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# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details
""" This module tests twisted.conch.ssh.connection. """
import struct
from twisted.conch import error from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, common, connection from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.conch.test import test_userauth
class TestChannel(channel.SSHChannel): """ A mocked-up version of
@ivar gotOpen: True if channelOpen has been called. @type gotOpen: C{bool} @ivar specificData: the specific channel open data passed to channelOpen. @type specificData: C{str} @ivar openFailureReason: the reason passed to openFailed. @type openFailed: C{error.ConchError} @ivar inBuffer: a C{list} of strings received by the channel. @type inBuffer: C{list} @ivar extBuffer: a C{list} of 2-tuples (type, extended data) of received by the channel. @type extBuffer: C{list} @ivar numberRequests: the number of requests that have been made to this channel. @type numberRequests: C{int} @ivar gotEOF: True if the other side sent EOF. @type gotEOF: C{bool} @ivar gotOneClose: True if the other side closed the connection. @type gotOneClose: C{bool} @ivar gotClosed: True if the channel is closed. @type gotClosed: C{bool} """ name = "TestChannel" gotOpen = False
def logPrefix(self): return "TestChannel %i" %
def channelOpen(self, specificData): """ The channel is open. Set up the instance variables. """ self.gotOpen = True self.specificData = specificData self.inBuffer = [] self.extBuffer = [] self.numberRequests = 0 self.gotEOF = False self.gotOneClose = False self.gotClosed = False
def openFailed(self, reason): """ Opening the channel failed. Store the reason why. """ self.openFailureReason = reason
def request_test(self, data): """ A test request. Return True if data is 'data'.
@type data: C{str} """ self.numberRequests += 1 return data == 'data'
def dataReceived(self, data): """ Data was received. Store it in the buffer. """ self.inBuffer.append(data)
def extReceived(self, code, data): """ Extended data was received. Store it in the buffer. """ self.extBuffer.append((code, data))
def eofReceived(self): """ EOF was received. Remember it. """ self.gotEOF = True
def closeReceived(self): """ Close was received. Remember it. """ self.gotOneClose = True
def closed(self): """ The channel is closed. Rembember it. """ self.gotClosed = True
class TestAvatar: """ A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.avatar.ConchUser """ _ARGS_ERROR_CODE = 123
def lookupChannel(self, channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data): """ The server wants us to return a channel. If the requested channel is our TestChannel, return it, otherwise return None. """ if channelType == return TestChannel(remoteWindow=windowSize, remoteMaxPacket=maxPacket, data=data, avatar=self) elif channelType == "conch-error-args": # Raise a ConchError with backwards arguments to make sure the # connection fixes it for us. This case should be deprecated and # deleted eventually, but only after all of Conch gets the argument # order right. raise error.ConchError( self._ARGS_ERROR_CODE, "error args in wrong order")
def gotGlobalRequest(self, requestType, data): """ The client has made a global request. If the global request is 'TestGlobal', return True. If the global request is 'TestData', return True and the request-specific data we received. Otherwise, return False. """ if requestType == 'TestGlobal': return True elif requestType == 'TestData': return True, data else: return False
class TestConnection(connection.SSHConnection): """ A subclass of SSHConnection for testing.
