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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_tcp -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Various asynchronous TCP/IP classes.
End users shouldn't use this module directly - use the reactor APIs instead.
Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring """
# System Imports import os import types import socket import sys import operator
from zope.interface import implements, classImplements
try: from OpenSSL import SSL except ImportError: SSL = None
from twisted.python.runtime import platformType
if platformType == 'win32': # no such thing as WSAEPERM or error code 10001 according to winsock.h or MSDN EPERM = object() from errno import WSAEINVAL as EINVAL from errno import WSAEWOULDBLOCK as EWOULDBLOCK from errno import WSAEINPROGRESS as EINPROGRESS from errno import WSAEALREADY as EALREADY from errno import WSAECONNRESET as ECONNRESET from errno import WSAEISCONN as EISCONN from errno import WSAENOTCONN as ENOTCONN from errno import WSAEINTR as EINTR from errno import WSAENOBUFS as ENOBUFS from errno import WSAEMFILE as EMFILE # No such thing as WSAENFILE, either. ENFILE = object() # Nor ENOMEM ENOMEM = object() EAGAIN = EWOULDBLOCK from errno import WSAECONNRESET as ECONNABORTED
from twisted.python.win32 import formatError as strerror else: from errno import EPERM from errno import EINVAL from errno import EWOULDBLOCK from errno import EINPROGRESS from errno import EALREADY from errno import ECONNRESET from errno import EISCONN from errno import ENOTCONN from errno import EINTR from errno import ENOBUFS from errno import EMFILE from errno import ENFILE from errno import ENOMEM from errno import EAGAIN from errno import ECONNABORTED
from os import strerror
from errno import errorcode
# Twisted Imports from twisted.internet import defer, base, address, fdesc from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from twisted.python import log, failure, reflect from twisted.python.util import unsignedID from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError from twisted.internet import abstract, main, interfaces, error
class _SocketCloser: _socketShutdownMethod = 'shutdown'
def _closeSocket(self): # socket.close() doesn't *really* close if there's another reference # to it in the TCP/IP stack, e.g. if it was was inherited by a # subprocess. And we really do want to close the connection. So we # use shutdown() instead, and then close() in order to release the # filedescriptor. skt = self.socket try: getattr(skt, self._socketShutdownMethod)(2) except socket.error: pass try: skt.close() except socket.error: pass
class _TLSMixin: _socketShutdownMethod = 'sock_shutdown'
writeBlockedOnRead = 0 readBlockedOnWrite = 0 _userWantRead = _userWantWrite = True
def getPeerCertificate(self): return self.socket.get_peer_certificate()
def doRead(self): if self.disconnected: # See the comment in the similar check in doWrite below. # Additionally, in order for anything other than returning # CONNECTION_DONE here to make sense, it will probably be necessary # to implement a way to switch back to TCP from TLS (actually, if # we did something other than return CONNECTION_DONE, that would be # a big part of implementing that feature). In other words, the # expectation is that doRead will be called when self.disconnected # is True only when the connection has been lost. It's possible # that the other end could stop speaking TLS and then send us some # non-TLS data. We'll end up ignoring that data and dropping the # connection. There's no unit tests for this check in the cases # where it makes a difference. The test suite only hits this # codepath when it would have otherwise hit the SSL.ZeroReturnError # exception handler below, which has exactly the same behavior as # this conditional. Maybe that's the only case that can ever be # triggered, I'm not sure. -exarkun return main.CONNECTION_DONE if self.writeBlockedOnRead: self.writeBlockedOnRead = 0 self._resetReadWrite() try: return Connection.doRead(self) except SSL.ZeroReturnError: return main.CONNECTION_DONE except SSL.WantReadError: return except SSL.WantWriteError: self.readBlockedOnWrite = 1 Connection.startWriting(self) Connection.stopReading(self) return except SSL.SysCallError, (retval, desc): if ((retval == -1 and desc == 'Unexpected EOF') or retval > 0): return main.CONNECTION_LOST log.err() return main.CONNECTION_LOST except SSL.Error, e: return e
def doWrite(self): # Retry disconnecting if self.disconnected: # This case is triggered when "disconnected" is set to True by a # call to _postLoseConnection from FileDescriptor.doWrite (to which # we upcall at the end of this overridden version of that API). It # means that while, as far as any protocol connected to this # transport is concerned, the connection no longer exists, the # connection *does* actually still exist. Instead of closing the # connection in the overridden _postLoseConnection, we probably # tried (and failed) to send a TLS close alert. The TCP connection # is still up and we're waiting for the socket to become writeable # enough for the TLS close alert to actually be sendable. Only # then will the connection actually be torn down. -exarkun return self._postLoseConnection() if self._writeDisconnected: return self._closeWriteConnection()
if self.readBlockedOnWrite: self.readBlockedOnWrite = 0 self._resetReadWrite() return Connection.doWrite(self)
def writeSomeData(self, data): try: return Connection.writeSomeData(self, data) except SSL.WantWriteError: return 0 except SSL.WantReadError: self.writeBlockedOnRead = 1 Connection.stopWriting(self) Connection.startReading(self) return 0 except SSL.ZeroReturnError: return main.CONNECTION_LOST except SSL.SysCallError, e: if e[0] == -1 and data == "": # errors when writing empty strings are expected # and can be ignored return 0 else: return main.CONNECTION_LOST except SSL.Error, e: return e
def _postLoseConnection(self): """ Gets called after loseConnection(), after buffered data is sent.
