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#!/usr/bin/env python import threading, Queue, time, re, os, tempfile import aptsources from timeit import Timer import urllib import socket import random
# Python requires to set the time out globally socket.setdefaulttimeout(2)
class MirrorTest(threading.Thread): """Determines the best mirrors by perfoming ping and download test.""" class PingWorker(threading.Thread): """Use the command line command ping to determine the server's response time. Using multiple threads allows to run several test simultaneously.""" def __init__(self, jobs, results, id, parent, borders=(0,1), mod=(0,0)): self.borders = borders self.mod = mod self.parent = parent = id = jobs self.results = results self.match_result = re.compile(r"^rtt .* = [\.\d]+/([\.\d]+)/.*") threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): result = None while MirrorTest.completed < MirrorTest.todo and\ self.parent.running.isSet(): try: mirror =, 1) host = mirror.hostname except: continue self.parent.report_action("Pinging %s..." % host) commando = os.popen("ping -q -c 2 -W 1 -i 0.5 %s" % host, "r") while True: line = commando.readline() if not line: break result = re.findall(self.match_result, line) MirrorTest.completed_lock.acquire() MirrorTest.completed += 1 self.parent.report_progress(MirrorTest.completed, MirrorTest.todo, self.borders, self.mod) if result: self.results.append([float(result[0]), host, mirror]) MirrorTest.completed_lock.release()
def __init__(self, mirrors, test_file, running=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.test_file = test_file self.threads = [] MirrorTest.completed = 0 MirrorTest.completed_lock = threading.Lock() MirrorTest.todo = len(mirrors) self.mirrors = mirrors if not running: self.running = threading.Event() else: self.running = running
def run_full_test(self): """Run a test of the mirror test.""" results_ping = self.run_ping_test(max=10) results = self.run_download_test(map(lambda r: r[2], results_ping)) for (t, h) in results: print h.hostname,t
def report_action(self, text): """Should be used by all sub test to collect action status messages in a central place.""" print text
def report_progress(self, current, max, borders=(0,100), mod=(0,0)): """Should be used by all sub test to collect progress messages in a central place.""" print "Completed %s of %s" % (current + mod[0], max + mod[1])
def run_ping_test(self, mirrors=None, max=None, borders=(0,1), mod=(0,0)): """Performs ping tests of the given mirrors and returns the best results (specified by max). Mod and borders could be used to tweak the reported result if the download test is only a part of a whole series of tests.""" if mirrors == None: mirrors = self.mirrors jobs = Queue.Queue() for m in mirrors: jobs.put(m) results = [] #FIXME: Optimze the number of ping working threads LP#90379 for i in range(25): t = MirrorTest.PingWorker(jobs, results, i, self, borders, mod) self.threads.append(t) t.start()
for t in self.threads: t.join()
results.sort() return results[0:max]
def run_download_test(self, mirrors=None, max=None, borders=(0,1), mod=(0,0)): """Performs download tests of the given mirrors and returns the best results (specified by max). Mod and borders could be used to tweak the reported result if the download test is only a part of a whole series of tests.""" def test_download_speed(mirror): url = "%s/%s" % (mirror.get_repo_urls()[0], self.test_file) self.report_action("Downloading %s..." % url) start = time.time() try: data = urllib.urlopen(url).read(102400) return time.time() - start except: return 0 if mirrors == None: mirrors = self.mirrors results = []
for m in mirrors: if not self.running.isSet(): break download_time = test_download_speed(m) if download_time > 0: results.append([download_time, m]) self.report_progress(mirrors.index(m), len(mirrors), (0.50,1), mod) results.sort() return results[0:max]
if __name__ == "__main__": distro = aptsources.distro.get_distro() distro.get_sources(aptsources.SourcesList()) pipe = os.popen("dpkg --print-architecture") arch = test_file = "dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages.gz" % \ (, distro.source_template.components[0].name, arch) app = MirrorTest(distro.source_template.mirror_set.values(), test_file) app.run_full_test()