) if children:"There were extra children in %s: %s" % (root.path, children))
def assertExtractedStructure(self, outputFile, dirDict): """ Assert that a tarfile content is equivalent to one described by a dict.
@param outputFile: The tar file built by L{DistributionBuilder}. @type outputFile: L{FilePath}. @param dirDict: The dict that should describe the contents of the directory. It should be the same structure as the C{dirDict} parameter to L{createStructure}. @type dirDict: C{dict} """ tarFile =, "r:bz2") extracted = FilePath(self.mktemp()) extracted.createDirectory() for info in tarFile: tarFile.extract(info, path=extracted.path) self.assertStructure(extracted.children()[0], dirDict)
class ChangeVersionTest(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin): """ Twisted has the ability to change versions. """
def makeFile(self, relativePath, content): """ Create a file with the given content relative to a temporary directory.
@param relativePath: The basename of the file to create. @param content: The content that the file will have. @return: The filename. """ baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) directory, filename = os.path.split(relativePath) directory = baseDirectory.preauthChild(directory) directory.makedirs() file = directory.child(filename) directory.child(filename).setContent(content) return file
def test_getNextVersion(self): """ When calculating the next version to release when a release is happening in the same year as the last release, the minor version number is incremented. """ now = major = now.year - VERSION_OFFSET version = Version("twisted", major, 9, 0) self.assertEquals(getNextVersion(version, now=now), Version("twisted", major, 10, 0))
def test_getNextVersionAfterYearChange(self): """ When calculating the next version to release when a release is happening in a later year, the minor version number is reset to 0. """ now = major = now.year - VERSION_OFFSET version = Version("twisted", major - 1, 9, 0) self.assertEquals(getNextVersion(version, now=now), Version("twisted", major, 0, 0))
def test_changeVersionInFile(self): """ _changeVersionInFile replaces the old version information in a file with the given new version information. """ # The version numbers are arbitrary, the name is only kind of # arbitrary. packageName = 'foo' oldVersion = Version(packageName, 2, 5, 0) file = self.makeFile('README', "Hello and welcome to %s." % oldVersion.base())
newVersion = Version(packageName, 7, 6, 0) _changeVersionInFile(oldVersion, newVersion, file.path)
self.assertEqual(file.getContent(), "Hello and welcome to %s." % newVersion.base())
def test_changeAllProjectVersions(self): """ L{changeAllProjectVersions} changes all version numbers in and README files for all projects as well as in the the top-level README file. """ root = FilePath(self.mktemp()) root.createDirectory() structure = { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0.", "twisted": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0"}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0), "web": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0"}, "": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 0) }}} self.createStructure(root, structure) changeAllProjectVersions(root, Version("lol", 1, 0, 2)) outStructure = { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2.", "twisted": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2"}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 2), "web": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2"}, "": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 2), }}} self.assertStructure(root, outStructure)
def test_changeAllProjectVersionsPreRelease(self): """ L{changeAllProjectVersions} changes all version numbers in and README files for all projects as well as in the the top-level README file. If the old version was a pre-release, it will change the version in NEWS files as well. """ root = FilePath(self.mktemp()) root.createDirectory() coreNews = ("Twisted Core 1.0.0 (2009-12-25)\n" "===============================\n" "\n") webNews = ("Twisted Web 1.0.0pre1 (2009-12-25)\n" "==================================\n" "\n") structure = { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0.", "NEWS": coreNews + webNews, "twisted": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0", "NEWS": coreNews}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0), "web": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.0pre1", "NEWS": webNews}, "": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 0, 1) }}} self.createStructure(root, structure) changeAllProjectVersions(root, Version("lol", 1, 0, 2), '2010-01-01') coreNews = ( "Twisted Core 1.0.0 (2009-12-25)\n" "===============================\n" "\n") webNews = ("Twisted Web 1.0.2 (2010-01-01)\n" "==============================\n" "\n") outStructure = { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2.", "NEWS": coreNews + webNews, "twisted": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2", "NEWS": coreNews}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 2), "web": { "topfiles": { "README": "Hi this is 1.0.2", "NEWS": webNews}, "": genVersion("twisted.web", 1, 0, 2), }}} self.assertStructure(root, outStructure)
class ProjectTest(TestCase): """ There is a first-class representation of a project. """
def assertProjectsEqual(self, observedProjects, expectedProjects): """ Assert that two lists of L{Project}s are equal. """ self.assertEqual(len(observedProjects), len(expectedProjects)) observedProjects = sorted(observedProjects, key=operator.attrgetter('directory')) expectedProjects = sorted(expectedProjects, key=operator.attrgetter('directory')) for observed, expected in zip(observedProjects, expectedProjects): self.assertEqual(,
def makeProject(self, version, baseDirectory=None): """ Make a Twisted-style project in the given base directory.
@param baseDirectory: The directory to create files in (as a L{FilePath). @param version: The version information for the project. @return: L{Project} pointing to the created project. """ if baseDirectory is None: baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) baseDirectory.createDirectory() segments = version.package.split('.') directory = baseDirectory for segment in segments: directory = directory.child(segment) if not directory.exists(): directory.createDirectory() directory.child('').setContent('') directory.child('topfiles').createDirectory() directory.child('topfiles').child('README').setContent(version.base()) replaceProjectVersion( directory.child('').path, version) return Project(directory)
def makeProjects(self, *versions): """ Create a series of projects underneath a temporary base directory.