We try to send an SSL shutdown alert, but if it doesn't work, retry when the socket is writable. """ # Here, set "disconnected" to True to trick higher levels into thinking # the connection is really gone. It's not, and we're not going to # close it yet. Instead, we'll try to send a TLS close alert to shut # down the TLS connection cleanly. Only after we actually get the # close alert into the socket will we disconnect the underlying TCP # connection. self.disconnected = True if hasattr(self.socket, 'set_shutdown'): # If possible, mark the state of the TLS connection as having # already received a TLS close alert from the peer. Why do # this??? self.socket.set_shutdown(SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) return self._sendCloseAlert()
def _sendCloseAlert(self): # Okay, *THIS* is a bit complicated.
# Basically, the issue is, OpenSSL seems to not actually return # errors from SSL_shutdown. Therefore, the only way to # determine if the close notification has been sent is by # SSL_shutdown returning "done". However, it will not claim it's # done until it's both sent *and* received a shutdown notification.
# I don't actually want to wait for a received shutdown # notification, though, so, I have to set RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN # before calling shutdown. Then, it'll return True once it's # *SENT* the shutdown.
# However, RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN can't be left set, because then # reads will fail, breaking half close.
# Also, since shutdown doesn't report errors, an empty write call is # done first, to try to detect if the connection has gone away. # (*NOT* an SSL_write call, because that fails once you've called # shutdown) try: os.write(self.socket.fileno(), '') except OSError, se: if se.args[0] in (EINTR, EWOULDBLOCK, ENOBUFS): return 0 # Write error, socket gone return main.CONNECTION_LOST
try: if hasattr(self.socket, 'set_shutdown'): laststate = self.socket.get_shutdown() self.socket.set_shutdown(laststate | SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) done = self.socket.shutdown() if not (laststate & SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN): self.socket.set_shutdown(SSL.SENT_SHUTDOWN) else: #warnings.warn("SSL connection shutdown possibly unreliable, " # "please upgrade to ver 0.XX", category=UserWarning) self.socket.shutdown() done = True except SSL.Error, e: return e
if done: self.stopWriting() # Note that this is tested for by identity below. return main.CONNECTION_DONE else: # For some reason, the close alert wasn't sent. Start writing # again so that we'll get another chance to send it. self.startWriting() # On Linux, select will sometimes not report a closed file # descriptor in the write set (in particular, it seems that if a # send() fails with EPIPE, the socket will not appear in the write # set). The shutdown call above (which calls down to SSL_shutdown) # may have swallowed a write error. Therefore, also start reading # so that if the socket is closed we will notice. This doesn't # seem to be a problem for poll (because poll reports errors # separately) or with select on BSD (presumably because, unlike # Linux, it doesn't implement select in terms of poll and then map # POLLHUP to select's in fd_set). self.startReading() return None
def _closeWriteConnection(self): result = self._sendCloseAlert()
if result is main.CONNECTION_DONE: return Connection._closeWriteConnection(self)
return result
def startReading(self): self._userWantRead = True if not self.readBlockedOnWrite: return Connection.startReading(self)
def stopReading(self): self._userWantRead = False if not self.writeBlockedOnRead: return Connection.stopReading(self)
def startWriting(self): self._userWantWrite = True if not self.writeBlockedOnRead: return Connection.startWriting(self)
def stopWriting(self): self._userWantWrite = False if not self.readBlockedOnWrite: return Connection.stopWriting(self)
def _resetReadWrite(self): # After changing readBlockedOnWrite or writeBlockedOnRead, # call this to reset the state to what the user requested. if self._userWantWrite: self.startWriting() else: self.stopWriting()
if self._userWantRead: self.startReading() else: self.stopReading()
class _TLSDelayed(object): """ State tracking record for TLS startup parameters. Used to remember how TLS should be started when starting it is delayed to wait for the output buffer to be flushed.
