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# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Test the C{I...Endpoint} implementations that wrap the L{IReactorTCP},
L{IReactorSSL}, and L{IReactorUNIX} interfaces found in

from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import error, interfaces
from twisted.internet import endpoints
from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address, UNIXAddress
from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, Protocol
from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor, RaisingMemoryReactor
from twisted.python.failure import Failure

    from twisted.test.test_sslverify import makeCertificate
    from twisted.internet.ssl import CertificateOptions
    skipSSL = False
except ImportError:
    skipSSL = "SSL not available."

class TestProtocol(Protocol):
    Protocol whose only function is to callback deferreds on the
    factory when it is connected or disconnected.

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = []
        self.connectionsLost = []
        self.connectionMadeCalls = 0

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.connectionMadeCalls += 1

    def dataReceived(self, data):

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

class TestHalfCloseableProtocol(TestProtocol):
    A Protocol that implements L{IHalfCloseableProtocol} and records that
    its C{readConnectionLost} and {writeConnectionLost} methods.

    def __init__(self):
        self.readLost = False
        self.writeLost = False

    def readConnectionLost(self):
        self.readLost = True

    def writeConnectionLost(self):
        self.writeLost = True

class TestFactory(ClientFactory):
    Simple factory to be used both when connecting and listening. It contains
    two deferreds which are called back when my protocol connects and

    protocol = TestProtocol

class WrappingFactoryTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Test the behaviour of our ugly implementation detail C{_WrappingFactory}.

    def test_failedBuildProtocol(self):
        An exception raised in C{buildProtocol} of our wrappedFactory
        results in our C{onConnection} errback being fired.

        class BogusFactory(ClientFactory):
            A one off factory whose C{buildProtocol} raises an C{Exception}.

            def buildProtocol(self, addr):
                raise ValueError("My protocol is poorly defined.")

        wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(BogusFactory(), None)


        d = self.assertFailure(wf._onConnection, ValueError)
        d.addCallback(lambda e: self.assertEquals(
                ("My protocol is poorly defined.",)))

        return d

    def test_wrappedProtocolDataReceived(self):
        The wrapped C{Protocol}'s C{dataReceived} will get called when our
        C{_WrappingProtocol}'s C{dataReceived} gets called.
        wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory(), None)
        p = wf.buildProtocol(None)

        self.assertEquals(p._wrappedProtocol.data, ['foo'])

        self.assertEquals(p._wrappedProtocol.data, ['foo', 'bar'])

    def test_wrappedProtocolTransport(self):
        Our transport is properly hooked up to the wrappedProtocol when a
        connection is made.
        wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory(), None)
        p = wf.buildProtocol(None)

        dummyTransport = object()


        self.assertEquals(p.transport, dummyTransport)

        self.assertEquals(p._wrappedProtocol.transport, dummyTransport)

    def test_wrappedProtocolConnectionLost(self):
        Our wrappedProtocol's connectionLost method is called when
        L{_WrappingProtocol.connectionLost} is called.
        tf = TestFactory()
        wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(tf, None)
        p = wf.buildProtocol(None)


        self.assertEquals(p._wrappedProtocol.connectionsLost, ["fail"])

    def test_clientConnectionFailed(self):
        Calls to L{_WrappingFactory.clientConnectionLost} should errback the
        L{_WrappingFactory._onConnection} L{Deferred}
        wf = endpoints._WrappingFactory(TestFactory(), None)
        expectedFailure = Failure(error.ConnectError(string="fail"))


        errors = []
        def gotError(f):


        self.assertEquals(errors, [expectedFailure])

    def test_wrappingProtocolHalfCloseable(self):
        Our  L{_WrappingProtocol} should be an L{IHalfCloseableProtocol} if
        the C{wrappedProtocol} is.
        cd = object()
        hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
        p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(cd, hcp)
            interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol.providedBy(p), True)

    def test_wrappingProtocolNotHalfCloseable(self):
        Our L{_WrappingProtocol} should not provide L{IHalfCloseableProtocol}
        if the C{WrappedProtocol} doesn't.
        tp = TestProtocol()
        p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, tp)
            interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol.providedBy(p), False)

    def test_wrappedProtocolReadConnectionLost(self):
        L{_WrappingProtocol.readConnectionLost} should proxy to the wrapped
        protocol's C{readConnectionLost}
        hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
        p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, hcp)
        self.assertEquals(hcp.readLost, True)

    def test_wrappedProtocolWriteConnectionLost(self):
        L{_WrappingProtocol.writeConnectionLost} should proxy to the wrapped
        protocol's C{writeConnectionLost}
        hcp = TestHalfCloseableProtocol()
        p = endpoints._WrappingProtocol(None, hcp)
        self.assertEquals(hcp.writeLost, True)

class EndpointTestCaseMixin(object):
    Generic test methods to be mixed into all endpoint test classes.