@return: A L{FilePath} for the base directory. """ baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) baseDirectory.createDirectory() for version in versions: self.makeProject(version, baseDirectory) return baseDirectory
def test_getVersion(self): """ Project objects know their version. """ version = Version('foo', 2, 1, 0) project = self.makeProject(version) self.assertEquals(project.getVersion(), version)
def test_updateVersion(self): """ Project objects know how to update the version numbers in those projects. """ project = self.makeProject(Version("bar", 2, 1, 0)) newVersion = Version("bar", 3, 2, 9) project.updateVersion(newVersion) self.assertEquals(project.getVersion(), newVersion) self.assertEquals("topfiles").child("README").getContent(), "3.2.9")
def test_repr(self): """ The representation of a Project is Project(directory). """ foo = Project(FilePath('bar')) self.assertEqual( repr(foo), 'Project(%r)' % (
def test_findTwistedStyleProjects(self): """ findTwistedStyleProjects finds all projects underneath a particular directory. A 'project' is defined by the existence of a 'topfiles' directory and is returned as a Project object. """ baseDirectory = self.makeProjects( Version('foo', 2, 3, 0), Version('', 0, 7, 4)) projects = findTwistedProjects(baseDirectory) self.assertProjectsEqual( projects, [Project(baseDirectory.child('foo')), Project(baseDirectory.child('foo').child('bar'))])
def test_updateTwistedVersionInformation(self): """ Update Twisted version information in the top-level project and all of the subprojects. """ baseDirectory = FilePath(self.mktemp()) baseDirectory.createDirectory() now =
projectName = 'foo' oldVersion = Version(projectName, 2, 5, 0) newVersion = getNextVersion(oldVersion, now=now)
project = self.makeProject(oldVersion, baseDirectory)
updateTwistedVersionInformation(baseDirectory, now=now)
self.assertEqual(project.getVersion(), newVersion) self.assertEqual('topfiles').child('README').getContent(), newVersion.base())
class UtilityTest(TestCase): """ Tests for various utility functions for releasing. """
def test_chdir(self): """ Test that the runChdirSafe is actually safe, i.e., it still changes back to the original directory even if an error is raised. """ cwd = os.getcwd() def chAndBreak(): os.mkdir('releaseCh') os.chdir('releaseCh') 1/0 self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, release.runChdirSafe, chAndBreak) self.assertEquals(cwd, os.getcwd())
def test_replaceInFile(self): """ L{replaceInFile} replaces data in a file based on a dict. A key from the dict that is found in the file is replaced with the corresponding value. """ in_ = 'foo\nhey hey $VER\nbar\n' outf = open('release.replace', 'w') outf.write(in_) outf.close()
expected = in_.replace('$VER', '2.0.0') replaceInFile('release.replace', {'$VER': '2.0.0'}) self.assertEquals(open('release.replace').read(), expected)
expected = expected.replace('2.0.0', '3.0.0') replaceInFile('release.replace', {'2.0.0': '3.0.0'}) self.assertEquals(open('release.replace').read(), expected)
class VersionWritingTest(TestCase): """ Tests for L{replaceProjectVersion}. """
def test_replaceProjectVersion(self): """ L{replaceProjectVersion} writes a Python file that defines a C{version} variable that corresponds to the given name and version number. """ replaceProjectVersion("test_project", Version("twisted.test_project", 0, 82, 7)) ns = {'__name___': 'twisted.test_project'} execfile("test_project", ns) self.assertEquals(ns["version"].base(), "0.82.7")
def test_replaceProjectVersionWithPrerelease(self): """ L{replaceProjectVersion} will write a Version instantiation that includes a prerelease parameter if necessary. """ replaceProjectVersion("test_project", Version("twisted.test_project", 0, 82, 7, prerelease=8)) ns = {'__name___': 'twisted.test_project'} execfile("test_project", ns) self.assertEquals(ns["version"].base(), "0.82.7pre8")
class BuilderTestsMixin(object): """ A mixin class which provides various methods for creating sample Lore input and output.
@cvar template: The lore template that will be used to prepare sample output. @type template: C{str}
@ivar docCounter: A counter which is incremented every time input is generated and which is included in the documents. @type docCounter: C{int} """ template = ''' <html> <head><title>Yo:</title></head> <body> <div class="body" /> <a href="index.html">Index</a> <span class="version">Version: </span> </body> </html> '''
def setUp(self): """ Initialize the doc counter which ensures documents are unique. """ self.docCounter = 0
def assertXMLEqual(self, first, second): """ Verify that two strings represent the same XML document. """ self.assertEqual( dom.parseString(first).toxml(), dom.parseString(second).toxml())
def getArbitraryOutput(self, version, counter, prefix="", apiBaseURL="%s"): """ Get the correct HTML output for the arbitrary input returned by L{getArbitraryLoreInput} for the given parameters.
@param version: The version string to include in the output. @type version: C{str} @param counter: A counter to include in the output. @type counter: C{int} """ document = """\ <?xml version="1.0"?><html> <head><title>Yo:Hi! Title: %(count)d</title></head> <body> <div class="content">Hi! %(count)d<div class="API"><a href="%(foobarLink)s" title="foobar">foobar</a></div></div> <a href="%(prefix)sindex.html">Index</a> <span class="version">Version: %(version)s</span> </body> </html>""" # Try to normalize irrelevant whitespace. return dom.parseString( document % {"count": counter, "prefix": prefix, "version": version, "foobarLink": apiBaseURL % ("foobar",)}).toxml('utf-8')
def getArbitraryLoreInput(self, counter): """ Get an arbitrary, unique (for this test case) string of lore input.
@param counter: A counter to include in the input. @type counter: C{int} """ template = ( '<html>' '<head><title>Hi! Title: %(count)s</title></head>' '<body>' 'Hi! %(count)s' '<div class="API">foobar</div>' '</body>' '</html>') return template % {"count": counter}
def getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(self, version, prefix="", apiBaseURL="%s"): """ Get an input document along with expected output for lore run on that output document, assuming an appropriately-specified C{self.template}.
@param version: A version string to include in the input and output. @type version: C{str} @param prefix: The prefix to include in the link to the index. @type prefix: C{str}
@return: A two-tuple of input and expected output. @rtype: C{(str, str)}. """ self.docCounter += 1 return (self.getArbitraryLoreInput(self.docCounter), self.getArbitraryOutput(version, self.docCounter, prefix=prefix, apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL))
def getArbitraryManInput(self): """ Get an arbitrary man page content. """ return """.TH MANHOLE "1" "August 2001" "" "" .SH NAME manhole \- Connect to a Twisted Manhole service .SH SYNOPSIS .B manhole .SH DESCRIPTION manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process with this."""
def getArbitraryManLoreOutput(self): """ Get an arbitrary lore input document which represents man-to-lore output based on the man page returned from L{getArbitraryManInput} """ return """\ <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><head> <title>MANHOLE.1</title></head> <body>
<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service </p>
<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process with this.</p>
</body> </html> """
def getArbitraryManHTMLOutput(self, version, prefix=""): """ Get an arbitrary lore output document which represents the lore HTML output based on the input document returned from L{getArbitraryManLoreOutput}.
@param version: A version string to include in the document. @type version: C{str} @param prefix: The prefix to include in the link to the index. @type prefix: C{str} """ # Try to normalize the XML a little bit. return dom.parseString("""\ <?xml version="1.0" ?><html> <head><title>Yo:MANHOLE.1</title></head> <body> <div class="content">
<h2>NAME<a name="auto0"/></h2>
<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service </p>
<h2>SYNOPSIS<a name="auto1"/></h2>
<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
<h2>DESCRIPTION<a name="auto2"/></h2>
<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process with this.</p>
</div> <a href="%(prefix)sindex.html">Index</a> <span class="version">Version: %(version)s</span> </body> </html>""" % { 'prefix': prefix, 'version': version}).toxml("utf-8")
class DocBuilderTestCase(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{DocBuilder}.
Note for future maintainers: The exact byte equality assertions throughout this suite may need to be updated due to minor differences in lore. They should not be taken to mean that Lore must maintain the same byte format forever. Feel free to update the tests when Lore changes, but please be careful. """ skip = loreSkip
def setUp(self): """ Set up a few instance variables that will be useful.
