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# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" This module provides support for Twisted to interact with the PyGTK mainloop.
In order to use this support, simply do the following::
| from twisted.internet import gtkreactor | gtkreactor.install()
Then use twisted.internet APIs as usual. The other methods here are not intended to be called directly. """
import sys
# System Imports try: import pygtk pygtk.require('1.2') except ImportError, AttributeError: pass # maybe we're using pygtk before this hack existed. import gtk
from zope.interface import implements
# Twisted Imports from twisted.python import log, runtime, deprecate, versions from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet
# Sibling Imports from twisted.internet import posixbase, selectreactor
deprecatedSince = versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0) deprecationMessage = ("All new applications should be written with gtk 2.x, " "which is supported by twisted.internet.gtk2reactor.")
class GtkReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase): """ GTK+ event loop reactor.
@ivar _reads: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk INPUT_READ watch handles.
@ivar _writes: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk INTPUT_WRITE watch handles.
@ivar _simtag: A gtk timeout handle for the next L{simulate} call. """ implements(IReactorFDSet)
deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage, __name__, "GtkReactor")
def __init__(self): """ Initialize the file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base class. """ self._simtag = None self._reads = {} self._writes = {} posixbase.PosixReactorBase.__init__(self)
def addReader(self, reader): if reader not in self._reads: self._reads[reader] = gtk.input_add(reader, gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ, self.callback)
def addWriter(self, writer): if writer not in self._writes: self._writes[writer] = gtk.input_add(writer, gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE, self.callback)
def getReaders(self): return self._reads.keys()
def getWriters(self): return self._writes.keys()
def removeAll(self): return self._removeAll(self._reads, self._writes)
def removeReader(self, reader): if reader in self._reads: gtk.input_remove(self._reads[reader]) del self._reads[reader]
def removeWriter(self, writer): if writer in self._writes: gtk.input_remove(self._writes[writer]) del self._writes[writer]
doIterationTimer = None
def doIterationTimeout(self, *args): self.doIterationTimer = None return 0 # auto-remove def doIteration(self, delay): # flush some pending events, return if there was something to do # don't use the usual "while gtk.events_pending(): mainiteration()" # idiom because lots of IO (in particular test_tcp's # ProperlyCloseFilesTestCase) can keep us from ever exiting. log.msg(channel='system', event='iteration', reactor=self) if gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(0) return # nothing to do, must delay if delay == 0: return # shouldn't delay, so just return self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(int(delay * 1000), self.doIterationTimeout) # This will either wake up from IO or from a timeout. gtk.mainiteration(1) # block # note: with the .simulate timer below, delays > 0.1 will always be # woken up by the .simulate timer if self.doIterationTimer: # if woken by IO, need to cancel the timer gtk.timeout_remove(self.doIterationTimer) self.doIterationTimer = None
def crash(self): posixbase.PosixReactorBase.crash(self) gtk.mainquit()
def run(self, installSignalHandlers=1): self.startRunning(installSignalHandlers=installSignalHandlers) gtk.timeout_add(0, self.simulate) gtk.mainloop()
def _readAndWrite(self, source, condition): # note: gtk-1.2's gtk_input_add presents an API in terms of gdk # constants like INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. Internally, it will add # POLL_HUP and POLL_ERR to the poll() events, but if they happen it # will turn them back into INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. gdkevents.c # maps IN/HUP/ERR to INPUT_READ, and OUT/ERR to INPUT_WRITE. This # means there is no immediate way to detect a disconnected socket.
# The g_io_add_watch() API is more suited to this task. I don't think # pygtk exposes it, though. why = None didRead = None try: if condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ: why = source.doRead() didRead = source.doRead if not why and condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE: # if doRead caused connectionLost, don't call doWrite # if doRead is doWrite, don't call it again. if not source.disconnected and source.doWrite != didRead: why = source.doWrite() didRead = source.doWrite # if failed it was in write except: why = sys.exc_info()[1] log.msg('Error In %s' % source) log.deferr()
if why: self._disconnectSelectable(source, why, didRead == source.doRead)
def callback(self, source, condition): log.callWithLogger(source, self._readAndWrite, source, condition) self.simulate() # fire Twisted timers return 1 # 1=don't auto-remove the source
def simulate(self): """Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks. """ if self._simtag is not None: gtk.timeout_remove(self._simtag) self.runUntilCurrent() timeout = min(self.timeout(), 0.1) if timeout is None: timeout = 0.1 # Quoth someone other than me, "grumble", yet I know not why. Try to be # more specific in your complaints, guys. -exarkun self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add(int(timeout * 1010), self.simulate)
class PortableGtkReactor(selectreactor.SelectReactor): """Reactor that works on Windows.
input_add is not supported on GTK+ for Win32, apparently.
@ivar _simtag: A gtk timeout handle for the next L{simulate} call. """ _simtag = None
deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage, __name__, "PortableGtkReactor")
def crash(self): selectreactor.SelectReactor.crash(self) gtk.mainquit()
def run(self, installSignalHandlers=1): self.startRunning(installSignalHandlers=installSignalHandlers) self.simulate() gtk.mainloop()
def simulate(self): """Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks. """ if self._simtag is not None: gtk.timeout_remove(self._simtag) self.iterate() timeout = min(self.timeout(), 0.1) if timeout is None: timeout = 0.1
# See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate. self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)
def install(): """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop. """ reactor = GtkReactor() from twisted.internet.main import installReactor installReactor(reactor) return reactor
deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage, __name__, "install")
def portableInstall(): """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop. """ reactor = PortableGtkReactor() from twisted.internet.main import installReactor installReactor(reactor) return reactor
deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage, __name__, "portableInstall")
if runtime.platform.getType() != 'posix': install = portableInstall
__all__ = ['install']