    def retrieveConnectedFactory(self, reactor):
        Retrieve a single factory that has connected using the given reactor.
        (This behavior is valid for TCP and SSL but needs to be overridden for

        @param reactor: a L{MemoryReactor}
        return self.expectedClients(reactor)[0][2]

    def test_endpointConnectSuccess(self):
        A client endpoint can connect and returns a deferred who gets called
        back with a protocol instance.
        proto = object()
        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, expectedArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)

        receivedProtos = []

        def checkProto(p):


        factory = self.retrieveConnectedFactory(mreactor)
        self.assertEquals(receivedProtos, [proto])

        expectedClients = self.expectedClients(mreactor)

        self.assertEquals(len(expectedClients), 1)
        self.assertConnectArgs(expectedClients[0], expectedArgs)

    def test_endpointConnectFailure(self):
        If an endpoint tries to connect to a non-listening port it gets
        a C{ConnectError} failure.
        expectedError = error.ConnectError(string="Connection Failed")

        mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactor(connectException=expectedError)

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)

        receivedExceptions = []

        def checkFailure(f):


        self.assertEquals(receivedExceptions, [expectedError])

    def test_endpointConnectingCancelled(self):
        Calling L{Deferred.cancel} on the L{Deferred} returned from
        L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} is errbacked with an expected
        L{ConnectingCancelledError} exception.
        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        clientFactory = object()

        ep, ignoredArgs, address = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, clientFactory)

        d = ep.connect(clientFactory)

        receivedFailures = []

        def checkFailure(f):



        self.assertEquals(len(receivedFailures), 1)

        failure = receivedFailures[0]

        self.assertIsInstance(failure.value, error.ConnectingCancelledError)
        self.assertEquals(failure.value.address, address)

    def test_endpointListenSuccess(self):
        An endpoint can listen and returns a deferred that gets called back
        with a port instance.
        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        factory = object()

        ep, expectedArgs, expectedHost = self.createServerEndpoint(
            mreactor, factory)

        d = ep.listen(factory)

        receivedHosts = []

        def checkPortAndServer(port):


        self.assertEquals(receivedHosts, [expectedHost])
        self.assertEquals(self.expectedServers(mreactor), [expectedArgs])

    def test_endpointListenFailure(self):
        When an endpoint tries to listen on an already listening port, a
        C{CannotListenError} failure is errbacked.
        factory = object()
        exception = error.CannotListenError('', 80, factory)
        mreactor = RaisingMemoryReactor(listenException=exception)

        ep, ignoredArgs, ignoredDest = self.createServerEndpoint(
            mreactor, factory)

        d = ep.listen(object())

        receivedExceptions = []

        def checkFailure(f):


        self.assertEquals(receivedExceptions, [exception])

    def test_endpointConnectNonDefaultArgs(self):
        The endpoint should pass it's connectArgs parameter to the reactor's
        listen methods.
        factory = object()

        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        ep, expectedArgs, ignoredHost = self.createClientEndpoint(
            mreactor, factory,


        expectedClients = self.expectedClients(mreactor)

        self.assertEquals(len(expectedClients), 1)
        self.assertConnectArgs(expectedClients[0], expectedArgs)

    def test_endpointListenNonDefaultArgs(self):
        The endpoint should pass it's listenArgs parameter to the reactor's
        listen methods.
        factory = object()

        mreactor = MemoryReactor()

        ep, expectedArgs, ignoredHost = self.createServerEndpoint(
            mreactor, factory,


        expectedServers = self.expectedServers(mreactor)

        self.assertEquals(expectedServers, [expectedArgs])

class TCP4EndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin,
    Tests for TCP Endpoints.

    def expectedServers(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}
        return reactor.tcpServers

    def expectedClients(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}
        return reactor.tcpClients

    def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
        Compare host, port, timeout, and bindAddress in C{receivedArgs}
        to C{expectedArgs}.  We ignore the factory because we don't
        only care what protocol comes out of the
        C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.

        @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
            C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
        @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
            C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to have been passed
            to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.
        (host, port, ignoredFactory, timeout, bindAddress) = receivedArgs
        (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory,
         expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs

        self.assertEquals(host, expectedHost)
        self.assertEquals(port, expectedPort)
        self.assertEquals(timeout, expectedTimeout)
        self.assertEquals(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)

    def connectArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
        return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}

    def listenArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
        return {'backlog': 100, 'interface': ''}

    def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
        Create an L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
        its behaviour.

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP4ServerEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} on.
        @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
        @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 0)

        if listenArgs is None:
            listenArgs = {}

        return (endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor,
                (address.port, factory,
                 listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
                 listenArgs.get('interface', '')),

    def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
        Create an L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
        its behavior.

