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""" You don't really want to use this module. Try instead. """
from twisted.internet import protocol
class InsultsClient(protocol.Protocol):
escapeTimeout = 0.2
def __init__(self): self.width = self.height = None self.xpos = self.ypos = 0 self.commandQueue = [] self.inEscape = ''
def setSize(self, width, height): call = 0 if self.width: call = 1 self.width = width self.height = height if call: self.windowSizeChanged()
def dataReceived(self, data): from twisted.internet import reactor for ch in data: if ch == '\x1b': if self.inEscape: self.keyReceived(ch) self.inEscape = '' else: self.inEscape = ch self.escapeCall = reactor.callLater(self.escapeTimeout, self.endEscape) elif ch in 'ABCD' and self.inEscape: self.inEscape = '' self.escapeCall.cancel() if ch == 'A': self.keyReceived('<Up>') elif ch == 'B': self.keyReceived('<Down>') elif ch == 'C': self.keyReceived('<Right>') elif ch == 'D': self.keyReceived('<Left>') elif self.inEscape: self.inEscape += ch else: self.keyReceived(ch)
def endEscape(self): ch = self.inEscape self.inEscape = '' self.keyReceived(ch)
def initScreen(self): self.transport.write('\x1b=\x1b[?1h')
def gotoXY(self, x, y): """Go to a position on the screen. """ self.xpos = x self.ypos = y self.commandQueue.append(('gotoxy', x, y))
def writeCh(self, ch): """Write a character to the screen. If we're at the end of the row, ignore the write. """ if self.xpos < self.width - 1: self.commandQueue.append(('write', ch)) self.xpos += 1
def writeStr(self, s): """Write a string to the screen. This does not wrap a the edge of the screen, and stops at \\r and \\n. """ s = s[:self.width-self.xpos] if '\n' in s: s=s[:s.find('\n')] if '\r' in s: s=s[:s.find('\r')] self.commandQueue.append(('write', s)) self.xpos += len(s)
def eraseToLine(self): """Erase from the current position to the end of the line. """ self.commandQueue.append(('eraseeol',))
def eraseToScreen(self): """Erase from the current position to the end of the screen. """ self.commandQueue.append(('eraseeos',)) def clearScreen(self): """Clear the screen, and return the cursor to 0, 0. """ self.commandQueue = [('cls',)] self.xpos = self.ypos = 0
def setAttributes(self, *attrs): """Set the attributes for drawing on the screen. """ self.commandQueue.append(('attributes', attrs))
def refresh(self): """Redraw the screen. """ redraw = '' for command in self.commandQueue: if command[0] == 'gotoxy': redraw += '\x1b[%i;%iH' % (command[2]+1, command[1]+1) elif command[0] == 'write': redraw += command[1] elif command[0] == 'eraseeol': redraw += '\x1b[0K' elif command[0] == 'eraseeos': redraw += '\x1b[OJ' elif command[0] == 'cls': redraw += '\x1b[H\x1b[J' elif command[0] == 'attributes': redraw += '\x1b[%sm' % ';'.join(map(str, command[1])) else: print command self.commandQueue = [] self.transport.write(redraw)
def windowSizeChanged(self): """Called when the size of the window changes. Might want to redraw the screen here, or something. """
def keyReceived(self, key): """Called when the user hits a key. """