@ivar bufferedData: A C{list} which contains all the data which was written to the transport after an attempt to start TLS was made but before the buffers outstanding at that time could be flushed and TLS could really be started. This is appended to by the transport's write and writeSequence methods until it is possible to actually start TLS, then it is written to the TLS-enabled transport.
@ivar context: An SSL context factory object to use to start TLS.
@ivar extra: An extra argument to pass to the transport's C{startTLS} method. """ def __init__(self, bufferedData, context, extra): self.bufferedData = bufferedData self.context = context self.extra = extra
def _getTLSClass(klass, _existing={}): if klass not in _existing: class TLSConnection(_TLSMixin, klass): implements(interfaces.ISSLTransport) _existing[klass] = TLSConnection return _existing[klass]
class Connection(abstract.FileDescriptor, _SocketCloser): """ Superclass of all socket-based FileDescriptors.
This is an abstract superclass of all objects which represent a TCP/IP connection based socket.
@ivar logstr: prefix used when logging events related to this connection. @type logstr: C{str} """
implements(interfaces.ITCPTransport, interfaces.ISystemHandle)
TLS = 0
def __init__(self, skt, protocol, reactor=None): abstract.FileDescriptor.__init__(self, reactor=reactor) self.socket = skt self.socket.setblocking(0) self.fileno = skt.fileno self.protocol = protocol
if SSL: _tlsWaiting = None def startTLS(self, ctx, extra): assert not self.TLS if self.dataBuffer or self._tempDataBuffer: # pre-TLS bytes are still being written. Starting TLS now # will do the wrong thing. Instead, mark that we're trying # to go into the TLS state. self._tlsWaiting = _TLSDelayed([], ctx, extra) return False
self.stopReading() self.stopWriting() self._startTLS() self.socket = SSL.Connection(ctx.getContext(), self.socket) self.fileno = self.socket.fileno self.startReading() return True
def _startTLS(self): self.TLS = 1 self.__class__ = _getTLSClass(self.__class__)
def write(self, bytes): if self._tlsWaiting is not None: self._tlsWaiting.bufferedData.append(bytes) else: abstract.FileDescriptor.write(self, bytes)
def writeSequence(self, iovec): if self._tlsWaiting is not None: self._tlsWaiting.bufferedData.extend(iovec) else: abstract.FileDescriptor.writeSequence(self, iovec)
def doWrite(self): result = abstract.FileDescriptor.doWrite(self) if self._tlsWaiting is not None: if not self.dataBuffer and not self._tempDataBuffer: waiting = self._tlsWaiting self._tlsWaiting = None self.startTLS(waiting.context, waiting.extra) self.writeSequence(waiting.bufferedData) return result
def getHandle(self): """Return the socket for this connection.""" return self.socket
def doRead(self): """Calls self.protocol.dataReceived with all available data.
This reads up to self.bufferSize bytes of data from its socket, then calls self.dataReceived(data) to process it. If the connection is not lost through an error in the physical recv(), this function will return the result of the dataReceived call. """ try: data = self.socket.recv(self.bufferSize) except socket.error, se: if se.args[0] == EWOULDBLOCK: return else: return main.CONNECTION_LOST if not data: return main.CONNECTION_DONE return self.protocol.dataReceived(data)
def writeSomeData(self, data): """ Write as much as possible of the given data to this TCP connection.