@ivar builder: A plain L{DocBuilder}. @ivar docCounter: An integer to be used as a counter by the C{getArbitrary...} methods. @ivar howtoDir: A L{FilePath} representing a directory to be used for containing Lore documents. @ivar templateFile: A L{FilePath} representing a file with C{self.template} as its content. """ BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self) self.builder = DocBuilder() self.howtoDir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.howtoDir.createDirectory() self.templateFile = self.howtoDir.child("template.tpl") self.templateFile.setContent(self.template)
def test_build(self): """ The L{DocBuilder} runs lore on all .xhtml files within a directory. """ version = "1.2.3" input1, output1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version) input2, output2 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1) self.howtoDir.child("two.xhtml").setContent(input2), self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir, self.templateFile) out1 = self.howtoDir.child('one.html') out2 = self.howtoDir.child('two.html') self.assertXMLEqual(out1.getContent(), output1) self.assertXMLEqual(out2.getContent(), output2)
def test_noDocumentsFound(self): """ The C{build} method raises L{NoDocumentsFound} if there are no .xhtml files in the given directory. """ self.assertRaises( NoDocumentsFound,, "1.2.3", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir, self.templateFile)
def test_parentDocumentLinking(self): """ The L{DocBuilder} generates correct links from documents to template-generated links like stylesheets and index backreferences. """ input = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0) tutoDir = self.howtoDir.child("tutorial") tutoDir.createDirectory() tutoDir.child("child.xhtml").setContent(input)"1.2.3", self.howtoDir, tutoDir, self.templateFile) outFile = tutoDir.child('child.html') self.assertIn('<a href="../index.html">Index</a>', outFile.getContent())
def test_siblingDirectoryDocumentLinking(self): """ It is necessary to generate documentation in a directory foo/bar where stylesheet and indexes are located in foo/baz. Such resources should be appropriately linked to. """ input = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0) resourceDir = self.howtoDir.child("resources") docDir = self.howtoDir.child("docs") docDir.createDirectory() docDir.child("child.xhtml").setContent(input)"1.2.3", resourceDir, docDir, self.templateFile) outFile = docDir.child('child.html') self.assertIn('<a href="../resources/index.html">Index</a>', outFile.getContent())
def test_apiLinking(self): """ The L{DocBuilder} generates correct links from documents to API documentation. """ version = "1.2.3" input, output = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version) self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input), self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir, self.templateFile, "scheme:apilinks/%s.ext") out = self.howtoDir.child('one.html') self.assertIn( '<a href="scheme:apilinks/foobar.ext" title="foobar">foobar</a>', out.getContent())
def test_deleteInput(self): """ L{} can be instructed to delete the input files after generating the output based on them. """ input1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0) self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1)"whatever", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir, self.templateFile, deleteInput=True) self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.html').exists()) self.assertFalse(self.howtoDir.child('one.xhtml').exists())
def test_doNotDeleteInput(self): """ Input will not be deleted by default. """ input1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInput(0) self.howtoDir.child("one.xhtml").setContent(input1)"whatever", self.howtoDir, self.howtoDir, self.templateFile) self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.html').exists()) self.assertTrue(self.howtoDir.child('one.xhtml').exists())
def test_getLinkrelToSameDirectory(self): """ If the doc and resource directories are the same, the linkrel should be an empty string. """ linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/bar"), FilePath("/foo/bar")) self.assertEquals(linkrel, "")
def test_getLinkrelToParentDirectory(self): """ If the doc directory is a child of the resource directory, the linkrel should make use of '..'. """ linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo"), FilePath("/foo/bar")) self.assertEquals(linkrel, "../")
def test_getLinkrelToSibling(self): """ If the doc directory is a sibling of the resource directory, the linkrel should make use of '..' and a named segment. """ linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/howto"), FilePath("/foo/examples")) self.assertEquals(linkrel, "../howto/")
def test_getLinkrelToUncle(self): """ If the doc directory is a sibling of the parent of the resource directory, the linkrel should make use of multiple '..'s and a named segment. """ linkrel = self.builder.getLinkrel(FilePath("/foo/howto"), FilePath("/foo/examples/quotes")) self.assertEquals(linkrel, "../../howto/")
class APIBuilderTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{APIBuilder}. """ skip = pydoctorSkip
def test_build(self): """ L{} writes an index file which includes the name of the project specified. """ stdout = StringIO() self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
projectName = "Foobar" packageName = "quux" projectURL = "scheme:project" sourceURL = "scheme:source" docstring = "text in docstring" privateDocstring = "should also appear in output"
inputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child(packageName) inputPath.makedirs() inputPath.child("").setContent( "def foo():\n" " '%s'\n" "def _bar():\n" " '%s'" % (docstring, privateDocstring))
outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) outputPath.makedirs()
builder = APIBuilder(), projectURL, sourceURL, inputPath, outputPath)
indexPath = outputPath.child("index.html") self.assertTrue( indexPath.exists(), "API index %r did not exist." % (outputPath.path,)) self.assertIn( '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (projectURL, projectName), indexPath.getContent(), "Project name/location not in file contents.")
quuxPath = outputPath.child("quux.html") self.assertTrue( quuxPath.exists(), "Package documentation file %r did not exist." % (quuxPath.path,)) self.assertIn( docstring, quuxPath.getContent(), "Docstring not in package documentation file.") self.assertIn( '<a href="%s/%s">View Source</a>' % (sourceURL, packageName), quuxPath.getContent()) self.assertIn( '<a href="%s/%s/" class="functionSourceLink">' % ( sourceURL, packageName), quuxPath.getContent()) self.assertIn(privateDocstring, quuxPath.getContent())
# There should also be a page for the foo function in quux. self.assertTrue(quuxPath.sibling('').exists())
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
def test_buildWithPolicy(self): """ L{BuildAPIDocsScript.buildAPIDocs} builds the API docs with values appropriate for the Twisted project. """ stdout = StringIO() self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout) docstring = "text in docstring"
projectRoot = FilePath(self.mktemp()) packagePath = projectRoot.child("twisted") packagePath.makedirs() packagePath.child("").setContent( "def foo():\n" " '%s'\n" % (docstring,)) packagePath.child("").setContent( genVersion("twisted", 1, 0, 0)) outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
script = BuildAPIDocsScript() script.buildAPIDocs(projectRoot, outputPath)
indexPath = outputPath.child("index.html") self.assertTrue( indexPath.exists(), "API index %r did not exist." % (outputPath.path,)) self.assertIn( '<a href="">Twisted</a>', indexPath.getContent(), "Project name/location not in file contents.")
twistedPath = outputPath.child("twisted.html") self.assertTrue( twistedPath.exists(), "Package documentation file %r did not exist." % (twistedPath.path,)) self.assertIn( docstring, twistedPath.getContent(), "Docstring not in package documentation file.") #Here we check that it figured out the correct version based on the #source code. self.assertIn( '<a href="' 'twisted-1.0.0/twisted">View Source</a>', twistedPath.getContent())
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
def test_apiBuilderScriptMainRequiresTwoArguments(self): """ SystemExit is raised when the incorrect number of command line arguments are passed to the API building script. """ script = BuildAPIDocsScript() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, []) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, ["foo"]) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, script.main, ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
def test_apiBuilderScriptMain(self): """ The API building script invokes the same code that L{test_buildWithPolicy} tests. """ script = BuildAPIDocsScript() calls = [] script.buildAPIDocs = lambda a, b: calls.append((a, b)) script.main(["hello", "there"]) self.assertEquals(calls, [(FilePath("hello"), FilePath("there"))])
class ManBuilderTestCase(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{ManBuilder}. """ skip = loreSkip
def setUp(self): """ Set up a few instance variables that will be useful.
