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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_persisted -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Different styles of persisted objects. """
# System Imports import types import copy_reg import copy
try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO
# Twisted Imports from twisted.python import log
try: from new import instancemethod except: from org.python.core import PyMethod instancemethod = PyMethod
oldModules = {}
## First, let's register support for some stuff that really ought to ## be registerable...
def pickleMethod(method): 'support function for copy_reg to pickle method refs' return unpickleMethod, (method.im_func.__name__, method.im_self, method.im_class)
def unpickleMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class): 'support function for copy_reg to unpickle method refs' try: unbound = getattr(im_class,im_name) if im_self is None: return unbound bound=instancemethod(unbound.im_func, im_self, im_class) return bound except AttributeError: log.msg("Method",im_name,"not on class",im_class) assert im_self is not None,"No recourse: no instance to guess from." # Attempt a common fix before bailing -- if classes have # changed around since we pickled this method, we may still be # able to get it by looking on the instance's current class. unbound = getattr(im_self.__class__,im_name) log.msg("Attempting fixup with",unbound) if im_self is None: return unbound bound=instancemethod(unbound.im_func, im_self, im_self.__class__) return bound
copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, pickleMethod, unpickleMethod)
def pickleModule(module): 'support function for copy_reg to pickle module refs' return unpickleModule, (module.__name__,)
def unpickleModule(name): 'support function for copy_reg to unpickle module refs' if oldModules.has_key(name): log.msg("Module has moved: %s" % name) name = oldModules[name] log.msg(name) return __import__(name,{},{},'x')
copy_reg.pickle(types.ModuleType, pickleModule, unpickleModule)
def pickleStringO(stringo): 'support function for copy_reg to pickle StringIO.OutputTypes' return unpickleStringO, (stringo.getvalue(), stringo.tell())
def unpickleStringO(val, sek): x = StringIO.StringIO() x.write(val) return x
if hasattr(StringIO, 'OutputType'): copy_reg.pickle(StringIO.OutputType, pickleStringO, unpickleStringO)
def pickleStringI(stringi): return unpickleStringI, (stringi.getvalue(), stringi.tell())
def unpickleStringI(val, sek): x = StringIO.StringIO(val) return x
if hasattr(StringIO, 'InputType'): copy_reg.pickle(StringIO.InputType, pickleStringI, unpickleStringI)
class Ephemeral: """ This type of object is never persisted; if possible, even references to it are eliminated. """
def __getstate__(self): log.msg( "WARNING: serializing ephemeral %s" % self ) import gc if getattr(gc, 'get_referrers', None): for r in gc.get_referrers(self): log.msg( " referred to by %s" % (r,)) return None
def __setstate__(self, state): log.msg( "WARNING: unserializing ephemeral %s" % self.__class__ ) self.__class__ = Ephemeral
versionedsToUpgrade = {} upgraded = {}
def doUpgrade(): global versionedsToUpgrade, upgraded for versioned in versionedsToUpgrade.values(): requireUpgrade(versioned) versionedsToUpgrade = {} upgraded = {}
def requireUpgrade(obj): """Require that a Versioned instance be upgraded completely first. """ objID = id(obj) if objID in versionedsToUpgrade and objID not in upgraded: upgraded[objID] = 1 obj.versionUpgrade() return obj
from twisted.python import reflect
def _aybabtu(c): l = [] for b in reflect.allYourBase(c, Versioned): if b not in l and b is not Versioned: l.append(b) return l
class Versioned: """ This type of object is persisted with versioning information.
I have a single class attribute, the int persistenceVersion. After I am unserialized (and styles.doUpgrade() is called), self.upgradeToVersionX() will be called for each version upgrade I must undergo.
For example, if I serialize an instance of a Foo(Versioned) at version 4 and then unserialize it when the code is at version 9, the calls::
self.upgradeToVersion5() self.upgradeToVersion6() self.upgradeToVersion7() self.upgradeToVersion8() self.upgradeToVersion9()
will be made. If any of these methods are undefined, a warning message will be printed. """ persistenceVersion = 0 persistenceForgets = ()
def __setstate__(self, state): versionedsToUpgrade[id(self)] = self self.__dict__ = state
def __getstate__(self, dict=None): """Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out. """ dct = copy.copy(dict or self.__dict__) bases = _aybabtu(self.__class__) bases.reverse() bases.append(self.__class__) # don't forget me!! for base in bases: if base.__dict__.has_key('persistenceForgets'): for slot in base.persistenceForgets: if dct.has_key(slot): del dct[slot] if base.__dict__.has_key('persistenceVersion'): dct['%s.persistenceVersion' % reflect.qual(base)] = base.persistenceVersion return dct
def versionUpgrade(self): """(internal) Do a version upgrade. """ bases = _aybabtu(self.__class__) # put the bases in order so superclasses' persistenceVersion methods # will be called first. bases.reverse() bases.append(self.__class__) # don't forget me!! # first let's look for old-skool versioned's if self.__dict__.has_key("persistenceVersion"): # Hacky heuristic: if more than one class subclasses Versioned, # we'll assume that the higher version number wins for the older # class, so we'll consider the attribute the version of the older # class. There are obviously possibly times when this will # eventually be an incorrect assumption, but hopefully old-school # persistenceVersion stuff won't make it that far into multiple # classes inheriting from Versioned. pver = self.__dict__['persistenceVersion'] del self.__dict__['persistenceVersion'] highestVersion = 0 highestBase = None for base in bases: if not base.__dict__.has_key('persistenceVersion'): continue if base.persistenceVersion > highestVersion: highestBase = base highestVersion = base.persistenceVersion if highestBase: self.__dict__['%s.persistenceVersion' % reflect.qual(highestBase)] = pver for base in bases: # ugly hack, but it's what the user expects, really if (Versioned not in base.__bases__ and not base.__dict__.has_key('persistenceVersion')): continue currentVers = base.persistenceVersion pverName = '%s.persistenceVersion' % reflect.qual(base) persistVers = (self.__dict__.get(pverName) or 0) if persistVers: del self.__dict__[pverName] assert persistVers <= currentVers, "Sorry, can't go backwards in time." while persistVers < currentVers: persistVers = persistVers + 1 method = base.__dict__.get('upgradeToVersion%s' % persistVers, None) if method: log.msg( "Upgrading %s (of %s @ %s) to version %s" % (reflect.qual(base), reflect.qual(self.__class__), id(self), persistVers) ) method(self) else: log.msg( 'Warning: cannot upgrade %s to version %s' % (base, persistVers) )