This sends up to C{self.SEND_LIMIT} bytes from C{data}. If the connection is lost, an exception is returned. Otherwise, the number of bytes successfully written is returned. """ try: # Limit length of buffer to try to send, because some OSes are too # stupid to do so themselves (ahem windows) return self.socket.send(buffer(data, 0, self.SEND_LIMIT)) except socket.error, se: if se.args[0] == EINTR: return self.writeSomeData(data) elif se.args[0] in (EWOULDBLOCK, ENOBUFS): return 0 else: return main.CONNECTION_LOST
def _closeWriteConnection(self): try: getattr(self.socket, self._socketShutdownMethod)(1) except socket.error: pass p = interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol(self.protocol, None) if p: try: p.writeConnectionLost() except: f = failure.Failure() log.err() self.connectionLost(f)
def readConnectionLost(self, reason): p = interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol(self.protocol, None) if p: try: p.readConnectionLost() except: log.err() self.connectionLost(failure.Failure()) else: self.connectionLost(reason)
def connectionLost(self, reason): """See abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost(). """ abstract.FileDescriptor.connectionLost(self, reason) self._closeSocket() protocol = self.protocol del self.protocol del self.socket del self.fileno protocol.connectionLost(reason)
logstr = "Uninitialized"
def logPrefix(self): """Return the prefix to log with when I own the logging thread. """ return self.logstr
def getTcpNoDelay(self): return operator.truth(self.socket.getsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY))
def setTcpNoDelay(self, enabled): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, enabled)
def getTcpKeepAlive(self): return operator.truth(self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE))
def setTcpKeepAlive(self, enabled): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, enabled)
if SSL: classImplements(Connection, interfaces.ITLSTransport)
class BaseClient(Connection): """A base class for client TCP (and similiar) sockets. """ addressFamily = socket.AF_INET socketType = socket.SOCK_STREAM
def _finishInit(self, whenDone, skt, error, reactor): """Called by base classes to continue to next stage of initialization.""" if whenDone: Connection.__init__(self, skt, None, reactor) self.doWrite = self.doConnect self.doRead = self.doConnect reactor.callLater(0, whenDone) else: reactor.callLater(0, self.failIfNotConnected, error)
def startTLS(self, ctx, client=1): if Connection.startTLS(self, ctx, client): if client: self.socket.set_connect_state() else: self.socket.set_accept_state()
def stopConnecting(self): """Stop attempt to connect.""" self.failIfNotConnected(error.UserError())
def failIfNotConnected(self, err): """ Generic method called when the attemps to connect failed. It basically cleans everything it can: call connectionFailed, stop read and write, delete socket related members. """ if (self.connected or self.disconnected or not hasattr(self, "connector")): return
self.connector.connectionFailed(failure.Failure(err)) if hasattr(self, "reactor"): # this doesn't happen if we failed in __init__ self.stopReading() self.stopWriting() del self.connector
try: self._closeSocket() except AttributeError: pass else: del self.socket, self.fileno
def createInternetSocket(self): """(internal) Create a non-blocking socket using self.addressFamily, self.socketType. """ s = socket.socket(self.addressFamily, self.socketType) s.setblocking(0) fdesc._setCloseOnExec(s.fileno()) return s
def resolveAddress(self): if abstract.isIPAddress(self.addr[0]): self._setRealAddress(self.addr[0]) else: d = self.reactor.resolve(self.addr[0]) d.addCallbacks(self._setRealAddress, self.failIfNotConnected)
def _setRealAddress(self, address): self.realAddress = (address, self.addr[1]) self.doConnect()
def doConnect(self): """I connect the socket.
Then, call the protocol's makeConnection, and start waiting for data. """ if not hasattr(self, "connector"): # this happens when connection failed but doConnect # was scheduled via a callLater in self._finishInit return
err = self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR) if err: self.failIfNotConnected(error.getConnectError((err, strerror(err)))) return
# doConnect gets called twice. The first time we actually need to # start the connection attempt. The second time we don't really # want to (SO_ERROR above will have taken care of any errors, and if # it reported none, the mere fact that doConnect was called again is # sufficient to indicate that the connection has succeeded), but it # is not /particularly/ detrimental to do so. This should get # cleaned up some day, though. try: connectResult = self.socket.connect_ex(self.realAddress) except socket.error, se: connectResult = se.args[0] if connectResult: if connectResult == EISCONN: pass # on Windows EINVAL means sometimes that we should keep trying: # elif ((connectResult in (EWOULDBLOCK, EINPROGRESS, EALREADY)) or (connectResult == EINVAL and platformType == "win32")): self.startReading() self.startWriting() return else: self.failIfNotConnected(error.getConnectError((connectResult, strerror(connectResult)))) return
# If I have reached this point without raising or returning, that means # that the socket is connected. del self.doWrite del self.doRead # we first stop and then start, to reset any references to the old doRead self.stopReading() self.stopWriting() self._connectDone()
def _connectDone(self): self.protocol = self.connector.buildProtocol(self.getPeer()) self.connected = 1 self.logstr = self.protocol.__class__.__name__ + ",client" self.startReading() self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
def connectionLost(self, reason): if not self.connected: self.failIfNotConnected(error.ConnectError(string=reason)) else: Connection.connectionLost(self, reason) self.connector.connectionLost(reason)
class Client(BaseClient): """A TCP client."""