@ivar builder: A plain L{ManBuilder}. @ivar manDir: A L{FilePath} representing a directory to be used for containing man pages. """ BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self) self.builder = ManBuilder() self.manDir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.manDir.createDirectory()
def test_noDocumentsFound(self): """ L{} raises L{NoDocumentsFound} if there are no .1 files in the given directory. """ self.assertRaises(NoDocumentsFound,, self.manDir)
def test_build(self): """ Check that L{} find the man page in the directory, and successfully produce a Lore content. """ manContent = self.getArbitraryManInput() self.manDir.child('test1.1').setContent(manContent) output = self.manDir.child('test1-man.xhtml').getContent() expected = self.getArbitraryManLoreOutput() # No-op on *nix, fix for windows expected = expected.replace('\n', os.linesep) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def test_toHTML(self): """ Check that the content output by C{build} is compatible as input of L{}. """ manContent = self.getArbitraryManInput() self.manDir.child('test1.1').setContent(manContent)
templateFile = self.manDir.child("template.tpl") templateFile.setContent(DocBuilderTestCase.template) docBuilder = DocBuilder()"1.2.3", self.manDir, self.manDir, templateFile) output = self.manDir.child('test1-man.html').getContent()
self.assertXMLEqual( output, """\ <?xml version="1.0" ?><html> <head><title>Yo:MANHOLE.1</title></head> <body> <div class="content">
<h2>NAME<a name="auto0"/></h2>
<p>manhole - Connect to a Twisted Manhole service </p>
<h2>SYNOPSIS<a name="auto1"/></h2>
<p><strong>manhole</strong> </p>
<h2>DESCRIPTION<a name="auto2"/></h2>
<p>manhole is a GTK interface to Twisted Manhole services. You can execute python code as if at an interactive Python console inside a running Twisted process with this.</p>
</div> <a href="index.html">Index</a> <span class="version">Version: 1.2.3</span> </body> </html>""")
class BookBuilderTests(TestCase, BuilderTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{BookBuilder}. """ skip = latexSkip or loreSkip
def setUp(self): """ Make a directory into which to place temporary files. """ self.docCounter = 0 self.howtoDir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.howtoDir.makedirs() self.oldHandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)
def tearDown(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.oldHandler)
def getArbitraryOutput(self, version, counter, prefix="", apiBaseURL=None): """ Create and return a C{str} containing the LaTeX document which is expected as the output for processing the result of the document returned by C{self.getArbitraryLoreInput(counter)}. """ path = self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (counter,)).path return ( r'\section{Hi! Title: %(count)s\label{%(path)s}}' '\n' r'Hi! %(count)sfoobar') % {'count': counter, 'path': path}
def test_runSuccess(self): """ L{} executes the command it is passed and returns a string giving the stdout and stderr of the command if it completes successfully. """ builder = BookBuilder() self.assertEquals([ sys.executable, '-c', 'import sys; ' 'sys.stdout.write("hi\\n"); ' 'sys.stdout.flush(); ' 'sys.stderr.write("bye\\n"); ' 'sys.stderr.flush()']), "hi\nbye\n")
def test_runFailed(self): """ L{} executes the command it is passed and raises L{CommandFailed} if it completes unsuccessfully. """ builder = BookBuilder() exc = self.assertRaises( CommandFailed,, [sys.executable, '-c', 'print "hi"; raise SystemExit(1)']) self.assertEquals(exc.exitStatus, 1) self.assertEquals(exc.exitSignal, None) self.assertEquals(exc.output, "hi\n")
def test_runSignaled(self): """ L{} executes the command it is passed and raises L{CommandFailed} if it exits due to a signal. """ builder = BookBuilder() exc = self.assertRaises( CommandFailed,, [sys.executable, '-c', 'import sys; print "hi"; sys.stdout.flush(); ' 'import os; os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)']) self.assertEquals(exc.exitSignal, 9) self.assertEquals(exc.exitStatus, None) self.assertEquals(exc.output, "hi\n")
def test_buildTeX(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} writes intermediate TeX files for all lore input files in a directory. """ version = "3.2.1" input1, output1 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version) input2, output2 = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput(version)
# Filenames are chosen by getArbitraryOutput to match the counter used # by getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput. self.howtoDir.child("1.xhtml").setContent(input1) self.howtoDir.child("2.xhtml").setContent(input2)
builder = BookBuilder() builder.buildTeX(self.howtoDir) self.assertEqual(self.howtoDir.child("1.tex").getContent(), output1) self.assertEqual(self.howtoDir.child("2.tex").getContent(), output2)
def test_buildTeXRejectsInvalidDirectory(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} raises L{ValueError} if passed a directory which does not exist. """ builder = BookBuilder() self.assertRaises( ValueError, builder.buildTeX, self.howtoDir.temporarySibling())
def test_buildTeXOnlyBuildsXHTML(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} ignores files which which don't end with ".xhtml". """ # Hopefully ">" is always a parse error from microdom! self.howtoDir.child("not-input.dat").setContent(">") self.test_buildTeX()
def test_stdout(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildTeX} does not write to stdout. """ stdout = StringIO() self.patch(sys, 'stdout', stdout)
# Suppress warnings so that if there are any old-style plugins that # lore queries for don't confuse the assertion below. See #3070. self.patch(warnings, 'warn', lambda *a, **kw: None) self.test_buildTeX() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), '')
def test_buildPDFRejectsInvalidBookFilename(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} raises L{ValueError} if the book filename does not end with ".tex". """ builder = BookBuilder() self.assertRaises( ValueError, builder.buildPDF, FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("foo"), None, None)
def _setupTeXFiles(self): sections = range(3) self._setupTeXSections(sections) return self._setupTeXBook(sections)
def _setupTeXSections(self, sections): for texSectionNumber in sections: texPath = self.howtoDir.child("%d.tex" % (texSectionNumber,)) texPath.setContent(self.getArbitraryOutput( "1.2.3", texSectionNumber))
def _setupTeXBook(self, sections): bookTeX = self.howtoDir.child("book.tex") bookTeX.setContent( r"\documentclass{book}" "\n" r"\begin{document}" "\n" + "\n".join([r"\input{%d.tex}" % (n,) for n in sections]) + r"\end{document}" "\n") return bookTeX
def test_buildPDF(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} creates a PDF given an index tex file and a directory containing .tex files. """ bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles() outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
builder = BookBuilder() builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
def test_buildPDFLongPath(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} succeeds even if the paths it is operating on are very long.