@ivar channel: the current channel. @type channel. C{TestChannel} """
def logPrefix(self): return "TestConnection"
def global_TestGlobal(self, data): """ The other side made the 'TestGlobal' global request. Return True. """ return True
def global_Test_Data(self, data): """ The other side made the 'Test-Data' global request. Return True and the data we received. """ return True, data
def channel_TestChannel(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data): """ The other side is requesting the TestChannel. Create a C{TestChannel} instance, store it, and return it. """ = TestChannel(remoteWindow=windowSize, remoteMaxPacket=maxPacket, data=data) return
def channel_ErrorChannel(self, windowSize, maxPacket, data): """ The other side is requesting the ErrorChannel. Raise an exception. """ raise AssertionError('no such thing')
class ConnectionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
if test_userauth.transport is None: skip = "Cannot run without PyCrypto"
def setUp(self): self.transport = test_userauth.FakeTransport(None) self.transport.avatar = TestAvatar() self.conn = TestConnection() self.conn.transport = self.transport self.conn.serviceStarted()
def _openChannel(self, channel): """ Open the channel with the default connection. """ self.conn.openChannel(channel) self.transport.packets = self.transport.packets[:-1] self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION(struct.pack('>2L',, 255) + '\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00')
def tearDown(self): self.conn.serviceStopped()
def test_linkAvatar(self): """ Test that the connection links itself to the avatar in the transport. """ self.assertIdentical(self.transport.avatar.conn, self.conn)
def test_serviceStopped(self): """ Test that serviceStopped() closes any open channels. """ channel1 = TestChannel() channel2 = TestChannel() self.conn.openChannel(channel1) self.conn.openChannel(channel2) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION('\x00\x00\x00\x00' * 4) self.assertTrue(channel1.gotOpen) self.assertFalse(channel2.gotOpen) self.conn.serviceStopped() self.assertTrue(channel1.gotClosed)
def test_GLOBAL_REQUEST(self): """ Test that global request packets are dispatched to the global_* methods and the return values are translated into success or failure messages. """ self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestGlobal') + '\xff') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, '')]) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestData') + '\xff' + 'test data') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, 'test data')]) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestBad') + '\xff') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE, '')]) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST(common.NS('TestGlobal') + '\x00') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [])
def test_REQUEST_SUCCESS(self): """ Test that global request success packets cause the Deferred to be called back. """ d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('request', 'data', True) self.conn.ssh_REQUEST_SUCCESS('data') def check(data): self.assertEquals(data, 'data') d.addCallback(check) d.addErrback( return d
def test_REQUEST_FAILURE(self): """ Test that global request failure packets cause the Deferred to be erred back. """ d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('request', 'data', True) self.conn.ssh_REQUEST_FAILURE('data') def check(f): self.assertEquals(, 'data') d.addCallback( d.addErrback(check) return d
def test_CHANNEL_OPEN(self): """ Test that open channel packets cause a channel to be created and opened or a failure message to be returned. """ del self.transport.avatar self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('TestChannel') + '\x00\x00\x00\x01' * 4) self.assertTrue( self.assertEquals(, self.conn) self.assertEquals(, '\x00\x00\x00\x01') self.assertEquals(, '\x00\x00\x00\x01') self.assertEquals(, 1) self.assertEquals(, 1) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00' '\x00\x00\x80\x00')]) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('BadChannel') + '\x00\x00\x00\x02' * 4) self.flushLoggedErrors() self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03' + common.NS( 'unknown channel') + common.NS(''))]) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN(common.NS('ErrorChannel') + '\x00\x00\x00\x02' * 4) self.flushLoggedErrors() self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02' + common.NS( 'unknown failure') + common.NS(''))])
def _lookupChannelErrorTest(self, code): """ Deliver a request for a channel open which will result in an exception being raised during channel lookup. Assert that an error response is delivered as a result. """ self.transport.avatar._ARGS_ERROR_CODE = code self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN( common.NS('conch-error-args') + '\x00\x00\x00\x01' * 4) errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(error.ConchError) self.assertEquals( len(errors), 1, "Expected one error, got: %r" % (errors,)) self.assertEquals(errors[0].value.args, (123, "error args in wrong order")) self.assertEquals( self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, # The response includes some bytes which identifying the # associated request, as well as the error code (7b in hex) and # the error message. '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x7b' + common.NS( 'error args in wrong order') + common.NS(''))])
def test_lookupChannelError(self): """ If a C{lookupChannel} implementation raises L{error.ConchError} with the arguments in the wrong order, a C{MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN} failure is still sent in response to the message.
