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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_ident -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Ident protocol implementation.
@author: Jean-Paul Calderone """
from __future__ import generators
import struct
from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.python import log, failure
_MIN_PORT = 1 _MAX_PORT = 2 ** 16 - 1
class IdentError(Exception): """ Can't determine connection owner; reason unknown. """
identDescription = 'UNKNOWN-ERROR'
def __str__(self): return self.identDescription
class NoUser(IdentError): """ The connection specified by the port pair is not currently in use or currently not owned by an identifiable entity. """ identDescription = 'NO-USER'
class InvalidPort(IdentError): """ Either the local or foreign port was improperly specified. This should be returned if either or both of the port ids were out of range (TCP port numbers are from 1-65535), negative integers, reals or in any fashion not recognized as a non-negative integer. """ identDescription = 'INVALID-PORT'
class HiddenUser(IdentError): """ The server was able to identify the user of this port, but the information was not returned at the request of the user. """ identDescription = 'HIDDEN-USER'
class IdentServer(basic.LineOnlyReceiver): """ The Identification Protocol (a.k.a., "ident", a.k.a., "the Ident Protocol") provides a means to determine the identity of a user of a particular TCP connection. Given a TCP port number pair, it returns a character string which identifies the owner of that connection on the server's system.
Server authors should subclass this class and override the lookup method. The default implementation returns an UNKNOWN-ERROR response for every query. """
def lineReceived(self, line): parts = line.split(',') if len(parts) != 2: self.invalidQuery() else: try: portOnServer, portOnClient = map(int, parts) except ValueError: self.invalidQuery() else: if _MIN_PORT <= portOnServer <= _MAX_PORT and _MIN_PORT <= portOnClient <= _MAX_PORT: self.validQuery(portOnServer, portOnClient) else: self._ebLookup(failure.Failure(InvalidPort()), portOnServer, portOnClient)
def invalidQuery(self): self.transport.loseConnection()
def validQuery(self, portOnServer, portOnClient): """ Called when a valid query is received to look up and deliver the response.
@param portOnServer: The server port from the query. @param portOnClient: The client port from the query. """ serverAddr = self.transport.getHost().host, portOnServer clientAddr = self.transport.getPeer().host, portOnClient defer.maybeDeferred(self.lookup, serverAddr, clientAddr ).addCallback(self._cbLookup, portOnServer, portOnClient ).addErrback(self._ebLookup, portOnServer, portOnClient )
def _cbLookup(self, (sysName, userId), sport, cport): self.sendLine('%d, %d : USERID : %s : %s' % (sport, cport, sysName, userId))
def _ebLookup(self, failure, sport, cport): if failure.check(IdentError): self.sendLine('%d, %d : ERROR : %s' % (sport, cport, failure.value)) else: log.err(failure) self.sendLine('%d, %d : ERROR : %s' % (sport, cport, IdentError(failure.value)))
def lookup(self, serverAddress, clientAddress): """Lookup user information about the specified address pair.
Return value should be a two-tuple of system name and username. Acceptable values for the system name may be found online at::
This method may also raise any IdentError subclass (or IdentError itself) to indicate user information will not be provided for the given query.
A Deferred may also be returned.
@param serverAddress: A two-tuple representing the server endpoint of the address being queried. The first element is a string holding a dotted-quad IP address. The second element is an integer representing the port.
@param clientAddress: Like L{serverAddress}, but represents the client endpoint of the address being queried. """ raise IdentError()
class ProcServerMixin: """Implements lookup() to grab entries for responses from /proc/net/tcp """
try: from pwd import getpwuid def getUsername(self, uid, getpwuid=getpwuid): return getpwuid(uid)[0] del getpwuid except ImportError: def getUsername(self, uid): raise IdentError()
def entries(self): f = file('/proc/net/tcp') f.readline() for L in f: yield L.strip()
def dottedQuadFromHexString(self, hexstr): return '.'.join(map(str, struct.unpack('4B', struct.pack('=L', int(hexstr, 16)))))
def unpackAddress(self, packed): addr, port = packed.split(':') addr = self.dottedQuadFromHexString(addr) port = int(port, 16) return addr, port
def parseLine(self, line): parts = line.strip().split() localAddr, localPort = self.unpackAddress(parts[1]) remoteAddr, remotePort = self.unpackAddress(parts[2]) uid = int(parts[7]) return (localAddr, localPort), (remoteAddr, remotePort), uid
def lookup(self, serverAddress, clientAddress): for ent in self.entries(): localAddr, remoteAddr, uid = self.parseLine(ent) if remoteAddr == clientAddress and localAddr[1] == serverAddress[1]: return (self.SYSTEM_NAME, self.getUsername(uid))
raise NoUser()
class IdentClient(basic.LineOnlyReceiver):
errorTypes = (IdentError, NoUser, InvalidPort, HiddenUser)
def __init__(self): self.queries = []
def lookup(self, portOnServer, portOnClient): """Lookup user information about the specified address pair. """ self.queries.append((defer.Deferred(), portOnServer, portOnClient)) if len(self.queries) > 1: return self.queries[-1][0]
self.sendLine('%d, %d' % (portOnServer, portOnClient)) return self.queries[-1][0]
def lineReceived(self, line): if not self.queries: log.msg("Unexpected server response: %r" % (line,)) else: d, _, _ = self.queries.pop(0) self.parseResponse(d, line) if self.queries: self.sendLine('%d, %d' % (self.queries[0][1], self.queries[0][2]))
def connectionLost(self, reason): for q in self.queries: q[0].errback(IdentError(reason)) self.queries = []
def parseResponse(self, deferred, line): parts = line.split(':', 2) if len(parts) != 3: deferred.errback(IdentError(line)) else: ports, type, addInfo = map(str.strip, parts) if type == 'ERROR': for et in self.errorTypes: if et.identDescription == addInfo: deferred.errback(et(line)) return deferred.errback(IdentError(line)) else: deferred.callback((type, addInfo))
__all__ = ['IdentError', 'NoUser', 'InvalidPort', 'HiddenUser', 'IdentServer', 'IdentClient', 'ProcServerMixin']