C{ps2pdf13} seems to have problems when path names are long. This test verifies that even if inputs have long paths, generation still succeeds. """ # Make it long. self.howtoDir = self.howtoDir.child("x" * 128).child("x" * 128).child("x" * 128) self.howtoDir.makedirs()
# This will use the above long path. bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles() outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
builder = BookBuilder() builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
def test_buildPDFRunsLaTeXThreeTimes(self): """ L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} runs C{latex} three times. """ class InspectableBookBuilder(BookBuilder): def __init__(self): BookBuilder.__init__(self) self.commands = []
def run(self, command): """ Record the command and then execute it. """ self.commands.append(command) return, command)
bookPath = self._setupTeXFiles() outputPath = FilePath(self.mktemp())
builder = InspectableBookBuilder() builder.buildPDF(bookPath, self.howtoDir, outputPath)
# These string comparisons are very fragile. It would be better to # have a test which asserted the correctness of the contents of the # output files. I don't know how one could do that, though. -exarkun latex1, latex2, latex3, dvips, ps2pdf13 = builder.commands self.assertEquals(latex1, latex2) self.assertEquals(latex2, latex3) self.assertEquals( latex1[:1], ["latex"], "LaTeX command %r does not seem right." % (latex1,)) self.assertEquals( latex1[-1:], [bookPath.path], "LaTeX command %r does not end with the book path (%r)." % ( latex1, bookPath.path))
self.assertEquals( dvips[:1], ["dvips"], "dvips command %r does not seem right." % (dvips,)) self.assertEquals( ps2pdf13[:1], ["ps2pdf13"], "ps2pdf13 command %r does not seem right." % (ps2pdf13,))
def test_noSideEffects(self): """ The working directory is the same before and after a call to L{BookBuilder.buildPDF}. Also the contents of the directory containing the input book are the same before and after the call. """ startDir = os.getcwd() bookTeX = self._setupTeXFiles() startTeXSiblings = bookTeX.parent().children() startHowtoChildren = self.howtoDir.children()
builder = BookBuilder() builder.buildPDF(bookTeX, self.howtoDir, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
self.assertEqual(startDir, os.getcwd()) self.assertEqual(startTeXSiblings, bookTeX.parent().children()) self.assertEqual(startHowtoChildren, self.howtoDir.children())
def test_failedCommandProvidesOutput(self): """ If a subprocess fails, L{BookBuilder.buildPDF} raises L{CommandFailed} with the subprocess's output and leaves the temporary directory as a sibling of the book path. """ bookTeX = FilePath(self.mktemp() + ".tex") builder = BookBuilder() inputState = bookTeX.parent().children() exc = self.assertRaises( CommandFailed, builder.buildPDF, bookTeX, self.howtoDir, FilePath(self.mktemp())) self.assertTrue(exc.output) newOutputState = set(bookTeX.parent().children()) - set(inputState) self.assertEqual(len(newOutputState), 1) workPath = newOutputState.pop() self.assertTrue( workPath.isdir(), "Expected work path %r was not a directory." % (workPath.path,))
def test_build(self): """ L{} generates a pdf book file from some lore input files. """ sections = range(1, 4) for sectionNumber in sections: self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (sectionNumber,)).setContent( self.getArbitraryLoreInput(sectionNumber)) bookTeX = self._setupTeXBook(sections) bookPDF = FilePath(self.mktemp())
builder = BookBuilder(), [self.howtoDir], bookTeX, bookPDF)
def test_buildRemovesTemporaryLaTeXFiles(self): """ L{} removes the intermediate LaTeX files it creates. """ sections = range(1, 4) for sectionNumber in sections: self.howtoDir.child("%d.xhtml" % (sectionNumber,)).setContent( self.getArbitraryLoreInput(sectionNumber)) bookTeX = self._setupTeXBook(sections) bookPDF = FilePath(self.mktemp())
builder = BookBuilder(), [self.howtoDir], bookTeX, bookPDF)
self.assertEqual( set(self.howtoDir.listdir()), set([bookTeX.basename()] + ["%d.xhtml" % (n,) for n in sections]))
class FilePathDeltaTest(TestCase): """ Tests for L{filePathDelta}. """
def test_filePathDeltaSubdir(self): """ L{filePathDelta} can create a simple relative path to a child path. """ self.assertEquals(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"), FilePath("/foo/bar/baz")), ["baz"])
def test_filePathDeltaSiblingDir(self): """ L{filePathDelta} can traverse upwards to create relative paths to siblings. """ self.assertEquals(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"), FilePath("/foo/baz")), ["..", "baz"])
def test_filePathNoCommonElements(self): """ L{filePathDelta} can create relative paths to totally unrelated paths for maximum portability. """ self.assertEquals(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar"), FilePath("/baz/quux")), ["..", "..", "baz", "quux"])
def test_filePathDeltaSimilarEndElements(self): """ L{filePathDelta} doesn't take into account final elements when comparing 2 paths, but stops at the first difference. """ self.assertEquals(filePathDelta(FilePath("/foo/bar/bar/spam"), FilePath("/foo/bar/baz/spam")), ["..", "..", "baz", "spam"])
class NewsBuilderTests(TestCase, StructureAssertingMixin): """ Tests for L{NewsBuilder}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a fake project and stuff some basic structure and content into it. """ self.builder = NewsBuilder() self.project = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.project.createDirectory() self.existingText = 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n' self.createStructure(self.project, { 'NEWS': self.existingText, '5.feature': 'We now support the web.\n', '12.feature': 'The widget is more robust.\n', '15.feature': ( 'A very long feature which takes many words to ' 'describe with any accuracy was introduced so that ' 'the line wrapping behavior of the news generating ' 'code could be verified.\n'), '16.feature': ( 'A simpler feature\ndescribed on multiple lines\n' 'was added.\n'), '23.bugfix': 'Broken stuff was fixed.\n', '25.removal': 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.\n', '30.misc': '', '35.misc': '', '40.doc': '', '41.doc': 'writing Foo servers'})
def test_today(self): """ L{NewsBuilder._today} returns today's date in YYYY-MM-DD form. """ self.assertEquals( self.builder._today(),'%Y-%m-%d'))
def test_findFeatures(self): """ When called with L{NewsBuilder._FEATURE}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of two-tuples. """ features = self.builder._findChanges( self.project, self.builder._FEATURE) self.assertEquals( features, [(5, "We now support the web."), (12, "The widget is more robust."), (15, "A very long feature which takes many words to describe with " "any accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior " "of the news generating code could be verified."), (16, "A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added.")])
def test_findBugfixes(self): """ When called with L{NewsBuilder._BUGFIX}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} returns a list of bugfix ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of two-tuples. """ bugfixes = self.builder._findChanges( self.project, self.builder._BUGFIX) self.assertEquals( bugfixes, [(23, 'Broken stuff was fixed.')])
def test_findRemovals(self): """ When called with L{NewsBuilder._REMOVAL}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of two-tuples. """ removals = self.builder._findChanges( self.project, self.builder._REMOVAL) self.assertEquals( removals, [(25, 'Stupid stuff was deprecated.')])