This is a temporary work-around until L{error.ConchError} is given better attributes and all of the Conch code starts constructing instances of it properly. Eventually this functionality should be deprecated and then removed. """ self._lookupChannelErrorTest(123)
def test_lookupChannelErrorLongCode(self): """ Like L{test_lookupChannelError}, but for the case where the failure code is represented as a C{long} instead of a C{int}. """ self._lookupChannelErrorTest(123L)
def test_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION(self): """ Test that channel open confirmation packets cause the channel to be notified that it's open. """ channel = TestChannel() self.conn.openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION('\x00\x00\x00\x00'*5) self.assertEquals(channel.remoteWindowLeft, 0) self.assertEquals(channel.remoteMaxPacket, 0) self.assertEquals(channel.specificData, '\x00\x00\x00\x00') self.assertEquals(self.conn.channelsToRemoteChannel[channel], 0) self.assertEquals(self.conn.localToRemoteChannel[0], 0)
def test_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE(self): """ Test that channel open failure packets cause the channel to be notified that its opening failed. """ channel = TestChannel() self.conn.openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x01' + common.NS('failure!')) self.assertEquals(channel.openFailureReason.args, ('failure!', 1)) self.assertEquals(self.conn.channels.get(channel), None)
def test_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST(self): """ Test that channel window adjust messages add bytes to the channel window. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) oldWindowSize = channel.remoteWindowLeft self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x01') self.assertEquals(channel.remoteWindowLeft, oldWindowSize + 1)
def test_CHANNEL_DATA(self): """ Test that channel data messages are passed up to the channel, or cause the channel to be closed if the data is too large. """ channel = TestChannel(localWindow=6, localMaxPacket=5) self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS('data')) self.assertEquals(channel.inBuffer, ['data']) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' '\x00\x00\x00\x04')]) self.transport.packets = [] longData = 'a' * (channel.localWindowLeft + 1) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS(longData)) self.assertEquals(channel.inBuffer, ['data']) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')]) channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) bigData = 'a' * (channel.localMaxPacket + 1) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x01' + common.NS(bigData)) self.assertEquals(channel.inBuffer, []) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
def test_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA(self): """ Test that channel extended data messages are passed up to the channel, or cause the channel to be closed if they're too big. """ channel = TestChannel(localWindow=6, localMaxPacket=5) self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x00' + common.NS('data')) self.assertEquals(channel.extBuffer, [(0, 'data')]) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' '\x00\x00\x00\x04')]) self.transport.packets = [] longData = 'a' * (channel.localWindowLeft + 1) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' '\x00' + common.NS(longData)) self.assertEquals(channel.extBuffer, [(0, 'data')]) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')]) channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) bigData = 'a' * (channel.localMaxPacket + 1) self.transport.packets = [] self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA('\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00' '\x00' + common.NS(bigData)) self.assertEquals(channel.extBuffer, []) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
def test_CHANNEL_EOF(self): """ Test that channel eof messages are passed up to the channel. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_EOF('\x00\x00\x00\x00') self.assertTrue(channel.gotEOF)
def test_CHANNEL_CLOSE(self): """ Test that channel close messages are passed up to the channel. Also, test that channel.close() is called if both sides are closed when this message is received. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.sendClose(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_CLOSE('\x00\x00\x00\x00') self.assertTrue(channel.gotOneClose) self.assertTrue(channel.gotClosed)
def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_success(self): """ Test that channel requests that succeed send MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS('test') + '\x00') self.assertEquals(channel.numberRequests, 1) d = self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS( 'test') + '\xff' + 'data') def check(result): self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')]) d.addCallback(check) return d
def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_failure(self): """ Test that channel requests that fail send MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) d = self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST('\x00\x00\x00\x00' + common.NS( 'test') + '\xff') def check(result): self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' )]) d.addCallback( d.addErrback(check) return d