def __init__(self, host, port, bindAddress, connector, reactor=None): # BaseClient.__init__ is invoked later self.connector = connector self.addr = (host, port)
whenDone = self.resolveAddress err = None skt = None
try: skt = self.createInternetSocket() except socket.error, se: err = error.ConnectBindError(se[0], se[1]) whenDone = None if whenDone and bindAddress is not None: try: skt.bind(bindAddress) except socket.error, se: err = error.ConnectBindError(se[0], se[1]) whenDone = None self._finishInit(whenDone, skt, err, reactor)
def getHost(self): """Returns an IPv4Address.
This indicates the address from which I am connecting. """ return address.IPv4Address('TCP', *(self.socket.getsockname() + ('INET',)))
def getPeer(self): """Returns an IPv4Address.
This indicates the address that I am connected to. """ return address.IPv4Address('TCP', *(self.realAddress + ('INET',)))
def __repr__(self): s = '<%s to %s at %x>' % (self.__class__, self.addr, unsignedID(self)) return s
class Server(Connection): """ Serverside socket-stream connection class.
This is a serverside network connection transport; a socket which came from an accept() on a server. """
def __init__(self, sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno, reactor): """ Server(sock, protocol, client, server, sessionno)
Initialize it with a socket, a protocol, a descriptor for my peer (a tuple of host, port describing the other end of the connection), an instance of Port, and a session number. """ Connection.__init__(self, sock, protocol, reactor) self.server = server self.client = client self.sessionno = sessionno self.hostname = client[0] self.logstr = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.protocol.__class__.__name__, sessionno, self.hostname) self.repstr = "<%s #%s on %s>" % (self.protocol.__class__.__name__, self.sessionno, self.server._realPortNumber) self.startReading() self.connected = 1
def __repr__(self): """A string representation of this connection. """ return self.repstr
def startTLS(self, ctx, server=1): if Connection.startTLS(self, ctx, server): if server: self.socket.set_accept_state() else: self.socket.set_connect_state()
def getHost(self): """Returns an IPv4Address.
This indicates the server's address. """ return address.IPv4Address('TCP', *(self.socket.getsockname() + ('INET',)))
def getPeer(self): """Returns an IPv4Address.
This indicates the client's address. """ return address.IPv4Address('TCP', *(self.client + ('INET',)))
class Port(base.BasePort, _SocketCloser): """ A TCP server port, listening for connections.
When a connection is accepted, this will call a factory's buildProtocol with the incoming address as an argument, according to the specification described in L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory}.
If you wish to change the sort of transport that will be used, the C{transport} attribute will be called with the signature expected for C{Server.__init__}, so it can be replaced.
@ivar deferred: a deferred created when L{stopListening} is called, and that will fire when connection is lost. This is not to be used it directly: prefer the deferred returned by L{stopListening} instead. @type deferred: L{defer.Deferred}
@ivar disconnecting: flag indicating that the L{stopListening} method has been called and that no connections should be accepted anymore. @type disconnecting: C{bool}
@ivar connected: flag set once the listen has successfully been called on the socket. @type connected: C{bool} """
addressFamily = socket.AF_INET socketType = socket.SOCK_STREAM
transport = Server sessionno = 0 interface = '' backlog = 50
# Actual port number being listened on, only set to a non-None # value when we are actually listening. _realPortNumber = None
def __init__(self, port, factory, backlog=50, interface='', reactor=None): """Initialize with a numeric port to listen on. """ base.BasePort.__init__(self, reactor=reactor) self.port = port self.factory = factory self.backlog = backlog self.interface = interface
def __repr__(self): if self._realPortNumber is not None: return "<%s of %s on %s>" % (self.__class__, self.factory.__class__, self._realPortNumber) else: return "<%s of %s (not listening)>" % (self.__class__, self.factory.__class__)
def createInternetSocket(self): s = base.BasePort.createInternetSocket(self) if platformType == "posix" and sys.platform != "cygwin": s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return s
def startListening(self): """Create and bind my socket, and begin listening on it.