def test_findDocumentation(self): """ When called with L{NewsBuilder._DOC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} returns a list of documentation ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of two-tuples. """ doc = self.builder._findChanges( self.project, self.builder._DOC) self.assertEquals( doc, [(40, ''), (41, 'writing Foo servers')])
def test_findMiscellaneous(self): """ When called with L{NewsBuilder._MISC}, L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} returns a list of removal/deprecation ticket numbers and descriptions as a list of two-tuples. """ misc = self.builder._findChanges( self.project, self.builder._MISC) self.assertEquals( misc, [(30, ''), (35, '')])
def test_writeHeader(self): """ L{NewsBuilder._writeHeader} accepts a file-like object opened for writing and a header string and writes out a news file header to it. """ output = StringIO() self.builder._writeHeader(output, "Super Awesometastic 32.16") self.assertEquals( output.getvalue(), "Super Awesometastic 32.16\n" "=========================\n" "\n")
def test_writeSection(self): """ L{NewsBuilder._writeSection} accepts a file-like object opened for writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges}) and writes out a section header and all of the given ticket information. """ output = StringIO() self.builder._writeSection( output, "Features", [(3, "Great stuff."), (17, "Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly " "without end until suddenly without warning it does end.")]) self.assertEquals( output.getvalue(), "Features\n" "--------\n" " - Great stuff. (#3)\n" " - Very long line which goes on and on and on, seemingly without end\n" " until suddenly without warning it does end. (#17)\n" "\n")
def test_writeMisc(self): """ L{NewsBuilder._writeMisc} accepts a file-like object opened for writing, a section name, and a list of ticket information (as returned by L{NewsBuilder._findChanges} and writes out a section header and all of the ticket numbers, but excludes any descriptions. """ output = StringIO() self.builder._writeMisc( output, "Other", [(x, "") for x in range(2, 50, 3)]) self.assertEquals( output.getvalue(), "Other\n" "-----\n" " - #2, #5, #8, #11, #14, #17, #20, #23, #26, #29, #32, #35, #38, #41,\n" " #44, #47\n" "\n")
def test_build(self): """ L{} updates a NEWS file with new features based on the I{<ticket>.feature} files found in the directory specified. """ self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'), "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
results = self.project.child('NEWS').getContent() self.assertEquals( results, 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n' '=========================\n' '\n' 'Features\n' '--------\n' ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n' ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n' ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe with any\n' ' accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior of the\n' ' news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n' ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added. (#16)\n' '\n' 'Bugfixes\n' '--------\n' ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n' '\n' 'Improved Documentation\n' '----------------------\n' ' - (#40)\n' ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n' '\n' 'Deprecations and Removals\n' '-------------------------\n' ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n' '\n' 'Other\n' '-----\n' ' - #30, #35\n' '\n\n' + self.existingText)
def test_emptyProjectCalledOut(self): """ If no changes exist for a project, I{NEWS} gains a new section for that project that includes some helpful text about how there were no interesting changes. """ project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted") project.makedirs() self.createStructure(project, { 'NEWS': self.existingText }) project, project.child('NEWS'), "Super Awesometastic 32.16") results = project.child('NEWS').getContent() self.assertEquals( results, 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n' '=========================\n' '\n' + self.builder._NO_CHANGES + '\n\n' + self.existingText)
def test_preserveTicketHint(self): """ If a I{NEWS} file begins with the two magic lines which point readers at the issue tracker, those lines are kept at the top of the new file. """ news = self.project.child('NEWS') news.setContent( 'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n' '<number>\n' '\n' 'Blah blah other stuff.\n'), news, "Super Awesometastic 32.16")
self.assertEquals( news.getContent(), 'Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting\n' '<number>\n' '\n' 'Super Awesometastic 32.16\n' '=========================\n' '\n' 'Features\n' '--------\n' ' - We now support the web. (#5)\n' ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n' ' - A very long feature which takes many words to describe with any\n' ' accuracy was introduced so that the line wrapping behavior of the\n' ' news generating code could be verified. (#15)\n' ' - A simpler feature described on multiple lines was added. (#16)\n' '\n' 'Bugfixes\n' '--------\n' ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n' '\n' 'Improved Documentation\n' '----------------------\n' ' - (#40)\n' ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n' '\n' 'Deprecations and Removals\n' '-------------------------\n' ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n' '\n' 'Other\n' '-----\n' ' - #30, #35\n' '\n\n' 'Blah blah other stuff.\n')
def test_emptySectionsOmitted(self): """ If there are no changes of a particular type (feature, bugfix, etc), no section for that type is written by L{}. """ for ticket in self.project.children(): if ticket.splitext()[1] in ('.feature', '.misc', '.doc'): ticket.remove() self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'), 'Some Thing 1.2')
self.assertEquals( self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(), 'Some Thing 1.2\n' '==============\n' '\n' 'Bugfixes\n' '--------\n' ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n' '\n' 'Deprecations and Removals\n' '-------------------------\n' ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n' '\n\n' 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')
def test_duplicatesMerged(self): """ If two change files have the same contents, they are merged in the generated news entry. """ def feature(s): return self.project.child(s + '.feature') feature('5').copyTo(feature('15')) feature('5').copyTo(feature('16')) self.project, self.project.child('NEWS'), 'Project Name 5.0')
self.assertEquals( self.project.child('NEWS').getContent(), 'Project Name 5.0\n' '================\n' '\n' 'Features\n' '--------\n' ' - We now support the web. (#5, #15, #16)\n' ' - The widget is more robust. (#12)\n' '\n' 'Bugfixes\n' '--------\n' ' - Broken stuff was fixed. (#23)\n' '\n' 'Improved Documentation\n' '----------------------\n' ' - (#40)\n' ' - writing Foo servers (#41)\n' '\n' 'Deprecations and Removals\n' '-------------------------\n' ' - Stupid stuff was deprecated. (#25)\n' '\n' 'Other\n' '-----\n' ' - #30, #35\n' '\n\n' 'Here is stuff which was present previously.\n')
def createFakeTwistedProject(self): """ Create a fake-looking Twisted project to build from. """ project = FilePath(self.mktemp()).child("twisted") project.makedirs() self.createStructure(project, { 'NEWS': 'Old boring stuff from the past.\n', '': genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 3), 'topfiles': { 'NEWS': 'Old core news.\n', '3.feature': 'Third feature addition.\n', '5.misc': ''}, 'conch': { '': genVersion("twisted.conch", 3, 4, 5), 'topfiles': { 'NEWS': 'Old conch news.\n', '7.bugfix': 'Fixed that bug.\n'}}, 'vfs': { '': genVersion("twisted.vfs", 6, 7, 8), 'topfiles': { 'NEWS': 'Old vfs news.\n', '8.bugfix': 'Fixed bug 8.\n'}}}) return project
def test_buildAll(self): """ L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} calls L{} once for each subproject, passing that subproject's I{topfiles} directory as C{path}, the I{NEWS} file in that directory as C{output}, and the subproject's name as C{header}, and then again for each subproject with the top-level I{NEWS} file for C{output}. Blacklisted subprojects are skipped. """ builds = [] builder = NewsBuilder() = lambda path, output, header: builds.append(( path, output, header)) builder.blacklist = ['vfs'] builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01'
project = self.createFakeTwistedProject() builder.buildAll(project)
coreTopfiles = project.child("topfiles") coreNews = coreTopfiles.child("NEWS") coreHeader = "Twisted Core 1.2.3 (2009-12-01)"
conchTopfiles = project.child("conch").child("topfiles") conchNews = conchTopfiles.child("NEWS") conchHeader = "Twisted Conch 3.4.5 (2009-12-01)"
aggregateNews = project.child("NEWS")
self.assertEquals( builds, [(conchTopfiles, conchNews, conchHeader), (coreTopfiles, coreNews, coreHeader), (conchTopfiles, aggregateNews, conchHeader), (coreTopfiles, aggregateNews, coreHeader)])