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorTCP} that L{TCP4ClientEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP} on.
        @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
        @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = IPv4Address("TCP", "localhost", 80)

        return (endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor,
                (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
                 connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
                 connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),

class SSL4EndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin,
    Tests for SSL Endpoints.
    if skipSSL:
        skip = skipSSL

    def expectedServers(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL}
        return reactor.sslServers

    def expectedClients(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}
        return reactor.sslClients

    def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
        Compare host, port, contextFactory, timeout, and bindAddress in
        C{receivedArgs} to C{expectedArgs}.  We ignore the factory because we
        don't only care what protocol comes out of the
        C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.

        @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
            C{contextFactory}, C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that was passed to
        @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{host}, C{port}, C{factory},
            C{contextFactory}, C{timeout}, C{bindAddress}) that we expect to
            have been passed to L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL}.
        (host, port, ignoredFactory, contextFactory, timeout,
         bindAddress) = receivedArgs

        (expectedHost, expectedPort, _ignoredFactory, expectedContextFactory,
         expectedTimeout, expectedBindAddress) = expectedArgs

        self.assertEquals(host, expectedHost)
        self.assertEquals(port, expectedPort)
        self.assertEquals(contextFactory, expectedContextFactory)
        self.assertEquals(timeout, expectedTimeout)
        self.assertEquals(bindAddress, expectedBindAddress)

    def connectArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
        return {'timeout': 10, 'bindAddress': ('localhost', 49595)}

    def listenArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
        return {'backlog': 100, 'interface': ''}

    def setUp(self):
        Set up client and server SSL contexts for use later.
        self.sKey, self.sCert = makeCertificate(
            O="Server Test Certificate",
        self.cKey, self.cCert = makeCertificate(
            O="Client Test Certificate",
        self.serverSSLContext = CertificateOptions(
        self.clientSSLContext = CertificateOptions(

    def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
        Create an L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} and return the tools to verify its

        @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorSSL} that L{SSL4ServerEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorSSL.listenSSL} on.
        @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 0)

        return (endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint(reactor,
                (address.port, factory, self.serverSSLContext,
                 listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
                 listenArgs.get('interface', '')),

    def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
        Create an L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
        its behaviour.

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorSSL} that L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL} on.
        @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
        @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = IPv4Address("TCP", "localhost", 80)

        if connectArgs is None:
            connectArgs = {}

        return (endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor,
                (address.host, address.port, clientFactory,
                 connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
                 connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)),

class UNIXEndpointsTestCase(EndpointTestCaseMixin,
    Tests for UnixSocket Endpoints.

    def retrieveConnectedFactory(self, reactor):
        Override L{EndpointTestCaseMixin.retrieveConnectedFactory} to account
        for different index of 'factory' in C{connectUNIX} args.
        return self.expectedClients(reactor)[0][1]

    def expectedServers(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX}
        return reactor.unixServers

    def expectedClients(self, reactor):
        @return: List of calls to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}
        return reactor.unixClients

    def assertConnectArgs(self, receivedArgs, expectedArgs):
        Compare path, timeout, checkPID in C{receivedArgs} to C{expectedArgs}.
        We ignore the factory because we don't only care what protocol comes
        out of the C{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} call.

        @param receivedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{path}, C{timeout}, C{checkPID})
            that was passed to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}.
        @param expectedArgs: C{tuple} of (C{path}, C{timeout}, C{checkPID})
            that we expect to have been passed to L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX}.

        (path, ignoredFactory, timeout, checkPID) = receivedArgs

        (expectedPath, _ignoredFactory, expectedTimeout,
         expectedCheckPID) = expectedArgs

        self.assertEquals(path, expectedPath)
        self.assertEquals(timeout, expectedTimeout)
        self.assertEquals(checkPID, expectedCheckPID)

    def connectArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to connect.
        return {'timeout': 10, 'checkPID': 1}

    def listenArgs(self):
        @return: C{dict} of keyword arguments to pass to listen
        return {'backlog': 100, 'mode': 0600, 'wantPID': 1}

    def createServerEndpoint(self, reactor, factory, **listenArgs):
        Create an L{UNIXServerEndpoint} and return the tools to verify its

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorUNIX} that L{UNIXServerEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX} on.
        @param factory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamServerEndpoint.listen} implementation.
        @param listenArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = UNIXAddress(self.mktemp())

        return (endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint(reactor, address.name,
                (address.name, factory,
                 listenArgs.get('backlog', 50),
                 listenArgs.get('mode', 0666),
                 listenArgs.get('wantPID', 0)),

    def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
        Create an L{UNIXClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
        its behaviour.

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorUNIX} that L{UNIXClientEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX} on.
        @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
        @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = UNIXAddress(self.mktemp())

        return (endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, address.name,
                (address.name, clientFactory,
                 connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
                 connectArgs.get('checkPID', 0)),

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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