This is called on unserialization, and must be called after creating a server to begin listening on the specified port. """ try: skt = self.createInternetSocket() skt.bind((self.interface, self.port)) except socket.error, le: raise CannotListenError, (self.interface, self.port, le)
# Make sure that if we listened on port 0, we update that to # reflect what the OS actually assigned us. self._realPortNumber = skt.getsockname()[1]
log.msg("%s starting on %s" % (self.factory.__class__, self._realPortNumber))
# The order of the next 6 lines is kind of bizarre. If no one # can explain it, perhaps we should re-arrange them. self.factory.doStart() skt.listen(self.backlog) self.connected = True self.socket = skt self.fileno = self.socket.fileno self.numberAccepts = 100
def _buildAddr(self, (host, port)): return address._ServerFactoryIPv4Address('TCP', host, port)
def doRead(self): """Called when my socket is ready for reading.
This accepts a connection and calls self.protocol() to handle the wire-level protocol. """ try: if platformType == "posix": numAccepts = self.numberAccepts else: # win32 event loop breaks if we do more than one accept() # in an iteration of the event loop. numAccepts = 1 for i in range(numAccepts): # we need this so we can deal with a factory's buildProtocol # calling our loseConnection if self.disconnecting: return try: skt, addr = self.socket.accept() except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] in (EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN): self.numberAccepts = i break elif e.args[0] == EPERM: # Netfilter on Linux may have rejected the # connection, but we get told to try to accept() # anyway. continue elif e.args[0] in (EMFILE, ENOBUFS, ENFILE, ENOMEM, ECONNABORTED):
# Linux gives EMFILE when a process is not allowed # to allocate any more file descriptors. *BSD and # Win32 give (WSA)ENOBUFS. Linux can also give # ENFILE if the system is out of inodes, or ENOMEM # if there is insufficient memory to allocate a new # dentry. ECONNABORTED is documented as possible on # both Linux and Windows, but it is not clear # whether there are actually any circumstances under # which it can happen (one might expect it to be # possible if a client sends a FIN or RST after the # server sends a SYN|ACK but before application code # calls accept(2), however at least on Linux this # _seems_ to be short-circuited by syncookies.
log.msg("Could not accept new connection (%s)" % ( errorcode[e.args[0]],)) break raise
fdesc._setCloseOnExec(skt.fileno()) protocol = self.factory.buildProtocol(self._buildAddr(addr)) if protocol is None: skt.close() continue s = self.sessionno self.sessionno = s+1 transport = self.transport(skt, protocol, addr, self, s, self.reactor) transport = self._preMakeConnection(transport) protocol.makeConnection(transport) else: self.numberAccepts = self.numberAccepts+20 except: # Note that in TLS mode, this will possibly catch SSL.Errors # raised by self.socket.accept() # # There is no "except SSL.Error:" above because SSL may be # None if there is no SSL support. In any case, all the # "except SSL.Error:" suite would probably do is log.deferr() # and return, so handling it here works just as well. log.deferr()
def _preMakeConnection(self, transport): return transport
def loseConnection(self, connDone=failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE)): """ Stop accepting connections on this port.
This will shut down the socket and call self.connectionLost(). It returns a deferred which will fire successfully when the port is actually closed, or with a failure if an error occurs shutting down. """ self.disconnecting = True self.stopReading() if self.connected: self.deferred = deferLater( self.reactor, 0, self.connectionLost, connDone) return self.deferred
stopListening = loseConnection
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Cleans up the socket. """ log.msg('(Port %s Closed)' % self._realPortNumber) self._realPortNumber = None
base.BasePort.connectionLost(self, reason) self.connected = False self._closeSocket() del self.socket del self.fileno
try: self.factory.doStop() finally: self.disconnecting = False
def logPrefix(self): """Returns the name of my class, to prefix log entries with. """ return reflect.qual(self.factory.__class__)
def getHost(self): """Returns an IPv4Address.
This indicates the server's address. """ return address.IPv4Address('TCP', *(self.socket.getsockname() + ('INET',)))
class Connector(base.BaseConnector): def __init__(self, host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress, reactor=None): = host if isinstance(port, types.StringTypes): try: port = socket.getservbyname(port, 'tcp') except socket.error, e: raise error.ServiceNameUnknownError(string="%s (%r)" % (e, port)) self.port = port self.bindAddress = bindAddress base.BaseConnector.__init__(self, factory, timeout, reactor)
def _makeTransport(self): return Client(, self.port, self.bindAddress, self, self.reactor)
def getDestination(self): return address.IPv4Address('TCP',, self.port, 'INET')