def test_changeVersionInNews(self): """ L{NewsBuilder._changeVersions} gets the release date for a given version of a project as a string. """ builder = NewsBuilder() builder._today = lambda: '2009-12-01' project = self.createFakeTwistedProject() builder.buildAll(project) newVersion = Version('TEMPLATE', 7, 7, 14) coreNews = project.child('topfiles').child('NEWS') # twisted 1.2.3 is the old version. builder._changeNewsVersion( coreNews, "Core", Version("twisted", 1, 2, 3), newVersion, '2010-01-01') expectedCore = ( 'Twisted Core 7.7.14 (2010-01-01)\n' '================================\n' '\n' 'Features\n' '--------\n' ' - Third feature addition. (#3)\n' '\n' 'Other\n' '-----\n' ' - #5\n\n\n') self.assertEquals( expectedCore + 'Old core news.\n', coreNews.getContent())
class DistributionBuilderTestBase(BuilderTestsMixin, StructureAssertingMixin, TestCase): """ Base for tests of L{DistributionBuilder}. """ skip = loreSkip
def setUp(self): BuilderTestsMixin.setUp(self)
self.rootDir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.rootDir.createDirectory()
self.outputDir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.outputDir.createDirectory() self.builder = DistributionBuilder(self.rootDir, self.outputDir)
class DistributionBuilderTest(DistributionBuilderTestBase):
def test_twistedDistribution(self): """ The Twisted tarball contains everything in the source checkout, with built documentation. """ loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("10.0.0") manInput1 = self.getArbitraryManInput() manOutput1 = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("10.0.0", "../howto/") manInput2 = self.getArbitraryManInput() manOutput2 = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("10.0.0", "../howto/") coreIndexInput, coreIndexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "10.0.0", prefix="howto/")
structure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "twistd": "TWISTD"}, "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL", "README": "WEB!"}}, "words": {"": "import WORDS"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG"}}, "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput}, "man": {"websetroot.1": manInput2}}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "man": {"twistd.1": manInput1}, "index.xhtml": coreIndexInput}}}
outStructure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "twistd": "TWISTD"}, "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL", "README": "WEB!"}}, "words": {"": "import WORDS"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG"}}, "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput}, "man": {"websetroot.1": manInput2, "websetroot-man.html": manOutput2}}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "man": {"twistd.1": manInput1, "twistd-man.html": manOutput1}, "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}}
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
outputFile = self.builder.buildTwisted("10.0.0")
self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_twistedDistributionExcludesWeb2AndVFSAndAdmin(self): """ The main Twisted distribution does not include web2 or vfs, or the bin/admin directory. """ loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("10.0.0") coreIndexInput, coreIndexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "10.0.0", prefix="howto/")
structure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"web2": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "vfs": {"vfsitup": "hee hee"}, "twistd": "TWISTD", "admin": {"build-a-thing": "yay"}}, "twisted": {"web2": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL", "README": "WEB!"}}, "vfs": {"": "import VFS", "blah blah": "blah blah"}, "words": {"": "import WORDS"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG", "": "import WEB2", "": "import VFS"}}, "doc": {"web2": {"excluded!": "yay"}, "vfs": {"unrelated": "whatever"}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "index.xhtml": coreIndexInput}}}
outStructure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"}, "twisted": {"words": {"": "import WORDS"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG"}}, "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}} self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
outputFile = self.builder.buildTwisted("10.0.0")
self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_subProjectLayout(self): """ The subproject tarball includes files like so:
1. twisted/<subproject>/topfiles defines the files that will be in the top level in the tarball, except LICENSE, which comes from the real top-level directory. 2. twisted/<subproject> is included, but without the topfiles entry in that directory. No other twisted subpackages are included. 3. twisted/plugins/twisted_<subproject>.py is included, but nothing else in plugins is. """ structure = { "README": "HI!@", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"web": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "words": {"im": "#!im"}}, "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL", "README": "WEB!"}}, "words": {"": "import WORDS"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG"}}}
outStructure = { "README": "WEB!", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import WEBINSTALL", "bin": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB"}, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG"}}}
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_minimalSubProjectLayout(self): """ buildSubProject should work with minimal subprojects. """ structure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "bin": {}, "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL"}}, "plugins": {}}}
outStructure = { "": "import WEBINSTALL", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB"}}}
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_subProjectDocBuilding(self): """ When building a subproject release, documentation should be built with lore. """ loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("0.3.0") manInput = self.getArbitraryManInput() manOutput = self.getArbitraryManHTMLOutput("0.3.0", "../howto/") structure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINST"}}}, "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput}, "man": {"twistd.1": manInput}}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}} } }
outStructure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import WEBINST", "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB"}}, "doc": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput}, "man": {"twistd.1": manInput, "twistd-man.html": manOutput}}}
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure)
outputFile = self.builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0")
self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_coreProjectLayout(self): """ The core tarball looks a lot like a subproject tarball, except it doesn't include:
- Python packages from other subprojects - plugins from other subprojects - scripts from other subprojects """ indexInput, indexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "8.0.0", prefix="howto/") howtoInput, howtoOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput("8.0.0") specInput, specOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "8.0.0", prefix="../howto/") upgradeInput, upgradeOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "8.0.0", prefix="../howto/") tutorialInput, tutorialOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "8.0.0", prefix="../")
structure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "twisted": {"": "twisted", "python": {"": "python", "": "roots!"}, "conch": {"": "conch", "": "import conch"}, "": "plugin", "plugins": {"": "webplug", "": "include!", "": "include!"}, "topfiles": {"": "import CORE", "README": "core readme"}}, "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template, "index.xhtml": howtoInput, "tutorial": {"index.xhtml": tutorialInput}}, "specifications": {"index.xhtml": specInput}, "upgrades": {"index.xhtml": upgradeInput}, "examples": {"": ""}, "index.xhtml": indexInput}, "web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": "webindex"}}}, "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD", "web": {"websetroot": "websetroot"}} }
outStructure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import CORE", "README": "core readme", "twisted": {"": "twisted", "python": {"": "python", "": "roots!"}, "": "plugin", "plugins": {"": "include!", "": "include!"}}, "doc": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template, "index.html": howtoOutput, "tutorial": {"index.html": tutorialOutput}}, "specifications": {"index.html": specOutput}, "upgrades": {"index.html": upgradeOutput}, "examples": {"": ""}, "index.html": indexOutput}, "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"}, }
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure) outputFile = self.builder.buildCore("8.0.0") self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
def test_apiBaseURL(self): """ DistributionBuilder builds documentation with the specified API base URL. """ apiBaseURL = "http://%s" builder = DistributionBuilder(self.rootDir, self.outputDir, apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL) loreInput, loreOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "0.3.0", apiBaseURL=apiBaseURL) structure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINST"}}}, "doc": {"web": {"howto": {"index.xhtml": loreInput}}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}} } }
outStructure = { "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import WEBINST", "twisted": {"web": {"": "import WEB"}}, "doc": {"howto": {"index.html": loreOutput}}}