def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SUCCESS(self): """ Test that channel request success messages cause the Deferred to be called back. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', 'data', True) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_SUCCESS('\x00\x00\x00\x00') def check(result): self.assertTrue(result) return d
def test_CHANNEL_REQUEST_FAILURE(self): """ Test that channel request failure messages cause the Deferred to be erred back. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', '', True) self.conn.ssh_CHANNEL_FAILURE('\x00\x00\x00\x00') def check(result): self.assertEquals(result.value.value, 'channel request failed') d.addCallback( d.addErrback(check) return d
def test_sendGlobalRequest(self): """ Test that global request messages are sent in the right format. """ d = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('wantReply', 'data', True) self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('noReply', '', False) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, common.NS('wantReply') + '\xffdata'), (connection.MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, common.NS('noReply') + '\x00')]) self.assertEquals(self.conn.deferreds, {'global':[d]})
def test_openChannel(self): """ Test that open channel messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self.conn.openChannel(channel, 'aaaa') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, common.NS('TestChannel') + '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00aaaa')]) self.assertEquals(, 0) self.assertEquals(self.conn.localChannelID, 1)
def test_sendRequest(self): """ Test that channel request messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) d = self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test', 'test', True) self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test2', '', False) channel.localClosed = True # emulate sending a close message self.conn.sendRequest(channel, 'test3', '', True) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' + common.NS('test') + '\x01test'), (connection.MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' + common.NS('test2') + '\x00')]) self.assertEquals(self.conn.deferreds, {0:[d]})
def test_adjustWindow(self): """ Test that channel window adjust messages cause bytes to be added to the window. """ channel = TestChannel(localWindow=5) self._openChannel(channel) channel.localWindowLeft = 0 self.conn.adjustWindow(channel, 1) self.assertEquals(channel.localWindowLeft, 1) channel.localClosed = True self.conn.adjustWindow(channel, 2) self.assertEquals(channel.localWindowLeft, 1) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' '\x00\x00\x00\x01')])
def test_sendData(self): """ Test that channel data messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.sendData(channel, 'a') channel.localClosed = True self.conn.sendData(channel, 'b') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' + common.NS('a'))])
def test_sendExtendedData(self): """ Test that channel extended data messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.sendExtendedData(channel, 1, 'test') channel.localClosed = True self.conn.sendExtendedData(channel, 2, 'test2') self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, '\x00\x00\x00\xff' + '\x00\x00\x00\x01' + common.NS('test'))])
def test_sendEOF(self): """ Test that channel EOF messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.sendEOF(channel) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')]) channel.localClosed = True self.conn.sendEOF(channel) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
def test_sendClose(self): """ Test that channel close messages are sent in the right format. """ channel = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel) self.conn.sendClose(channel) self.assertTrue(channel.localClosed) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')]) self.conn.sendClose(channel) self.assertEquals(self.transport.packets, [(connection.MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, '\x00\x00\x00\xff')])
channel2 = TestChannel() self._openChannel(channel2) channel2.remoteClosed = True self.conn.sendClose(channel2) self.assertTrue(channel2.gotClosed)
def test_getChannelWithAvatar(self): """ Test that getChannel dispatches to the avatar when an avatar is present. Correct functioning without the avatar is verified in test_CHANNEL_OPEN. """ channel = self.conn.getChannel('TestChannel', 50, 30, 'data') self.assertEquals(, 'data') self.assertEquals(channel.remoteWindowLeft, 50) self.assertEquals(channel.remoteMaxPacket, 30) self.assertRaises(error.ConchError, self.conn.getChannel, 'BadChannel', 50, 30, 'data')
def test_gotGlobalRequestWithoutAvatar(self): """ Test that gotGlobalRequests dispatches to global_* without an avatar. """ del self.transport.avatar self.assertTrue(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('TestGlobal', 'data')) self.assertEquals(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('Test-Data', 'data'), (True, 'data')) self.assertFalse(self.conn.gotGlobalRequest('BadGlobal', 'data'))