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# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for parts of our release automation system. """
import os
from distutils.core import Distribution
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.python import dist from twisted.python.dist import get_setup_args, ConditionalExtension from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
class SetupTest(TestCase): """ Tests for L{get_setup_args}. """ def test_conditionalExtensions(self): """ Passing C{conditionalExtensions} as a list of L{ConditionalExtension} objects to get_setup_args inserts a custom build_ext into the result which knows how to check whether they should be """ good_ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"], condition=lambda b: True) bad_ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"], condition=lambda b: False) args = get_setup_args(conditionalExtensions=[good_ext, bad_ext]) # ext_modules should be set even though it's not used. See comment # in get_setup_args self.assertEquals(args["ext_modules"], [good_ext, bad_ext]) cmdclass = args["cmdclass"] build_ext = cmdclass["build_ext"] builder = build_ext(Distribution()) builder.prepare_extensions() self.assertEquals(builder.extensions, [good_ext])
def test_win32Definition(self): """ When building on Windows NT, the WIN32 macro will be defined as 1. """ ext = ConditionalExtension("whatever", ["whatever.c"], define_macros=[("whatever", 2)]) args = get_setup_args(conditionalExtensions=[ext]) builder = args["cmdclass"]["build_ext"](Distribution()) self.patch(os, "name", "nt") builder.prepare_extensions() self.assertEquals(ext.define_macros, [("whatever", 2), ("WIN32", 1)])
class GetVersionTest(TestCase): """ Tests for L{dist.getVersion}. """
def setUp(self): self.dirname = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(self.dirname)
def test_getVersionCore(self): """ Test that getting the version of core reads from the [base]/ file. """ f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, ""), "w") f.write(""" from twisted.python import versions version = versions.Version("twisted", 0, 1, 2) """) f.close() self.assertEquals(dist.getVersion("core", base=self.dirname), "0.1.2")
def test_getVersionOther(self): """ Test that getting the version of a non-core project reads from the [base]/[projname]/ file. """ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.dirname, "blat")) f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, "blat", ""), "w") f.write(""" from twisted.python import versions version = versions.Version("twisted.blat", 9, 8, 10) """) f.close() self.assertEquals(dist.getVersion("blat", base=self.dirname), "9.8.10")
class GetScriptsTest(TestCase):
def test_scriptsInSVN(self): """ getScripts should return the scripts associated with a project in the context of Twisted SVN. """ basedir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(basedir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'proj')) f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'proj', 'exy'), 'w') f.write('yay') f.close() scripts = dist.getScripts('proj', basedir=basedir) self.assertEquals(len(scripts), 1) self.assertEquals(os.path.basename(scripts[0]), 'exy')
def test_scriptsInRelease(self): """ getScripts should return the scripts associated with a project in the context of a released subproject tarball. """ basedir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(basedir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin')) f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'exy'), 'w') f.write('yay') f.close() scripts = dist.getScripts('proj', basedir=basedir) self.assertEquals(len(scripts), 1) self.assertEquals(os.path.basename(scripts[0]), 'exy')
def test_noScriptsInSVN(self): """ When calling getScripts for a project which doesn't actually have any scripts, in the context of an SVN checkout, an empty list should be returned. """ basedir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(basedir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', 'otherproj')) scripts = dist.getScripts('noscripts', basedir=basedir) self.assertEquals(scripts, [])
def test_getScriptsTopLevel(self): """ Passing the empty string to getScripts returns scripts that are (only) in the top level bin directory. """ basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.createDirectory() bindir = basedir.child("bin") bindir.createDirectory() included = bindir.child("included") included.setContent("yay included") subdir = bindir.child("subdir") subdir.createDirectory() subdir.child("not-included").setContent("not included")
scripts = dist.getScripts("", basedir=basedir.path) self.assertEquals(scripts, [included.path])
def test_noScriptsInSubproject(self): """ When calling getScripts for a project which doesn't actually have any scripts in the context of that project's individual project structure, an empty list should be returned. """ basedir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(basedir) scripts = dist.getScripts('noscripts', basedir=basedir) self.assertEquals(scripts, [])