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# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" A poll() based implementation of the twisted main loop.
To install the event loop (and you should do this before any connections, listeners or connectors are added)::
from twisted.internet import pollreactor pollreactor.install() """
# System imports import errno, sys from select import error as SelectError, poll from select import POLLIN, POLLOUT, POLLHUP, POLLERR, POLLNVAL
from zope.interface import implements
# Twisted imports from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import main, posixbase, error from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet
class PollReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase): """ A reactor that uses poll(2).
@ivar _poller: A L{poll} which will be used to check for I/O readiness.
@ivar _selectables: A dictionary mapping integer file descriptors to instances of L{FileDescriptor} which have been registered with the reactor. All L{FileDescriptors} which are currently receiving read or write readiness notifications will be present as values in this dictionary.
@ivar _reads: A dictionary mapping integer file descriptors to arbitrary values (this is essentially a set). Keys in this dictionary will be registered with C{_poller} for read readiness notifications which will be dispatched to the corresponding L{FileDescriptor} instances in C{_selectables}.
@ivar _writes: A dictionary mapping integer file descriptors to arbitrary values (this is essentially a set). Keys in this dictionary will be registered with C{_poller} for write readiness notifications which will be dispatched to the corresponding L{FileDescriptor} instances in C{_selectables}. """ implements(IReactorFDSet)
def __init__(self): """ Initialize polling object, file descriptor tracking dictionaries, and the base class. """ self._poller = poll() self._selectables = {} self._reads = {} self._writes = {} posixbase.PosixReactorBase.__init__(self)
def _updateRegistration(self, fd): """Register/unregister an fd with the poller.""" try: self._poller.unregister(fd) except KeyError: pass
mask = 0 if fd in self._reads: mask = mask | POLLIN if fd in self._writes: mask = mask | POLLOUT if mask != 0: self._poller.register(fd, mask) else: if fd in self._selectables: del self._selectables[fd]
def _dictRemove(self, selectable, mdict): try: # the easy way fd = selectable.fileno() # make sure the fd is actually real. In some situations we can get # -1 here. mdict[fd] except: # the hard way: necessary because fileno() may disappear at any # moment, thanks to python's underlying sockets impl for fd, fdes in self._selectables.items(): if selectable is fdes: break else: # Hmm, maybe not the right course of action? This method can't # fail, because it happens inside error detection... return if fd in mdict: del mdict[fd] self._updateRegistration(fd)
def addReader(self, reader): """Add a FileDescriptor for notification of data available to read. """ fd = reader.fileno() if fd not in self._reads: self._selectables[fd] = reader self._reads[fd] = 1 self._updateRegistration(fd)
def addWriter(self, writer): """Add a FileDescriptor for notification of data available to write. """ fd = writer.fileno() if fd not in self._writes: self._selectables[fd] = writer self._writes[fd] = 1 self._updateRegistration(fd)
def removeReader(self, reader): """Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to read. """ return self._dictRemove(reader, self._reads)
def removeWriter(self, writer): """Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to write. """ return self._dictRemove(writer, self._writes)
def removeAll(self): """ Remove all selectables, and return a list of them. """ return self._removeAll( [self._selectables[fd] for fd in self._reads], [self._selectables[fd] for fd in self._writes])
def doPoll(self, timeout): """Poll the poller for new events.""" if timeout is not None: timeout = int(timeout * 1000) # convert seconds to milliseconds
try: l = self._poller.poll(timeout) except SelectError, e: if e[0] == errno.EINTR: return else: raise _drdw = self._doReadOrWrite for fd, event in l: try: selectable = self._selectables[fd] except KeyError: # Handles the infrequent case where one selectable's # handler disconnects another. continue log.callWithLogger(selectable, _drdw, selectable, fd, event)
doIteration = doPoll
def _doReadOrWrite(self, selectable, fd, event): why = None inRead = False if event & POLL_DISCONNECTED and not (event & POLLIN): if fd in self._reads: why = main.CONNECTION_DONE inRead = True else: why = main.CONNECTION_LOST else: try: if event & POLLIN: why = selectable.doRead() inRead = True if not why and event & POLLOUT: why = selectable.doWrite() inRead = False if not selectable.fileno() == fd: why = error.ConnectionFdescWentAway('Filedescriptor went away') inRead = False except: log.deferr() why = sys.exc_info()[1] if why: self._disconnectSelectable(selectable, why, inRead)
def getReaders(self): return [self._selectables[fd] for fd in self._reads]
def getWriters(self): return [self._selectables[fd] for fd in self._writes]
def install(): """Install the poll() reactor.""" p = PollReactor() from twisted.internet.main import installReactor installReactor(p)
__all__ = ["PollReactor", "install"]