self.createStructure(self.rootDir, structure) outputFile = builder.buildSubProject("web", "0.3.0") self.assertExtractedStructure(outputFile, outStructure)
class BuildAllTarballsTest(DistributionBuilderTestBase): """ Tests for L{DistributionBuilder.buildAllTarballs}. """ skip = svnSkip
def setUp(self): self.oldHandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) DistributionBuilderTestBase.setUp(self)
def tearDown(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.oldHandler) DistributionBuilderTestBase.tearDown(self)
def test_buildAllTarballs(self): """ L{buildAllTarballs} builds tarballs for Twisted and all of its subprojects based on an SVN checkout; the resulting tarballs contain no SVN metadata. This involves building documentation, which it will build with the correct API documentation reference base URL. """ repositoryPath = self.mktemp() repository = FilePath(repositoryPath) checkoutPath = self.mktemp() checkout = FilePath(checkoutPath) self.outputDir.remove()
runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repositoryPath]) runCommand(["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path, checkout.path]) coreIndexInput, coreIndexOutput = self.getArbitraryLoreInputAndOutput( "1.2.0", prefix="howto/", apiBaseURL="")
structure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"web2": {"websetroot": "SET ROOT"}, "vfs": {"vfsitup": "hee hee"}, "words": {"im": "import im"}, "twistd": "TWISTD"}, "twisted": { "topfiles": {"": "import TOPINSTALL", "README": "CORE!"}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0), "web2": {"": "import WEB", "topfiles": {"": "import WEBINSTALL", "README": "WEB!"}}, "vfs": {"": "import VFS", "blah blah": "blah blah"}, "words": {"": "import WORDS", "": genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0), "topfiles": {"": "import WORDSINSTALL", "README": "WORDS!"}, }, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG", "": "import WEB2", "": "import VFS", "": "import YAY"}}, "doc": {"web2": {"excluded!": "yay"}, "vfs": {"unrelated": "whatever"}, "core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "index.xhtml": coreIndexInput}}}
twistedStructure = { "README": "Twisted", "unrelated": "x", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import toplevel", "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD", "words": {"im": "import im"}}, "twisted": { "topfiles": {"": "import TOPINSTALL", "README": "CORE!"}, "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0), "words": {"": "import WORDS", "": genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0), "topfiles": {"": "import WORDSINSTALL", "README": "WORDS!"}, }, "plugins": {"": "import WEBPLUG", "": "import WORDPLUG", "": "import YAY"}}, "doc": {"core": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}}
coreStructure = { "": "import TOPINSTALL", "README": "CORE!", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "bin": {"twistd": "TWISTD"}, "twisted": { "": genVersion("twisted", 1, 2, 0), "plugins": {"": "import YAY"}}, "doc": {"howto": {"template.tpl": self.template}, "index.html": coreIndexOutput}}
wordsStructure = { "README": "WORDS!", "LICENSE": "copyright!", "": "import WORDSINSTALL", "bin": {"im": "import im"}, "twisted": { "words": {"": "import WORDS", "": genVersion("twisted.words", 1, 2, 0), }, "plugins": {"": "import WORDPLUG"}}}
self.createStructure(checkout, structure) childs = [x.path for x in checkout.children()] runCommand(["svn", "add"] + childs) runCommand(["svn", "commit", checkout.path, "-m", "yay"])
buildAllTarballs(checkout, self.outputDir) self.assertEquals( set(self.outputDir.children()), set([self.outputDir.child("Twisted-1.2.0.tar.bz2"), self.outputDir.child("TwistedCore-1.2.0.tar.bz2"), self.outputDir.child("TwistedWords-1.2.0.tar.bz2")]))
self.assertExtractedStructure( self.outputDir.child("Twisted-1.2.0.tar.bz2"), twistedStructure) self.assertExtractedStructure( self.outputDir.child("TwistedCore-1.2.0.tar.bz2"), coreStructure) self.assertExtractedStructure( self.outputDir.child("TwistedWords-1.2.0.tar.bz2"), wordsStructure)
def test_buildAllTarballsEnsuresCleanCheckout(self): """ L{UncleanWorkingDirectory} is raised by L{buildAllTarballs} when the SVN checkout provided has uncommitted changes. """ repositoryPath = self.mktemp() repository = FilePath(repositoryPath) checkoutPath = self.mktemp() checkout = FilePath(checkoutPath)
runCommand(["svnadmin", "create", repositoryPath]) runCommand(["svn", "checkout", "file://" + repository.path, checkout.path])
checkout.child("foo").setContent("whatever") self.assertRaises(UncleanWorkingDirectory, buildAllTarballs, checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
def test_buildAllTarballsEnsuresExistingCheckout(self): """ L{NotWorkingDirectory} is raised by L{buildAllTarballs} when the checkout passed does not exist or is not an SVN checkout. """ checkout = FilePath(self.mktemp()) self.assertRaises(NotWorkingDirectory, buildAllTarballs, checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp())) checkout.createDirectory() self.assertRaises(NotWorkingDirectory, buildAllTarballs, checkout, FilePath(self.mktemp()))
class ScriptTests(BuilderTestsMixin, StructureAssertingMixin, TestCase): """ Tests for the release script functionality. """
def _testVersionChanging(self, major, minor, micro, prerelease=None): """ Check that L{ChangeVersionsScript.main} calls the version-changing function with the appropriate version data and filesystem path. """ versionUpdates = [] def myVersionChanger(sourceTree, versionTemplate): versionUpdates.append((sourceTree, versionTemplate)) versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript() versionChanger.changeAllProjectVersions = myVersionChanger version = "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, micro) if prerelease is not None: version += "pre%d" % (prerelease,) versionChanger.main([version]) self.assertEquals(len(versionUpdates), 1) self.assertEquals(versionUpdates[0][0], FilePath(".")) self.assertEquals(versionUpdates[0][1].major, major) self.assertEquals(versionUpdates[0][1].minor, minor) self.assertEquals(versionUpdates[0][1].micro, micro) self.assertEquals(versionUpdates[0][1].prerelease, prerelease)
def test_changeVersions(self): """ L{ChangeVersionsScript.main} changes version numbers for all Twisted projects. """ self._testVersionChanging(8, 2, 3)
def test_changeVersionsWithPrerelease(self): """ A prerelease can be specified to L{changeVersionsScript}. """ self._testVersionChanging(9, 2, 7, 38)
def test_defaultChangeVersionsVersionChanger(self): """ The default implementation of C{changeAllProjectVersions} is L{changeAllProjectVersions}. """ versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript() self.assertEquals(versionChanger.changeAllProjectVersions, changeAllProjectVersions)
def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToChangeVersionsScript(self): """ L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when the wrong number of arguments are passed. """ versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main, [])
def test_tooManyDotsToChangeVersionsScript(self): """ L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when there are the wrong number of segments in the version number passed. """ versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main, [""])
def test_nonIntPartsToChangeVersionsScript(self): """ L{changeVersionsScript} raises SystemExit when the version number isn't made out of numbers. """ versionChanger = ChangeVersionsScript() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, versionChanger.main, ["my united.states.of prewhatever"])
def test_buildTarballsScript(self): """ L{BuildTarballsScript.main} invokes L{buildAllTarballs} with L{FilePath} instances representing the paths passed to it. """ builds = [] def myBuilder(checkout, destination): builds.append((checkout, destination)) tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript() tarballBuilder.buildAllTarballs = myBuilder
tarballBuilder.main(["checkoutDir", "destinationDir"]) self.assertEquals( builds, [(FilePath("checkoutDir"), FilePath("destinationDir"))])
def test_defaultBuildTarballsScriptBuilder(self): """ The default implementation of L{BuildTarballsScript.buildAllTarballs} is L{buildAllTarballs}. """ tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript() self.assertEquals(tarballBuilder.buildAllTarballs, buildAllTarballs)
def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToBuildTarballs(self): """ L{BuildTarballsScript.main} raises SystemExit when the wrong number of arguments are passed. """ tarballBuilder = BuildTarballsScript() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, tarballBuilder.main, [])
def test_badNumberOfArgumentsToBuildNews(self): """ L{NewsBuilder.main} raises L{SystemExit} when other than 1 argument is passed to it. """ newsBuilder = NewsBuilder() self.assertRaises(SystemExit, newsBuilder.main, []) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, newsBuilder.main, ["hello", "world"])
def test_buildNews(self): """ L{NewsBuilder.main} calls L{NewsBuilder.buildAll} with a L{FilePath} instance constructed from the path passed to it. """ builds = [] newsBuilder = NewsBuilder() newsBuilder.buildAll = builds.append newsBuilder.main(["/foo/bar/baz"]) self.assertEquals(builds, [FilePath("/foo/bar/baz")])